Ejemplo n.º 1
    void FSyncLockThread::doRealWork() {
        SimpleMutex::scoped_lock lkf(filesLockedFsync);
        Lock::GlobalWrite global(true/*stopGreed*/);
        SimpleMutex::scoped_lock lk(fsyncCmd.m);
        verify( ! fsyncCmd.locked ); // impossible to get here if locked is true
        try { 
        catch( std::exception& e ) { 
            error() << "error doing syncDataAndTruncateJournal: " << e.what() << endl;
            fsyncCmd.err = e.what();
            fsyncCmd.locked = false;
        try {
        catch( std::exception& e ) { 
            error() << "error doing flushAll: " << e.what() << endl;
            fsyncCmd.err = e.what();
            fsyncCmd.locked = false;

        verify( ! fsyncCmd.locked );
        fsyncCmd.locked = true;

        while ( ! fsyncCmd.pendingUnlock ) {
        fsyncCmd.pendingUnlock = false;
        fsyncCmd.locked = false;
        fsyncCmd.err = "unlocked";

Ejemplo n.º 2
    void IndexRebuilder::checkDB(const std::string& dbName, bool* firstTime) {
        const std::string systemNS = dbName + ".system.namespaces";
        DBDirectClient cli;
        scoped_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor(cli.query(systemNS, Query()));

        // This depends on system.namespaces not changing while we iterate
        while (cursor->more()) {
            BSONObj nsDoc = cursor->next();
            const char* ns = nsDoc["name"].valuestrsafe();

            Client::WriteContext ctx(ns);
            NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails(ns);

            if (!nsd || !nsd->indexBuildsInProgress) {

            log() << "Found interrupted index build on " << ns << endl;
            if (*firstTime) {
                log() << "Restart the server with --noIndexBuildRetry to skip index rebuilds"
                      << endl;
                *firstTime = false;

            // If the indexBuildRetry flag isn't set, just clear the inProg flag
            if (!cmdLine.indexBuildRetry) {
                // If we crash between unsetting the inProg flag and cleaning up the index, the
                // index space will be lost.
                int inProg = nsd->indexBuildsInProgress;
                getDur().writingInt(nsd->indexBuildsInProgress) = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < inProg; i++) {


            // We go from right to left building these indexes, so that indexBuildInProgress-- has
            // the correct effect of "popping" an index off the list.
            while (nsd->indexBuildsInProgress > 0) {
                retryIndexBuild(dbName, nsd, nsd->nIndexes+nsd->indexBuildsInProgress-1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    NOINLINE_DECL void insertMulti(bool keepGoing, const char *ns, vector<BSONObj>& objs, CurOp& op) {
        size_t i;
        for (i=0; i<objs.size(); i++){
            try {
                checkAndInsert(ns, objs[i]);
            } catch (const UserException&) {
                if (!keepGoing || i == objs.size()-1){
                // otherwise ignore and keep going

        op.debug().ninserted = i;
Ejemplo n.º 4
     * Perform a single insert into a collection.  Requires the insert be preprocessed and the
     * collection already has been created.
     * Might fault or error, otherwise populates the result.
    static void singleInsert( const BSONObj& docToInsert,
                              Collection* collection,
                              WriteOpResult* result ) {

        const string& insertNS = collection->ns().ns();

        Lock::assertWriteLocked( insertNS );

        StatusWith<DiskLoc> status = collection->insertDocument( docToInsert, true );

        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
        else {
            logOp( "i", insertNS.c_str(), docToInsert );
            result->getStats().n = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void DurRecoveryUnit::commitUnitOfWork() {
        invariant(_state != MUST_ROLLBACK);
        invariant(_nestingLevel > 0);

        if (_nestingLevel != 1) {
            // If we are nested, punt to outer UnitOfWork. These changes will only be pushed to the
            // global damages list when the outer UnitOfWork commits (which it must now do).
            if (haveUncommitedChanges())
                _state = MUST_COMMIT;


        // global journal flush
Ejemplo n.º 6
    void DurRecoveryUnit::commitUnitOfWork() {

        if (!inOutermostUnitOfWork()) {
            // If we are nested, make all changes for this level part of the containing UnitOfWork.
            // They will be added to the global damages list once the outermost UnitOfWork commits,
            // which it must now do.
            if (haveUncommitedChangesAtCurrentLevel()) {
                _startOfUncommittedChangesForLevel.back() = _changes.size();


        // global journal flush opportunity
Ejemplo n.º 7
        IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock* halfAddIndex(const std::string& key) {
            string name = key + "_1";
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "v" << 1 <<
                                      "key" << BSON( key << 1 ) <<
                                      "ns" << _ns <<
                                      "name" << name );
            int32_t lenWHdr = indexInfo.objsize() + Record::HeaderSize;
            const char* systemIndexes = "unittests.system.indexes";
            DiskLoc infoLoc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord( systemIndexes,
                                                          nsdetails( systemIndexes ),
                                                          false );
            Record* infoRecord = reinterpret_cast<Record*>( getDur().writingPtr( infoLoc.rec(),
                                                                                 lenWHdr ) );
            memcpy( infoRecord->data(), indexInfo.objdata(), indexInfo.objsize() );
            addRecordToRecListInExtent( infoRecord, infoLoc );

            return new IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock( _ctx.ctx().db()->getCollection( _ns )->getIndexCatalog(), name, infoLoc );
Ejemplo n.º 8
    /** given a BSON object, create a new one at dst which is the existing (partial) object
        with a new object element appended at the end with fieldname "o".

