Ejemplo n.º 1
void FlagArgument::display(){
	if((strcmp(getLongName().c_str(), "") != 0) && (getShortName() != ' '))
		std::cout << "Flag (--" << getLongName() << " or -" << getShortName() << ") = " << *m_value << std::endl;
	else if(strcmp(getLongName().c_str(), "") == 0)
		std::cout << "Flag (-" << getShortName() << ") = " << *m_value << std::endl;
	else if(getShortName() == ' ')
		std::cout << "Flag (--" << getLongName() << ") = " << *m_value << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MarkerSection::dump(std::ostream& out) const {
	out << getPrettyName() << ":" << std::endl;
	out << "  name = " << getLongName() << std::endl;
	out << "  prefix = " << prefix << std::endl;
	out << "  title_format = " << title_format << std::endl;
	out << "  text_format = " << text_format << std::endl;
	out << "  icon = " << icon << std::endl;
	out << "  icon_size = " << icon_size << std::endl;
	out << "  match_empty = " << match_empty << std::endl;
	out << "  show_default = " << show_default << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
QVariant SkyObjItem::data(int role)
        case DispNameRole:
            return getLongName();
        case CategoryRole:
            return getType();
        case CategoryNameRole:
            return getTypeName();
            return QVariant();
Ejemplo n.º 4
std::string MapcrafterConfigHelper::generateTemplateJavascript() const {
	std::string js = "";

	auto maps = config.getMaps();
	for (auto it = maps.begin(); it != maps.end(); ++it) {
		auto world = config.getWorld(it->getWorld());

		js += "\"" + it->getShortName() + "\" : {\n";
		js += "\tname: \"" + it->getLongName() + "\",\n";
		js += "\tworld: \"" + it->getWorld() + "\",\n";
		js += "\tworldName: \"" + world.getWorldName() + "\",\n";
		js += "\ttextureSize: " + util::str(it->getTextureSize()) + ",\n";
		js += "\ttileSize: " + util::str(32 * it->getTextureSize()) + ",\n";
		js += "\tmaxZoom: " + util::str(getMapZoomlevel(it->getShortName())) + ",\n";
		js += "\timageFormat: \"" + it->getImageFormatSuffix() + "\",\n";

		js += "\trotations: [";
		auto rotations = it->getRotations();
		for (auto it2 = rotations.begin(); it2 != rotations.end(); ++it2)
			js += util::str(*it2) + ",";
		js += "],\n";

		std::string tile_offsets = "[";
		auto offsets = world_tile_offsets.at(it->getWorld());
		for (auto it2 = offsets.begin(); it2 != offsets.end(); ++it2)
			tile_offsets += "[" + util::str(it2->getX()) + ", " + util::str(it2->getY()) + "], ";
		tile_offsets += "]";

		js += "\ttileOffsets: " + tile_offsets + ",\n";

		if (!world.getDefaultView().empty())
			js += "\tdefaultView: [" + world.getDefaultView() + "],\n";
		if (world.getDefaultZoom() != 0)
			js += "\tdefaultZoom: " + util::str(world.getDefaultZoom()) + ",\n";
		if (world.getDefaultRotation() != -1)
			js += "\tdefaultRotation: " + util::str(world.getDefaultRotation()) + ",\n";

		js += "},";

	return js;
Ejemplo n.º 5
ossimString ossimWatermarkFilter::getDescription() const
   ossimString description;
   description = getLongName();
   description += "\n";
   description += "Valid modes:\n";

   vector<ossimString> list;

   vector<ossimString>::const_iterator i = list.begin();
   while (i != list.end())
      description +=(*i);
      description += "\n";

   return description;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int arread( int (*rf)( void *data, int len ), void (*process_f)(const char *fname, void *data, int len) )
    char *nametab = 0;
    char *arIndex = 0;

    char ghbuf[GHSIZE];

    struct arreader a;

    if( GHSIZE != rf( ghbuf, GHSIZE ))
        die( &a, "no hdr");

        char fhbuf[FHSIZE];

        int ret = rf( fhbuf, FHSIZE );

        if( ret == 0 )

        if( FHSIZE != ret )
            die( &a, "no fhdr");

        char r_fname[17];
        strlcpy( r_fname, fhbuf, 16 );

        char r_fsize[10];
        strlcpy( r_fsize, fhbuf+48, 9 );

        if( fhbuf[58] != 0x60u || fhbuf[59] != 0x0Au )
            //hexdump(fhbuf, FHSIZE, "", 0);
            printf("name '%s', size '%s' magic: %x %x\n", r_fname, r_fsize, fhbuf[58], fhbuf[59] );
            die( &a, "no file magic" );

