Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOL ObliviouslySend(CBitVector& X1, CBitVector& X2, int numOTs, int bitlength,
		snd_ot_flavor stype, rec_ot_flavor rtype, crypto* crypt)
	bool success = FALSE;

	int nSndVals = 2; //Perform 1-out-of-2 OT
	timeval ot_begin, ot_end;

	gettimeofday(&ot_begin, NULL);
	// Execute OT sender routine 	
	success = sender->send((uint32_t) numOTs, (uint32_t) bitlength, X1, X2, stype, rtype, m_nNumOTThreads, m_fMaskFct);
	gettimeofday(&ot_end, NULL);

#ifndef BATCH
	printf("Time spent:\t%f\n", getMillies(ot_begin, ot_end) + rndgentime);
	cout << "Sent:\t\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_sent() << " bytes" << endl;
	cout << "Received:\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_received() <<" bytes" << endl;
	cout << getMillies(ot_begin, ot_end) + rndgentime << "\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_sent() << "\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_received() << endl;

	return success;
Ejemplo n.º 2
BOOL ObliviouslyReceive(CBitVector& choices, CBitVector& ret, int numOTs, int bitlength,
		snd_ot_flavor stype, rec_ot_flavor rtype, crypto* crypt)
	bool success = FALSE;


	timeval ot_begin, ot_end;
	gettimeofday(&ot_begin, NULL);
	// Execute OT receiver routine 	
	success = receiver->receive(numOTs, bitlength, choices, ret, stype, rtype, m_nNumOTThreads, m_fMaskFct);
	gettimeofday(&ot_end, NULL);

#ifndef BATCH
	printf("Time spent:\t%f\n", getMillies(ot_begin, ot_end) + rndgentime);

	cout << "Sent:\t\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_sent() << " bytes" << endl;
	cout << "Received:\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_received() <<" bytes" << endl;
	cout << getMillies(ot_begin, ot_end) + rndgentime << "\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_sent() << "\t" << m_vSocket->get_bytes_received() << endl;

	return success;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void OTExtSnd::ComputePKBaseOTs() {
	channel* chan = new channel(0, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	uint8_t* pBuf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_cCrypt->get_hash_bytes() * m_nBaseOTs);
	uint8_t* keyBuf = (uint8_t*) malloc(m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * m_nBaseOTs);

	timeval np_begin, np_end;
	gettimeofday(&np_begin, NULL);
	m_cBaseOT->Receiver(m_nSndVals, m_nBaseOTs, m_vU, chan, pBuf);
	gettimeofday(&np_end, NULL);

#ifndef BATCH
	printf("Time for performing the base-OTs: %f seconds\n", getMillies(np_begin, np_end));
	cout << getMillies(np_begin, np_end) << "\t";

	//Key expansion
	uint8_t* pBufIdx = pBuf;
	for(int i=0; i<m_nBaseOTs; i++ )
		memcpy(keyBuf + i * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes(), pBufIdx, m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes());


 	InitPRFKeys(keyBuf, m_nBaseOTs);


 	delete chan;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void BaseMPSIParty::runAndLog() {
    BaseMPSIResult result;
    timeval t_start, t_end;

    gettimeofday(&t_start, NULL);
    std::string iface = "eth0";
    if (m_isLocalHost) {
        iface = "lo";

    uint32_t txBefore = getBytes("tx",iface.c_str());

    result.intersectionSize = run();
    gettimeofday(&t_end, NULL);
    result.finalTime = getMillies(t_start,t_end);
    result.txFinal = getBytes("tx",iface.c_str())-txBefore;

    PRINT_PARTY(m_partyId) << "Send the following values: " << result.finalTime << ", " << result.txFinal << ", " << result.intersectionSize << std::endl;
    m_serverSocket.Send(reinterpret_cast<byte *>(&result), sizeof(BaseMPSIResult));

    m_serverSocket.Send(reinterpret_cast<byte *>(&sInfo), sizeof(SendingInfo));