        @param partial already build object with everything except the o member.  e.g. something like:
               { ts:..., ns:..., os2:... }
        @param o a bson object to be added with fieldname "o"
        @dst   where to put the newly built combined object.  e.g. ends up as something like:
               { ts:..., ns:..., os2:..., o:... }
    void append_O_Obj(char *dst, const BSONObj& partial, const BSONObj& o) {
        const int size1 = partial.objsize() - 1;  // less the EOO char
        const int oOfs = size1+3;                 // 3 = byte BSONOBJTYPE + byte 'o' + byte \0

        void *p = getDur().writingPtr(dst, oOfs+o.objsize()+1);

        memcpy(p, partial.objdata(), size1);

        // adjust overall bson object size for the o: field
        *(static_cast<unsigned*>(p)) += o.objsize() + 1/*fieldtype byte*/ + 2/*"o" fieldname*/;

        char *b = static_cast<char *>(p);
        b += size1;
        *b++ = (char) Object;
        *b++ = 'o'; // { o : ... }
        *b++ = 0;   // null terminate "o" fieldname
        memcpy(b, o.objdata(), o.objsize());
        b += o.objsize();
        *b = EOO;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    /* assumes already zeroed -- insufficient for block 'reuse' perhaps */
    DiskLoc Extent::init(const char *nsname, int _length, int _fileNo, int _offset, bool capped) {
        magic = extentSignature;
        myLoc.set(_fileNo, _offset);
        nsDiagnostic = nsname;
        length = _length;

        DiskLoc emptyLoc;
        int delRecLength;
        extent_getEmptyLoc(nsname, myLoc, _length, capped, emptyLoc, delRecLength);

        DeletedRecord* empty = getDur().writing(DataFileMgr::getDeletedRecord(emptyLoc));
        empty->lengthWithHeaders() = delRecLength;
        empty->extentOfs() = myLoc.getOfs();
        return emptyLoc;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /** @return IndexDetails for a new index on a:1, with the info field populated. */
 IndexDetails& addIndexWithInfo() {
     BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "v" << 1 <<
                               "key" << BSON( "a" << 1 ) <<
                               "ns" << _ns <<
                               "name" << "a_1" );
     int32_t lenWHdr = indexInfo.objsize() + Record::HeaderSize;
     const char* systemIndexes = "unittests.system.indexes";
     DiskLoc infoLoc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord( systemIndexes,
                                                   nsdetails( systemIndexes ),
                                                   false );
     Record* infoRecord = reinterpret_cast<Record*>( getDur().writingPtr( infoLoc.rec(),
                                                                          lenWHdr ) );
     memcpy( infoRecord->data(), indexInfo.objdata(), indexInfo.objsize() );
     addRecordToRecListInExtent( infoRecord, infoLoc );
     IndexDetails& id = nsdetails( _ns )->getNextIndexDetails( _ns );
     nsdetails( _ns )->addIndex();
     id.info.writing() = infoLoc;
     return id;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    bool DatabaseHolder::closeAll( const string& path , BSONObjBuilder& result , bool force ) {
        log() << "DatabaseHolder::closeAll path:" << path << endl;
        verify( Lock::isW() );
        getDur().commitNow(); // bad things happen if we close a DB with outstanding writes

        map<string,Database*>& m = _paths[path];
        _size -= m.size();

        set< string > dbs;
        for ( map<string,Database*>::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++ ) {
            wassert( i->second->path() == path );
            dbs.insert( i->first );


        BSONObjBuilder bb( result.subarrayStart( "dbs" ) );
        int n = 0;
        int nNotClosed = 0;
        for( set< string >::iterator i = dbs.begin(); i != dbs.end(); ++i ) {
            string name = *i;
            LOG(2) << "DatabaseHolder::closeAll path:" << path << " name:" << name << endl;
            Client::Context ctx( name , path );
            if( !force && BackgroundOperation::inProgForDb(name) ) {
                log() << "WARNING: can't close database " << name << " because a bg job is in progress - try killOp command" << endl;
            else {
                Database::closeDatabase( name.c_str() , path );
                bb.append( bb.numStr( n++ ) , name );
        if( nNotClosed )
            result.append("nNotClosed", nNotClosed);
        else {

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /** @return IndexDetails for a new index on a:1, with the info field populated. */
        IndexDescriptor* addIndexWithInfo() {
            BSONObj indexInfo = BSON( "v" << 1 <<
                                      "key" << BSON( "a" << 1 ) <<
                                      "ns" << _ns <<
                                      "name" << "a_1" );
            int32_t lenWHdr = indexInfo.objsize() + Record::HeaderSize;
            const char* systemIndexes = "unittests.system.indexes";
            DiskLoc infoLoc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord( systemIndexes,
                                                          nsdetails( systemIndexes ),
                                                          false );
            Record* infoRecord = reinterpret_cast<Record*>( getDur().writingPtr( infoLoc.rec(),
                                                                                 lenWHdr ) );
            memcpy( infoRecord->data(), indexInfo.objdata(), indexInfo.objsize() );
            addRecordToRecListInExtent( infoRecord, infoLoc );

            IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock blk( collection()->getIndexCatalog(), "a_1", infoLoc );

            return collection()->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByName( "a_1" );
Ejemplo n.º 13
    void DurRecoveryUnit::commitChanges() {
        if (!inAUnitOfWork())

        invariant(_startOfUncommittedChangesForLevel.front().changeIndex == 0);
        invariant(_startOfUncommittedChangesForLevel.front().writeIndex == 0);

        if (getDur().isDurable())

        for (Changes::const_iterator it = _changes.begin(), end = _changes.end(); it != end; ++it) {

        // We now reset to a "clean" state without any uncommited changes.
Ejemplo n.º 14
    bool DatabaseHolder::closeAll(OperationContext* txn,
                                  BSONObjBuilder& result,
                                  bool force) {

        getDur().commitNow(txn); // bad things happen if we close a DB with outstanding writes

        set< string > dbs;
        for ( map<string,Database*>::iterator i = _dbs.begin(); i != _dbs.end(); i++ ) {
            dbs.insert( i->first );