        //printf("name '%s', size '%s'\n", r_fname, r_fsize );

        //printf("name '%s'\n", r_fname );

        int size = (int)atol(r_fsize);

        pack((unsigned char *)r_fname);
        //printf("name '%s'\n", r_fname );

        int isSlash = !strcmp( r_fname, "/" );
            char *arIndex = calloc( size+1, 1 );
            if( arIndex == 0 || size != rf( arIndex, size ) )
                die( &a, "can't load /");

            arIndex = loadall( &a, rf, size );
            //printf("/=\n'%.*s'\n", size, arIndex );
            parseIndex( &a, arIndex, size);

        int isSlashSlash = !strcmp( r_fname, "//" );

            nametab = calloc( size+1, 1 );
            if( nametab == 0 || size != rf( nametab, size ) )
                die( &a, "can't load //");

            nametab = loadall( &a, rf, size );

            //printf("//=\n%.*s\n", size, nametab );

        char *fname = r_fname;

        if( r_fname[0] == '/' && r_fname[1] )
            fname = getLongName( &a, nametab, (int) atol(r_fname+1) );

        if(!isSlashSlash && !isSlash)
            //rdata( rf, size, fname );
            void *d = loadall( &a, rf, size );
            process_f( fname, d, size );

        // align at 2 bytes
        if( size & 1 )
            rf( fhbuf, 1 );


    if(nametab) free(nametab);
    if(arIndex) free(arIndex);

    return 0;

    if(nametab) free(nametab);
    if(arIndex) free(arIndex);
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 const string Message::toString() const {
     return getLongName();
Ejemplo n.º 8
SyntaxTree::TreeNode::print(short depth, const std::string &search_string, bool &found)
  std::string doc;
  std::string long_name(getLongName());
  std::string name(_syntax_tree.isLongNames() ? long_name : _name);
  std::string out;

  if (depth < 0)
    for (const auto & c_it : _children)
      bool local_found = false;
      std::string local_out (c_it.second->print(depth+1, search_string, local_found));
      found |= local_found;  // Update the current frame's found variable
      if (local_found)
        out += local_out;
    return out;

  // GlobalParamsAction is special - we need to just always print it out
  // if (_name == "GlobalParamsAction")
  //   found = true;

  std::string indent((depth+1)*2, ' ');

  std::multimap<std::string, InputParameters *>::const_iterator it = _moose_object_params.begin();
    bool local_found = false;
    std::string local_out;

    // Compare the block name, if it's matched we are going to pass an empty search string
    // which means match ALL parameters
    std::string local_search_string;
    if (wildCardMatch(name, search_string))
      found = true;
      local_search_string = search_string;

    if (it != _moose_object_params.end())
      doc = it->second->getClassDescription();
      doc = "";

    local_out += _syntax_tree.printBlockOpen(name, depth, doc);

    for (const auto & a_it : _action_params)
      if (a_it.first != "EmptyAction")
        local_out += _syntax_tree.printParams(name, long_name, *(a_it.second), depth, local_search_string, local_found);
        found |= local_found;   // Update the current frame's found variable
        // Moose::out << "\n" << indent << "(" << ait->first << ")";

    if (it != _moose_object_params.end())
      local_out += _syntax_tree.printParams(name, long_name, *it->second, depth, local_search_string, local_found);
      found |= local_found;
      // Moose::out << "\n" << indent << "{" << it->first << "}";

    local_out += _syntax_tree.preTraverse(depth);

    for (const auto & c_it : _children)
      bool child_found = false;
      std::string child_out (c_it.second->print(depth+1, local_search_string, child_found));
      found |= child_found;   // Update the current frame's found variable

      if (child_found)
        local_out += child_out;

    local_out += _syntax_tree.printBlockClose(name, depth);

    if (found)
      out += local_out;

