/* Fade from off to given color and back. */ void pulse(int w) { uint32_t c; //uint32_t c = Wheel(map(opt, 0, 1023, 0, 255)); for(uint16_t j = 8; j <= getOpt(_pin_lev, 0, 255); j++) { if( checkButton() ){ return; }; setBrightness(j); c = Wheel(map(opt, 0, 1023, 0, 255)); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < numPixels(); i++) { setPixelColor(i, c); } show(); delay(w); } delay(w*10+50); for(uint16_t j=getOpt(_pin_lev, 0, 255); j>8; j--) { if( checkButton() ){ return; }; setBrightness(j); c = Wheel(map(opt, 0, 1023, 0, 255)); for(uint16_t i = 0; i < numPixels(); i++) { setPixelColor(i, c); } show(); delay(w); } delay(w*10+50); }
/** * @brief Check to see if the options used by the copy number engine are valid. */ void CNReferenceEngine::checkOptionsImp() { defineStates(); setLibFileOpt("reference-file"); m_pEngine->setLibFileOpt("probeset-ids"); m_pEngine->setLibFileOpt("annotation-file"); if (m_pEngine == this) { if (getOpt("set-analysis-name") == "") {setOpt("set-analysis-name", "CN5");} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("expr-summary-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a expr-summary-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("genotype-calls-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a genotype-calls-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("genotype-confidences-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a genotype-confidences-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("genotype-report-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a genoptype-report-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("reference-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a reference-file."));} } if (m_pEngine->getOpt("annotation-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a netaffx annotation-file."));} AffxString strReferenceFileName = m_pEngine->getOpt("reference-file"); if (m_pEngine == this) { m_pEngine->setOpt("create-reference", "true"); m_pEngine->setOpt("reference-file", strReferenceFileName); } }
Actions::Action Actions::get(std::int32_t ID) { if (auto res = getOpt(ID)) { return res.value(); } else { throw InvalidData{"incorrect action ID"}; } }
//Rainbow Program void rainbow() { int wait = getOpt(_pin_opt, 0, 255); uint16_t i, j; for(j = 0; j < 256; j++) { if( checkButton() ){ return; }; for(i = 0; i < numPixels(); i++) { setPixelColor(i, Wheel((i + j) & 255)); } show(); delay(wait); } }
/** * compute CHP files */ void DmetEngine::runImp() { setOpt("analysis-guid", affxutil::Guid::GenerateNewGuid()); string errMsg; if(!Fs::isWriteableDir(getOpt("out-dir"))) if(Fs::mkdirPath(getOpt("out-dir"), false) != APT_OK) Err::errAbort("Can't make or write to directory: " + getOpt("out-dir")); if(getOptBool("run-cn-engine")) { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 1: Computing probeset summaries for copy number state calling"); if(computeCnSummaries()) { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 2: Computing copy number states"); computeCnState(); setOpt("run-cn-engine","true"); } else { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"No CN regions to compute. Skipping step 2."); setOpt("run-cn-engine","false"); } } else { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Not computing CN state. Skipping steps 1 and 2."); setOpt("run-cn-engine","false"); } Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 3: Computing genotypes"); computeGenotypes(); if(getOptBool("cc-chp-output")) { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 4: Generating CHP files"); generateChpFiles(); } Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1, "Done."); }
const char *MacroCodeReplacer::replaceField(const char *field){ if (isempty(field)) return NULL; size_t l = strlen(field); char *tmpfield = strdupn(field); char MACROS = MACROS_NONE; char MACROS1 = MACROS_NONE; getOpt(1); //singles [xxx[a] getOpt(2); //doubles [xxx[a] const char *res = MacroReplacer::replaceField(tmpfield); free(tmpfield); const char *tmp; switch(MACROS){ case MACROS_HTML : tmp = coder->HTMLEncode(res); break; case MACROS_SOFT_HTML : tmp = coder->SoftHTMLEncode(res); break; case MACROS_PHTML : tmp = coder->HTMLEncode(res, true); break; case MACROS_SOFT_PHTML: tmp = coder->SoftHTMLEncode(res, true); break; case MACROS_URL : tmp = coder->URLEncode(res); break; case MACROS_NUMBER : tmp = coder->numberEncode(res); break; case MACROS_FLOAT : tmp = coder->floatEncode(res, ctoi(MACROS1)); break; case MACROS_SQL : tmp = coder->sqlEncode(res); break; case MACROS_SQLNULL : tmp = coder->sqlNullEncode(res); break; case MACROS_NO : tmp = res; break; default : tmp = res; printflog(LOG_NOTIFY, "Macrocode: Using macros without encoding.\n"); } return tmp; };
bool Parser::hasListPreamble(string const itemcmd) { // remember current position unsigned int oldpos = pos_; // jump over arguments if (hasOpt()) getOpt(); if (hasOpt("{")) getArg('{', '}'); // and swallow spaces and comments skip_spaces(true); // we have a list preamble if the next thing // that follows is not the \item command bool res = next_token().cs() != itemcmd; // back to orig position pos_ = oldpos; return res; }
