Ejemplo n.º 1
void BaseFilter::initAction()
	if (m_action)

    m_action = new QAction(getIcon(), getEntryName(), this);
    //connect this action
    connect(m_action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(performAction()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 ContentFolder::doGetMetaDataIndexForEntry(std::string const &name) const
     for (long entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < m_entryCount; ++entryIndex) {
         if (name == getEntryName(m_folderData, entryIndex)) {
             return entryIndex;
     return boost::optional<long>();
 void TransformEditorWidget::setEditable( const Engine::ItemEntry& ent )
     delete m_translationEditor;
     TransformEditor::setEditable( ent );
     if ( canEdit() )
         m_translationEditor = new VectorEditor(0, QString::fromStdString(getEntryName( Engine::RadiumEngine::getInstance(), m_currentEdit)),  true );
         connect(m_translationEditor, &VectorEditor::valueChanged, this, &TransformEditorWidget::onChangedPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void DatabaseSync<SO>::addMissingEntries(QList<SO *> missingEntries)
  // we can not check if item is really a new item because there is no way to
  // check locally whether it was removed w/o recycle bin
  if (!db1->metadata()->recycleBinEnabled()) {
    // TODO instead of syncing  to recycle bin entries will be removed.
    // Show user dialog to confirm removal
    // Strongly recommend to the user to enable recycle bin to prevent manual
    // sync

  // sort by creation time.Parent group always created before child.Sort
  // guaranties parents will be created before childs
        missingEntries.end(), compareByCreationTime);

  qDebug() << "Add missing entries of type " + getType();
  Q_FOREACH(SO * entry, missingEntries) {
    const Group *parentGr = getParentGroup(entry);
    Group *group = Q_NULLPTR;

    QMap<Uuid, Group *> allGroups = db1->rootGroup()->groupsMapRecursive(true);

    if (allGroups.contains(parentGr->uuid()))
      group = allGroups.value(parentGr->uuid());

    // handle case when missing entry should be created in recycle bin.
    // Could happen when entry in remote database was created and immeadiately
    // removed
    else if (db1->metadata()->recycleBin()
             && (db1->metadata()->recycleBin()->uuid() == parentGr->uuid()))
      group = db1->metadata()->recycleBin();
    qDebug() << "Create new entry in the recycle bin";

    // creating new entry
    SO *newEntry = new SO();
    setParentGroup(newEntry, group);
    qDebug() << "Add missing " + getType() + ": " + getEntryName(newEntry)
      +" to group::"
    getSyncObject()->increase(getObjectType(), SMissing(), SLocal());
Ejemplo n.º 5
Future<InvalidationRequired> CheckoutAction::doAction() {
  // All the data is ready and we're ready to go!

  // Check for conflicts first.
  return hasConflict().thenValue(
          bool conflictWasAddedToCtx) -> folly::Future<InvalidationRequired> {
        // Note that even if we know we are not going to apply the changes, we
        // must still run hasConflict() first because we rely on its
        // side-effects.
        if (conflictWasAddedToCtx && !ctx_->forceUpdate()) {
          // We only report conflicts for files, not directories. The only
          // possible conflict that can occur here if this inode is a TreeInode
          // is that the old source control state was for a file. There aren't
          // really any other conflicts than this to report, even if we recurse.
          // Anything inside this directory is basically just untracked (or
          // possibly ignored) files.
          return InvalidationRequired::No;

        // Call TreeInode::checkoutUpdateEntry() to actually do the work.
        // Note that we are moving most of our state into the
        // checkoutUpdateEntry() arguments.  We have to be slightly careful
        // here: getEntryName() returns a PathComponentPiece that is pointing
        // into a PathComponent owned either by oldScmEntry_ or newScmEntry_.
        // Therefore don't move these scm entries, to make sure we don't
        // invalidate the PathComponentPiece data.
        auto parent = inode_->getParent(ctx_->renameLock());
        return parent->checkoutUpdateEntry(
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool LookupIntentMsgEx::processIncoming(struct sockaddr_in* fromAddr, Socket* sock,
   char* respBuf, size_t bufLen, HighResolutionStats* stats)

   #ifdef BEEGFS_DEBUG
      const char* msgInContext = "LookupIntentMsg incoming";
      std::string peer = fromAddr ? Socket::ipaddrToStr(&fromAddr->sin_addr) : sock->getPeername();
      LOG_DEBUG(msgInContext, 4, std::string("Received a LookupIntentMsg from: ") + peer);

   App* app = Program::getApp();

   std::string parentEntryID = getParentInfo()->getEntryID();

   FhgfsOpsErr lookupRes = FhgfsOpsErr_INTERNAL;
   FhgfsOpsErr createRes = FhgfsOpsErr_INTERNAL;

   std::string entryName = getEntryName();

   const char* logContext = "LookupIntentMsg";

   LOG_DEBUG(logContext, 5, "parentID: '" + parentEntryID + "' " +
      "entryName: '" + entryName + "'");

   // (note: following objects must be at the top-level stack frame for response serialization)
   std::string fileHandleID;
   Raid0Pattern dummyPattern(1, UInt16Vector() );
   EntryInfo diskEntryInfo;

   int createFlag = getIntentFlags() & LOOKUPINTENTMSG_FLAG_CREATE;
   FileInodeStoreData inodeData;
   bool inodeDataOutdated = false; // true if the file/inode is currently open (referenced)
   LookupIntentRespMsg respMsg(FhgfsOpsErr_INTERNAL);