    // If there are no moose object params then we have to be careful about how we
    // increment the iterator.  We only want to increment if we aren't already
    // at the end.
  } while (it != _moose_object_params.end() && ++it != _moose_object_params.end());

  return out;
Ejemplo n.º 9
std::string Item::getDescription(const ItemType& it, const int32_t& lookDistance,
                                 const Item* item /*= NULL*/, int32_t subType /*= -1*/, bool addArticle /*= true*/)
	std::stringstream s;

	if (item)
		subType = item->getSubType();

	s << getLongName(it, lookDistance, item, subType, addArticle);

	if (it.isRune())
		s << " (\"" << it.runeSpellName << "\").";

		if (it.runeLevel > 0 || it.runeMagLevel > 0)
			s << std::endl << "It can only be used with";

			if (it.runeLevel > 0)
				s << " level " << it.runeLevel;

			if (it.runeMagLevel > 0)
				if (it.runeLevel > 0)
					s << " and";

				s << " magic level " << it.runeMagLevel;

			s << " or higher.";
	else if (it.weaponType != WEAPON_NONE)
		if (it.weaponType == WEAPON_DIST && it.amuType != AMMO_NONE)
			s << " (Range:" << it.shootRange;

			if (it.attack != 0)
				s << ", Atk" << std::showpos << it.attack << std::noshowpos;

			if (it.hitChance > 0) //excludes both cases it.hitchance 0 and -1
				s << ", Hit%" << std::showpos << it.hitChance << std::noshowpos;

			s << ")";
		else if (it.weaponType != WEAPON_AMMO && it.weaponType != WEAPON_WAND) // Arrows and Bolts doesn't show atk
			s << " (";

			if (it.attack != 0)
				s << "Atk:" << (int32_t)it.attack;

				if (it.abilities.elementDamage != 0)
					s << " " << "physical + ";

					switch (it.abilities.elementType)
							s << it.abilities.elementDamage << " Ice,";
							s << it.abilities.elementDamage << " Earth,";
							s << it.abilities.elementDamage << " Fire,";
							s << it.abilities.elementDamage << " Energy,";
							s << it.abilities.elementDamage << " Unknown,";

			if (it.defense != 0 || it.extraDef != 0)
				if (it.attack != 0)
					s << " ";

				s << "Def:" << (int32_t)it.defense;

				if (it.extraDef != 0)
					s << " " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.extraDef << std::noshowpos;

			if (it.abilities.stats[STAT_MAGICPOINTS] != 0)
				if (it.attack != 0 || it.defense != 0 || it.extraDef != 0)
					s << ", ";

				s << "magic level " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.abilities.stats[STAT_MAGICPOINTS] << std::noshowpos;

			s << ")";

		if (it.showCharges)
			if (subType > 1)
				s << " that has " << (int32_t)subType << " charges left";
				s << " that has 1 charge left";

		s << ".";
	else if (it.armor != 0 || it.abilities.skill.any() || it.abilities.absorb.any() || it.abilities.stats[STAT_MAGICPOINTS] != 0 || it.abilities.speed != 0 || it.defense != 0)
		if (it.showCharges)
			if (subType > 1)
				s << " that has " << (int32_t)subType << " charges left";
				s << " that has 1 charge left";
		else if (it.showDuration)
			if (item && item->hasAttribute(ATTR_ITEM_DURATION))
				int32_t duration = item->getDuration() / 1000;
				s << " that has energy for ";

				if (duration >= 120)
					s << duration / 60 << " minutes left.";
				else if (duration > 60)
					s << "1 minute left.";
					s << "less than a minute left.";
				s << " that is brand-new.";

		s << " (";
		bool prevDesc = false;

		if (it.armor != 0)
			// as it is the first desc it isn't
			// really necessary to add it here
			//	s << ", ";
			s << "Arm:" << it.armor;
			prevDesc = true;