string DmetEngine::makeVal(string name, int optionIndex) { vector<string> vals; vals = getOptVector(name, optionIndex); /* if(name.find("file") != string::npos) for(int i=0; i<vals.size(); i++) vals[i] = Fs::basename(vals[i]); */ string val; if(vals.size() > 1) { val = "'" + vals[0] + "'"; for(int i=1; i<vals.size(); i++) { val += ",'" + vals[i] + "'"; } } else if(vals.size() == 1) { val = vals[0]; } else { val = getOpt(name,optionIndex); } return val; }
int DownloadChild::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: finished(); break; case 1: download(); break; case 2: setURL((*reinterpret_cast< QString*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: { QString* _r = getURL(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 4: setSaveFile((*reinterpret_cast< QString*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 5: { QString* _r = getSaveFile(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 6: setOpt((*reinterpret_cast< QString*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 7: { QString* _r = getOpt(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; default: ; } _id -= 8; } return _id; }
videoApp_t::videoApp_t(int &argc,argv_t &argv) :application_t(argc, argv), __controlPort(NULL), __bandwidth(1000000.0) { strcpy(__rtpPort,"51017"); strcpy(__rtcpPort,"51019"); enum myOptions { ctrlPort, notify, dport, autoChannel, h }; s = static_cast<sched_t*>(this); optionDefList_t opt; appParamList_t *parList; //Available options opt << new optionDef_t("@cport", ctrlPort , "Opens a Control Socket in <port>") << new optionDef_t("@rtpPort", dport , "Receiver data port") << new optionDef_t("@notify", notify , "Notify file") << new optionDef_t("autoChannel", autoChannel , "autoShows playChannels") << new optionDef_t("h", h , "Video Help"); parList = getOpt(opt, argc, argv); ctrlTask_t * ctrlTask = NULL; SetAutoChannel = new bool(); *SetAutoChannel = false; for ( ; parList->len(); parList->behead()) { switch(parList->head()->parId) { case ctrlPort: char * port; port = strdup(parList->head()->parValue); ctrlTask = new ctrlTask_t(port); break; case dport: char * strDport; strDport = strdup(parList->head()->parValue); strcpy(__rtpPort,strDport); itoa(atoi(strDport) + 2,__rtcpPort,10); break; case notify: char * file; file = strdup(parList->head()->parValue); setNotifyFile(file); break; case autoChannel: *SetAutoChannel = true; break; case h: default: int i; for(i=0; i < opt.len(); i++) { optionDef_t * op= static_cast<optionDef_t*>(opt.nth(i)); if(op->optDesc) fprintf(stderr, " %-10s %-5s\t-- %s\n", op->optName, op->optHasArg?"value":"", op->optDesc); else fprintf(stderr, " %-10s %-5s\t", op->optName, op->optHasArg?"":"value"); } exit(0); break; } }; // RTP Object Creation #ifdef WIN32 if (getenv("MCU_USE_ONLY_IPv4")){ rtpSession= new videoRTPSession_t(this, "", __rtpPort, "", __rtcpPort, VIDEO_TIMESTAMP_UNIT ); } else{ rtpSession= new videoRTPSession_t(this, NULL, __rtpPort, NULL, __rtcpPort, VIDEO_TIMESTAMP_UNIT ); } #else rtpSession= new videoRTPSession_t(this, NULL, __rtpPort, NULL, __rtcpPort, VIDEO_TIMESTAMP_UNIT ); #endif //init log file struct _timeb timebuffer; char * timeline; _ftime( &timebuffer ); timeline = ctime( & ( timebuffer.time ) ); char auxFile[20]; char auxArgv[100]; memset(auxArgv,0,100); for (int i = 1; i<argc; i++) { strcat(auxArgv,argv[i]); strcat(auxArgv," "); } if (char * n = strstr(auxArgv,"File")) { n = strstr(n," "); strcpy(auxFile,n); }else{ strcpy(auxFile," Screen"); } // Debug Session Info NOTIFY( "\n·:======================================================:·\n\n" " Isabel Video v0.1 Debug Session:\n\n" " - Options: %s\n" " - Log File:%s\n" " - Date: %s\n" " - Author: Vicente Sirvent Orts\n" "\n" "·:=======================================================:·\n\n", auxArgv, auxFile, timeline); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MERET ret; int getOptSuccessed; #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(NDEBUG) /* 厳密な演算チェックのため */ _controlfp(~_MCW_EM | _EM_INEXACT, _MCW_EM); #endif #if defined(__FreeBSD__) { /* デフォルト動作が他のOSと違う。*/ struct sigaction new_sig; memset(&new_sig, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); new_sig.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGFPE, &new_sig, NULL); } #endif if(MPGE_initializeWork() == ME_NOFPU) return ERR; getOptSuccessed = 1 < argc && getOpt(argc, argv) == NOERR; opening(); if(!getOptSuccessed){ usage(); MPGE_endCoder(); return ERR; } ret = MPGE_detectConfigure(); if(ret != ME_NOERR){ if(!silent) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", getErrMsg(ret)); return ERR; } putConfig(); reportInit(); /* report progress */ #if defined(USE_ITIMER) || (defined(_CONSOLE) && defined(WIN32) && defined( USE_TTIMER )) ret = MPGE_processTrack(); if(ret != ME_NOERR){ if(!silent) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", getErrMsg(ret)); } #else for(;;){ ret = MPGE_processFrame(); if(ret == ME_EMPTYSTREAM) break; if(ret != ME_NOERR){ if(!silent) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", getErrMsg(ret)); break; } reportDsp(0); } /* main loop */ #endif ret = MPGE_closeCoder(); if(ret != ME_NOERR) if(!silent) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", getErrMsg(ret)); reportTerm(); MPGE_endCoder(); clkput(); return NOERR; } /* main */
