int main() { int Anz = 7; // int Ende = 1; char Menu[50] = "TerminVerwaltung V 0.2"; char *Menupunkte[] = {"Neuen Termin anlegen", "Termin bearbeiten", "Termin loeschen", "Termin suchen", "Termine sortieren", "Termine auflisten", "Programm beenden"}; //TDate Date; //TTime Time; //char Input[20]; do { clearScreen(); int Wahl = getMenu( Menu , Menupunkte , Anz); printf("ToDo:"); switch(Wahl) { case 1: createAppointment(); break; case 2: editAppointment(); break; case 3: deleteAppointment(); break; case 4: searchAppointment(); break; case 5: sortCalendar(); break; case 6: listCalendar(); break; // case 7: printf("Das Programm wird beendet"); // Ende = 0; break; default: printf("Falsche Wahl\n\n"); } } while (askAgain("Moechten Sie noch einmal (j//n) ? ")); return 0; }
void ListView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key()){ int key = e->key(); if (e->state() & ShiftButton) key |= SHIFT; if (e->state() & ControlButton) key |= CTRL; if (e->state() & AltButton) key |= ALT; QListViewItem *item = currentItem(); if (item){ ProcessMenuParam *mp = getMenu(item); if (mp){ mp->key = key; Event eMenu(EventProcessMenu, mp); if (eMenu.process()) return; } } } if (e->key() == Key_F10){ showPopup(currentItem(), QPoint()); return; } QListView::keyPressEvent(e); }
void MenuBar::activateMenuAtPosition(const glm::vec2 &position) { glm::vec2 itemPosition; int newItemIndex; auto item = getItemAtPosition(position, &newItemIndex, &itemPosition); if (!item) return; if (activated && activeItemIndex == newItemIndex) return; killAllPopUps(); activated = true; activeItemIndex = newItemIndex; auto &subMenu = item->getMenu(); if (subMenu) { subMenu->setPosition(getAbsolutePosition() + glm::vec2(itemPosition.x, getHeight())); subMenu->popUp(sharedFromThis()); } else { item->activated(); } }
Game::Game() { device = irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, {640,480}, 16, false, false, false, &event_receiver); assert(device); device->setWindowCaption(L"Eternal Sonata"); driver = device->getVideoDriver(); scene_manager = device->getSceneManager(); environment = device->getGUIEnvironment(); menu.setDevice(device); menu.setDevice(device); this->mapSelector = 0; this->game_set = false; character.setEventReceiver(&event_receiver); loadMeshes(); loadMap(); loadPlayer(); getMenu().showMainMenu(); getPlayer().debugCharacter(); }
int main() { int n; int choice; char sections[3][100] = {"Convert the decimal number into binary form", "Convert the decimal number into hexadecimal form", "Exit" }; stack_type *s; s = iniStack(s); do { choice = getMenu(sections, 3); switch (choice) { case 1: printf("Type in a decimal number n: "); scanf("%d", &n); detoBinary(n, s); break; case 2: printf("Type in a decimal number n: "); scanf("%d", &n); detoHex(n, s); break; case 3: break; default: printf("Invalid choice. It must be from 1 to %d\n", 3); break; } } while (choice != 3); return 0; }
void MenuButton::onButton() { if (_source) { auto menu = getMenu(); CC_SAFE_RETAIN(menu); if (auto cb = _source->getCallback()) { cb(this, _source); } if (auto nextMenu = _source->getNextMenu()) { auto scene = Scene::getRunningScene(); auto size = scene->getContentSize(); auto posLeft = convertToWorldSpace(cocos2d::Vec2(0, _contentSize.height)); auto posRight = convertToWorldSpace(cocos2d::Vec2(_contentSize.width, _contentSize.height)); float pointLeft = posLeft.x; float pointRight = size.width - posRight.x; if (pointRight >= pointLeft) { construct<FloatingMenu>(nextMenu, posRight, FloatingMenu::Binding::OriginRight, dynamic_cast<FloatingMenu *>(_menu)); } else { construct<FloatingMenu>(nextMenu, posLeft, FloatingMenu::Binding::OriginLeft, dynamic_cast<FloatingMenu *>(_menu)); } } if (menu) { menu->onMenuButtonPressed(this); menu->release(); } } }
