Ejemplo n.º 1
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, Closures) {
  verifyFormat("doFoo(function() { return 1; });");
  verifyFormat("var func = function() { return 1; };");
  verifyFormat("return {\n"
               "  body: {\n"
               "    setAttribute: function(key, val) { this[key] = val; },\n"
               "    getAttribute: function(key) { return this[key]; },\n"
               "    style: {direction: ''}\n"
               "  }\n"
  EXPECT_EQ("abc = xyz ? function() { return 1; } : function() { return -1; };",
            format("abc=xyz?function(){return 1;}:function(){return -1;};"));

  verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(\n"
               "    function() {  // comment\n"
               "      foo();\n"
               "      bar();\n"
               "    },\n"
               "    this, arg1IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks,\n"
               "    arg3IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks);");
  verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(function() {  // comment\n"
               "  foo();\n"
               "  bar();\n"
               "}, this);");

  verifyFormat("var x = {a: function() { return 1; }};",
  verifyFormat("var x = {\n"
               "  a: function() { return 1; }\n"
Ejemplo n.º 2
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, RegexLiteralLength) {
  verifyFormat("var regex = /aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/;",
  verifyFormat("var regex =\n"
               "    /aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/;",
Ejemplo n.º 3
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, GoogModules) {
  verifyFormat("var long = goog.require('this.is.really.absurdly.long');",

  // These should be wrapped normally.
      "var MyLongClassName =\n"
      "    goog.module.get('my.long.module.name.followedBy.MyLongClassName');");
Ejemplo n.º 4
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, WrapAfterParen) {
               "    aaa, aaa);",
               "    aaa, aaa, aaa,\n"
               "    aaa, aaa, aaa);",
               "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
               "    function(x) {\n"
               "      y();  //\n"
               "    });",
  verifyFormat("while (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&\n"
               "       bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) {\n}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, UnderstandsJavaScriptOperators) {
  verifyFormat("a == = b;");
  verifyFormat("a != = b;");

  verifyFormat("a === b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa ===\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("a !== b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa !==\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n"
               "        d !==\n"
               "    e + f + g)\n"
               "  q();",

  verifyFormat("a >> >= b;");

  verifyFormat("a >>> b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("a >>>= b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>=\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n"
               "        d >>>\n"
               "    e + f + g)\n"
               "  q();",
  verifyFormat("var x = aaaaaaaaaa ?\n"
               "            bbbbbb :\n"
               "            ccc;",
Ejemplo n.º 6
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, JSDocAnnotations) {
            " * @export {this.is.a.long.path.to.a.Type}\n"
            " */",
                   " * @export {this.is.a.long.path.to.a.Type}\n"
                   " */",
Ejemplo n.º 7
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, UnderstandsJavaScriptOperators) {
  verifyFormat("a == = b;");
  verifyFormat("a != = b;");

  verifyFormat("a === b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa ===\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("a !== b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa !==\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n"
               "        d !==\n"
               "    e + f + g)\n"
               "  q();",

  verifyFormat("a >> >= b;");

  verifyFormat("a >>> b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("a >>>= b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>=\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n"
               "        d >>>\n"
               "    e + f + g)\n"
               "  q();",
  verifyFormat("var x = aaaaaaaaaa ?\n"
               "    bbbbbb :\n"
               "    ccc;",

  verifyFormat("var b = a.map((x) => x + 1);");
  verifyFormat("return ('aaa') in bbbb;");
  verifyFormat("var x = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() in\n"
               "    aaaa.aaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
  FormatStyle Style = getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(80);
  Style.AlignOperands = true;
  verifyFormat("var x = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() in\n"
               "        aaaa.aaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;",
  Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators = FormatStyle::BOS_All;
  verifyFormat("var x = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa()\n"
               "            in aaaa.aaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;",

