Ejemplo n.º 1
// Turn to a point based on gyroscopic target
// Test status:
//  Tested, works great.
// TODO Add in breakout time parameter, because it is constant at 2 seconds
// right now
void pLoopTurnPointRaw(int angleTarget, double p, double d, int thresh,
                       int threshCount) {
  int error;         // error in current position
  int lastError = 0; // error from last iteration of the loop
  int speed = 0;     // speed for the motors to run at
  int stopCount = 0; // Amount of time spent within threshold
  int iterations = 0;
  bprintf(1, "---\r\nang:%d\r\np:%f\r\nd:%f\r\nthresh%d\r\ncount:%d\r\n",
          angleTarget, p, d, thresh, threshCount);
  while (iterations++ < 40) { //  Was 263
    error = angleTarget - gyroGet(getGyro());
    speed = (error * p) + ((error - lastError) * d);
    speed = (abs(speed) > 127) ? (speed < 0) ? -127 : 127 : speed;
    speed = (abs(speed) < 30) ? (speed < 0) ? -30 : 30 : speed;
    speed = linSpeed(speed); // Linearize speed

    driveRaw(-speed, -speed, speed, speed);

    if (abs(error) < thresh) {
      if (stopCount >= threshCount)

    lastError = error;

  driveRaw(speed, speed, -speed, -speed); // Slam the breaks
  driveRaw(0, 0, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Drive an amount of ticks as straight as possible
// Test status:
//  completely untested
void pLoopDriveStraightRaw(int tickDiff, bool correctBackwards, bool correctDir,
                           double pSpeed, double dSpeed, double pCorrect,
                           int thresh, int threshCount) {
  int leftInit = encoderGet(getEncoderBL());  // Initial left value
  int rightInit = encoderGet(getEncoderBR()); // Initial right value
  int errorL;                                 // Error in the left side
  int errorR;                                 // Error in the right side
  int error;                                  // Averaged Error
  int lastError = 0;                 // The Error from the Previous Iteration
  int speed;                         // Calculated speed to drive at
  int stopCount = 0;                 // Amount of time spent within threshold
  int initGyro = gyroGet(getGyro()); // Initial value of the gyro
  int speedModif = 0;                // How much to modify the speed for angle
  int angleOffset; // How much the robot is curving in its motion
  int iterations = 0;

  while (iterations++ <= (P_LOOP_DRIVE_BREAK_TIME / 20)) {
    errorL = tickDiff - (encoderGet(getEncoderBL()) - leftInit);
    errorR = tickDiff - (encoderGet(getEncoderBR()) - rightInit);
    error = errorR; // round((errorL + errorR) / 2); // errorL;
    speed = error * pSpeed + ((error - lastError) * dSpeed);
    speed = (abs(speed) > 127) ? (speed < 0) ? -127 : 127 : speed;
    speed = (abs(speed) < 25) ? (speed < 0) ? -25 : 25 : speed;

    angleOffset = gyroGet(getGyro()) - initGyro;
    speedModif = (correctDir) ? angleOffset * pCorrect : 0;

    // Set motors to linearized version of input speeds
    driveRaw(linSpeed(speed + speedModif), linSpeed(speed + speedModif),
             linSpeed(speed - speedModif), linSpeed(speed - speedModif));

    if (abs(error) < thresh) {
      if (stopCount >= threshCount || !correctBackwards)

    lastError = error;

  driveRaw(-speed, -speed, -speed, -speed); // Slam the breaks
  driveRaw(0, 0, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ImuAdis16448::processMeasurements() {
	while (1) {

		//get the newest measurement
		Measurement::Ptr meas = Sensor::measurement_queue_.pop();

		//VISENSOR_DEBUG("in imu_adis thread %d\n", meas.buffersize);

    //check for missed frames
    // TODO(schneith): use a timer to check for missed frames (currently we only detected sequences of MISSED-RECEIVED-MISSED, not MISSED-MISSED,...)
    if( checkTimestamp(meas->timestamp) )
      //publish an empty missed frame
      ViImuMsg::Ptr missed_imu_ptr = boost::make_shared<ViImuMsg>();
      missed_imu_ptr->imu_id = Imu::imu_id_;
      publishImuData(missed_imu_ptr, ViErrorCodes::MEASUREMENT_DROPPED);

	//		//TODO adapt
	// create new shared pointer for the imu message
	ViImuMsg::Ptr imu_msg_ptr = boost::make_shared<ViImuMsg>();

	// Add imu information to the msg
	imu_msg_ptr->imu_id = Imu::imu_id_;
	imu_msg_ptr->timestamp_host = meas->timestamp_host;
	imu_msg_ptr->timestamp_fpga_counter = meas->timestamp_fpga_counter;

    // get imu data
    getGyro(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->gyro[0]);
    getAcc(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->acc[0]);
    getMag(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->mag[0]);
    getBaro(meas->data.get(), &imu_msg_ptr->baro);

		publishImuData(imu_msg_ptr, ViErrorCodes::NO_ERROR);