        BSONObjBuilder bb( result.subarrayStart( "dbs" ) );
        int n = 0;
        int nNotClosed = 0;
        for( set< string >::iterator i = dbs.begin(); i != dbs.end(); ++i ) {
            string name = *i;

            LOG(2) << "DatabaseHolder::closeAll name:" << name;
            Client::Context ctx(txn, name);

            if( !force && BackgroundOperation::inProgForDb(name) ) {
                log() << "WARNING: can't close database "
                      << name
                      << " because a bg job is in progress - try killOp command" 
                      << endl;
            else {
                Database::closeDatabase(txn, name.c_str());
                bb.append( bb.numStr( n++ ) , name );
        if( nNotClosed ) {
            result.append("nNotClosed", nNotClosed);

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        ~RepairFileDeleter() {
            if ( _success )

            log() << "cleaning up failed repair "
                  << "db: " << _dbName << " path: " << _pathString;

            try {
                MongoFile::flushAll(true); // need both in case journaling is disabled
                    Client::Context tempContext( _dbName, _pathString );
                    Database::closeDatabase( _dbName, _pathString );
                MONGO_ASSERT_ON_EXCEPTION( boost::filesystem::remove_all( _path ) );
            catch ( DBException& e ) {
                error() << "RepairFileDeleter failed to cleanup: " << e;
                error() << "aborting";
                fassertFailed( 17402 );
Ejemplo n.º 16
    /** write an op to the oplog that is already built.
        todo : make _logOpRS() call this so we don't repeat ourself?
    void _logOpObjRS(const BSONObj& op) {
        Lock::DBWrite lk("local");

        const OpTime ts = op["ts"]._opTime();
        long long h = op["h"].numberLong();

            const char *logns = rsoplog;
            if ( rsOplogDetails == 0 ) {
                Client::Context ctx(logns , dbpath);
                localDB = ctx.db();
                verify( localDB );
                rsOplogDetails = nsdetails(logns);
                massert(13389, "local.oplog.rs missing. did you drop it? if so restart server", rsOplogDetails);
            Client::Context ctx(logns , localDB);
                int len = op.objsize();
                Record *r = theDataFileMgr.fast_oplog_insert(rsOplogDetails, logns, len);
                memcpy(getDur().writingPtr(r->data(), len), op.objdata(), len);
            /* todo: now() has code to handle clock skew.  but if the skew server to server is large it will get unhappy.
                     this code (or code in now() maybe) should be improved.
            if( theReplSet ) {
                if( !(theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten<ts) ) {
                    log() << "replSet error possible failover clock skew issue? " << theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten.toString() << ' ' << endl;
                theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten = ts;
                theReplSet->lastH = h;
                ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );


        OpTime::setLast( ts );
Ejemplo n.º 17
    DiskLoc Extent::_reuse(const char *nsname, bool capped) {
        LOG(3) << "_reuse extent was:" << nsDiagnostic.toString() << " now:" << nsname << endl;
        if (magic != extentSignature) {
            StringBuilder sb;
            sb << "bad extent signature " << integerToHex(magic)
               << " for namespace '" << nsDiagnostic.toString()
               << "' found in Extent::_reuse";
            msgasserted(10360, sb.str());
        nsDiagnostic = nsname;

        DiskLoc emptyLoc;
        int delRecLength;
        extent_getEmptyLoc(nsname, myLoc, length, capped, emptyLoc, delRecLength);

        // todo: some dup code here and below in Extent::init
        DeletedRecord* empty = getDur().writing(DataFileMgr::getDeletedRecord(emptyLoc));
        empty->lengthWithHeaders() = delRecLength;
        empty->extentOfs() = myLoc.getOfs();
        return emptyLoc;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    /* apply the log op that is in param o
       @return bool success (true) or failure (false)
    bool SyncTail::syncApply(const BSONObj &op, bool convertUpdateToUpsert) {
        const char *ns = op.getStringField("ns");

        if ( (*ns == '\0') || (*ns == '.') ) {
            // this is ugly
            // this is often a no-op
            // but can't be 100% sure
            if( *op.getStringField("op") != 'n' ) {
                error() << "replSet skipping bad op in oplog: " << op.toString() << rsLog;
            return true;

        bool isCommand(op["op"].valuestrsafe()[0] == 'c');

        boost::scoped_ptr<Lock::ScopedLock> lk;

        if(isCommand) {
            // a command may need a global write lock. so we will conservatively go 
            // ahead and grab one here. suboptimal. :-(
            lk.reset(new Lock::GlobalWrite());
        } else {
            // DB level lock for this operation
            lk.reset(new Lock::DBWrite(ns)); 

        Client::Context ctx(ns, dbpath);
        // For non-initial-sync, we convert updates to upserts
        // to suppress errors when replaying oplog entries.
        bool ok = !applyOperation_inlock(op, true, convertUpdateToUpsert);

        return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 * Perform a single insert into a collection.  Requires the insert be preprocessed and the
 * collection already has been created.
 * Might fault or error, otherwise populates the result.
static void singleInsert( const BatchItemRef& insertItem,
                          const BSONObj& normalInsert,
                          Collection* collection,
                          WriteOpResult* result ) {

    const string& insertNS = insertItem.getRequest()->getNS();

    Lock::assertWriteLocked( insertNS );

    try {

        // XXX - are we 100% sure that all !OK statuses do not write a document?
        StatusWith<DiskLoc> status = collection->insertDocument( normalInsert, true );

        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            result->error = toWriteError( status.getStatus() );
        else {
            logOp( "i", insertNS.c_str(), normalInsert );
            result->stats.n = 1;
    catch ( const PageFaultException& ex ) {
        // TODO: An actual data structure that's not an exception for this
        result->fault = new PageFaultException( ex );
    catch ( const DBException& ex ) {
        Status status(ex.toStatus());
        if (ErrorCodes::isInterruption(status.code())) {
        result->error = toWriteError(status);