bool Config::parseArgs(int argc, ACE_TCHAR* argv[]) { #if defined(NSRPC_HAS_PROACTOR) ACE_Get_Opt getOpt(argc, argv, ACE_TEXT("a:c:e:k:m:n:p:s:t:hrv")); bool isOk = true; int c; while ((c = getOpt()) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'a': connectHost_ = getOpt.opt_arg(); break; case 'c': connections_ = ACE_OS::atoi(getOpt.opt_arg()); break; case 'e': echoCount_ = ACE_OS::atoi(getOpt.opt_arg()); break; case 'k': blockSize_ = ACE_OS::atoi(getOpt.opt_arg()); break; case 'm': mode_ = getOpt.opt_arg(); break; case 'n': threads_ = ACE_OS::atoi(getOpt.opt_arg()); break; case 'p': port_ = static_cast<srpc::UInt16>(ACE_OS::atoi(getOpt.opt_arg())); break; case 'r': useRpc_ = true; break; case 's': streamType_ = getOpt.opt_arg(); break; case 't': proactorType_ = getOpt.opt_arg(); break; case 'v': verbose_ = true; break; case 'h': default: isOk = false; break; } } if ((! isServer()) && (! isClient())) { isOk = false; } if ((streamType_ != "bit") && (streamType_ != "byte")) { isOk = false; } if (! isOk) { printUsage(); } return isOk; #else printUsage(); return false; #endif // #if defined(NSRPC_HAS_PROACTOR) }
void StabConfig::processOptions(const QCommandLineParser &parser, ErrorMessageHelper &die, QTextStream *err) { mdConf.numThreads = getOpt(parser, die, *threadsOption, SomeInt(0), NoneInt, mdConf.numThreads, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse thread count."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Thread count have to be possitive.")); mdConf.shakiness = getOpt(parser, die, *shakinessOption, SomeInt(1), SomeInt(10), mdConf.shakiness, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse shakiness."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Shakiness can be in range 1-10.")); mdConf.accuracy = getOpt(parser, die, *accuracyOption, SomeInt(1), SomeInt(15), mdConf.accuracy, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse accuracy."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Acccuracy can be in range 1-15.")); mdConf.stepSize = getOpt(parser, die, *stepSizeOption, SomeInt(1), SomeInt(1000), mdConf.stepSize, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse step size."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Step size can be in range 1-1000.")); mdConf.contrastThreshold = getOpt(parser, die, *minContrastOption, SomeDouble(0), SomeDouble(1), mdConf.contrastThreshold, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse contrast threshold."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Contrast threshold can be in range 0-1.")); mdConf.show = getOpt(parser, die, *showOption, SomeInt(0), SomeInt(2), mdConf.show, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse show option."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Show option can be in range 0-2.")); tsConf.smoothing = getOpt(parser, die, *smoothingOption, SomeInt(0), NoneInt, tsConf.smoothing, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse smoothing option."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Smoothing have to be possitive.")); if (parser.isSet(*camPathAlgoOption)) { QString algoStr = parser.value(*camPathAlgoOption); if (algoStr.compare("gauss", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { tsConf.camPathAlgo = VSGaussian; } else if (algoStr.compare("avg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { tsConf.camPathAlgo = VSAvg; } else { die << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Invalid cam path algorithm \"%1\".").arg(algoStr); } } tsConf.maxShift = getOpt(parser, die, *maxShiftOption, SomeInt(-1), NoneInt, tsConf.maxShift, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse max shift option."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Max. shift can't be smaller than -1.")); tsConf.maxAngle = getOpt(parser, die, *maxAngleOption, SomeDouble(-1), NoneDouble, tsConf.maxAngle, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse max angle option."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Max. angle can't be smaller than -1.")); tsConf.crop = parser.isSet(*cropBlackOption) ? VSCropBorder : VSKeepBorder; tsConf.invert = parser.isSet(*invertOption) ? 1 : 0; tsConf.relative = parser.isSet(*relativeOption) ? 1 : 0; tsConf.zoom = getOpt(parser, die, *zoomOption, NoneDouble, NoneDouble, tsConf.zoom, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse zoom option."), ""); tsConf.optZoom = getOpt(parser, die, *optZoomOption, SomeInt(0), SomeInt(2), tsConf.optZoom, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse opt-zoom option."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Opt zoom can be 0, 1 or 2.")); tsConf.zoomSpeed = getOpt(parser, die, *zoomSpeedOption, SomeDouble(0), SomeDouble(5), tsConf.zoomSpeed, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse zoom speed option."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Zoom speed can be in range 0-5.")); if (parser.isSet(*interpolOption)) { QString interpolStr = parser.value(*interpolOption); if (interpolStr.compare("no", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { tsConf.interpolType = VS_Zero; } else if (interpolStr.compare("linear", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { tsConf.interpolType = VS_Linear; } else if (interpolStr.compare("bilinear", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { tsConf.interpolType = VS_BiLinear; } else if (interpolStr.compare("bicubic", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { tsConf.interpolType = VS_BiCubic; } else { die << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Invalid interpolation algorithm \"%1\".").arg(interpolStr); } } mdConf.virtualTripod = getOpt(parser, die, *tripodOption, SomeInt(0), NoneInt, mdConf.virtualTripod, QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Cant parse tripod option."), QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Tripod option have to be possitive.")); if (mdConf.virtualTripod > 0) { if (tsConf.relative != 0) *err << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Relative transformation is disabled with tripod.") << endl; if (tsConf.smoothing != 0) *err << QCoreApplication::translate("main", "Smoothing is disabled with tripod.") << endl; tsConf.relative = 0; tsConf.smoothing = 0; } }
