Ejemplo n.º 1
void AtmospherePropertyGroup::debugDump() const {
    qDebug() << "   AtmospherePropertyGroup: ---------------------------------------------";
    qDebug() << "       Center:" << getCenter() << " has changed:" << centerChanged();
    qDebug() << "       Inner Radius:" << getInnerRadius() << " has changed:" << innerRadiusChanged();
    qDebug() << "       Outer Radius:" << getOuterRadius() << " has changed:" << outerRadiusChanged();
    qDebug() << "       Mie Scattering:" << getMieScattering() << " has changed:" << mieScatteringChanged();
    qDebug() << "       Rayleigh Scattering:" << getRayleighScattering() << " has changed:" << rayleighScatteringChanged();
    qDebug() << "       Scattering Wavelengths:" << getScatteringWavelengths() << " has changed:" << scatteringWavelengthsChanged();
    qDebug() << "       Has Stars:" << getHasStars() << " has changed:" << hasStarsChanged();
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool Circle3DOverlay::findRayIntersection(const glm::vec3& origin, const glm::vec3& direction, float& distance, 
                                            BoxFace& face, glm::vec3& surfaceNormal) {

    // Scale the dimensions by the diameter
    glm::vec2 dimensions = getOuterRadius() * 2.0f * getDimensions();
    bool intersects = findRayRectangleIntersection(origin, direction, getRotation(), getPosition(), dimensions, distance);

    if (intersects) {
        glm::vec3 hitPosition = origin + (distance * direction);
        glm::vec3 localHitPosition = glm::inverse(getRotation()) * (hitPosition - getPosition());
        localHitPosition.x /= getDimensions().x;
        localHitPosition.y /= getDimensions().y;
        float distanceToHit = glm::length(localHitPosition);

        intersects = getInnerRadius() <= distanceToHit && distanceToHit <= getOuterRadius();

    return intersects;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void AtmospherePropertyGroup::appendSubclassData(OctreePacketData* packetData, EncodeBitstreamParams& params, 
                                EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData* entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& requestedProperties,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& propertyFlags,
                                EntityPropertyFlags& propertiesDidntFit,
                                int& propertyCount, 
                                OctreeElement::AppendState& appendState) const {

    bool successPropertyFits = true;

Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Circle3DOverlay::findRayIntersection(const glm::vec3& origin, 
                                const glm::vec3& direction, float& distance, BoxFace& face) {

    bool intersects = Planar3DOverlay::findRayIntersection(origin, direction, distance, face);
    if (intersects) {
        glm::vec3 hitAt = origin + (direction * distance);
        float distanceToHit = glm::distance(hitAt, _position);

        float maxDimension = glm::max(_dimensions.x, _dimensions.y);
        float innerRadius = maxDimension * getInnerRadius();
        float outerRadius = maxDimension * getOuterRadius();
        // TODO: this really only works for circles, we should be handling the ellipse case as well...
        if (distanceToHit < innerRadius || distanceToHit > outerRadius) {
            intersects = false;
    return intersects;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Circle3DOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    if (!_visible) {
        return; // do nothing if we're not visible

    float alpha = getAlpha();

    if (alpha == 0.0f) {
        return; // do nothing if our alpha is 0, we're not visible

    // Create the circle in the coordinates origin
    float outerRadius = getOuterRadius();
    float innerRadius = getInnerRadius(); // only used in solid case
    float startAt = getStartAt();
    float endAt = getEndAt();

    bool geometryChanged = (startAt != _lastStartAt || endAt != _lastEndAt ||
                                innerRadius != _lastInnerRadius || outerRadius != _lastOuterRadius);

    const float FULL_CIRCLE = 360.0f;
    const float SLICES = 180.0f;  // The amount of segment to create the circle