		if (it.abilities.skill.any())
			if (prevDesc)
				s << ", ";

			prevDesc = true;

		if (it.abilities.absorb.any())
			if (prevDesc)
				s << ", ";

			s << "protection";
			prevDesc = true;

		if (it.abilities.stats[STAT_MAGICPOINTS] != 0)
			if (prevDesc)
				s << ", ";

			s << "magic level " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.abilities.stats[STAT_MAGICPOINTS] << std::noshowpos;
			prevDesc = true;

		if (it.defense != 0)
			if (prevDesc)
				s << ", ";

			s << "defense " << std::showpos << (int32_t)it.defense << std::noshowpos;
			prevDesc = true;

		if (it.abilities.speed != 0)
			if (prevDesc)
				s << ", ";

			s << "speed " << std::showpos << (int32_t)(it.abilities.speed / 2) << std::noshowpos;
			// last desc... same thing as the first
			//prevDesc = true;

		s << ").";
	else if (it.isFluidContainer())
		if (subType > 0)
			s << " of " << items[subType].name << ".";
			s << ". It is empty.";
	else if (it.isSplash())
		s << " of ";

		if (subType > 0)
			s << items[subType].name << ".";
			s << items[1].name << ".";
	else if (it.isContainer())
		s << " (Vol:" << (int32_t)it.maxItems << ").";
	else if (it.isKey())
		if (item)
			s << " (Key:" << (int32_t)item->getActionId() << ").";
			s << " (Key:0).";
	else if (it.allowDistRead)
		s << std::endl;

		if (item && item->getText() != "")
			if (lookDistance <= 4)
				if (item->getWriter().length())
					s << item->getWriter() << " wrote";
					time_t wDate = item->getWrittenDate();

					if (wDate > 0)
						char date[16];
						formatDateShort(wDate, date);
						s << " on " << date;

					s << ": ";
					s << "You read: ";

				s << item->getText();
				s << "You are too far away to read it.";
			s << "Nothing is written on it.";
	else if (it.isLevelDoor() && item && item->getActionId() >= 1000)
		s << " for level " << item->getActionId() - 1000;
	else if (it.showCharges)
		if (subType > 1)
			s << " that has " << (int32_t)subType << " charges left.";
			s << " that has 1 charge left.";
	else if (it.showDuration)
		if (item && item->hasAttribute(ATTR_ITEM_DURATION))
			int32_t duration = item->getDuration() / 1000;
			s << " that has energy for ";

			if (duration >= 120)
				s << duration / 60 << " minutes left.";
			else if (duration > 60)
				s << "1 minute left.";
				s << "less than a minute left.";
			s << " that is brand-new.";
		s << ".";

	if (it.wieldInfo != 0)
		s << std::endl << "It can only be wielded properly by ";

		if (it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_PREMIUM)
			s << "premium ";

		if (it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_VOCREQ)
			s << it.vocationString;
			s << "players";

		if (it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_LEVEL)
			s << " of level " << (int32_t)it.minReqLevel << " or higher";

		if (it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_MAGLV)
			if (it.wieldInfo & WIELDINFO_LEVEL)
				s << " and";
				s << " of";

			s << " magic level " << (int32_t)it.minReqMagicLevel << " or higher";

		s << ".";

	if (lookDistance <= 1)
		double weight = (!item ? it.weight : item->getWeight());

		if (weight > 0)
			s << std::endl << getWeightDescription(it, weight);

	if (item && item->getSpecialDescription() != "")
		s << std::endl << item->getSpecialDescription().c_str();
	else if (it.description.length() && lookDistance <= 1)
		s << std::endl << it.description;
	else if(it.isFluidContainer() && subType > 0 && items[subType].description.length() && lookDistance <= 1)
		s << std::endl << items[subType].description;

	return s.str();
Ejemplo n.º 10
std::string Item::getLongName() const
	const ItemType& it = items[id];
	return getLongName(it, 0, this);
Ejemplo n.º 11
ossimString ossimObject::getDescription()const
   return getLongName();