/** * Compute genotypes */ void DmetEngine::computeGenotypes() { ProbesetGenotypeEngine engine; vector<string> celFiles = getOptVector("cels"); engine.setOpt("cels",celFiles); vector<string> chipTypes = getOptVector("chip-type"); if(chipTypes.size() > 0) engine.setOpt("chip-type",chipTypes); engine.setOpt("cdf-file",getOpt("cdf-file")); engine.setOpt("spf-file",getOpt("spf-file")); string analysis; if(getOpt("gt-analysis") != "") { analysis = getOpt("gt-analysis"); } else { ///@todo If we have a reference, set analysis and qmethod-spec based on /// what was used to build the reference if(getOpt("reference-output") != "") { analysis = "quant-norm.sketch=50000,pm-only,brlmm-p-multi.CM=1.bins=100.mix=1.bic=2.lambda=1.0.HARD=3.SB=0.75.KX=0.3.KH=0.3.KXX=0.1.KAH=-0.1.KHB=-0.1.KYAH=-0.05.KYHB=-0.05.KYAB=-0.1.transform=MVA.AAM=2.8.BBM=-2.8.AAV=0.10.BBV=0.10.ABV=0.10.V=1.AAY=10.7.ABY=11.3.BBY=10.7.copyqc=0.00000.wobble=0.05.MS=0.1.copytype=-1.clustertype=2.CSepPen=0.5.ocean=0.0000001"; } else { analysis = "quant-norm.sketch=50000,pm-only,brlmm-p-multi.CM=2.bins=100.mix=1.bic=2.lambda=1.0.HARD=3.SB=0.75.KX=0.3.KH=0.3.KXX=0.1.KAH=-0.1.KHB=-0.1.KYAH=-0.05.KYHB=-0.05.KYAB=-0.1.transform=MVA.AAM=2.8.BBM=-2.8.AAV=0.10.BBV=0.10.ABV=0.10.V=1.AAY=10.7.ABY=11.3.BBY=10.7.copyqc=0.00000.wobble=0.05.MS=0.1.copytype=-1.clustertype=2.CSepPen=0.5.ocean=0.0000001"; } analysis += ".cc-alleles=6"; analysis += ".cc-type=UCHAR"; analysis += ".cc-version=1.0"; } if(getOpt("gt-qmethod-spec") != "") engine.setOpt("qmethod-spec",getOpt("gt-qmethod-spec")); else engine.setOpt("qmethod-spec","plier.optmethod=1.FixFeatureEffect=true"); analysis = setPra(analysis,getOptInt("pra-thresh")); engine.setOpt("analysis",analysis); engine.setOpt("out-dir",Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"),"apg")); engine.setOpt("verbose",getOpt("verbose")); engine.setOpt("force",getOpt("force")); engine.setOpt("cc-chp-output","false"); engine.setOpt("probeset-ids-reported",getOpt("probeset-ids-reported")); engine.setOpt("probeset-ids",getOpt("probeset-ids")); engine.setOpt("temp-dir", getOpt("temp-dir")); engine.setOpt("use-disk", getOpt("use-disk")); engine.setOpt("disk-cache", getOpt("disk-cache")); engine.setOpt("set-analysis-name", getOpt("set-analysis-name")); engine.setOpt("call-coder-max-alleles", getOpt("call-coder-max-alleles")); engine.setOpt("call-coder-type", getOpt("call-coder-type")); engine.setOpt("call-coder-version", getOpt("call-coder-version")); engine.setOpt("command-line", getOpt("command-line")); engine.setOpt("exec-guid", getOpt("exec-guid")); engine.setOpt("program-name", getOpt("program-name")); engine.setOpt("program-company", getOpt("program-company")); engine.setOpt("program-version", getOpt("program-version")); engine.setOpt("program-cvs-id", getOpt("program-cvs-id")); engine.setOpt("version-to-report", getOpt("version-to-report")); engine.setOpt("prior-size", "1"); engine.setOpt("special-snps", getOpt("special-snps")); engine.setOpt("em-gender", "false"); if(getOpt("chrX-probes") != "") { engine.setOpt("chrX-probes", getOpt("chrX-probes")); engine.setOpt("chrY-probes", getOpt("chrY-probes")); engine.setOpt("set-gender-method", "cn-probe-chrXY-ratio"); engine.setOpt("no-gender-force", "false"); } else { engine.setOpt("set-gender-method", "none"); engine.setOpt("no-gender-force", "true"); } engine.setOpt("female-thresh", getOpt("female-thresh")); engine.setOpt("male-thresh", getOpt("male-thresh")); engine.setOpt("table-output", "false"); engine.setOpt("output-context", "true"); engine.setOpt("output-forced-calls", "true"); if (getOptBool("run-cn-engine") && getOpt("cn-region-gt-probeset-file") != "") { /// @todo perhaps we should use state to track the file name /// as it is we need to keep this in sync with the cn engine call engine.setOpt("genotype-markers-cn-file", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "adc", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".gt.markers.cn.call.a5")); } engine.setOpt("a5-global-file",getOpt("reference-output")); engine.setOpt("a5-global-file-no-replace","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-group","ProbesetGenotypeEngine"); engine.setOpt("a5-calls","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-summaries","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-feature-effects","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-sketch","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-write-models","true"); if(getOpt("reference-output") != "") { engine.setOpt("a5-sketch-use-global","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-feature-effects-use-global","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-write-models-use-global","true"); } engine.setOpt("a5-global-input-file",getOpt("reference-input")); engine.setOpt("a5-input-group","ProbesetGenotypeEngine"); if(getOpt("reference-input") != "") { engine.setOpt("a5-sketch-input-global","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-feature-effects-input-global","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-models-input-global","true"); } if(m_ArgvPosAPG > 0) engine.parseArgv(m_argv, m_ArgvPosAPG); engine.run(); }