   PathInfo pathInfo; /* Added to NetMessage as ref-pointer, so object needs to exist until
                       * the NetMessage got serialized! */

   // sanity checks
   if (unlikely (parentEntryID.empty() || entryName.empty() ) )
      LogContext(logContext).log(3, "Sanity check failed: parentEntryID: '"
         + parentEntryID + "'" + "entryName: '" + entryName + "'");

      // something entirely wrong, fail immediately, error already set above
      goto send_response;

   /* Note: Actually we should first do a lookup. However, a successful create also implies a
             failed Lookup, so we can take a shortcut. */

   // lookup-create
   if (createFlag)
      LOG_DEBUG(logContext, Log_SPAM, "Lookup: create");

      // checks in create() if lookup already found the entry
      createRes = create(this->getParentInfo(), entryName, &diskEntryInfo,

      FhgfsOpsErr sendCreateRes;
      if (createRes == FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS)
         sendCreateRes = FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS;

         // Successful Create, which implies Lookup-before-create would have been failed.

         if (createRes == FhgfsOpsErr_EXISTS)
            // NOTE: we need to do a Lookup to get required lookup data

            if (getIntentFlags() & LOOKUPINTENTMSG_FLAG_CREATEEXCLUSIVE)
               sendCreateRes = FhgfsOpsErr_EXISTS;
               sendCreateRes = FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS;

            sendCreateRes = FhgfsOpsErr_INTERNAL;


      // note: don't quit here on error because caller might still have requested stat info

   // lookup
   if ((!createFlag) || (createRes == FhgfsOpsErr_EXISTS) )
      LOG_DEBUG(logContext, Log_SPAM, "Lookup: lookup");

      lookupRes = lookup(parentEntryID, entryName, &diskEntryInfo, &inodeData, inodeDataOutdated);


      if (lookupRes == FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS)

      if(unlikely( (lookupRes != FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS) && createFlag) )
         // so createFlag is set, so createRes is either Success or Exists, but now lookup fails
         // create/unlink race?

         // we need to set something here, as sendCreateRes = FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS

         StatData statData;
         statData.setAllFake(); // set arbitrary stat values (receiver won't use the values)

         respMsg.addResponseStat(lookupRes, &statData);

         goto send_response;

   // lookup-revalidate
      LOG_DEBUG(logContext, Log_SPAM, "Lookup: revalidate");

      FhgfsOpsErr revalidateRes = revalidate(&diskEntryInfo);


      if(revalidateRes != FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS)
         goto send_response;

   /* lookup-stat
      note: we do stat before open to avoid the dyn attribs refresh if the file is not opened by
      someone else currently. */
   if ( (getIntentFlags() & LOOKUPINTENTMSG_FLAG_STAT) &&
        (lookupRes == FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS || createRes == FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS) )
      LOG_DEBUG(logContext, Log_SPAM, "Lookup: stat");

      // check if lookup and create failed (we don't have an entryID to stat then)
      if(diskEntryInfo.getEntryID().empty() )
         goto send_response;

      if ( (diskEntryInfo.getFlags() & ENTRYINFO_FEATURE_INLINED) && !inodeDataOutdated)
      {  // stat-data from the dentry
         StatData* dentryStatData = inodeData.getInodeStatData();

         respMsg.addResponseStat(FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS, dentryStatData);
      {  // read stat data separately
         StatData statData;
         FhgfsOpsErr statRes = stat(&diskEntryInfo, true, statData);

         respMsg.addResponseStat(statRes, &statData);

         if(statRes != FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS)
            goto send_response;


   // lookup-open
   if(getIntentFlags() & LOOKUPINTENTMSG_FLAG_OPEN)
      LOG_DEBUG(logContext, Log_SPAM, "Lookup: open");

      // don't open if create failed
      if ((createRes != FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS) && (getIntentFlags() & LOOKUPINTENTMSG_FLAG_CREATE) )
         goto send_response;

      if (!DirEntryType_ISREGULARFILE(diskEntryInfo.getEntryType() ) )
         goto send_response; // not a regular file, we don't open that

      // check if lookup and/or create failed (we don't have an entryID to open then)
      if(diskEntryInfo.getEntryID().empty() )
         goto send_response;

      StripePattern* pattern = NULL;

      FhgfsOpsErr openRes = open(&diskEntryInfo, &fileHandleID, &pattern, &pathInfo);

      if(openRes != FhgfsOpsErr_SUCCESS)
      { // open failed => use dummy pattern for response
         respMsg.addResponseOpen(openRes, fileHandleID, &dummyPattern, &pathInfo);

         goto send_response;

      respMsg.addResponseOpen(openRes, fileHandleID, pattern, &pathInfo);


   respMsg.serialize(respBuf, bufLen);
   sock->sendto(respBuf, respMsg.getMsgLength(), 0,
      (struct sockaddr*)fromAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );

   app->getNodeOpStats()->updateNodeOp(sock->getPeerIP(), this->getOpCounterType(),
      getMsgHeaderUserID() );

   return true;