    //const int slices = 15;
    xColor colorX = getColor();
    const float MAX_COLOR = 255.0f;
    glm::vec4 color(colorX.red / MAX_COLOR, colorX.green / MAX_COLOR, colorX.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);

    bool colorChanged = colorX.red != _lastColor.red || colorX.green != _lastColor.green || colorX.blue != _lastColor.blue;
    _lastColor = colorX;

    auto geometryCache = DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>();
    auto& batch = *args->_batch;
    auto transform = _transform;
    transform.postScale(glm::vec3(getDimensions(), 1.0f));
    DependencyManager::get<DeferredLightingEffect>()->bindSimpleProgram(batch, false, false);
    // for our overlay, is solid means we draw a ring between the inner and outer radius of the circle, otherwise
    // we just draw a line...
    if (getIsSolid()) {
        if (_quadVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
            _quadVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();
        if (geometryChanged || colorChanged) {
            QVector<glm::vec2> points;
            float angle = startAt;
            float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
            glm::vec2 mostRecentInnerPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
            glm::vec2 mostRecentOuterPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
            while (angle < endAt) {
                angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                glm::vec2 thisInnerPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
                glm::vec2 thisOuterPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                points << mostRecentInnerPoint << mostRecentOuterPoint << thisOuterPoint; // first triangle
                points << mostRecentInnerPoint << thisInnerPoint << thisOuterPoint; // second triangle
                angle += SLICE_ANGLE;

                mostRecentInnerPoint = thisInnerPoint;
                mostRecentOuterPoint = thisOuterPoint;
            // get the last slice portion....
            angle = endAt;
            angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
            glm::vec2 lastInnerPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
            glm::vec2 lastOuterPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);

            points << mostRecentInnerPoint << mostRecentOuterPoint << lastOuterPoint; // first triangle
            points << mostRecentInnerPoint << lastInnerPoint << lastOuterPoint; // second triangle
            geometryCache->updateVertices(_quadVerticesID, points, color);
        geometryCache->renderVertices(batch, gpu::TRIANGLES, _quadVerticesID);
    } else {
        if (_lineVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
            _lineVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();
        if (geometryChanged || colorChanged) {
            QVector<glm::vec2> points;
            float angle = startAt;
            float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
            glm::vec2 firstPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
            points << firstPoint;
            while (angle < endAt) {
                angle += SLICE_ANGLE;
                angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                glm::vec2 thisPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                points << thisPoint;
                if (getIsDashedLine()) {
                    angle += SLICE_ANGLE / 2.0f; // short gap
                    angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 dashStartPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                    points << dashStartPoint;
            // get the last slice portion....
            angle = endAt;
            angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
            glm::vec2 lastPoint(cosf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
            points << lastPoint;
            geometryCache->updateVertices(_lineVerticesID, points, color);
        if (getIsDashedLine()) {
            geometryCache->renderVertices(batch, gpu::LINES, _lineVerticesID);
        } else {
            geometryCache->renderVertices(batch, gpu::LINE_STRIP, _lineVerticesID);
    // draw our tick marks
    // for our overlay, is solid means we draw a ring between the inner and outer radius of the circle, otherwise
    // we just draw a line...
    if (getHasTickMarks()) {
        if (_majorTicksVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
            _majorTicksVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();
        if (_minorTicksVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
            _minorTicksVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();
        if (geometryChanged) {
            QVector<glm::vec2> majorPoints;
            QVector<glm::vec2> minorPoints;
            // draw our major tick marks
            if (getMajorTickMarksAngle() > 0.0f && getMajorTickMarksLength() != 0.0f) {
                float tickMarkAngle = getMajorTickMarksAngle();
                float angle = startAt - fmodf(startAt, tickMarkAngle) + tickMarkAngle;
                float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                float tickMarkLength = getMajorTickMarksLength();
                float startRadius = (tickMarkLength > 0.0f) ? innerRadius : outerRadius;
                float endRadius = startRadius + tickMarkLength;
                while (angle <= endAt) {
                    angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 thisPointA(cosf(angleInRadians) * startRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * startRadius);
                    glm::vec2 thisPointB(cosf(angleInRadians) * endRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * endRadius);
                    majorPoints << thisPointA << thisPointB;
                    angle += tickMarkAngle;
            // draw our minor tick marks
            if (getMinorTickMarksAngle() > 0.0f && getMinorTickMarksLength() != 0.0f) {
                float tickMarkAngle = getMinorTickMarksAngle();
                float angle = startAt - fmodf(startAt, tickMarkAngle) + tickMarkAngle;
                float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                float tickMarkLength = getMinorTickMarksLength();
                float startRadius = (tickMarkLength > 0.0f) ? innerRadius : outerRadius;
                float endRadius = startRadius + tickMarkLength;
                while (angle <= endAt) {
                    angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 thisPointA(cosf(angleInRadians) * startRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * startRadius);
                    glm::vec2 thisPointB(cosf(angleInRadians) * endRadius, sinf(angleInRadians) * endRadius);
                    minorPoints << thisPointA << thisPointB;
                    angle += tickMarkAngle;
            xColor majorColorX = getMajorTickMarksColor();
            glm::vec4 majorColor(majorColorX.red / MAX_COLOR, majorColorX.green / MAX_COLOR, majorColorX.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);
            geometryCache->updateVertices(_majorTicksVerticesID, majorPoints, majorColor);
            xColor minorColorX = getMinorTickMarksColor();
            glm::vec4 minorColor(minorColorX.red / MAX_COLOR, minorColorX.green / MAX_COLOR, minorColorX.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);
            geometryCache->updateVertices(_minorTicksVerticesID, minorPoints, minorColor);
        geometryCache->renderVertices(batch, gpu::LINES, _majorTicksVerticesID);
        geometryCache->renderVertices(batch, gpu::LINES, _minorTicksVerticesID);
    if (geometryChanged) {
        _lastStartAt = startAt;
        _lastEndAt = endAt;
        _lastInnerRadius = innerRadius;
        _lastOuterRadius = outerRadius;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// drawMap() - Called from draw fun, it tells our specific map to draw.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MapDrawer::drawMap(const int zone, const int idx)
    if (myMap != 0 && pagers[idx] != 0 && showMap && getDisplay() != 0){
        // Update the tiles for the pager
        pagers[idx]->updateTextures(textureRow[idx], textureCol[idx]);
        // Set up for drawing	     
        lcColor3(mapIntensity, mapIntensity, mapIntensity);
            // Not centered, move the whole map down the displacement value.
            if (!getCentered()) {
                LCreal dis = getOuterRadius();
                //LCreal scale = getScale();
                LCreal myScale = vpHL / dis;
                glTranslatef(0, GLfloat(getDisplacement() * myScale), 0);
            glTranslatef(0, 0, -0.1f);
            sinAng = 0.0f;
            cosAng = 1.0f;