void Menu::drawMenuHilite(int curMenu) { AgiMenu *m = getMenu(curMenu); debugC(6, kDebugLevelMenu, "[%s]", m->text); _vm->printText(m->text, 0, m->col, 0, 40, MENU_BG, MENU_FG); _vm->flushLines(0, 0); }
void Menu::drawMenuOptionHilite(int hMenu, int vMenu) { AgiMenu *m = getMenu(hMenu); AgiMenuOption *d = getMenuOption(hMenu, vMenu); // Disabled menu items are "greyed out" with a checkerboard effect, // rather than having a different color. -- dsymonds _vm->printText(d->text, 0, m->wincol + 1, vMenu + 2, m->width + 2, MENU_BG, MENU_FG, !d->enabled); }
bool System::handleMouseButton(EventArgs::MouseButtons btn, EventArgs::ButtonState state) { if(m_exclusiveInputWindow) return m_exclusiveInputWindow->onMouseButton(btn, state); m_activateTooltip = false; hideTooltip(m_containsMouse); if (!m_rootWindow) return false; WindowBase* target = m_captureWindow ? m_captureWindow : m_containsMouse; if(!target) target = m_rootWindow.get(); if(m_focusWindow != target) { auto focusWnd = target->isTabStop() ? target : NULL; queryInputFocus(focusWnd); } // Drag'n'Drop support if(btn == EventArgs::Left && !m_dragfired) { if(target != m_rootWindow.get() && target != m_captureWindow) { if(target->isDraggable() && state == EventArgs::Down) { m_dragfired = false; m_dragOffset = m_cursor.getPosition(); m_dragWindow = target; m_dragging = true; } } if(state == EventArgs::Up && m_dragging) { m_dragging = false; } } target->rise(); if(target != m_menuWindow.get()) getMenu()->reset(); while(target) { if(target->onMouseButton(btn, state)) return true; target = const_cast<WindowBase*>(target->getParent()); } return false; }
int main() { char choice; char name[80]; int number; int found; SymbolTable book; int i; /* initialize phone book */ book = createSymbolTable(&makePhoneBook, &comparePhone); do{ choice = getMenu(); switch(choice){ case '1': printf("Enter the name: "); scanf("%[^\n]", name); myfflush(); printf("Enter the number: "); scanf("%d", &number); myfflush(); addEntry(&number, &name, &book); printf("%d\n",; break; case '2': printf("Enter the number you want to find: "); scanf("%d", &number); myfflush(); found = getEntryValue(&number, &book); if(found == -1) printf("Not found\n"); else{ displayTitle(); displayEntry(book.entries[found]); } break; case '3': displayTitle(); for(i = 0; i < book.current; i++){ displayEntry(book.entries[i]); } break; case '4': dropSymbolTable(&book); break; default: printf("Invalid choice\n"); } }while(choice != EXIT); }
AgiMenuOption *Menu::getMenuOption(int i, int j) { AgiMenu *m = getMenu(i); MenuOptionList::iterator iter; for (iter = m->down.begin(); iter != m->down.end(); ++iter) { AgiMenuOption* d = *iter; if (d->index == j) return d; } return NULL; }
/***************************************************************** * 函数名称:execGame * 描述说明:运行连连看游戏 * 输入参数:p_gameUi:游戏体指针,blockNum:当前关数 * 输出参数:1:重新开始当前关2:返回3:闯关成功4:超时5:死局 *****************************************************************/ int execGame(gameUi_t *p_gameUi, int blockNum) { int ret = 0; struct LcdDot touchXY; gameExeFlag = 1; restTime = 75; noConnectTime = 0; initGame(p_gameUi, blockNum); showGame(p_gameUi); while(1){ while(GetTouch(&touchXY) == 0); if(restTime <= 0){ gameExeFlag = 0; return 4; } if(noConnectTime > 3){ if(haveConnect(&p_gameUi->m_mat) == 0){ gameExeFlag = 0; return 5; }else{ noConnectTime = 0; } } ret = doGame(&p_gameUi->m_gameMng, &p_gameUi->m_mat, &touchXY); if(ret != 0){//按在矩阵内 if(ret == 2){//点击第二次 if(seccess(&p_gameUi->m_gameMng)){ gameExeFlag = 0; return 3; }else{ //gameDelay(1000); //showGame(p_gameUi); } } }else{//按在矩阵外 //showGame(p_gameUi); ret = getMenu(&p_gameUi->m_ui, &touchXY); if(ret > 0){ gameExeFlag = 0; return ret; } } } return 0; }