Ejemplo n.º 5
int32_t psi_demonstrator(int32_t argc, char** argv) {
	double epsilon=1.2;
	uint64_t bytes_sent=0, bytes_received=0, mbfac;
	uint32_t nelements=0, elebytelen=16, symsecbits=128, intersect_size = 0, i, j, ntasks=1,
			pnelements, *elebytelens, *res_bytelens, nclients = 2;
	uint16_t port=7766;
	uint8_t **elements, **intersection;
	bool detailed_timings=false;
	string address="";
	timeval t_start, t_end;
	vector<CSocket> sockfd(ntasks);
	string filename;
	role_type role = (role_type) 0;
	psi_prot protocol;


	read_psi_demo_options(&argc, &argv, &role, &protocol, &filename, &address, &nelements, &detailed_timings);

	if(role == FOLLOWER) {
		if(protocol == TTP) {
			listen(address.c_str(), port, sockfd.data(), nclients);
			listen(address.c_str(), port, sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	} else {
		for(i = 0; i < ntasks; i++)
			connect(address.c_str(), port, sockfd[i]);

	gettimeofday(&t_start, NULL);

	//read in files and get elements and byte-length from there
	read_elements(&elements, &elebytelens, &nelements, filename);
	if(detailed_timings) {
		gettimeofday(&t_end, NULL);

	if(protocol != TTP)
		pnelements = exchange_information(nelements, elebytelen, symsecbits, ntasks, protocol, sockfd[0]);
	//cout << "Performing private set-intersection between " << nelements << " and " << pnelements << " element sets" << endl;

	if(detailed_timings) {
		cout << "Time for reading elements:\t" << fixed << std::setprecision(2) << getMillies(t_start, t_end)/1000 << " s" << endl;

	crypto crypto(symsecbits);//, (uint8_t*) const_seed);

	switch(protocol) {
	case NAIVE:
		intersect_size = naivepsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	case TTP:
		intersect_size = ttppsi(role, nelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	case DH_ECC:
		intersect_size = dhpsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens, &crypto,
				sockfd.data(), ntasks);
	case OT_PSI:
		intersect_size = otpsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks, epsilon, detailed_timings);
		intersect_size = otpsi(role, nelements, pnelements, elebytelens, elements, &intersection, &res_bytelens,
				&crypto, sockfd.data(), ntasks, epsilon, detailed_timings);

	gettimeofday(&t_end, NULL);

	if(role == LEADER) {
		cout << "Computation finished. Found " << intersect_size << " intersecting elements:" << endl;
		if(!detailed_timings) {
			for(i = 0; i < intersect_size; i++) {
				//cout << i << ": \t";
				for(j = 0; j < res_bytelens[i]; j++) {
					cout << intersection[i][j];
				cout << endl;

		for(i = 0; i < intersect_size; i++) {
		if(intersect_size > 0)

	for(i = 0; i < sockfd.size(); i++) {
		bytes_sent += sockfd[i].get_bytes_sent();
		bytes_received += sockfd[i].get_bytes_received();

	if(detailed_timings) {
		cout << "Required time:\t" << fixed << std::setprecision(1) << getMillies(t_start, t_end)/1000 << " s" << endl;
		cout << "Data sent:\t" <<	((double)bytes_sent)/mbfac << " MB" << endl;
		cout << "Data received:\t" << ((double)bytes_received)/mbfac << " MB" << endl;

	for(i = 0; i < nelements; i++)
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
BOOL ALSZOTExtRec::receiver_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
	uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
	uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;

	uint64_t internal_numOTs = std::min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
	uint64_t lim = myStartPos + internal_numOTs;

	uint64_t processedOTBlocks = std::min(num_ot_blocks, ceil_divide(internal_numOTs, wd_size_bits));
	uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t OTwindow = num_ot_blocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t** rndmat;
	bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob);
	uint32_t nchans = 2;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		nchans = 3;

	channel* ot_chan = new channel(OT_BASE_CHANNEL+nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* check_chan = new channel(OT_BASE_CHANNEL+nchans*id+1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* mat_chan;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);