  // ES6 spread operator.
  verifyFormat("var x = [1, ...a, 2];");
Ejemplo n.º 8
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, AutomaticSemicolonInsertion) {
  // The following statements must not wrap, as otherwise the program meaning
  // would change due to automatic semicolon insertion.
  // See http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.9.1.
  verifyFormat("return aaaaa;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("continue aaaaa;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("break aaaaa;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("throw aaaaa;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaa++;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaa--;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
Ejemplo n.º 9
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, Modules) {
  verifyFormat("import SomeThing from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {X, Y} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying,\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying,\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying,\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying\n"
               "} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {\n"
               "  X,\n"
               "  Y,\n"
               "} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {\n"
               "  X,\n"
               "  Y,\n"
               "} from 'some/long/module.js';",
  verifyFormat("import {X as myLocalX, Y as myLocalY} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import * as lib from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("var x = {\n  import: 1\n};\nx.import = 2;");

  verifyFormat("export function fn() {\n"
               "  return 'fn';\n"
  verifyFormat("export const x = 12;");
  verifyFormat("export default class X {}");
  verifyFormat("export {X, Y} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("export {\n"
               "  X,\n"
               "  Y,\n"
               "} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("export class C {\n"
               "  x: number;\n"
               "  y: string;\n"
  verifyFormat("export class X { y: number; }");
  verifyFormat("export default class X { y: number }");
  verifyFormat("export default function() {\n  return 1;\n}");
  verifyFormat("export var x = 12;");
  verifyFormat("export var x: number = 12;");
  verifyFormat("export const y = {\n"
               "  a: 1,\n"
               "  b: 2\n"
Ejemplo n.º 10
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, TypeAnnotations) {
  verifyFormat("var x: string;");
  verifyFormat("var x: {a: string; b: number;} = {};");
  verifyFormat("function x(): string {\n  return 'x';\n}");
  verifyFormat("function x(): {x: string} {\n  return {x: 'x'};\n}");
  verifyFormat("function x(y: string): string {\n  return 'x';\n}");
  verifyFormat("for (var y: string in x) {\n  x();\n}");
  verifyFormat("function x(y: {a?: number;} = {}): number {\n"
               "  return 12;\n"
  verifyFormat("((a: string, b: number): string => a + b);");
  verifyFormat("var x: (y: number) => string;");
  verifyFormat("var x: P<string, (a: number) => string>;");
  verifyFormat("var x = {y: function(): z { return 1; }};");
  verifyFormat("var x = {y: function(): {a: number} { return 1; }};");
  verifyFormat("function someFunc(args: string[]):\n"
               "    {longReturnValue: string[]} {}",
Ejemplo n.º 11
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, ArrayLiterals) {
  verifyFormat("var aaaaa: List<SomeThing> =\n"
               "    [new SomeThingAAAAAAAAAAAA(), new SomeThingBBBBBBBBB()];");
  verifyFormat("return [\n"
               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
               "  ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\n"
  verifyFormat("return [\n"
               "  aaaa().bbbbbbbb('A'),\n"
               "  aaaa().bbbbbbbb('B'),\n"
               "  aaaa().bbbbbbbb('C'),\n"
  verifyFormat("var someVariable = SomeFunction([\n"
               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
               "  ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\n"
  verifyFormat("var someVariable = SomeFunction([\n"
               "  [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb],\n"
  verifyFormat("var someVariable = SomeFunction(aaaa, [\n"
               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
               "  ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\n"
  verifyFormat("var someVariable = SomeFunction(\n"
               "    aaaa,\n"
               "    [\n"
               "      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
               "      cccccccccccccccccccccccccc\n"
               "    ],\n"
               "    aaaa);");
  verifyFormat("var aaaa = aaaaa ||  // wrap\n"
               "    [];");

  verifyFormat("someFunction([], {a: a});");
Ejemplo n.º 12
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, UnderstandsJavaScriptOperators) {
  verifyFormat("a == = b;");
  verifyFormat("a != = b;");

  verifyFormat("a === b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa ===\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("a !== b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa !==\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n"
               "        d !==\n"
               "    e + f + g)\n"
               "  q();",

  verifyFormat("a >> >= b;");

  verifyFormat("a >>> b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("a >>>= b;");
  verifyFormat("aaaaaaa >>>=\n    b;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(10));
  verifyFormat("if (a + b + c +\n"
               "        d >>>\n"
               "    e + f + g)\n"
               "  q();",
  verifyFormat("var x = aaaaaaaaaa ?\n"
               "    bbbbbb :\n"
               "    ccc;",

  verifyFormat("var b = a.map((x) => x + 1);");
  verifyFormat("return ('aaa') in bbbb;");