/* Set strip brightness based on potentiometer value */ void setBrightness() { // convert analogRead's range of 0 to 1023 to brightness range 0 to 255 uint8_t brightness = (uint8_t) getOpt(_pin_lev, 0, 255); setBrightness(brightness); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("SimpleDS\n"); printf("Build: " VERSION_STR " (" SYSTEM_NAME " " SYSTEM_PROCESSOR ")"); #ifdef SDL_HAPTIC_DISABLED printf(" - No Haptic"); #endif printf("\nAuthors: " VERSION_AUTHORS "\n"); args = std::vector<const char*>(argv, argv + argc); int offset = 1; std::string configFile = "./simpleds.conf"; if (hasOpt("-c") || hasOpt("--config")) { configFile = getOpt("-c"); if (configFile.size() == 0) { configFile = getOpt("--config"); } offset += 2; } config = new Config(configFile); if (config->loaded) { printf("Config: %s\n", configFile.c_str()); if (config->has("DS.foo")) { printf("Foo: %s\n", config->getString("DS.foo").c_str()); } } else { printf("Config file couldn't be loaded, won't be able to save\n"); } uint16_t teamNum = (uint16_t)config->getInt32("DS.team"); verbose = (hasOpt("-v") || hasOpt("--verbose")); if (hasOpt("-V") || hasOpt("--version")) { return 0; } if (hasOpt("-h") || hasOpt("--help")) { printUsage(); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -h, --help Prints this message\n"); printf(" -v, --verbose Output debugging information\n"); printf(" -V, --version Prints version info and exits\n"); printf(" -c, --config Sets the config file to use [default: ./simpleds.conf]\n"); printf(" teamNum The team number to use, must be provided here or in configuration file\n"); return 0; } if (teamNum == 0 && args.begin() + offset == args.end()) { // We're out of arguments printUsage(); return 1; } else { char* endptr; uint16_t argTeamNum = (uint16_t)std::strtol(args[offset], &endptr, 10); if (endptr == args[offset] || *endptr != '\0') { // No team number in config, and none provided if (teamNum == 0) { printUsage(); return 1; } } else { teamNum = argTeamNum; } } printf("Team Number: %d\n", teamNum); bool quit = false; SDL_Event e; auto gui = new GUI(); if (!gui->isValid()) { return 1; } config->setInt32("DS.team", teamNum); config->initInt32("DS.alliance", Alliance::RED); config->initInt32("DS.position", 1); DS::initialize(teamNum); auto ds = DS::getInstance(); enum GUIMode { MAIN, INFO, JOYSTICKS, CONTROL, HELP, COUNT }; GUIMode mode = GUIMode::MAIN; auto runner = std::async(std::launch::async, &DS::run, ds); std::map<GUIMode, Screen*> screens; screens[MAIN] = new ScreenMain(); screens[INFO] = new ScreenInfo(); screens[JOYSTICKS] = new ScreenJoysticks(); screens[CONTROL] = new ScreenControl(); screens[HELP] = new ScreenHelp(); while (!quit) { while (gui->pollEvent(&e) != 0) { if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) { quit = true; } else if (e.type == SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED || e.type == SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED) { ds->setEnable(false); ds->loadJoysticks(); } else if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && e.key.repeat == 0) { auto key = e.key.keysym; if (key.sym == SDLK_e) { ds->toggleEnable(); } else if (key.sym == SDLK_SPACE) { ds->setEnable(false); } else if (key.sym == SDLK_0) { ds->setEStop(); } else if (key.sym == SDLK_q) { quit = true; } else if (key.sym == SDLK_r) { if (key.mod & KMOD_SHIFT) { ds->reboot(); } else { ds->restartCode(); } } else if (key.sym == SDLK_BACKQUOTE) { ds->setAlliance(ds->getAlliance() == Alliance::BLUE ? Alliance::RED : Alliance::BLUE); } else if (key.sym >= SDLK_1 && key.sym <= SDLK_9) { uint8_t keyNum = (uint8_t)(1 + key.sym - SDLK_1); if (key.mod & KMOD_CTRL && keyNum >= 1 && keyNum <= 3) { ds->setPosition(keyNum); } else if (key.mod & KMOD_SHIFT && keyNum >= 1 && keyNum <= 3) { ds->setEnable(false); ds->setMode((Mode)(keyNum - 1)); } else if (keyNum >= 1 && keyNum <= GUIMode::COUNT) { mode = (GUIMode)(keyNum - 1); } } } screens[mode]->update(e); } if (gui->readyToDraw()) { gui->setOffset(10, 10); gui->clear(); gui->drawScreen(screens[mode]); gui->setOffset(10, gui->getHeight() - gui->getCharSize().y); gui->drawText(0, 0, "1: Main", mode == GUIMode::MAIN ? Colors::BLACK : Colors::DISABLED); gui->drawTextRel(9, 0, "2: Info", mode == GUIMode::INFO ? Colors::BLACK : Colors::DISABLED); gui->drawTextRel(9, 0, "3: Joysticks", mode == GUIMode::JOYSTICKS ? Colors::BLACK : Colors::DISABLED); gui->drawTextRel(14, 0, "4: Control", mode == GUIMode::CONTROL ? Colors::BLACK : Colors::DISABLED); gui->drawTextRel(12, 0, "5: Help", mode == GUIMode::HELP ? Colors::BLACK : Colors::DISABLED); gui->render(); } std::string s = narf::util::format("Team %d", teamNum); if (ds->isConnected()) { auto rio = ds->getRoboRIO(); s += " - "; if (rio->getEStop()) { s += "E-Stopped"; } else { s += narf::util::format("%s %s", modeNames[rio->getMode()].c_str(), rio->getEnable() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); } s += narf::util::format(" - %s %d", allianceNames[ds->getAlliance()].c_str(), ds->getPosition()); if (!rio->getCode()) { s += " - No Code"; } } else { s += " - No Comms"; } gui->setTitle(s); ds->updateJoysticks(); SDL_Delay(25); } ds->saveJoysticks(); ds->stop(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
