void NamespaceCommentCheck::check(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
  const NamespaceDecl *ND = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<NamespaceDecl>("namespace");
  const SourceManager &Sources = *Result.SourceManager;

  if (!locationsInSameFile(Sources, ND->getLocStart(), ND->getRBraceLoc()))

  // Don't require closing comments for namespaces spanning less than certain
  // number of lines.
  unsigned StartLine = Sources.getSpellingLineNumber(ND->getLocStart());
  unsigned EndLine = Sources.getSpellingLineNumber(ND->getRBraceLoc());
  if (EndLine - StartLine + 1 <= ShortNamespaceLines)

  // Find next token after the namespace closing brace.
  SourceLocation AfterRBrace = ND->getRBraceLoc().getLocWithOffset(1);
  SourceLocation Loc = AfterRBrace;
  Token Tok;
  // Skip whitespace until we find the next token.
  while (Lexer::getRawToken(Loc, Tok, Sources, Result.Context->getLangOpts()) ||
         Tok.is(tok::semi)) {
    Loc = Loc.getLocWithOffset(1);
  if (!locationsInSameFile(Sources, ND->getRBraceLoc(), Loc))

  bool NextTokenIsOnSameLine = Sources.getSpellingLineNumber(Loc) == EndLine;
  // If we insert a line comment before the token in the same line, we need
  // to insert a line break.
  bool NeedLineBreak = NextTokenIsOnSameLine && Tok.isNot(tok::eof);

  SourceRange OldCommentRange(AfterRBrace, AfterRBrace);
  std::string Message = "%0 not terminated with a closing comment";

  // Try to find existing namespace closing comment on the same line.
  if (Tok.is(tok::comment) && NextTokenIsOnSameLine) {
    StringRef Comment(Sources.getCharacterData(Loc), Tok.getLength());
    SmallVector<StringRef, 7> Groups;
    if (NamespaceCommentPattern.match(Comment, &Groups)) {
      StringRef NamespaceNameInComment = Groups.size() > 5 ? Groups[5] : "";
      StringRef Anonymous = Groups.size() > 3 ? Groups[3] : "";

      // Check if the namespace in the comment is the same.
      if ((ND->isAnonymousNamespace() && NamespaceNameInComment.empty()) ||
          (ND->getNameAsString() == NamespaceNameInComment &&
           Anonymous.empty())) {
        // FIXME: Maybe we need a strict mode, where we always fix namespace
        // comments with different format.

      // Otherwise we need to fix the comment.
      NeedLineBreak = Comment.startswith("/*");
      OldCommentRange =
          SourceRange(AfterRBrace, Loc.getLocWithOffset(Tok.getLength()));
      Message =
               "%0 ends with a comment that refers to a wrong namespace '") +
           NamespaceNameInComment + "'").str();
    } else if (Comment.startswith("//")) {
      // Assume that this is an unrecognized form of a namespace closing line
      // comment. Replace it.
      NeedLineBreak = false;
      OldCommentRange =
          SourceRange(AfterRBrace, Loc.getLocWithOffset(Tok.getLength()));
      Message = "%0 ends with an unrecognized comment";
    // If it's a block comment, just move it to the next line, as it can be
    // multi-line or there may be other tokens behind it.

  std::string NamespaceName =
          ? "anonymous namespace"
          : ("namespace '" + ND->getNameAsString() + "'");

  diag(AfterRBrace, Message)
      << NamespaceName << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(
                              std::string(SpacesBeforeComments, ' ') +
                                  getNamespaceComment(ND, NeedLineBreak));
  diag(ND->getLocation(), "%0 starts here", DiagnosticIDs::Note)
      << NamespaceName;
void NamespaceCommentCheck::check(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
  const NamespaceDecl *ND = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<NamespaceDecl>("namespace");
  const SourceManager &Sources = *Result.SourceManager;

  if (!locationsInSameFile(Sources, ND->getLocStart(), ND->getRBraceLoc()))

  // Don't require closing comments for namespaces spanning less than certain
  // number of lines.
  unsigned StartLine = Sources.getSpellingLineNumber(ND->getLocStart());
  unsigned EndLine = Sources.getSpellingLineNumber(ND->getRBraceLoc());
  if (EndLine - StartLine + 1 <= ShortNamespaceLines)

  // Find next token after the namespace closing brace.
  SourceLocation AfterRBrace = ND->getRBraceLoc().getLocWithOffset(1);
  SourceLocation Loc = AfterRBrace;
  Token Tok;
  // Skip whitespace until we find the next token.
  while (Lexer::getRawToken(Loc, Tok, Sources, Result.Context->getLangOpts())) {
    Loc = Loc.getLocWithOffset(1);
  if (!locationsInSameFile(Sources, ND->getRBraceLoc(), Loc))

  bool NextTokenIsOnSameLine = Sources.getSpellingLineNumber(Loc) == EndLine;
  // If we insert a line comment before the token in the same line, we need
  // to insert a line break.
  bool NeedLineBreak = NextTokenIsOnSameLine && Tok.isNot(tok::eof);

  // Try to find existing namespace closing comment on the same line.
  if (Tok.is(tok::comment) && NextTokenIsOnSameLine) {
    StringRef Comment(Sources.getCharacterData(Loc), Tok.getLength());
    SmallVector<StringRef, 6> Groups;
    if (NamespaceCommentPattern.match(Comment, &Groups)) {
      StringRef NamespaceNameInComment = Groups.size() >= 6 ? Groups[5] : "";

      // Check if the namespace in the comment is the same.
      if ((ND->isAnonymousNamespace() && NamespaceNameInComment.empty()) ||
          ND->getNameAsString() == NamespaceNameInComment) {
        // FIXME: Maybe we need a strict mode, where we always fix namespace
        // comments with different format.

      // Otherwise we need to fix the comment.
      NeedLineBreak = Comment.startswith("/*");
      CharSourceRange OldCommentRange = CharSourceRange::getCharRange(
          SourceRange(Loc, Loc.getLocWithOffset(Tok.getLength())));
      diag(Loc, "namespace closing comment refers to a wrong namespace '%0'")
          << NamespaceNameInComment
          << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(
                 OldCommentRange, getNamespaceComment(ND, NeedLineBreak));

    // This is not a recognized form of a namespace closing comment.
    // Leave line comment on the same line. Move block comment to the next line,
    // as it can be multi-line or there may be other tokens behind it.
    if (Comment.startswith("//"))
      NeedLineBreak = false;

  diag(ND->getLocation(), "namespace not terminated with a closing comment")
      << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(AfterRBrace,
                                    std::string(SpacesBeforeComments, ' ') +
                                        getNamespaceComment(ND, NeedLineBreak));