  // ES6 spread operator.
  verifyFormat("var x = [1, ...a, 2];");
Ejemplo n.º 13
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, TemplateStrings) {
  // Keeps any whitespace/indentation within the template string.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "     ${  name    }\n"
            "  !`;",
            format("var x    =    `hello\n"
                   "     ${  name    }\n"
                   "  !`;"));

  // FIXME: +1 / -1 offsets are to work around clang-format miscalculating
  // widths for unknown tokens that are not whitespace (e.g. '`'). Remove when
  // the code is corrected.

  verifyFormat("var x =\n"
               "    `hello ${world}` >= some();",
               getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(34)); // Barely doesn't fit.
  verifyFormat("var x = `hello ${world}` >= some();",
               getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(35 + 1)); // Barely fits.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "  ${world}` >=\n"
            "        some();",
            format("var x =\n"
                   "    `hello\n"
                   "  ${world}` >= some();",
                   getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(21))); // Barely doesn't fit.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "  ${world}` >= some();",
            format("var x =\n"
                   "    `hello\n"
                   "  ${world}` >= some();",
                   getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(22))); // Barely fits.

  verifyFormat("var x =\n    `h`;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(13 - 1));
      "var x =\n    `multi\n  line`;",
      format("var x = `multi\n  line`;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(14 - 1)));

  // Two template strings.
  verifyFormat("var x = `hello` == `hello`;");
Ejemplo n.º 14
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, TemplateStrings) {
  // Keeps any whitespace/indentation within the template string.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "     ${  name    }\n"
            "  !`;",
            format("var x    =    `hello\n"
                   "     ${  name    }\n"
                   "  !`;"));

  verifyFormat("var x =\n"
               "    `hello ${world}` >= some();",
               getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(34)); // Barely doesn't fit.
  verifyFormat("var x = `hello ${world}` >= some();",
               getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(35)); // Barely fits.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "  ${world}` >=\n"
            "    some();",
            format("var x =\n"
                   "    `hello\n"
                   "  ${world}` >= some();",
                   getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(21))); // Barely doesn't fit.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "  ${world}` >= some();",
            format("var x =\n"
                   "    `hello\n"
                   "  ${world}` >= some();",
                   getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(22))); // Barely fits.

  verifyFormat("var x =\n"
               "    `h`;",
      "var x =\n    `multi\n  line`;",
      format("var x = `multi\n  line`;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(13)));
               "    `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa`);");

  // Make sure template strings get a proper ColumnWidth assigned, even if they
  // are first token in line.
      "var a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
      "    `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa`;");

  // Two template strings.
  verifyFormat("var x = `hello` == `hello`;");

  // Comments in template strings.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `//a`;\n"
            "var y;",
            format("var x =\n `//a`;\n"
                   "var y  ;"));
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `/*a`;\n"
            "var y;",
            format("var x =\n `/*a`;\n"
                   "var y;"));
  // Unterminated string literals in a template string.
  verifyFormat("var x = `'`;  // comment with matching quote '\n"
               "var y;");
  verifyFormat("var x = `\"`;  // comment with matching quote \"\n"
               "var y;");
  EXPECT_EQ("it(`'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   `, aaaaaaaaa);",
            format("it(`'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   `,   aaaaaaaaa) ;",
  // Backticks in a comment - not a template string.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = 1  // `/*a`;\n"
            "    ;",
            format("var x =\n 1  // `/*a`;\n"
                   "    ;"));
  EXPECT_EQ("/* ` */ var x = 1; /* ` */",
            format("/* ` */ var x\n= 1; /* ` */"));
  // Comment spans multiple template strings.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `/*a`;\n"
            "var y = ` */ `;",
            format("var x =\n `/*a`;\n"
                   "var y =\n ` */ `;"));
  // Escaped backtick.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = ` \\` a`;\n"
            "var y;",
            format("var x = ` \\` a`;\n"
                   "var y;"));
Ejemplo n.º 15
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, Modules) {
  verifyFormat("import SomeThing from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {X, Y} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import a, {X, Y} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying,\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying,\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying,\n"
               "  VeryLongImportsAreAnnoying\n"
               "} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {\n"
               "  X,\n"
               "  Y,\n"
               "} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import {\n"
               "  X,\n"
               "  Y,\n"
               "} from 'some/long/module.js';",
  verifyFormat("import {X as myLocalX, Y as myLocalY} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("import * as lib from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("var x = {import: 1};\nx.import = 2;");