/** * Compute probeset summaries values for using in computing CN state */ bool DmetEngine::computeCnSummaries() { ProbesetSummarizeEngine engine; vector<string> celFiles = getOptVector("cels"); engine.setOpt("cels",celFiles); vector<string> chipTypes = getOptVector("chip-type"); if(chipTypes.size() > 0) engine.setOpt("chip-type",chipTypes); engine.setOpt("cdf-file",getOpt("cdf-file")); engine.setOpt("spf-file",getOpt("spf-file")); ///@todo If we have a reference, set analysis based on what was used to build the reference if(getOpt("ps-analysis") != "") engine.setOpt("analysis",getOpt("ps-analysis")); else engine.setOpt("analysis", "quant-norm.sketch=50000,pm-only,plier.optmethod=1.FixFeatureEffect=true,expr.genotype=true"); engine.setOpt("out-dir",Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"),"aps")); engine.setOpt("verbose",getOpt("verbose")); engine.setOpt("force",getOpt("force")); engine.setOpt("cc-chp-output","false"); // We only want to process intersection of probesets in consent file // and those in regions Fs::ensureWriteableDirPath(getOpt("out-dir", false)); FsPath probesetFile; probesetFile.setDirName(getOpt("out-dir")); probesetFile.setFileNameExt("probesets","txt"); if (!generateApsProbesetList(getOpt("probeset-ids-reported"), getOpt("probeset-model"), probesetFile.asUnixPath())) { return false; } engine.setOpt("probeset-ids",probesetFile.asUnixPath()); engine.setOpt("temp-dir", getOpt("temp-dir")); engine.setOpt("use-disk", getOpt("use-disk")); engine.setOpt("disk-cache", getOpt("disk-cache")); engine.setOpt("set-analysis-name", getOpt("set-analysis-name")); engine.setOpt("command-line", getOpt("command-line")); engine.setOpt("exec-guid", getOpt("exec-guid")); engine.setOpt("program-name", getOpt("program-name")); engine.setOpt("program-company", getOpt("program-company")); engine.setOpt("program-version", getOpt("program-version")); engine.setOpt("program-cvs-id", getOpt("program-cvs-id")); engine.setOpt("version-to-report", getOpt("version-to-report")); engine.setOpt("summaries","false"); engine.setOpt("a5-global-file",getOpt("reference-output")); //engine.setOpt("a5-global-file-no-replace","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-group","ProbesetSummarizeEngine"); engine.setOpt("a5-sketch","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-summaries","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-feature-effects","true"); if(getOpt("reference-output") != "") { engine.setOpt("a5-feature-effects-use-global","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-sketch-use-global","true"); } engine.setOpt("a5-global-input-file",getOpt("reference-input")); engine.setOpt("a5-input-group","ProbesetSummarizeEngine"); if(getOpt("reference-input") != "") { engine.setOpt("a5-sketch-input-global","true"); engine.setOpt("a5-feature-effects-input-global","true"); } if(m_ArgvPosAPS > 0) engine.parseArgv(m_argv, m_ArgvPosAPS); engine.run(); return true; }
/** * Build final CHP files */ void DmetEngine::generateChpFiles() { DmetCHPWriter engine; AnalysisInfo info; fillInAnalysisInfo(info); engine.setAnalysisInfo(info); vector<string> celFiles = getOptVector("cels"); engine.setOpt("cels",celFiles); engine.setOpt("out-dir",Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"),"chp")); engine.setOpt("verbose",getOpt("verbose")); engine.setOpt("set-analysis-name", getOpt("set-analysis-name")); engine.setOpt("exec-guid", getOpt("exec-guid")); engine.setOpt("program-name", getOpt("program-name")); engine.setOpt("program-company", getOpt("program-company")); engine.setOpt("program-version", getOpt("program-version")); engine.setOpt("batch-name", getOpt("batch-name")); if (getOptBool("run-cn-engine")) { engine.setOpt("a5-copynumber", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "adc", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".copynumber.a5")); } engine.setOpt("a5-summaries", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "apg", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".summary.a5")); engine.setOpt("a5-calls", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "apg", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".calls.a5")); engine.setOpt("a5-forced-calls", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "apg", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".forced-calls.a5")); engine.setOpt("a5-confidences", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "apg", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".confidences.a5")); engine.setOpt("a5-context", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "apg", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".context.a5")); engine.setOpt("report-file", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "apg", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".report.txt")); engine.setOpt("spf-file",getOpt("spf-file")); engine.setOpt("cdf-file",getOpt("cdf-file")); engine.setOpt("region-model", getOpt("region-model")); engine.setOpt("null-context", getOpt("null-context")); engine.setOpt("geno-call-thresh", getOpt("geno-call-thresh")); engine.setOpt("call-coder-max-alleles", getOpt("call-coder-max-alleles")); engine.setOpt("call-coder-type", getOpt("call-coder-type")); engine.setOpt("call-coder-version", getOpt("call-coder-version")); engine.run(); }