	// A temporary part of the T matrix
	CBitVector T(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

	// The send buffer
	CBitVector vSnd(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

	// A temporary buffer that stores the resulting seeds from the hash buffer
	//TODO: Check for some maximum size
	CBitVector seedbuf(OTwindow * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);

	uint64_t otid = myStartPos;
	std::queue<alsz_rcv_check_t> check_buf;

	std::queue<mask_block*> mask_queue;
	CBitVector maskbuf;
	maskbuf.Create(m_nBitLength * OTwindow);

	//these two values are only required for the min entropy correlation robustness assumption
	alsz_rcv_check_t check_tmp;
	CBitVector Ttmp(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

	OT_AES_KEY_CTX* tmp_base_keys;

	uint64_t base_ot_block_ctr = otid / (myNumOTs);

	//TODO only do when successfull checks
	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0,
			totalChkTime = 0, totalMaskTime = 0, totalEnqueueTime = 0, totalOutputSetTime = 0;
	timespec tempStart, tempEnd;

	while (otid < lim) {
		processedOTBlocks = std::min(num_ot_blocks, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits));
		OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
		//nSize = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

		tmp_base_keys = m_tBaseOTKeys[base_ot_block_ctr];

#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		BuildMatrices(&T, &vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks, tmp_base_keys);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		check_buf.push(EnqueueSeed(T.GetArr(), vSnd.GetArr(), otid, processedOTBlocks));
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalEnqueueTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		MaskBaseOTs(&T, &vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		SendMasks(&vSnd, ot_chan, otid, OTsPerIteration);
		//ot_chan->send_id_len(vSnd.GetArr(), nSize, otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);

		ReceiveAndFillMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan);
		if(!m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
			T.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
			HashValues(&T, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, otid, std::min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				check_tmp = check_buf.front();
				Ttmp.Copy(check_tmp.T0, 0, check_tmp.numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes);
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(&Ttmp, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits, mat_chan);
				Ttmp.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
				HashValues(&Ttmp, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, check_tmp.otid, std::min(lim - check_tmp.otid, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
			totalChkTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);

		SetOutput(&maskbuf, otid, OTsPerIteration, &mask_queue, ot_chan);

		otid += std::min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalOutputSetTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);



	while(!check_buf.empty()) {
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				check_tmp = check_buf.front();
				Ttmp.Copy(check_tmp.T0, 0, check_tmp.numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes);
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
			totalChkTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
			if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) {
				ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(&Ttmp, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits, mat_chan);
				Ttmp.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
				HashValues(&Ttmp, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, check_tmp.otid, std::min(lim - check_tmp.otid, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits), rndmat);

	if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_R_OT) {
#ifdef ABY_OT
		while(!(mask_queue.empty())) {
		while(ot_chan->is_alive() && !(mask_queue.empty())) {
#ifdef OTTiming
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart);
			ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan, &mask_queue);
#ifdef OTTiming
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd);
		totalOutputSetTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);

	delete ot_chan;
	delete check_chan;


	if(use_mat_chan) {
		delete mat_chan;

	if(m_eSndOTFlav==Snd_GC_OT) {
		freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	std::cout << "Receiver time benchmark for performing " << internal_numOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Time needed for: " << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Enqueuing Seeds:\t" << totalEnqueueTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Base OT Masking:\t" << totalMaskTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Checking OWF:  \t" << totalChkTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\t Setting Output:\t" << totalOutputSetTime << " ms" << std::endl;

	return TRUE;

void ALSZOTExtRec::ReceiveAndFillMatrix(uint64_t** rndmat, channel* mat_chan) {
	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		uint8_t* rnd_seed = mat_chan->blocking_receive();
		//initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);
		fillRndMatrix(rnd_seed, rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs, m_cCrypt);