            // Set the scale, if not the CENTER_PAGER
            if (idx != CENTER_PAGER) determineScaling(idx);

            bool nu = getNorthUp();
            if (!nu) {
                GLfloat hdg = (GLfloat) getHeadingDeg();
                glRotatef(hdg, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                sinAng = (LCreal)lcSin(hdg * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC);
                cosAng = (LCreal)lcCos(hdg * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC);

            // Translate down the pixels first
            float transPixelX =  -pixelCol[idx] * scalingEast[idx]; 
            float transPixelY =   pixelRow[idx] * scalingNorth[idx]; 

            // Translate to the next tile
            glTranslatef(transPixelX, transPixelY, 0.0f);
            TextureTable& tbl = pagers[idx]->getTable();
            int si = tbl.getLowerBoundIndex();

            int i1 = si;
            int i = 0;
            int lb = 0, ub = 0;

            // Enable texturing
            lb = tbl.getLowerBoundIndex();
            ub = tbl.getUpperBoundIndex();
            for (i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
                int j1 = si;
                for (int j = lb; j <= ub; j++) {
                    drawTexture(i1, j1, idx);

            // Done drawing tiles, now draw grid, if selected to draw.

            if (drawGrid) {
                i1 = si;
                for (i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
                    int j1 = si;
                    for (int j = lb; j <= ub; j++) {
                        goDrawGrid(i1, j1, idx);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// drawFunc() - Draw the map.
void MapDrawer::drawFunc()
    GLdouble ocolor[4];
    // Get our old color 
    glGetDoublev(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, &ocolor[0]);
    GLdouble dLeft = 0, dRight = 0, dBottom = 0, dTop = 0, dNear = 0, dFar = 0;
    //double lat = 0, lon = 0;