void DmetEngine::fillInAnalysisInfo(AnalysisInfo &info) { string prefix = "apt-"; vector<string> celFiles = getOptVector("cels"); info.m_AlgVersion = "3.0"; info.m_AlgName = getOpt("set-analysis-name"); info.m_ProgramName = getOpt("program-name"); info.m_ProgramVersion = getOpt("version-to-report"); info.m_ProgramCompany = getOpt("program-company"); info.m_ChipType = getOpt("chip-type"); info.m_ProgID = ""; info.m_ExecGuid = getOpt("exec-guid"); info.m_AnalysisGuid = getOpt("analysis-guid"); // Execution info info.addParam("apt-engine", "DmetEngine"); info.addParam(prefix + "program-name", getOpt("program-name")); info.addParam(prefix + "command-line", getOpt("command-line")); info.addParam(prefix + "exec-guid", getOpt("exec-guid")); info.addParam(prefix + "analysis-guid", getOpt("analysis-guid")); info.addParam(prefix + "time-str", getOpt("time-start")); info.addParam(prefix + "version", getOpt("version-to-report")); info.addParam(prefix + "cvs-id", getOpt("program-cvs-id")); // Engine Options string opt = "opt-"; vector<string> initialOptionNames; getOptionNames(initialOptionNames,1); for(int i=0; i<initialOptionNames.size(); i++) { string name = initialOptionNames[i]; if((name != "cels") || getOptBool("batch-info")){ info.addParam(prefix + opt + name, makeVal(name,1)); } } // Cel files in batch if(getOptBool("batch-info")){ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < celFiles.size(); i++) { std::string paramName = prefix + opt + "cel-" + ToStr(i+1); info.addParam(paramName, Fs::basename(celFiles[i])); affymetrix_fusion_io::FusionCELData cel; try { cel.SetFileName(celFiles[i].c_str()); if(!cel.ReadHeader()) { Err::errAbort("Unable to read CEL file " + celFiles[i]); } affymetrix_calvin_io::GenericData *gdata = cel.GetGenericData(); if (gdata != NULL) { std::string paramName = prefix + opt + "cel-guid-" + ToStr(i+1); info.addParam(paramName, gdata->Header().GetGenericDataHdr()->GetFileId()); } cel.Close(); } catch (...) { Err::errAbort("Unable to read CEL file " + celFiles[i]); } } } // Engine State string option = "state-"; std::vector<std::string> optionNames; getOptionNames(optionNames); for(int i=0; i<optionNames.size(); i++) { string name = optionNames[i]; if((name != "cels") || getOptBool("batch-info")){ info.addParam(prefix + option + name, makeVal(name)); } } // Sanity check Err::check(info.m_ParamValues.size() == info.m_ParamNames.size(), "AnalysisInfo - Names and values out of sync."); }
/** MAIN function. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { Size boardSize, imageSize; float squareSize = 1.f, aspectRatio = 1.f; Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs; //DEPRECATE proposal const char* outputFilename = "out_camera_data.yml"; //DEPRECATE proposal const char* inputFilename = 0; int i, nframes = 15; bool writeExtrinsics = false, writePoints = false; bool undistortImage = false; int flags = 0; VideoCapture capture; bool flipVertical = false; bool showUndistorted = false; bool videofile = false; int delay = 1000; clock_t prevTimestamp = 0; int mode = DETECTION; int cameraId = 0; vector<vector<Point2f> > imagePoints; vector<string> imageList; if ( getOpt(argc, argv, &boardSize, &squareSize, &nframes, &aspectRatio, &delay, &flags, &writeExtrinsics, &writePoints, &flipVertical, &showUndistorted, &videofile, &cameraId, inputFilename, outputFilename) != 0) return -1; if( inputFilename ) { if( !videofile && readStringList(inputFilename, imageList) ) mode = CAPTURING; else capture.open(inputFilename); } else capture.open(cameraId); if( !capture.isOpened() && imageList.empty() ) return fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize video (%d) capture\n", cameraId ), -2; if( !imageList.empty() ) nframes = (int)imageList.size(); if( capture.isOpened() ) printf("%s", liveCaptureHelp); namedWindow("Image View", 1); bool qrfound = false; int qr_pixel_size; struct quirc *q; q = quirc_new(); for(i = 0;;i++) { Mat view, viewGray; bool blink = false; if( capture.isOpened() ) { Mat view0; capture >> view0; view0.copyTo(view); } else if( i < (int)imageList.size() )
