nsMsgFilterDelegateFactory::getFilterDelegate(nsIRDFResource *aOuter,
                                              nsIMsgFilter **aResult)
    nsresult rv;
    // now try to find ";filterName="
    nsCString uri;
    rv = aOuter->GetValue(getter_Copies(uri));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
    PRInt32 separatorPosition = 0;
    const char *filterTag = uri.get();
    while (filterTag && *filterTag != ';') {
    // if no ;, and it's not a folder,
    // I don't know what the heck it is.
    if (!filterTag)
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    const char *filterName = getFilterName(filterTag);

    nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFilterList> filterList;
    rv = getFilterList(uri.get(), separatorPosition, getter_AddRefs(filterList));

        // now that we have the filter list and index, retrieve the filter.

    // XXX convert from UTF8
    nsAutoString filterString;
    PRUnichar *unicodeString =
        nsTextFormatter::smprintf(unicodeFormatter, filterName);

    nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFilter> filter;
    rv = filterList->GetFilterNamed(filterString, getter_AddRefs(filter));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    *aResult = filter;
    return NS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void processFW1Rulebase(char *line, struct nipperConfig *nipper)
	// Variables...
	struct filterListConfig *filterListPointer = 0;
	struct filterConfig *filterPointer = 0;
	struct ciscoCommand command;
	char tempString[nipper->maxSize];
	int tempInt = false;

	// Init...
	command = splitLine(line);

	// Get Filter List Pointer...
	command.part[1][strlen(command.part[1]) - 1] = 0;
	filterListPointer = getFilterList(nipper, command.part[1] + 4, "", false);

	// Does the list already exist?
	if (filterListPointer->filter != 0)
		filterPointer = filterListPointer->filter;

		// Process lines
		while ((feof(nipper->input) == 0) && (strcasecmp(command.part[0], ")") != 0) && (filterPointer != 0))
			// Read line
			memset(line, 0, LINE_SIZE + 1);
			readLine(nipper->input, line, LINE_SIZE);
			// Init...
			command = splitLine(line);
			// Debug output
			if (nipper->debugMode == true)
				printf("Rulebase Line: %s\n", line);

			// Process Rules...
			if ((strcmp(command.part[0], ":rule") == 0) && (strcmp(command.part[1], "()") != 0))
				while ((feof(nipper->input) == 0) && (strcasecmp(command.part[0], ")") != 0) && (filterPointer != 0))
					// Read line
					memset(line, 0, LINE_SIZE + 1);
					readLine(nipper->input, line, LINE_SIZE);
					// Init...
					command = splitLine(line);
					// Debug output
					if (nipper->debugMode == true)
						printf("Rulebase Line: %s\n", line);

					// Comments...
					if ((strcasecmp(command.part[0], ":comments") == 0) && (strcasecmp(command.part[1], "()") != 0))
						command.part[1][strlen(command.part[1]) - 1] = 0;
						stripQuotes(command.part[1] + 1, filterPointer->remark, sizeof(filterPointer->remark) -1);

					// Header Text...
					else if ((strcasecmp(command.part[0], ":header_text") == 0) && (strcasecmp(command.part[1], "()") != 0))
						command.part[1][strlen(command.part[1]) - 1] = 0;
						stripQuotes(command.part[1] + 1, tempString, sizeof(tempString) -1);
						insertFilterRemark(filterListPointer, filterPointer, true, tempString);
						tempInt = true;

					// Process Unknown...
						processFW1Unknown(nipper, line);
				command.part[0][0] = 0;
				if (tempInt == false)
					filterPointer = filterPointer->next;
					tempInt = false;

			// Process Unknown...
				processFW1Unknown(nipper, line);
		command.part[0][0] = 0;

	// List already exists...

		// Process lines
		while ((feof(nipper->input) == 0) && (strcasecmp(command.part[0], ")") != 0))
			// Read line
			memset(line, 0, LINE_SIZE + 1);
			readLine(nipper->input, line, LINE_SIZE);
			// Init...
			command = splitLine(line);
			// Debug output
			if (nipper->debugMode == true)
				printf("Rulebase Line: %s\n", line);

			// Process Rules...
			if ((strcmp(command.part[0], ":rule") == 0) && (strcmp(command.part[1], "()") != 0))
				processFW1Rule(line, nipper, filterListPointer);

			// Process Unknown...
				processFW1Unknown(nipper, line);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void processSonicOSRule(char *line, struct nipperConfig *nipper)
	// Variables...
	fpos_t filePosition;
	struct ciscoCommand command;
	struct filterListConfig *filterListPointer = 0;
	struct filterConfig *filterPointer = 0;
	struct filterConfig *filterSearchPointer = 0;
	struct filterObjectConfig *servicePointer = 0;
	struct filterObjectConfig *sourcePointer = 0;
	struct filterObjectConfig *destinationPointer = 0;
	int stopReading = false;
	int initialSetup = false;
	char sourceNet[32];