Ejemplo n.º 20
    Status validateWriteConcern( const WriteConcernOptions& writeConcern ) {

        const bool isJournalEnabled = getDur().isDurable();

        if ( writeConcern.syncMode == WriteConcernOptions::JOURNAL && !isJournalEnabled ) {
            return Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                           "cannot use 'j' option when a host does not have journaling enabled" );

        const bool isConfigServer = serverGlobalParams.configsvr;
        const repl::ReplicationCoordinator::Mode replMode =

        if ( isConfigServer || replMode == repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeNone ) {

            // Note that config servers can be replicated (have an oplog), but we still don't allow
            // w > 1

            if ( writeConcern.wNumNodes > 1 ) {
                return Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                               string( "cannot use 'w' > 1 " ) +
                               ( isConfigServer ? "on a config server host" :
                                                  "when a host is not replicated" ) );

        if ( replMode != repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeReplSet &&
                !writeConcern.wMode.empty() &&
                writeConcern.wMode != "majority" ) {
            return Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                           string( "cannot use non-majority 'w' mode " ) + writeConcern.wMode
                           + " when a host is not a member of a replica set" );

        return Status::OK();
Ejemplo n.º 21
    uint64_t BtreeBasedBuilder::fastBuildIndex(const char* ns, NamespaceDetails* d,
                                               IndexDetails& idx, bool mayInterrupt,
                                               int idxNo) {
        CurOp * op = cc().curop();

        Timer t;

        tlog(1) << "fastBuildIndex " << ns << ' ' << idx.info.obj().toString() << endl;

        bool dupsAllowed = !idx.unique() || ignoreUniqueIndex(idx);
        bool dropDups = idx.dropDups() || inDBRepair;
        BSONObj order = idx.keyPattern();


        if ( logLevel > 1 ) printMemInfo( "before index start" );

        /* get and sort all the keys ----- */
        ProgressMeterHolder pm(op->setMessage("index: (1/3) external sort",
                                              "Index: (1/3) External Sort Progress",
        SortPhaseOne phase1;
        addKeysToPhaseOne(d, ns, idx, order, &phase1, d->stats.nrecords, pm.get(),
                          mayInterrupt, idxNo );

        BSONObjExternalSorter& sorter = *(phase1.sorter);

        if( phase1.multi ) {
            d->setIndexIsMultikey(ns, idxNo);

        if ( logLevel > 1 ) printMemInfo( "before final sort" );
        phase1.sorter->sort( mayInterrupt );
        if ( logLevel > 1 ) printMemInfo( "after final sort" );

        LOG(t.seconds() > 5 ? 0 : 1) << "\t external sort used : " << sorter.numFiles()
                                     << " files " << " in " << t.seconds() << " secs" << endl;

        set<DiskLoc> dupsToDrop;

        /* build index --- */
        if( idx.version() == 0 )
        else if( idx.version() == 1 ) 

        if( dropDups ) 
            log() << "\t fastBuildIndex dupsToDrop:" << dupsToDrop.size() << endl;

        BtreeBasedBuilder::doDropDups(ns, d, dupsToDrop, mayInterrupt);

        return phase1.n;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    /** @return number of skipped (invalid) documents */
    unsigned compactExtent(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d, const DiskLoc ext, int n,
                const scoped_array<IndexSpec> &indexSpecs,
                scoped_array<SortPhaseOne>& phase1, int nidx, bool validate, 
                double pf, int pb)
        log() << "compact extent #" << n << endl;
        unsigned oldObjSize = 0; // we'll report what the old padding was
        unsigned oldObjSizeWithPadding = 0;

        Extent *e = ext.ext();
        assert( e->validates() );
        unsigned skipped = 0;

            // the next/prev pointers within the extent might not be in order so we first page the whole thing in 
            // sequentially
            log() << "compact paging in len=" << e->length/1000000.0 << "MB" << endl;
            Timer t;
            MAdvise adv(e, e->length, MAdvise::Sequential);
            const char *p = (const char *) e;
            for( int i = 0; i < e->length; i += 4096 ) { 
                faux += p[i];
            int ms = t.millis();
            if( ms > 1000 ) 
                log() << "compact end paging in " << ms << "ms " << e->length/1000000.0/ms << "MB/sec" << endl;

            log() << "compact copying records" << endl;
            unsigned totalSize = 0;
            int nrecs = 0;
            DiskLoc L = e->firstRecord;
            if( !L.isNull() ) {
                while( 1 ) {
                    Record *recOld = L.rec();
                    L = recOld->nextInExtent(L);
                    BSONObj objOld(recOld);

                    if( !validate || objOld.valid() ) {
                        unsigned sz = objOld.objsize();

                        oldObjSize += sz;
                        oldObjSizeWithPadding += recOld->netLength();

                        unsigned lenWHdr = sz + Record::HeaderSize;
                        unsigned lenWPadding = lenWHdr;
                            lenWPadding = static_cast<unsigned>(pf*lenWPadding);
                            lenWPadding += pb;
                            lenWPadding = lenWPadding & quantizeMask(lenWPadding);
                            if( lenWPadding < lenWHdr || lenWPadding > BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2 ) { 
                                lenWPadding = lenWHdr;
                        totalSize += lenWPadding;
                        DiskLoc loc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord(ns, d, lenWPadding, false);
                        uassert(14024, "compact error out of space during compaction", !loc.isNull());
                        Record *recNew = loc.rec();
                        recNew = (Record *) getDur().writingPtr(recNew, lenWHdr);
                        addRecordToRecListInExtent(recNew, loc);
                        memcpy(recNew->data, objOld.objdata(), sz);