void PopupMenu::addAction(QAction* action) { if(MusEGlobal::config.scrollableSubMenus) { return QMenu::addAction(action); } static_cast<QMenu*>(getMenu())->addAction(action); int w = _cur_menu->actionGeometry(action).width(); if(w > _cur_item_width) _cur_item_width = w; int c = _cur_menu->columnCount(); if(c > _cur_col_count) _cur_col_count = c; }
QAction* PopupMenu::addAction(const QIcon& icon, const QString& text) { if(MusEGlobal::config.scrollableSubMenus) { return QMenu::addAction(icon, text); } QAction* act = static_cast<QMenu*>(getMenu())->addAction(icon, text); int w = _cur_menu->actionGeometry(act).width(); if(w > _cur_item_width) _cur_item_width = w; int c = _cur_menu->columnCount(); if(c > _cur_col_count) _cur_col_count = c; return act; }
QAction* PopupMenu::addAction(const QIcon& icon, const QString& text, const QObject* receiver, const char* member, const QKeySequence& shortcut) { if(MusEGlobal::config.scrollableSubMenus) { return QMenu::addAction(icon, text, receiver, member, shortcut); } QAction* act = static_cast<QMenu*>(getMenu())->addAction(icon, text, receiver, member, shortcut); int w = _cur_menu->actionGeometry(act).width(); if(w > _cur_item_width) _cur_item_width = w; int c = _cur_menu->columnCount(); if(c > _cur_col_count) _cur_col_count = c; return act; }
void MenuBar::handleMouseButtonDown(MouseButtonEvent &event) { BaseType::handleMouseButtonDown(event); // Deactivate the menu if it was active if (activated) { killAllPopUps(); auto item = getItemAtPosition(event.getPosition(), nullptr, nullptr); if (item && !item->getMenu()) item->activated(); return; } activateMenuAtPosition(event.getPosition()); }
// draw box and pulldowns. void Menu::drawMenuOption(int hMenu) { // find which vertical menu it is AgiMenu *m = getMenu(hMenu); _gfx->drawBox(m->wincol * CHAR_COLS, 1 * CHAR_LINES, (m->wincol + m->width + 2) * CHAR_COLS, (1 + m->height + 2) * CHAR_LINES, MENU_BG, MENU_LINE, 0); MenuOptionList::iterator iter; for (iter = m->down.begin(); iter != m->down.end(); ++iter) { AgiMenuOption* d = *iter; _vm->printText(d->text, 0, m->wincol + 1, d->index + 2, m->width + 2, MENU_FG, MENU_BG, !d->enabled); } }
void ListView::showPopup(QListViewItem *item, QPoint p) { if (item == NULL) return; ProcessMenuParam *mp = getMenu(item); if (mp == NULL) return; if (p.isNull()){ QRect rc = itemRect(item); p = QPoint(rc.x() + rc.width() / 2, rc.y() + rc.height() / 2); p = viewport()->mapToGlobal(p); } mp->key = 0; Event eMenu(EventProcessMenu, mp); QPopupMenu *menu = (QPopupMenu*)eMenu.process(); if (menu) menu->popup(p); }
void SinglePopupEditor::testPopup() { if(m_pTestPopup) delete m_pTestPopup; m_pTestPopup = getMenu(); if(!m_pTestPopup) return; connect(m_pTestPopup, SIGNAL(testModeItemClicked(KviKvsPopupMenuItem *)), this, SLOT(testModeMenuItemClicked(KviKvsPopupMenuItem *))); QPoint pnt = m_pMenuButton->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, m_pMenuButton->height())); KviKvsVariantList * parms = new KviKvsVariantList(); parms->append(new KviKvsVariant(QString("test1"))); parms->append(new KviKvsVariant(QString("test2"))); parms->append(new KviKvsVariant(QString("test3"))); parms->append(new KviKvsVariant(QString("test4"))); m_pTestPopup->doPopup(pnt, g_pActiveWindow, parms, true); }
