Ejemplo n.º 1
	void Frustum::calcProjectionParameters(Real& left, Real& right, Real& bottom, Real& top) const
		if (mCustomProjMatrix)  //自定义投影矩阵
			// 转换剪裁平面角到相机空间中
			Matrix4 invProj = mProjMatrix.inverse();   //对透视投影矩阵求逆得观察矩阵
			Vector3 topLeft(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);  //左上角
			Vector3 bottomRight(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f); //右下角

			topLeft = invProj * topLeft;
			bottomRight = invProj * bottomRight;

			left = topLeft.x;
			top = topLeft.y;
			right = bottomRight.x;
			bottom = bottomRight.y;

			if (mFrustumExtentsManuallySet)
				left = mLeft;
				right = mRight;
				top = mTop;
				bottom = mBottom;
			// 计算通用的投影参数
			else if (mProjType == PT_PERSPECTIVE) //透视投影
				Radian thetaY(mFOVy * 0.5f);  //thetaY= mFovy的一半
				Real tanThetaY = Math::Tan(thetaY);
				Real tanThetaX = tanThetaY * mAspect;
				Real nearFocal = mNearDist / mFocalLength;
				Real nearOffsetX = mFrustumOffset.x * nearFocal;
				Real nearOffsetY = mFrustumOffset.y * nearFocal;
				Real half_w = tanThetaX * mNearDist;
				Real half_h = tanThetaY * mNearDist;

				left = -half_w + nearOffsetX;
				right = +half_w + nearOffsetX;
				bottom = -half_h + nearOffsetY;
				top = +half_h + nearOffsetY;

				mLeft = left;
				mRight = right;
				mTop = top;
				mBottom = bottom;
				// 不知道怎样应用视锥体偏移到正交投影相机,这里就无效化
				Real half_w = getOrthoWindowWidth() * 0.5f;
				Real half_h = getOrthoWindowHeight() * 0.5f;

				left = -half_w;
				right = +half_w;
				bottom = -half_h;
				top = +half_h;

				mLeft = left;
				mRight = right;
				mTop = top;
				mBottom = bottom;

Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Frustum::calcProjectionParameters(Real& left, Real& right, Real& bottom, Real& top) const
		if (mCustomProjMatrix)
			// Convert clipspace corners to camera space
			Matrix4 invProj = mProjMatrix.inverse();
			Vector3 topLeft(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
			Vector3 bottomRight(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f);

			topLeft = invProj * topLeft;
			bottomRight = invProj * bottomRight;

			left = topLeft.x;
			top = topLeft.y;
			right = bottomRight.x;
			bottom = bottomRight.y;

			if (mFrustumExtentsManuallySet)
				left = mLeft;
				right = mRight;
				top = mTop;
				bottom = mBottom;
			// Calculate general projection parameters
			else if (mProjType == PT_PERSPECTIVE)
				Radian thetaY (mFOVy * 0.5f);
				Real tanThetaY = Math::Tan(thetaY);
				Real tanThetaX = tanThetaY * mAspect;

				Real nearFocal = mNearDist / mFocalLength;
				Real nearOffsetX = mFrustumOffset.x * nearFocal;
				Real nearOffsetY = mFrustumOffset.y * nearFocal;
				Real half_w = tanThetaX * mNearDist;
				Real half_h = tanThetaY * mNearDist;

				left   = - half_w + nearOffsetX;
				right  = + half_w + nearOffsetX;
				bottom = - half_h + nearOffsetY;
				top    = + half_h + nearOffsetY;

				mLeft = left;
				mRight = right;
				mTop = top;
				mBottom = bottom;
				// Unknown how to apply frustum offset to orthographic camera, just ignore here
				Real half_w = getOrthoWindowWidth() * 0.5f;
				Real half_h = getOrthoWindowHeight() * 0.5f;

				left   = - half_w;
				right  = + half_w;
				bottom = - half_h;
				top    = + half_h;

				mLeft = left;
				mRight = right;
				mTop = top;
				mBottom = bottom;