  verifyFormat("export function fn() {\n"
               "  return 'fn';\n"
  verifyFormat("export function A() {}\n"
               "export default function B() {}\n"
               "export function C() {}");
  verifyFormat("export const x = 12;");
  verifyFormat("export default class X {}");
  verifyFormat("export {X, Y} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("export {\n"
               "  X,\n"
               "  Y,\n"
               "} from 'some/module.js';");
  verifyFormat("export class C {\n"
               "  x: number;\n"
               "  y: string;\n"
  verifyFormat("export class X { y: number; }");
  verifyFormat("export abstract class X { y: number; }");
  verifyFormat("export default class X { y: number }");
  verifyFormat("export default function() {\n  return 1;\n}");
  verifyFormat("export var x = 12;");
  verifyFormat("class C {}\n"
               "export function f() {}\n"
               "var v;");
  verifyFormat("export var x: number = 12;");
  verifyFormat("export const y = {\n"
               "  a: 1,\n"
               "  b: 2\n"
  verifyFormat("export enum Foo {\n"
               "  BAR,\n"
               "  // adsdasd\n"
               "  BAZ\n"
  verifyFormat("export default [\n"
               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
               "  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\n"
  verifyFormat("export default [];");
  verifyFormat("export default () => {};");
  verifyFormat("export interface Foo { foo: number; }\n"
               "export class Bar {\n"
               "  blah(): string { return this.blah; };\n"
Ejemplo n.º 16
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, RegexLiteralSpecialCharacters) {
  verifyFormat("var regex = /=/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a*/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a+/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a?/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /.a./;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a\\*/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /^a$/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\/a/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /(?:x)/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /x(?=y)/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /x(?!y)/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /x|y/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a{2}/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a{1,3}/;");

  verifyFormat("var regex = /[abc]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /[^abc]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /[\\b]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /[/]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /[\\/]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\[/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\\\[/]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /}[\"]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /}[/\"]/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /}[\"/]/;");

  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\b/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\B/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\d/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\D/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\f/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\n/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\r/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\s/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\S/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\t/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\v/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\w/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\W/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a(a)\\1/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\0/;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\\\/g;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\\a\\\\/g;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\a\\//g;");
  verifyFormat("var regex = /a\\//;\n"
               "var x = 0;");
  EXPECT_EQ("var regex = /'/g;", format("var regex = /'/g ;"));
  EXPECT_EQ("var regex = /'/g;  //'", format("var regex = /'/g ; //'"));
  EXPECT_EQ("var regex = /\\/*/;\n"
            "var x = 0;",
            format("var regex = /\\/*/;\n"
                   "var x=0;"));
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = /a\\//;", format("var x = /a\\//  \n;"));
  verifyFormat("var regex = /\"/;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(16));
  verifyFormat("var regex =\n"
               "    /\"/;",
  verifyFormat("var regex =  //\n"
               "    /a/;");
  verifyFormat("var regexs = [\n"
               "  /d/,   //\n"
               "  /aa/,  //\n"
Ejemplo n.º 17
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, FunctionLiterals) {
  verifyFormat("doFoo(function() {});");
  verifyFormat("doFoo(function() { return 1; });");
  verifyFormat("var func = function() {\n"
               "  return 1;\n"
  verifyFormat("var func =  //\n"
               "    function() {\n"
               "  return 1;\n"
  verifyFormat("return {\n"
               "  body: {\n"
               "    setAttribute: function(key, val) { this[key] = val; },\n"
               "    getAttribute: function(key) { return this[key]; },\n"
               "    style: {direction: ''}\n"
               "  }\n"
  verifyFormat("abc = xyz ? function() {\n"
               "  return 1;\n"
               "} : function() {\n"
               "  return -1;\n"

  verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(\n"
               "    function() {  // comment\n"
               "      foo();\n"
               "      bar();\n"
               "    },\n"
               "    this, arg1IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks,\n"
               "    arg3IsReallyLongAndNeeedsLineBreaks);");
  verifyFormat("var closure = goog.bind(function() {  // comment\n"
               "  foo();\n"
               "  bar();\n"
               "}, this);");
  verifyFormat("return {\n"
               "  a: 'E',\n"
               "  b: function() {\n"
               "    return function() {\n"
               "      f();  //\n"
               "    };\n"
               "  }\n"
               "  var someVariable = function(x) {\n"
               "    return x.zIsTooLongForOneLineWithTheDeclarationLine();\n"
               "  };\n"
               "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
               "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
               "    function(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {\n"
               "      // code\n"
               "    });");

  verifyFormat("f({a: function() { return 1; }});",
               "  a: function() { return 1; }\n"

  verifyFormat("return {\n"
               "  a: function SomeFunction() {\n"
               "    // ...\n"
               "    return 1;\n"
               "  }\n"
               "    .then(goog.bind(function(aaaaaaaaaaa) {\n"
               "      someFunction();\n"
               "      someFunction();\n"
               "    }, this), aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");

  verifyFormat("someFunction(goog.bind(function() {\n"
               "  doSomething();\n"
               "  doSomething();\n"
               "}, this), goog.bind(function() {\n"
               "  doSomething();\n"
               "  doSomething();\n"
               "}, this));");

  // FIXME: This is bad, we should be wrapping before "function() {".
  verifyFormat("someFunction(function() {\n"
               "  doSomething();  // break\n"
               "    .doSomethingElse(\n"
               "        // break\n"
               "        );");
Ejemplo n.º 18
TEST_F(FormatTestJS, TemplateStrings) {
  // Keeps any whitespace/indentation within the template string.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "     ${  name    }\n"
            "  !`;",
            format("var x    =    `hello\n"
                   "     ${  name    }\n"
                   "  !`;"));

  // FIXME: +1 / -1 offsets are to work around clang-format miscalculating
  // widths for unknown tokens that are not whitespace (e.g. '`'). Remove when
  // the code is corrected.

  verifyFormat("var x =\n"
               "    `hello ${world}` >= some();",
               getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(34)); // Barely doesn't fit.
  verifyFormat("var x = `hello ${world}` >= some();",
               getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(35 + 1)); // Barely fits.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "  ${world}` >=\n"
            "        some();",
            format("var x =\n"
                   "    `hello\n"
                   "  ${world}` >= some();",
                   getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(21))); // Barely doesn't fit.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `hello\n"
            "  ${world}` >= some();",
            format("var x =\n"
                   "    `hello\n"
                   "  ${world}` >= some();",
                   getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(22))); // Barely fits.

  verifyFormat("var x =\n    `h`;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(13 - 1));
      "var x =\n    `multi\n  line`;",
      format("var x = `multi\n  line`;", getGoogleJSStyleWithColumns(14 - 1)));

  // Make sure template strings get a proper ColumnWidth assigned, even if they
  // are first token in line.
      "var a = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
      "        `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa`;");

  // Two template strings.
  verifyFormat("var x = `hello` == `hello`;");

  // Comments in template strings.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `//a`;\n"
            "var y;",
            format("var x =\n `//a`;\n"
                   "var y  ;"));
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `/*a`;\n"
            "var y;",
            format("var x =\n `/*a`;\n"
                   "var y;"));
  // Backticks in a comment - not a template string.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = 1  // `/*a`;\n"
            "    ;",
            format("var x =\n 1  // `/*a`;\n"
                   "    ;"));
  EXPECT_EQ("/* ` */ var x = 1; /* ` */",
            format("/* ` */ var x\n= 1; /* ` */"));
  // Comment spans multiple template strings.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = `/*a`;\n"
            "var y = ` */ `;",
            format("var x =\n `/*a`;\n"
                   "var y =\n ` */ `;"));
  // Escaped backtick.
  EXPECT_EQ("var x = ` \\` a`;\n"
            "var y;",
            format("var x = ` \\` a`;\n"
                   "var y;"));