void Menu::addMenuItem(const MenuItemProperties& properties) { MenuWrapper* menuObj = getMenu(properties.menuName); if (menuObj) { QShortcut* shortcut = NULL; if (!properties.shortcutKeySequence.isEmpty()) { shortcut = new QShortcut(properties.shortcutKeySequence, this); shortcut->setContext(Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut); } // check for positioning requests int requestedPosition = properties.position; if (requestedPosition == UNSPECIFIED_POSITION && !properties.beforeItem.isEmpty()) { requestedPosition = findPositionOfMenuItem(menuObj, properties.beforeItem); // double check that the requested location wasn't a separator label requestedPosition = positionBeforeSeparatorIfNeeded(menuObj, requestedPosition); } if (requestedPosition == UNSPECIFIED_POSITION && !properties.afterItem.isEmpty()) { int afterPosition = findPositionOfMenuItem(menuObj, properties.afterItem); if (afterPosition != UNSPECIFIED_POSITION) { requestedPosition = afterPosition + 1; } } QAction* menuItemAction = NULL; if (properties.isSeparator) { addDisabledActionAndSeparator(menuObj, properties.menuItemName, requestedPosition, properties.grouping); } else if (properties.isCheckable) { menuItemAction = addCheckableActionToQMenuAndActionHash(menuObj, properties.menuItemName, properties.shortcutKeySequence, properties.isChecked, MenuScriptingInterface::getInstance(), SLOT(menuItemTriggered()), requestedPosition, properties.grouping); } else { menuItemAction = addActionToQMenuAndActionHash(menuObj, properties.menuItemName, properties.shortcutKeySequence, MenuScriptingInterface::getInstance(), SLOT(menuItemTriggered()), QAction::NoRole, requestedPosition, properties.grouping); } if (shortcut && menuItemAction) { connect(shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), menuItemAction, SLOT(trigger())); } QMenuBar::repaint(); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { char str[] = {0x1b, 0x5b, 0x48, 0x1b, 0x5b, 0x4a, '\0'}; printf("%s", str); int opt = 0; do{ opt = getMenu(); switch(opt){ case 1: iniciarJuego(); break; case 2: aboutMe(); break; } printf("Pulse una tecla para continuar\n"); getchar(); printf("%s", str); }while( opt != 3); return 0; }
bool MainMenuWindow::handleChooseModule(MenuItem* it, ContentModule* module) { MenuBase* modulesMenu = getMenu("MainMenu/Modules/Menu"); ItemEntry* itOld = NULL; for (size_t i=0; i<modulesMenu->getItemCount(); i++) { ItemEntry* curr = modulesMenu->getItemFromIndex(i); if (curr->getText().compare(mActiveModule->getName()+" *") == 0) { itOld = curr; break; } } itOld->setText(mActiveModule->getName()); mActiveModule = module; it->setText(module->getName()+" *"); return true; }
void MainWindow::setDockWidget(int id, QDockWidget* dock, QAF::DockWidgetPos pos/* = QAF::DWP_AUTO*/) { if (dock && !mDockWidgets.contains(id)) { //寻找具有相同挂载位置的dock dock->setProperty("dockPos", (int)pos); QDockWidget* lastDock = nullptr; foreach(QDockWidget* widget, mDockWidgets){ if (widget && widget->property("dockPos").toInt() == pos){ lastDock = widget; } } this->addDockWidget((Qt::DockWidgetArea)pos, dock); QAction* toggle = dock->toggleViewAction(); getMenu(QAF::MI_VIEW)->addAction(toggle); mDockWidgets.insert(id, dock); if (lastDock){ this->tabifyDockWidget(lastDock, dock); } }