    // Determine our rotation, if needed.
    if (getDisplay() != 0) getDisplay()->getOrtho(dLeft, dRight, dBottom, dTop, dNear, dFar);

    if (myMap != 0) {
        double rLat = myMap->getReferenceLatDeg();
        double rLon = myMap->getReferenceLonDeg();
        int refZone = myMap->findBestZone(rLat, rLon); 
        if (refZone != -1) {
            // Determine our CENTER tile and pixel position
            myMap->latLonToTileRowColumn(rLat, rLon, originRow[CENTER_PAGER], originCol[CENTER_PAGER], textureRow[CENTER_PAGER], textureCol[CENTER_PAGER], pixelRow[CENTER_PAGER], \
                pixelCol[CENTER_PAGER], pagers[CENTER_PAGER]);
            // Take the distance in nautical miles, and then convert to degrees
            LCreal quickRange = getRange();
            LCreal disDegN = quickRange / 60.0f;
            LCreal disDegE = (LCreal)(quickRange / (60.0 * getCosRefLat()));
            // Get the space (in latitude degrees) between each pixel
            CadrgTocEntry* te = pagers[CENTER_PAGER]->getToc();
            LCreal n = 1, e = 1;
            if (te != 0) {
                n = (LCreal)te->getVertInterval();
                e = (LCreal)te->getHorizInterval();
            // OK, so we know how far we want to look out (disDeg, and how far it is per pixel, so we can find 
            // the total amount of pixels by dividing disDeg / x.
            vpHL = disDegN / n;
            vpWL = disDegE / e;

            // Scale our viewport by the ratio of our map page to our actual ortho, to make our background map fit into our range circle
            LCreal rad = getOuterRadius();
            LCreal radRatio = (LCreal)(dTop / rad);
            vpHL *= radRatio;
            vpWL *= radRatio;
            // Now stretch and shrink our ortho based on if we are track up
            double newVPHL = vpHL;
            double newVPWL = vpWL;

            // Force our ortho before drawing
            getDisplay()->forceOrtho(-newVPWL, newVPWL,  -newVPHL, newVPHL, -2, 2);

            // Update our current reference zone            
            updateZone(refZone, zones[CENTER_PAGER], CENTER_PAGER);
            // Tell our center pager to draw the map
            drawMap(zones[CENTER_PAGER], CENTER_PAGER);

            // Check to see if we need to have zones around us (depending on the range)
            LCreal rngDeg = (quickRange * 2) / 60.0f;
            int tZone = myMap->findBestZone(rLat + rngDeg, rLon); 

            // Now determine if there are other zones to draw
            if (tZone != zones[CENTER_PAGER]) {
                updateZone(tZone, zones[TOP_PAGER], TOP_PAGER);
                myMap->latLonToTileRowColumn(rLat, rLon, originRow[TOP_PAGER], originCol[TOP_PAGER], textureRow[TOP_PAGER], textureCol[TOP_PAGER], pixelRow[TOP_PAGER], \
                pixelCol[TOP_PAGER], pagers[TOP_PAGER]);
                // Draw the map 
                drawMap(zones[TOP_PAGER], TOP_PAGER);
            else pagers[TOP_PAGER]->flushTextures();

            // Set our reference zone.
            myMap->setZone(zones[CENTER_PAGER], pagers[CENTER_PAGER]);

    // Set our ortho and our color back to it's original state after we draw.
    getDisplay()->forceOrtho(dLeft, dRight, dBottom, dTop, dNear, dFar);
Vec3f CylinderDistribution3D::generate(void) const
    Vec3f Result;

    case SURFACE:
            std::vector<Real32> Areas;
            //Min Cap
            Areas.push_back(0.5*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta())*(getOuterRadius()*getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()*getInnerRadius()));
            //Max Cap
            Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + 0.5*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta())*(getOuterRadius()*getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()*getInnerRadius()));
            //Inner Tube
            Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + getInnerRadius()*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta()) * getHeight());
            //Outer Tube
            Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + getOuterRadius()*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta()) * getHeight());

            bool HasTubeSides(osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta()) - 6.283185 < -0.000001);
                //MinTheta Tube Side
                Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + (getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()) * getHeight());