                            // extract keys for all indexes we will be rebuilding
                            for( int x = 0; x < nidx; x++ ) { 
                                phase1[x].addKeys(indexSpecs[x], objOld, loc);
                    else { 
                        if( ++skipped <= 10 )
                            log() << "compact skipping invalid object" << endl;

                    if( L.isNull() ) { 
                        // we just did the very last record from the old extent.  it's still pointed to 
                        // by the old extent ext, but that will be fixed below after this loop

                    // remove the old records (orphan them) periodically so our commit block doesn't get too large
                    bool stopping = false;
                    RARELY stopping = *killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert() != 0;
                    if( stopping || getDur().aCommitIsNeeded() ) {
                        e->firstRecord.writing() = L;
                        Record *r = L.rec();
                        getDur().writingInt(r->prevOfs) = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
            } // if !L.isNull()

            assert( d->firstExtent == ext );
            assert( d->lastExtent != ext );
            DiskLoc newFirst = e->xnext;
            d->firstExtent.writing() = newFirst;

                double op = 1.0;
                if( oldObjSize ) 
                    op = static_cast<double>(oldObjSizeWithPadding)/oldObjSize;
                log() << "compact " << nrecs << " documents " << totalSize/1000000.0 << "MB"
                    << " oldPadding: " << op << ' ' << static_cast<unsigned>(op*100.0)/100
                    << endl;                    

        return skipped;
Ejemplo n.º 23
    bool _compact(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d, string& errmsg, bool validate, BSONObjBuilder& result, double pf, int pb) { 
        //int les = d->lastExtentSize;

        // this is a big job, so might as well make things tidy before we start just to be nice.

        list<DiskLoc> extents;
        for( DiskLoc L = d->firstExtent; !L.isNull(); L = L.ext()->xnext ) 
        log() << "compact " << extents.size() << " extents" << endl;

        ProgressMeterHolder pm( cc().curop()->setMessage( "compact extent" , extents.size() ) );

        // same data, but might perform a little different after compact?

        int nidx = d->nIndexes;
        scoped_array<IndexSpec> indexSpecs( new IndexSpec[nidx] );
        scoped_array<SortPhaseOne> phase1( new SortPhaseOne[nidx] );
            NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator ii = d->ii(); 
            int x = 0;
            while( ii.more() ) { 
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                IndexDetails& idx = ii.next();
                BSONObj::iterator i(idx.info.obj());
                while( i.more() ) { 
                    BSONElement e = i.next();
                    if( !str::equals(e.fieldName(), "v") && !str::equals(e.fieldName(), "background") ) {
                BSONObj o = b.obj().getOwned();
                phase1[x].sorter.reset( new BSONObjExternalSorter( idx.idxInterface(), o.getObjectField("key") ) );
                phase1[x].sorter->hintNumObjects( d->stats.nrecords );

        log() << "compact orphan deleted lists" << endl;
        for( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) { 

        // before dropping indexes, at least make sure we can allocate one extent!
        uassert(14025, "compact error no space available to allocate", !allocateSpaceForANewRecord(ns, d, Record::HeaderSize+1, false).isNull());

        // note that the drop indexes call also invalidates all clientcursors for the namespace, which is important and wanted here
        log() << "compact dropping indexes" << endl;
        BSONObjBuilder b;
        if( !dropIndexes(d, ns, "*", errmsg, b, true) ) { 
            errmsg = "compact drop indexes failed";
            log() << errmsg << endl;
            return false;


        long long skipped = 0;
        int n = 0;
        for( list<DiskLoc>::iterator i = extents.begin(); i != extents.end(); i++ ) { 
            skipped += compactExtent(ns, d, *i, n++, indexSpecs, phase1, nidx, validate, pf, pb);

        if( skipped ) {
            result.append("invalidObjects", skipped);

        assert( d->firstExtent.ext()->xprev.isNull() );

        // indexes will do their own progress meter?

        // build indexes
        NamespaceString s(ns);
        string si = s.db + ".system.indexes";
        for( int i = 0; i < nidx; i++ ) {
            BSONObj info = indexSpecs[i].info;
            log() << "compact create index " << info["key"].Obj().toString() << endl;
            try {
                precalced = &phase1[i];
                theDataFileMgr.insert(si.c_str(), info.objdata(), info.objsize());
            catch(...) { 
                precalced = 0;
            precalced = 0;

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    void Collection::_compactExtent(const DiskLoc diskloc, int extentNumber,
                                    MultiIndexBlock& indexesToInsertTo,
                                    const CompactOptions* compactOptions, CompactStats* stats ) {

        log() << "compact begin extent #" << extentNumber
              << " for namespace " << _ns << " " << diskloc;

        unsigned oldObjSize = 0; // we'll report what the old padding was
        unsigned oldObjSizeWithPadding = 0;

        Extent *e = diskloc.ext();
        verify( e->validates(diskloc) );

            // the next/prev pointers within the extent might not be in order so we first
            // page the whole thing in sequentially
            log() << "compact paging in len=" << e->length/1000000.0 << "MB" << endl;
            Timer t;
            size_t length = e->length;

            touch_pages( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(e), length );
            int ms = t.millis();
            if( ms > 1000 )
                log() << "compact end paging in " << ms << "ms "
                      << e->length/1000000.0/t.seconds() << "MB/sec" << endl;

            log() << "compact copying records" << endl;
            long long datasize = 0;
            long long nrecords = 0;
            DiskLoc L = e->firstRecord;
            if( !L.isNull() ) {
                while( 1 ) {
                    Record *recOld = L.rec();
                    L = getExtentManager()->getNextRecordInExtent(L);
                    BSONObj objOld = BSONObj::make(recOld);

                    if ( compactOptions->validateDocuments && !objOld.valid() ) {
                        // object is corrupt!
                        log() << "compact skipping corrupt document!";
                    else {
                        unsigned docSize = objOld.objsize();

                        oldObjSize += docSize;
                        oldObjSizeWithPadding += recOld->netLength();

                        unsigned lenWHdr = docSize + Record::HeaderSize;
                        unsigned lenWPadding = lenWHdr;

