Ejemplo n.º 1
bool OgrUtilities::isReasonableUrl(const QString& url)
  // Not a pretty way to sort out the /vsizip/ driver problem
  // We are searching for "/vsi" which will match /vsizip, /vsigzip, /vsitar, /vsicurl
  // I am not sure if matching this many things is a good idea.
  if (url.startsWith("/vsi"))
    return true;

  return getDriverInfo(url, true)._driverName != NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
boost::shared_ptr<GDALDataset> OgrUtilities::openDataSource(const QString url, bool readonly)
  /* Check for the correct driver name, if unknown try all drivers.
   * This can be an issue because drivers are tried in the order that they are
   * loaded which has been known to cause issues.
  OgrDriverInfo driverInfo = getDriverInfo(url, readonly);

  // With GDALOpenEx, we need to specify the GDAL_OF_UPDATE option or the dataset will get opened
  // Read Only.
  if (! readonly)
    driverInfo._driverType = driverInfo._driverType | GDAL_OF_UPDATE;

  const char* drivers[2] = { driverInfo._driverName, NULL };

  // Setup read options for various file types
  OgrOptions options;
  if (QString(driverInfo._driverName) == "CSV")
    options["X_POSSIBLE_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvLonfield();
    options["Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvLatfield();
//    options["Z_POSSIBLE_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvZfield();
    options["KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderCsvKeepGeomFields();
  if (QString(driverInfo._driverName) == "OGR_OGDI")
    // From the GDAL docs:
    // From GDAL/OGR 1.8.0, setting the OGR_OGDI_LAUNDER_LAYER_NAMES configuration option
    // (or environment variable) to YES causes the layer names to be simplified.
    // For example : watrcrsl_hydro instead of 'watrcrsl@hydro(*)_line'
    options["OGR_OGDI_LAUNDER_LAYER_NAMES"] = ConfigOptions().getOgrReaderOgdiLaunderLayerNames();

  boost::shared_ptr<GDALDataset> result(static_cast<GDALDataset*>(GDALOpenEx(url.toUtf8().data(),
    driverInfo._driverType, (driverInfo._driverName != NULL ? drivers : NULL), options.getCrypticOptions(), NULL)));

  if (!result)
    throw HootException("Unable to open: " + url);

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
boost::shared_ptr<GDALDataset> OgrUtilities::createDataSource(const QString& url)
  QString source = url;
  OgrDriverInfo driverInfo = getDriverInfo(url, false);
  if (driverInfo._driverName == NULL)
    throw HootException("Error getting driver info for: " + url);
  GDALDriver *driver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(driverInfo._driverName);
  if (driver == 0)
    throw HootException("Error getting driver by name: " + QString(driverInfo._driverName));

  // if the user specifies a shapefile then crop off the .shp and create a directory.
  if (url.toLower().endsWith(".shp"))
    source = url.mid(0, url.length() - 4);

  boost::shared_ptr<GDALDataset> result(driver->Create(source.toAscii(), 0, 0, 0, GDT_Unknown, NULL));
  if (result == NULL)
    throw HootException("Unable to create data source: " + source +
                        " (" + QString(CPLGetLastErrorMsg()) + ")");

  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Telescope::registerProperty(INDI::Property *prop)
    if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "TELESCOPE_INFO"))
        INumberVectorProperty *ti = prop->getNumber();
        if (ti == NULL)

        bool aperture_ok=false, focal_ok=false;
        double temp=0;

        INumber *aperture = IUFindNumber(ti, "TELESCOPE_APERTURE");
        if (aperture && aperture->value == 0)
            if (getDriverInfo()->getAuxInfo().contains("TELESCOPE_APERTURE"))
                temp = getDriverInfo()->getAuxInfo().value("TELESCOPE_APERTURE").toDouble(&aperture_ok);
                if (aperture_ok)
                    aperture->value = temp;
                    INumber *g_aperture = IUFindNumber(ti, "GUIDER_APERTURE");
                    if (g_aperture && g_aperture->value == 0)
                        g_aperture->value = aperture->value;


        INumber *focal_length = IUFindNumber(ti, "TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH");
        if (focal_length && focal_length->value == 0)
            if (getDriverInfo()->getAuxInfo().contains("TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH"))
                    temp = getDriverInfo()->getAuxInfo().value("TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH").toDouble(&focal_ok);
                    if (focal_ok)
                        focal_length->value = temp;
                        INumber *g_focal = IUFindNumber(ti, "GUIDER_FOCAL_LENGTH");
                        if (g_focal && g_focal->value == 0)
                            g_focal->value = focal_length->value;

        if (aperture_ok && focal_ok)

    if (!strcmp(prop->getName(), "TELESCOPE_PARK"))
         ISwitchVectorProperty *svp = prop->getSwitch();

         if (svp)
             ISwitch *sp = IUFindSwitch(svp, "PARK");
             if (sp)
                 IsParked = ( (sp->s == ISS_ON) && svp->s == IPS_OK);