alsz_rcv_check_t ALSZOTExtRec::EnqueueSeed(uint8_t* T0, uint8_t* T1, uint64_t otid, uint64_t numblocks) {
	uint64_t expseedbytelen = m_nBaseOTs * numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes;
	alsz_rcv_check_t seedstr;

	seedstr.otid = otid;
	seedstr.numblocks = numblocks;
	seedstr.T0 = (uint8_t*) malloc(expseedbytelen);
	seedstr.T1 = (uint8_t*) malloc(expseedbytelen);

	memcpy(seedstr.T0, T0, expseedbytelen);
	memcpy(seedstr.T1, T1, expseedbytelen);

	return seedstr;
Ejemplo n.º 7
BOOL NNOBOTExtSnd::sender_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
	uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
	uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;
	uint64_t processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(myNumOTs, wd_size_bits));
	uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t tmpctr, tmpotlen;
	uint32_t nchans = 2;
	bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob);
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		nchans = 3;

	channel* ot_chan = new channel(nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* check_chan = new channel(nchans*id + 1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* mat_chan;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);

	myNumOTs = min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
	uint64_t lim = myStartPos + myNumOTs;
	uint64_t** rndmat;

	// The vector with the received bits
	CBitVector vRcv(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

	// Holds the reply that is sent back to the receiver
	uint32_t numsndvals = 2;
	CBitVector* vSnd;

	CBitVector* seedbuf = new CBitVector[m_nSndVals];
	for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++)
		seedbuf[u].Create(OTsPerIteration * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);
#ifdef ZDEBUG
	cout << "seedbuf size = " <<OTsPerIteration * AES_KEY_BITS << endl;
	vSnd = new CBitVector[numsndvals];
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numsndvals; i++) {
		vSnd[i].Create(OTsPerIteration * m_nBitLength);

	// Contains the parts of the V matrix
	CBitVector Q(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);
	mask_buf_t tmpmaskbuf;

	uint64_t OT_ptr = myStartPos;

	uint8_t *rcvbuftmpptr, *rcvbufptr;

	queue<nnob_snd_check_t> check_queue;
	queue<mask_buf_t> mask_queue;

	uint32_t startpos = 0;
	if(m_eRecOTFlav==Rec_R_OT) {
		startpos = 1;

	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0, totalUnMaskTime = 0,
			totalHashCheckTime = 0;
	timeval tempStart, tempEnd;

	while (OT_ptr < lim) //do while there are still transfers missing
		processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(lim - OT_ptr, wd_size_bits));
		OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;

#ifdef ZDEBUG
		cout << "Processing block " << nProgress << " with length: " << OTsPerIteration << ", and limit: " << lim << endl;

#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		rcvbufptr = ot_chan->blocking_receive_id_len(&rcvbuftmpptr, &tmpctr, &tmpotlen);
		//vRcv.AttachBuf(rcvbuftmpptr, bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration));
		vRcv.SetBytes(rcvbuftmpptr, bits_in_bytes(OTsPerIteration*startpos), bits_in_bytes((m_nBaseOTs-startpos)*OTsPerIteration));
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalRcvTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		BuildQMatrix(Q, OT_ptr, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		check_queue.push(UpdateCheckBuf(Q.GetArr(), vRcv.GetArr(), OT_ptr, processedOTBlocks, check_chan));
		FillAndSendRandomMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalHashCheckTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		UnMaskBaseOTs(Q, vRcv, processedOTBlocks);

		GenerateSendAndXORCorRobVector(Q, OTsPerIteration, mat_chan);

#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalUnMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		Q.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		HashValues(Q, seedbuf, vSnd, OT_ptr, min(lim - OT_ptr, OTsPerIteration), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);