                        switch( compactOptions->paddingMode ) {
                        case CompactOptions::NONE:
                            if ( details()->isUserFlagSet(NamespaceDetails::Flag_UsePowerOf2Sizes) )
                                lenWPadding = details()->quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace(lenWPadding);
                        case CompactOptions::PRESERVE:
                            // if we are preserving the padding, the record should not change size
                            lenWPadding = recOld->lengthWithHeaders();
                        case CompactOptions::MANUAL:
                            lenWPadding = compactOptions->computeRecordSize(lenWPadding);
                            if (lenWPadding < lenWHdr || lenWPadding > BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2 ) {
                                lenWPadding = lenWHdr;

                        CompactDocWriter writer( objOld, lenWPadding );
                        StatusWith<DiskLoc> status = _recordStore->insertRecord( &writer, 0 );
                        uassertStatusOK( status.getStatus() );
                        datasize += _recordStore->recordFor( status.getValue() )->netLength();

                        InsertDeleteOptions options;
                        options.logIfError = false;
                        options.dupsAllowed = true; // in compact we should be doing no checking

                        indexesToInsertTo.insert( objOld, status.getValue(), options );

                    if( L.isNull() ) {
                        // we just did the very last record from the old extent.  it's still pointed to
                        // by the old extent ext, but that will be fixed below after this loop

                    // remove the old records (orphan them) periodically so our commit block doesn't get too large
                    bool stopping = false;
                    RARELY stopping = *killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert() != 0;
                    if( stopping || getDur().aCommitIsNeeded() ) {
                        e->firstRecord.writing() = L;
                        Record *r = L.rec();
                        getDur().writingInt(r->prevOfs()) = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
            } // if !L.isNull()

            verify( details()->firstExtent() == diskloc );
            verify( details()->lastExtent() != diskloc );
            DiskLoc newFirst = e->xnext;
            details()->firstExtent().writing() = newFirst;
            getExtentManager()->freeExtents( diskloc, diskloc );


                double op = 1.0;
                if( oldObjSize )
                    op = static_cast<double>(oldObjSizeWithPadding)/oldObjSize;
                log() << "compact finished extent #" << extentNumber << " containing " << nrecords
                      << " documents (" << datasize/1000000.0 << "MB)"
                      << " oldPadding: " << op << ' ' << static_cast<unsigned>(op*100.0)/100;

Ejemplo n.º 25
    StatusWith<CompactStats> Collection::compact( const CompactOptions* compactOptions ) {

        if ( isCapped() )
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                             "cannot compact capped collection" );

        if ( _indexCatalog.numIndexesInProgress() )
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                             "cannot compact when indexes in progress" );

        NamespaceDetails* d = details();

        // this is a big job, so might as well make things tidy before we start just to be nice.

        list<DiskLoc> extents;
        for( DiskLoc L = d->firstExtent(); !L.isNull(); L = L.ext()->xnext )
        log() << "compact " << extents.size() << " extents" << endl;

        // same data, but might perform a little different after compact?

        vector<BSONObj> indexSpecs;
            IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii( _indexCatalog.getIndexIterator( false ) );
            while ( ii.more() ) {
                IndexDescriptor* descriptor = ii.next();

                const BSONObj spec = _compactAdjustIndexSpec(descriptor->infoObj());
                const BSONObj key = spec.getObjectField("key");
                const Status keyStatus = validateKeyPattern(key);
                if (!keyStatus.isOK()) {
                    return StatusWith<CompactStats>(
                        str::stream() << "Cannot rebuild index " << spec << ": "
                                      << keyStatus.reason()
                                      << " For more info see"
                                      << " http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/index-validation");

        log() << "compact orphan deleted lists" << endl;

        // Start over from scratch with our extent sizing and growth
        d->setLastExtentSize( 0 );

        // before dropping indexes, at least make sure we can allocate one extent!
        // this will allocate an extent and add to free list
        // if it cannot, it will throw an exception
        increaseStorageSize( _details->lastExtentSize(), true );

        // note that the drop indexes call also invalidates all clientcursors for the namespace,
        // which is important and wanted here
        log() << "compact dropping indexes" << endl;
        Status status = _indexCatalog.dropAllIndexes( true );
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( status );


        CompactStats stats;

        MultiIndexBlock multiIndexBlock( this );
        status = multiIndexBlock.init( indexSpecs );
        if ( !status.isOK() )
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( status );

        // reset data size and record counts to 0 for this namespace
        // as we're about to tally them up again for each new extent
        d->setStats( 0, 0 );

        ProgressMeterHolder pm(cc().curop()->setMessage("compact extent",
                                                        "Extent Compacting Progress",

        int extentNumber = 0;
        for( list<DiskLoc>::iterator i = extents.begin(); i != extents.end(); i++ ) {
            _compactExtent(*i, extentNumber++, multiIndexBlock, compactOptions, &stats );

        verify( d->firstExtent().ext()->xprev.isNull() );

        // indexes will do their own progress meter?

        log() << "starting index commits";

        status = multiIndexBlock.commit();
        if ( !status.isOK() )
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( status );

        return StatusWith<CompactStats>( stats );
Ejemplo n.º 26
        void operator()( DBClientCursorBatchIterator &i ) {
            mongolock l( true );
            if ( context ) {

            while( i.moreInCurrentBatch() ) {
                if ( n % 128 == 127 /*yield some*/ ) {
                    time_t now = time(0);
                    if( now - lastLog >= 60 ) { 
                        // report progress
                        if( lastLog )
                            log() << "clone " << to_collection << ' ' << n << endl;
                        lastLog = now;
                    mayInterrupt( _mayBeInterrupted );
                    dbtempreleaseif t( _mayYield );

                BSONObj tmp = i.nextSafe();