/** * Make sure that our options are sane. Call Err::errAbort if not. */ void DmetEngine::checkOptionsImp() { defineStates(); setLibFileOpt("cdf-file"); setLibFileOpt("spf-file"); setLibFileOpt("special-snps"); setLibFileOpt("chrX-probes"); setLibFileOpt("chrY-probes"); setLibFileOpt("reference-input"); setLibFileOpt("probeset-ids"); setLibFileOpt("probeset-ids-reported"); setLibFileOpt("region-model"); setLibFileOpt("probeset-model"); setLibFileOpt("cn-region-gt-probeset-file"); if (getOpt("out-dir") == "") {Err::errAbort("Must specify an output directory.");} if (getOpt("temp-dir") == "") { setOpt("temp-dir", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"),"temp")); } string cdfFile = getOpt("cdf-file"); string spfFile = getOpt("spf-file"); string specialSnps = getOpt("special-snps"); string chrXProbes = getOpt("chrX-probes"); string chrYProbes = getOpt("chrY-probes"); if(getOpt("sample-type") == "plasmid") { setOpt("run-cn-engine","false"); } else { setOpt("run-cn-engine",getOpt("run-cn-engine")); } string refOut = getOpt("reference-output"); string batchName = getOpt("batch-name"); if(refOut == "") { if (batchName.empty() != true) Err::errAbort("You cannot provide a batch-name when running in single sample mode. batch-name is only valid when output-reference is specified."); } else { if (batchName.empty() == true) Err::errAbort("You must define the batch-name parameter"); if(Fs::isReadable(refOut)) if(Fs::rm(refOut, false) != APT_OK) Err::errAbort("Unable to remove existing reference-output file '" + refOut + "'"); } ///@todo check chip type in reference file ///@todo check reference file version /* Read in cel file list from other file if specified. */ vector<string> celFiles; EngineUtil::getCelFiles(celFiles, this); if(celFiles.size() == 0) Err::errAbort("No cel files specified."); setOpt("cels",celFiles); // Build a consent file if vector of markers was passed in vector<string> consented = getOptVector("report"); if(consented.size() > 0) { FsPath probeset_path; probeset_path.setPath(getOpt("out-dir"),"probesets-reported","txt"); //probeset_path.ensureWriteableDirPath(); Fs::ensureWriteableDirPath(getOpt("out-dir", false)); writeProbesetList(probeset_path.asUnixPath(), consented); setOpt("probeset-ids-reported", probeset_path.asUnixPath()); } else { setOpt("probeset-ids-reported", getOpt("probeset-ids-reported")); } if(cdfFile == "" && spfFile == "") Err::errAbort("Must specify either a cdf file or spf (simple probe format) file."); if (chrXProbes != "" && chrYProbes == "") Err::errAbort("Must provide a chrY Probe File when providing a chrX Probe File."); if (chrXProbes == "" && chrYProbes != "") Err::errAbort("Must provide a chrX Probe File when providing a chrY Probe File."); // Check chip types vector<string> chipTypesInLayout; /* Get the intial info about the chip and check cel files to make sure they match. */ colrow_t numRows = 0, numCols = 0; int probeCount=0, probeSetCount=0; if(cdfFile != "") EngineUtil::getCdfChipType(chipTypesInLayout, numRows, numCols, probeCount, probeSetCount, cdfFile); else if(spfFile != "") EngineUtil::getSpfChipType(chipTypesInLayout, numRows, numCols, probeCount, probeSetCount, spfFile); else Err::errAbort("Must specify either a cdf file or spf (simple probe format) file."); setOpt("num-rows", ToStr(numRows)); setOpt("num-cols", ToStr(numCols)); setOpt("probe-count", ToStr(probeCount)); if(chipTypesInLayout.empty() || chipTypesInLayout[0] == "" || probeCount == 0) Err::errAbort("Problem determining ChipType in file: " + ( cdfFile != "" ? cdfFile : spfFile)); /* Did the user "force" a set of chip types via options? */ vector<string> chipTypesSupplied = getOptVector("chip-type"); /* Figure out what chip type to report */ if(chipTypesSupplied.size() > 0) { setOpt("chip-type", chipTypesSupplied); } else if(chipTypesInLayout.size() > 0) { setOpt("chip-type", chipTypesInLayout); } else { Err::errAbort("Unable to figure out a chip type."); } /* Do Chip Type Check */ if(!getOptBool("force")) { vector<string> chipTypeJustPrimary; vector<string> chipTypesToCheck; if(chipTypesSupplied.size() > 0) { chipTypesToCheck = chipTypesSupplied; EngineUtil::checkChipTypeVectors(chipTypesSupplied, chipTypesInLayout); } else { chipTypesToCheck = chipTypesInLayout; } chipTypeJustPrimary.push_back(chipTypesToCheck[0]); EngineUtil::checkCelChipTypes(chipTypesToCheck, probeCount, celFiles, numRows, numCols); // Check special SNPs files if (specialSnps != "") { EngineUtil::checkTsvFileChipType(specialSnps, chipTypeJustPrimary); } // And other files if (chrXProbes != "") { EngineUtil::checkTsvFileChipType(chrXProbes, chipTypesToCheck); } if (chrYProbes != "") { EngineUtil::checkTsvFileChipType(chrYProbes, chipTypesToCheck); } } // end if(!force) }
/** * Compute the CN state */ void DmetEngine::computeCnState() { DmetCopyNumberEngine engine; engine.setOpt("out-dir",Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"),"adc")); engine.setOpt("force",getOpt("force")); engine.setOpt("verbose",getOpt("verbose")); engine.setOpt("set-analysis-name", getOpt("set-analysis-name")); engine.setOpt("command-line", getOpt("command-line")); engine.setOpt("exec-guid", getOpt("exec-guid")); engine.setOpt("program-name", getOpt("program-name")); engine.setOpt("program-company", getOpt("program-company")); engine.setOpt("program-version", getOpt("program-version")); engine.setOpt("program-cvs-id", getOpt("program-cvs-id")); engine.setOpt("version-to-report", getOpt("version-to-report")); engine.setOpt("a5-output", "true"); engine.setOpt("text-output", "true"); engine.setOpt("region-model", getOpt("region-model")); engine.setOpt("cn-region-gt-probeset-file", getOpt("cn-region-gt-probeset-file")); engine.setOpt("probeset-model", getOpt("probeset-model")); engine.setOpt("a5-summaries", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"), "aps", getOpt("set-analysis-name") + ".summary.a5")); if(m_ArgvPosCN > 0) engine.parseArgv(m_argv, m_ArgvPosCN); engine.run(); }