		//TODO: outsource into method
		tmpmaskbuf.otid = OT_ptr;
		tmpmaskbuf.otlen = min(lim - OT_ptr, OTsPerIteration);
		tmpmaskbuf.maskbuf = new CBitVector[numsndvals];
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numsndvals; i++)

		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			assert(CheckConsistency(&check_queue, check_chan));//TODO assert
			tmpmaskbuf = mask_queue.front();
			MaskAndSend(tmpmaskbuf.maskbuf, tmpmaskbuf.otid, tmpmaskbuf.otlen, ot_chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		OT_ptr += min(lim - OT_ptr, OTsPerIteration);


	while(!check_queue.empty()) {
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			assert(CheckConsistency(&check_queue, check_chan));//TODO assert
			tmpmaskbuf = mask_queue.front();
			MaskAndSend(tmpmaskbuf.maskbuf, tmpmaskbuf.otid, tmpmaskbuf.otlen, ot_chan);


	for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++)

	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numsndvals; i++)
	if (numsndvals > 0)

	if(use_mat_chan) {

	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);
#ifdef OTTiming
	cout << "Sender time benchmark for performing " << myNumOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << endl;
	cout << "Time needed for: " << endl;
	cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t BaseOT Unmasking:\t" << totalUnMaskTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Check Hashing:\t" << totalHashCheckTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << endl;

	delete ot_chan;
	delete check_chan;
	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 8
BOOL KKOTExtSnd::sender_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
    uint32_t choicecodebitlen = ceil_log2(m_nSndVals);
    uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
    uint64_t myStartPos1ooN = ceil_divide(myStartPos, choicecodebitlen);

    uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;
    uint64_t processedOTBlocks =
        min((uint64_t)NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(myNumOTs, wd_size_bits));
    uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
    channel *chan = new channel(id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
    uint64_t tmpctr, tmpotlen;
    uint64_t **rndmat;
    uint64_t processedOTs;

    myNumOTs = min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
    // TODO some re-formating of myNumOTs due to 1ooN OT
    uint64_t lim = myStartPos1ooN + ceil_divide(myNumOTs, choicecodebitlen);

    if (myStartPos1ooN * choicecodebitlen > m_nOTs) {
        cerr << "Thread " << id
             << " not doing any work to align to window size " << endl;
        return true;

// The vector with the received bits
    CBitVector vRcv(2 * m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);
    CBitVector vRcv(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

    // Holds the reply that is sent back to the receiver
    CBitVector *vSnd;

    CBitVector *seedbuf = new CBitVector[m_nSndVals];
    for (uint32_t u = 0; u < m_nSndVals; u++) {
        seedbuf[u].Create(OTsPerIteration * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);
#ifdef ZDEBUG
    cout << "seedbuf size = " << OTsPerIteration *AES_KEY_BITS << endl;
    vSnd = new CBitVector[m_nSndVals];
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nSndVals; i++) {
        vSnd[i].Create(OTsPerIteration * choicecodebitlen * m_nBitLength);

    // Contains the parts of the V matrix
    CBitVector Q(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

    uint64_t otid = myStartPos1ooN;

    uint8_t *rcvbuftmpptr, *rcvbufptr;

#ifdef OTTiming
    double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0,
           totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0, totalUnMaskTime = 0;
    timeval tempStart, tempEnd;

    if (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
        uint8_t *rnd_seed = (uint8_t *)malloc(m_nSymSecParam);
        m_cCrypt->gen_rnd(rnd_seed, m_nSymSecParam);
        chan->send(rnd_seed, m_nSymSecParam);
        initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);
        fillRndMatrix(rnd_seed, rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs, m_cCrypt);

    while (otid < lim) // do while there are still transfers missing
        processedOTBlocks =
            min((uint64_t)NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits));
        OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
        processedOTs = min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration);

#ifdef ZDEBUG
        cout << "Processing block " << nProgress
             << " with length: " << OTsPerIteration << ", and limit: " << lim
             << endl;