                /* assure object is valid.  note this will slow us down a little. */
                if ( !tmp.valid() ) {
                    stringstream ss;
                    ss << "Cloner: skipping corrupt object from " << from_collection;
                    BSONElement e = tmp.firstElement();
                    try {
                        ss << " firstElement: " << e;
                    catch( ... ) {
                        ss << " firstElement corrupt";
                    out() << ss.str() << endl;


                BSONObj js = tmp;
                if ( isindex ) {
                    verify( strstr(from_collection, "system.indexes") );
                    js = fixindex(tmp);
                    storedForLater->push_back( js.getOwned() );

                try {
                    theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod(to_collection, js);
                    if ( logForRepl )
                        logOp("i", to_collection, js);

                catch( UserException& e ) {
                    log() << "warning: exception cloning object in " << from_collection << ' ' << e.what() << " obj:" << js.toString() << '\n';

                RARELY if ( time( 0 ) - saveLast > 60 ) {
                    log() << n << " objects cloned so far from collection " << from_collection << endl;
                    saveLast = time( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 27
    /* ns:      namespace, e.g. <database>.<collection>
       pattern: the "where" clause / criteria
       justOne: stop after 1 match
       god:     allow access to system namespaces, and don't yield
    long long deleteObjects(const char *ns, BSONObj pattern, bool justOneOrig, bool logop, bool god, RemoveSaver * rs ) {
        if( !god ) {
            if ( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
                /* note a delete from system.indexes would corrupt the db
                if done here, as there are pointers into those objects in
                uassert(12050, "cannot delete from system namespace", legalClientSystemNS( ns , true ) );
            if ( strchr( ns , '$' ) ) {
                log() << "cannot delete from collection with reserved $ in name: " << ns << endl;
                uassert( 10100 ,  "cannot delete from collection with reserved $ in name", strchr(ns, '$') == 0 );

            NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
            if ( ! d )
                return 0;
            uassert( 10101 ,  "can't remove from a capped collection" , ! d->capped );

        long long nDeleted = 0;

        shared_ptr< Cursor > creal = NamespaceDetailsTransient::getCursor( ns, pattern, BSONObj(), false, 0 );

        if( !creal->ok() )
            return nDeleted;

        shared_ptr< Cursor > cPtr = creal;
        auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, cPtr, ns) );
        cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

        CursorId id = cc->cursorid();

        bool justOne = justOneOrig;
        bool canYield = !god && !(creal->matcher() && creal->matcher()->docMatcher().atomic());

        do {
            // TODO: we can generalize this I believe
            bool willNeedRecord = (creal->matcher() && creal->matcher()->needRecord()) || pattern.isEmpty() || isSimpleIdQuery( pattern );
            if ( ! willNeedRecord ) {
                // TODO: this is a total hack right now
                // check if the index full encompasses query
                if ( pattern.nFields() == 1 && 
                     str::equals( pattern.firstElement().fieldName() , creal->indexKeyPattern().firstElement().fieldName() ) )
                    willNeedRecord = true;
            if ( canYield && ! cc->yieldSometimes( willNeedRecord ? ClientCursor::WillNeed : ClientCursor::MaybeCovered ) ) {
                cc.release(); // has already been deleted elsewhere
                // TODO should we assert or something?
            if ( !cc->ok() ) {
                break; // if we yielded, could have hit the end

            // this way we can avoid calling updateLocation() every time (expensive)
            // as well as some other nuances handled
            cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

            DiskLoc rloc = cc->currLoc();
            BSONObj key = cc->currKey();

            bool match = creal->currentMatches();
            bool dup = cc->c()->getsetdup(rloc);

            if ( ! cc->advance() )
                justOne = true;

            if ( ! match )

            assert( !dup ); // can't be a dup, we deleted it!

            if ( !justOne ) {
                /* NOTE: this is SLOW.  this is not good, noteLocation() was designed to be called across getMore
                    blocks.  here we might call millions of times which would be bad.

            if ( logop ) {
                BSONElement e;
                if( BSONObj( rloc.rec() ).getObjectID( e ) ) {
                    BSONObjBuilder b;
                    b.append( e );
                    bool replJustOne = true;
                    logOp( "d", ns, b.done(), 0, &replJustOne );
                else {
                    problem() << "deleted object without id, not logging" << endl;

            if ( rs )
                rs->goingToDelete( rloc.obj() /*cc->c->current()*/ );

            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, rloc.rec(), rloc);
            if ( justOne ) {
            if( !god ) 

            if( debug && god && nDeleted == 100 ) 
                log() << "warning high number of deletes with god=true which could use significant memory" << endl;
        while ( cc->ok() );

        if ( cc.get() && ClientCursor::find( id , false ) == 0 ) {
            // TODO: remove this and the id declaration above if this doesn't trigger
            //       if it does, then i'm very confused (ERH 06/2011)
            error() << "this should be impossible" << endl;

        return nDeleted;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    long long Helpers::removeRange( const string& ns , const BSONObj& min , const BSONObj& max , bool yield , bool maxInclusive , RemoveCallback * callback, bool fromMigrate ) {
        BSONObj keya , keyb;
        BSONObj minClean = toKeyFormat( min , keya );
        BSONObj maxClean = toKeyFormat( max , keyb );
        verify( keya == keyb );

        Client::Context ctx(ns);

        shared_ptr<Cursor> c;
        auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc;
            NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails( ns.c_str() );
            if ( ! nsd )
                return 0;
            int ii = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern( keya );
            verify( ii >= 0 );
            IndexDetails& i = nsd->idx( ii );
            c.reset( BtreeCursor::make( nsd , ii , i , minClean , maxClean , maxInclusive, 1 ) );
            cc.reset( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout , c , ns ) );
            cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

        long long num = 0;

        while ( cc->ok() ) {

            if ( yield && ! cc->yieldSometimes( ClientCursor::WillNeed) ) {
                // cursor got finished by someone else, so we're done
                cc.release(); // if the collection/db is dropped, cc may be deleted

            if ( ! cc->ok() )