int setMenu(int id) { int i=0; menu_un Menu_temp; int menu_start_addr=0; for(i=0;i<MENU_DATA_LENGTH;i++) {[i][i]; } menu_start_addr=MENU_DATA_START_ADDR+(id*MENU_DATA_LENGTH); for(i=0;i<MENU_DATA_LENGTH;i++) { i2c_eeprom_write_byte(menu_start_addr+i,[i]); delay(50); } getMenu(id); for(i=0;i<MENU_DATA_LENGTH;i++) { if([i]![i]) return 0; } return 1; }
QMenu *TikzCommandInserter::getMenu() { return getMenu(m_tikzSections); }
QMenu *TikzCommandInserter::getMenu(const TikzCommandList &commandList) { QMenu *menu = new QMenu(commandList.title, m_parentWidget); const int numOfCommands = commandList.commands.size(); QAction *action = new QAction("test", menu); int whichSection = 0; // get left margin of the menu (to be added to the minimum width of the menu) menu->addAction(action); QFont actionFont = action->font(); actionFont.setPointSize(actionFont.pointSize() - 1); QFontMetrics actionFontMetrics(actionFont); int menuLeftMargin = menu->width() - actionFontMetrics.boundingRect(action->text()).width(); menu->removeAction(action); int menuMinimumWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numOfCommands; ++i) { const QString name =; if (name.isEmpty()) // add separator or submenu { if ( == 0) { action = new QAction(menu); action->setSeparator(true); menu->addAction(action); } else // type == -1, so add submenu; this assumes that the i-th command with type == -1 corresponds with the i-th submenu (see getCommands()) { menu->addMenu(getMenu(; ++whichSection; } } else // add command { action = new QAction(name, menu); action->setData(; // link to the corresponding item in m_tikzCommandsList action->setStatusTip(; menuMinimumWidth = qMax(menuMinimumWidth, actionFontMetrics.boundingRect(; connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(insertTag())); connect(action, SIGNAL(hovered()), this, SLOT(updateDescriptionMenuItem())); menu->addAction(action); } } // if the menu does not only contain submenus, then we add a menu item // at the bottom of the menu which shows the description of the currently // highlighted menu item if (whichSection < menu->actions().size()) { action = new QAction(this); action->setSeparator(true); menu->addAction(action); action = new QAction(this); QFont actionFont = action->font(); actionFont.setPointSize(actionFont.pointSize() - 1); action->setFont(actionFont); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(insertTag())); menu->addAction(action); // make sure that the menu width does not change when the content // of the above menu item changes menu->setMinimumWidth(menuMinimumWidth + menuLeftMargin); } return menu; }
void *LiveJournalClient::processEvent(Event *e) { TCPClient::processEvent(e); if (e->type() == EventOpenMessage) { Message **msg = (Message**)(e->param()); if ((*msg)->type() != MessageUpdated) return NULL; if (dataName(&data.owner) != (*msg)->client()) return NULL; Event eDel(EventMessageDeleted, msg); eDel.process(); string url = "http://"; url += getServer(); if (getPort() != 80) { url += ":"; url += number(getPort()); } url += "/"; Event eGo(EventGoURL, (void*)url.c_str()); eGo.process(); if (getState() == Connected) m_timer->start(getInterval() * 60 * 1000, true); return e->param(); } if (e->type() == EventCommandExec) { CommandDef *cmd = (CommandDef*)(e->param()); if (cmd->id == CmdDeleteJournalMessage) { Message *msg = (Message*)(cmd->param); Contact *contact = getContacts()->contact(msg->contact()); if (contact == NULL) return NULL; LiveJournalUserData *data; ClientDataIterator it(contact->clientData, this); while ((data = (LiveJournalUserData*)(++it)) != NULL) { if (dataName(data) == msg->client()) { Buffer cfg; cfg << "[Title]\n" << msg->save().c_str(); cfg.setWritePos(0); cfg.getSection(); JournalMessage *m = new JournalMessage(&cfg); m->setContact(msg->contact()); m->setOldID(msg->id()); m->setText(""); if (!send(m, data)) delete m; return e->param(); } } return NULL; } unsigned menu_id = cmd->menu_id - MenuWeb; if (menu_id > LiveJournalPlugin::MenuCount) return NULL; unsigned item_id = cmd->id - CmdMenuWeb; if ((item_id == 0) || (item_id >= 0x100)) return NULL; const char *url = getMenuUrl(menu_id * 0x100 + item_id); if ((url == NULL) || (*url == 0)) return NULL; Event eUrl(EventGoURL, (void*)url); eUrl.process(); return e->param(); } if (e->type() == EventCheckState) { CommandDef *cmd = (CommandDef*)(e->param()); if (cmd->id == CmdMenuWeb) { unsigned menu_id = cmd->menu_id - MenuWeb; if (menu_id > LiveJournalPlugin::MenuCount) return NULL; unsigned nItems = 0; unsigned list_id = menu_id * 0x100 + 1; for (;;) { const char *text = getMenu(list_id); if ((text == NULL) || (*text == 0)) break; nItems++; list_id++; } if (nItems == 0) return NULL; CommandDef *cmds = new CommandDef[nItems + 1]; memset(cmds, 0, sizeof(CommandDef) * (nItems + 1)); list_id = menu_id * 0x100 + 1; for (unsigned i = 0;; i++) { const char *text = getMenu(list_id); if ((text == NULL) || (*text == 0)) break; cmds[i].text = "_"; if (strcmp(text, "-")) { cmds[i].id = CmdMenuWeb + i + 1; cmds[i].text = "_"; QString s = i18n(text); cmds[i].text_wrk = strdup(s.utf8()); const char *url = getMenuUrl(list_id); if (url && (*url == '@')) { unsigned nSub = atol(url + 1); while (nSub > LiveJournalPlugin::MenuCount) { unsigned long menu_id = MenuWeb + (++LiveJournalPlugin::MenuCount); Event eMenu(EventMenuCreate, (void*)menu_id); eMenu.process(); Command cmd; cmd->id = CmdMenuWeb; cmd->text = "_"; cmd->menu_id = menu_id; cmd->menu_grp = 0x1000; cmd->flags = COMMAND_CHECK_STATE; Event e(EventCommandCreate, cmd); e.process(); } cmds[i].popup_id = MenuWeb + nSub; } } else { cmds[i].id = 0; } list_id++; } cmd->param = cmds; cmd->flags |= COMMAND_RECURSIVE; return e->param(); } } return NULL; }
int main() { sdcard_Init(); initVGA(); initAnonProfile(); brickmap = malloc(sizeof(BrickMap)); currentLevel->paddle = malloc(sizeof(Paddle)); currentLevel->buff=malloc(sizeof(Buff)); int i,j; for(i=0;i<maxBalls;i++) currentLevel->ball[i] = malloc(sizeof(Ball)); for(i=0;i<maxRows;i++) for(j=0;j<bricksPerRow;j++) currentLevel->bricks[i][j]=malloc(sizeof(Brick)); level=1; //pre load the root menu getMenu(¤tMenu,rootMenu, 1); //allocate memory for level farm //set the game to playing prevState=currentState=Playing; //look up the level from level farm and load it into currentLevel levelLookUp(brickmap,level); initLevel(*brickmap); drawStart(currentLevel); //this is optional here swapBuffers(); drawStart(currentLevel); runCountDown(); //count down from three initInterrupt(); //start the game (we dont need to right off the bat (probably shouldnt) int counter=0; //so were not doing direct IO reads on EVERY iteration (we could timer this buttttt no) while(1) { //input to state machine counter++; if(counter>22000) { counter=0; if(getMenuPB()) { while(getMenuPB() != 0); if(currentState == Playing) changeState(MenuShow); } } //flicker changes if(prevState != currentState) { if(currentState == Playing) { clearScreen(); drawStart(currentLevel); //this is optional here swapBuffers(); drawStart(currentLevel); runCountDown(); initInterrupt(); }else { stopInterrupt(); getMenu(¤tMenu,rootMenu, 1); clearScreen(); drawStart(currentLevel); //this is optional here swapBuffers(); drawStart(currentLevel); drawMenu(currentMenu); } prevState = currentState; } //state machine if(currentState == MenuShow) { menuLoop(); }else //while were playing we will have to check for other things (all balls gone etc.) { if(currentLevel->brickCount<=0) { printf("starting new level \n"); stopInterrupt(); level++; levelLookUp(brickmap,level); initLevel(*brickmap); prevState= currentState - 1; currentState = Playing; printf("finished starting new level \n"); } } } return 0; }