#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        ReceiveMasks(vRcv, chan, OTsPerIteration);

#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalRcvTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        BuildQMatrix(Q, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        UnMaskBaseOTs(Q, vRcv, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalUnMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        Q.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        KKHashValues(Q, seedbuf, vSnd, otid, processedOTs, rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
        KKMaskAndSend(vSnd, otid, processedOTs, chan);
#ifdef OTTiming
        gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
        totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
        otid += processedOTs;



    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_nSndVals; i++) {
    delete vSnd;

    if (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
        freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
    cout << "Sender time benchmark for performing " << myNumOTs << " OTs ("
         << lim - myStartPos1ooN << " 1ooN) on " << m_nBitLength
         << " bit strings" << endl;
    cout << "Time needed for: " << endl;
    cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Unmasking values:\t" << totalUnMaskTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << endl;
    cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << endl;

    delete chan;

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
BOOL NNOBOTExtRec::receiver_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) {
	uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs;
	uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits;

	myNumOTs = min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos;
	uint64_t lim = myStartPos + myNumOTs;

	uint64_t processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(myNumOTs, wd_size_bits));
	uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t OTwindow = NUMOTBLOCKS * wd_size_bits;
	uint64_t** rndmat;
	bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob);
	uint32_t nchans = 2;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		nchans = 3;

	channel* ot_chan = new channel(nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* check_chan = new channel(nchans*id+1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);
	channel* mat_chan;
	if(use_mat_chan) {
		mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread);

	//counter variables
	uint64_t numblocks = ceil_divide(myNumOTs, OTsPerIteration);

	// A temporary part of the T matrix
	CBitVector T(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration);

	// The send buffer
	CBitVector vSnd(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

	// A temporary buffer that stores the resulting seeds from the hash buffer
	//TODO: Check for some maximum size
	CBitVector seedbuf(OTwindow * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8);

	uint64_t otid = myStartPos;
	queue<nnob_rcv_check_t> check_buf;

	queue<mask_block*> mask_queue;
	CBitVector maskbuf;
	maskbuf.Create(m_nBitLength * OTwindow);

	//TODO only do when successfull checks
	if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) {
		initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0,
			totalChkTime = 0, totalMaskTime = 0, totalEnqueueTime = 0;
	timeval tempStart, tempEnd;

	while (otid < lim) {
		processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits));
		OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits;
		//nSize = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration);

#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		BuildMatrices(T, vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		check_buf.push(EnqueueSeed(T.GetArr(), otid, processedOTBlocks));
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalEnqueueTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		MaskBaseOTs(T, vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		SendMasks(vSnd, ot_chan, otid, OTsPerIteration);
		//ot_chan->send_id_len(vSnd.GetArr(), nSize, otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		ReceiveAndFillMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan);
		ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(T, OTsPerIteration, mat_chan);

		T.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);

		HashValues(&T, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, otid, min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration), rndmat);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);
		gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL);
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);
		//if(ot_chan->data_available()) {
		//	ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan);
		SetOutput(&maskbuf, otid, OTsPerIteration, &mask_queue, ot_chan);

		otid += min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration);
#ifdef OTTiming
		gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL);
		totalRcvTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd);


	while(!check_buf.empty()) {
		if(check_chan->data_available()) {
			ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan);

	if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_R_OT) {
		while(ot_chan->is_alive() && !(mask_queue.empty()))
			ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan, &mask_queue);


	if(use_mat_chan) {

	if(m_eSndOTFlav==Snd_GC_OT) {
		freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs);

#ifdef OTTiming
	cout << "Receiver time benchmark for performing " << myNumOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << endl;
	cout << "Time needed for: " << endl;
	cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Enqueuing Seeds:\t" << totalEnqueueTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Base OT Masking:\t" << totalMaskTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << endl;
	cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << endl;

	return TRUE;