            DiskLoc rloc = cc->currLoc();

            if ( callback )
                callback->goingToDelete( cc->current() );

            // SERVER-5198 Additional advancement is unnecessary for a single btree cursor, and see
            // SERVER-5725.

            logOp( "d" , ns.c_str() , rloc.obj()["_id"].wrap() , 0 , 0 , fromMigrate );
            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns.c_str() , rloc.rec(), rloc);




        return num;
Ejemplo n.º 29
    Status cloneCollectionAsCapped( Database* db,
                                    const string& shortFrom,
                                    const string& shortTo,
                                    double size,
                                    bool temp,
                                    bool logForReplication ) {

        string fromNs = db->name() + "." + shortFrom;
        string toNs = db->name() + "." + shortTo;

        Collection* fromCollection = db->getCollection( fromNs );
        if ( !fromCollection )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                           str::stream() << "source collection " << fromNs <<  " does not exist" );

        if ( db->getCollection( toNs ) )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceExists, "to collection already exists" );

        // create new collection
            Client::Context ctx( toNs );
            BSONObjBuilder spec;
            spec.appendBool( "capped", true );
            spec.append( "size", size );
            if ( temp )
                spec.appendBool( "temp", true );

            Status status = userCreateNS( ctx.db(), toNs, spec.done(), logForReplication );
            if ( !status.isOK() )
                return status;

        Collection* toCollection = db->getCollection( toNs );
        invariant( toCollection ); // we created above

        // how much data to ignore because it won't fit anyway
        // datasize and extentSize can't be compared exactly, so add some padding to 'size'
        long long excessSize =
            static_cast<long long>( fromCollection->dataSize() -
                                    ( toCollection->storageSize() * 2 ) );

        scoped_ptr<Runner> runner( InternalPlanner::collectionScan(fromNs,
                                                                   InternalPlanner::FORWARD ) );

        while ( true ) {
            BSONObj obj;
            Runner::RunnerState state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL);

            switch( state ) {
            case Runner::RUNNER_EOF:
                return Status::OK();
            case Runner::RUNNER_DEAD:
                db->dropCollection( toNs );
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, "runner turned dead while iterating" );
            case Runner::RUNNER_ERROR:
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, "runner error while iterating" );
            case Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED:
                if ( excessSize > 0 ) {
                    excessSize -= ( 4 * obj.objsize() ); // 4x is for padding, power of 2, etc...

                toCollection->insertDocument( obj, true );
                if ( logForReplication )
                    logOp( "i", toNs.c_str(), obj );

        invariant( false ); // unreachable
Ejemplo n.º 30
    void NamespaceDetails::cappedTruncateAfter(const char *ns, DiskLoc end, bool inclusive) {
        DEV verify( this == nsdetails(ns) );
        verify( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isValid() );

        // We iteratively remove the newest document until the newest document
        // is 'end', then we remove 'end' if requested.
        bool foundLast = false;
        while( 1 ) {
            if ( foundLast ) {
                // 'end' has been found and removed, so break.
            // 'curr' will point to the newest document in the collection.
            DiskLoc curr = theCapExtent()->lastRecord;
            verify( !curr.isNull() );
            if ( curr == end ) {
                if ( inclusive ) {
                    // 'end' has been found, so break next iteration.
                    foundLast = true;
                else {
                    // 'end' has been found, so break.

            // TODO The algorithm used in this function cannot generate an
            // empty collection, but we could call emptyCappedCollection() in
            // this case instead of asserting.
            uassert( 13415, "emptying the collection is not allowed", _stats.nrecords > 1 );

            // Delete the newest record, and coalesce the new deleted
            // record with existing deleted records.
            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(this, ns, curr.rec(), curr, true);

            // This is the case where we have not yet had to remove any
            // documents to make room for other documents, and we are allocating
            // documents from free space in fresh extents instead of reusing
            // space from familiar extents.
            if ( !capLooped() ) {

                // We just removed the last record from the 'capExtent', and
                // the 'capExtent' can't be empty, so we set 'capExtent' to
                // capExtent's prev extent.
                if ( theCapExtent()->lastRecord.isNull() ) {
                    verify( !theCapExtent()->xprev.isNull() );
                    // NOTE Because we didn't delete the last document, and
                    // capLooped() is false, capExtent is not the first extent
                    // so xprev will be nonnull.
                    _capExtent.writing() = theCapExtent()->xprev;

                    // update cappedLastDelRecLastExtent()

            // This is the case where capLooped() is true, and we just deleted
            // from capExtent, and we just deleted capFirstNewRecord, which was
            // the last record on the fresh side of capExtent.
            // NOTE In this comparison, curr and potentially capFirstNewRecord
            // may point to invalid data, but we can still compare the
            // references themselves.
            if ( curr == _capFirstNewRecord ) {

                // Set 'capExtent' to the first nonempty extent prior to the
                // initial capExtent.  There must be such an extent because we
                // have not deleted the last document in the collection.  It is
                // possible that all extents other than the capExtent are empty.
                // In this case we will keep the initial capExtent and specify
                // that all records contained within are on the fresh rather than
                // stale side of the extent.
                DiskLoc newCapExtent = _capExtent;
                do {
                    // Find the previous extent, looping if necessary.
                    newCapExtent = ( newCapExtent == _firstExtent ) ? _lastExtent : newCapExtent.ext()->xprev;
                while ( newCapExtent.ext()->firstRecord.isNull() );
                _capExtent.writing() = newCapExtent;

                // Place all documents in the new capExtent on the fresh side
                // of the capExtent by setting capFirstNewRecord to the first
                // document in the new capExtent.
                _capFirstNewRecord.writing() = theCapExtent()->firstRecord;

                // update cappedLastDelRecLastExtent()