void CALLBACK dispatchEvents(SIMCONNECT_RECV* pData, DWORD cbData, void * pContext) { HRESULT hr; switch (pData->dwID) { case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_EVENT: { SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT *evt = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT*)pData; switch (evt->uEventID) { case STARTUP: stats.lastDeleted = 0; stats.nrOfDeletions = 0; stats.nrOfRequests = 0; // Now the sim is running, request information on the user aircraft hr = SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType(hSimConnect, R1, AIPARKDATA, conf.radius, SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE_AIRCRAFT); ++stats.nrOfRequests; break; case R2: fsecCnt++; if (fsecCnt >= (conf.requestEveryXSec/4)) { fsecCnt = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType(hSimConnect, R1, AIPARKDATA, conf.radius, SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE_AIRCRAFT))) { ++stats.nrOfRequests; } } break; case MENU: getMenu(menu, sizeof(menu)); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(menu), (void*)menu); break; case SELECTION: res = (SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT)(evt->dwData); switch (res) { case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_1: if (conf.requestEveryXSec < 3600) { conf.requestEveryXSec += 30; } getMenu(menu, sizeof(menu)); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(menu), (void*)menu); break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_2: if (conf.requestEveryXSec > 45) { conf.requestEveryXSec -= 30; } getMenu(menu, sizeof(menu)); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(menu), (void*)menu); break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_3: if (conf.radius < 190000) { conf.radius += 5000; } getMenu(menu, sizeof(menu)); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(menu), (void*)menu); break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_4: if (conf.radius > 5000) { conf.radius -= 5000; } getMenu(menu, sizeof(menu)); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(menu), (void*)menu); break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_5: if (conf.maxetd > 5400) { conf.maxetd -= 3600; } getMenu(menu, sizeof(menu)); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(menu), (void*)menu); break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_6: if (conf.maxetd < 7*86400) // must be smaller than a week { conf.maxetd += 3600; } getMenu(menu, sizeof(menu)); SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(menu), (void*)menu); break; case SIMCONNECT_TEXT_RESULT_MENU_SELECT_8: SimConnect_Text(hSimConnect, SIMCONNECT_TEXT_TYPE_MENU, 0, SELECTION, sizeof(empty), (void*)empty); break; default: //default cannot be close as displayed is also an event break; } saveConfig(conf); break; default: break; } break; } case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_SIMOBJECT_DATA_BYTYPE: { SIMCONNECT_RECV_SIMOBJECT_DATA_BYTYPE *pObjData = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_SIMOBJECT_DATA_BYTYPE*)pData; switch (pObjData->dwRequestID) { case