	// Loop through the rule lines
	fgetpos(nipper->input, &filePosition);
	while ((feof(nipper->input) == 0) && (stopReading == false))
		// Debug output
		if (nipper->debugMode == true)
			printf("Rules Line: %s\n", line);

		// Init
		command = splitLine(line);

		// If filter does not yet exist...
		if (filterPointer == 0)
			filterPointer = malloc(sizeof(struct filterConfig));
			memset(filterPointer, 0, sizeof(struct filterConfig));
			filterPointer->enabled = true;
			filterPointer->log = false;

		// Rule Action...
		if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleAction_", 17) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 17);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 17))
				if (strcasecmp(command.part[1], "allow") == 0)
					filterPointer->action = filter_action_accept;
				else if (strcasecmp(command.part[1], "deny") == 0)
					filterPointer->action = filter_action_reject;
					filterPointer->action = filter_action_drop;
				stopReading = true;

		// Service ID
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleSvcID_", 16) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 16);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 16))
				servicePointer = getFilterMember(filterPointer, command.part[1], object_filter_service);
				servicePointer->type = object_type_object;
				servicePointer->serviceOp = service_oper_eq;
				stopReading = true;

		// Source Ethernet
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleSrcEnet_", 18) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 18);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 18))
				strncpy(sourceNet, command.part[1], sizeof(sourceNet) - 1);
				stopReading = true;

		// Destination Ethernet
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleDstEnet_", 18) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 18);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 18))
				filterListPointer = getFilterList(nipper, sourceNet, command.part[1], false);
				filterListPointer->type = access_std;
				// If no filters yet...
				if (filterListPointer->filter == 0)
					filterListPointer->filter = filterPointer;
					filterSearchPointer = filterListPointer->filter;
					while (filterSearchPointer->next != 0)
						filterSearchPointer = filterSearchPointer->next;
					filterSearchPointer->next = filterPointer;
				stopReading = true;

		// Source Begin
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleSrcBegin_", 19) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 19);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 19))
				sourcePointer = getFilterMember(filterPointer, command.part[1], object_filter_source);
				stopReading = true;

		// Source End
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleSrcEnd_", 17) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 17);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 17))
				strncpy(sourcePointer->netMask, command.part[1], sizeof(sourcePointer->netMask) - 1);
				if (strcmp(sourcePointer->name, "") == 0)
					sourcePointer->type = object_type_any;
				else if (strcmp(sourcePointer->name, sourcePointer->netMask) != 0)
					sourcePointer->type = object_type_network;
					sourcePointer->type = object_type_host;
				stopReading = true;

		// Destination Begin
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleDstBegin_", 19) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 19);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 19))
				destinationPointer = getFilterMember(filterPointer, command.part[1], object_filter_destination);
				stopReading = true;

		// Destination End
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleDstEnd_", 17) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 17);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 17))
				strncpy(destinationPointer->netMask, command.part[1], sizeof(destinationPointer->netMask) - 1);
				if (strcmp(destinationPointer->name, "") == 0)
					destinationPointer->type = object_type_any;
				else if (strcmp(destinationPointer->name, destinationPointer->netMask) != 0)
					destinationPointer->type = object_type_network;
					destinationPointer->type = object_type_host;
				stopReading = true;

		// Rule Enabled
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleEnabled_", 18) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 18);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 18))
				if (strcmp(command.part[1], "1") == 0)
					filterPointer->enabled = true;
					filterPointer->enabled = false;
				stopReading = true;

		// Fragmentation
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_ruleAllowFrags_", 21) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 21);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 21))
				if (strcmp(command.part[1], "off") == 0)
					filterPointer->fragments = false;
					filterPointer->fragments = true;
				stopReading = true;

		// Comments
		else if (strncmp(command.part[0], "ruleComment_", 12) == 0)
			if (initialSetup == false)
				filterPointer->id = atoi(command.part[0] + 12);
				initialSetup = true;

			if (filterPointer->id == atoi(command.part[0] + 12))
				strncpy(filterPointer->remark, line + strlen(command.part[0]) + 1, sizeof(filterPointer->remark) -1);
				stopReading = true;

		else if ((strncmp(command.part[0], "serviceNameInRule_", 18) != 0) || (strncmp(command.part[0], "prefs_rule", 10) == 0))
			stopReading = true;

		if (stopReading == false)
			// Get next line
			fgetpos(nipper->input, &filePosition);
			readLine(nipper->input, line, nipper->maxSize);

	// Set file position back
	fsetpos(nipper->input, &filePosition);

	// If the filter was not added to the list...
	if ((filterListPointer == 0) && (filterPointer != 0))
		if (sourcePointer != 0)
		if (destinationPointer != 0)
		if (servicePointer != 0)
			free (servicePointer);