R1: { DWORD ObjectID = pObjData->dwObjectID; DWORD entry = pObjData->dwentrynumber; DWORD outof = pObjData->dwoutof; DWORD length = pObjData->dwDefineCount; AIData *pS = (AIData*)&pObjData->dwData; if (ObjectID != SIMCONNECT_OBJECT_ID_USER) { if (strcmp(pS->state, "sleep") == 0 && pS->ETD > conf.maxetd) { if (FS10DeleteAIAircraft != NULL) { FS10DeleteAIAircraft(ObjectID, 1); ++stats.nrOfDeletions; deletedSome = true; } } } if (entry == outof) { if (deletedSome) { stats.lastDeleted = GetTickCount64(); } deletedSome = false; } } default: break; } break; } case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_EXCEPTION: { SIMCONNECT_RECV_EXCEPTION *except = (SIMCONNECT_RECV_EXCEPTION*)pData; printf("\n\n***** EXCEPTION=%d SendID=%d Index=%d cbData=%d\n", except->dwException, except->dwSendID, except->dwIndex, cbData); break; } case SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_QUIT: { quit = 1; break; } default: printf("\nReceived:%d", pData->dwID); break; } }
void MenuButton::layoutSubviews() { auto height = 48.0f; auto menu = getMenu(); if (!menu) { return; } auto menuMetrics = menu->getMetrics(); auto font = (menuMetrics == MenuMetrics::Navigation)?FontType::Body_1:FontType::Subhead; _menuNameLabel->setFont(font); _menuValueLabel->setFont(font); _menuNameLabel->setVisible(false); _menuValueLabel->setVisible(false); _menuNameIcon->setVisible(false); _menuValueIcon->setVisible(false); if (_source) { bool enabled = (_source->getCallback() != nullptr || _source->getNextMenu() != nullptr); float namePos = metrics::menuFirstLeftKeyline(menuMetrics); auto nameIcon = _source->getNameIcon(); if (nameIcon != IconName::None) { _menuNameIcon->setIconName(nameIcon); _menuNameIcon->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(namePos, height / 2)); _menuNameIcon->setVisible(true); _menuNameIcon->setOpacity((enabled) ? 222 : 138); namePos = metrics::menuSecondLeftKeyline(menuMetrics); } else { _menuNameIcon->setVisible(false); } auto name = _source->getName(); if (!name.empty()) { _menuNameLabel->setString(name); _menuNameLabel->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(namePos, height / 2)); _menuNameLabel->setVisible(true); _menuNameLabel->setOpacity((enabled) ? 222 : 138); } else { _menuNameLabel->setVisible(false); } if (_source->getNextMenu()) { _menuValueIcon->setIconName(IconName::Navigation_arrow_drop_down); _menuValueIcon->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(_contentSize.width - 8, height / 2)); _menuValueIcon->setVisible(true); _menuValueIcon->setRotated(true); } else { _menuValueIcon->setVisible(false); _menuValueIcon->setRotated(false); } if (!_source->getValue().empty() && !_menuValueIcon->isVisible()) { _menuValueLabel->setVisible(true); _menuValueLabel->setString(_source->getValue()); _menuValueLabel->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(_contentSize.width - 16, height / 2)); _menuValueLabel->setOpacity((enabled) ? 222 : 138); } else { _menuValueLabel->setVisible(false); } if (_source->getValueIcon() != IconName::Empty && _source->getValueIcon() != IconName::None && !_menuValueLabel->isVisible() && !_menuValueIcon->isVisible()) { _menuValueIcon->setIconName(_source->getValueIcon()); _menuValueIcon->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(_contentSize.width - 16, height / 2)); _menuValueIcon->setVisible(true); _menuValueIcon->setOpacity((enabled) ? 222 : 138); } if (_source->isSelected()) { setSelected(true, true); } else { setSelected(false); } setEnabled(enabled && _menu->isEnabled()); } }