                //MaxTheta Tube Side
                Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + (getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()) * getHeight());

            Real32 PickEdge(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0));
            if(PickEdge < Areas[0]/Areas.back())
                //Max Cap
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(Theta))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(Theta))*getBinormal()
                    + (getHeight()/static_cast<Real32>(2.0))*getNormal();
            else if(PickEdge < Areas[1]/Areas.back())
                //Min Cap
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(Theta))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(Theta))*getBinormal()
                    + (-getHeight()/static_cast<Real32>(2.0))*getNormal();
            else if(PickEdge < Areas[2]/Areas.back())
                //Inner Tube
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result =  getCenter().subZero()
                    + getInnerRadius()*osgSin(Theta)*getTangent()
                    + getInnerRadius()*osgCos(Theta)*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
            else if(PickEdge < Areas[3]/Areas.back())
                //Outer Tube
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result =  getCenter().subZero()
                    + getOuterRadius()*osgSin(Theta)*getTangent()
                    + getOuterRadius()*osgCos(Theta)*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
            else if(HasTubeSides && PickEdge < Areas[4]/Areas.back())
                //MinTheta Tube Side
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(getMinTheta()))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(getMinTheta()))*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
            else if(HasTubeSides && PickEdge < Areas[5]/Areas.back())
                //MaxTheta Tube Side
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(getMaxTheta()))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(getMaxTheta()))*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
                assert(false && "Should never reach this point");
    case VOLUME:
            //To get a uniform distribution across the disc get a uniformly distributed allong 0.0 - 1.0
            //Then Take the square root of that.  This gives a square root distribution from 0.0 - 1.0
            //This square root distribution is used for the random radius because the area of a disc is 
            //dependant on the square of the radius, i.e it is a quadratic function
            Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
            Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
            Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
            Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
            Result = getCenter().subZero()
                   + (Radius*osgSin(Theta))*getTangent()
                   + (Radius*osgCos(Theta))*getBinormal()
                   + Height*getNormal();

    return Result;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// draw() - draw the objects in their proper place
void SymbolLoader::draw()
    if (isVisible()) {

        // Y Displacement (ie, decentered)
        LCreal displacement = 0;
        if (!getCentered()) displacement = getDisplacement();

        // Radius (ie., range)
        LCreal radius = 0;
        if (!getCentered()) radius = getOuterRadiusDC();
        else radius = getOuterRadius();
        LCreal radius2 = radius * radius;

        // ---
        // Setup the drawing parameters for all of our symbols ...
        // ---
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SYMBOLS; i++) {

            if (symbols[i] != 0) {

                // When the symbol visibility flag is true ...
                if (symbols[i]->isVisible()) {

                    // Get the pointer to the symbol's graphical component
                    Basic::Pair* p = symbols[i]->getSymbolPair();
                    BasicGL::Graphic* g = (BasicGL::Graphic*)p->object();

                    // We need the symbol's position in screen coordinates (inches) ...
                    LCreal xScn = (LCreal) symbols[i]->getScreenXPos();
                    LCreal yScn = (LCreal) symbols[i]->getScreenYPos();

                    if ( !(symbols[i]->isPositionScreen()) ) {

                        // But when we were not give screen coordinates,
                        // we'll need to compute them from A/C coordinates
                        LCreal acX = 0.0;
                        LCreal acY = 0.0;

                        // 1) when given A/C coordinates ...
                        if ( symbols[i]->isPositionAC() ) {
                            acX = (LCreal) symbols[i]->getXPosition();
                            acY = (LCreal) symbols[i]->getYPosition();

                        // 2) when given NED or L/L coordinates ..
                        else {
                            LCreal north = 0;
                            LCreal east  = 0;

                            if (symbols[i]->isPositionLL()) {
                                // 2a) we were give L/L so convert to NED coordinates
                                double lat = symbols[i]->getXPosition();
                                double lon = symbols[i]->getYPosition();
                                latLon2Earth(lat, lon, &north, &east);
                            else {
                                // 2b) we were give NED coordinates
                                north = (LCreal) symbols[i]->getXPosition();
                                east  = (LCreal) symbols[i]->getYPosition();

                            // 2c) convert the NED coordinates to aircraft coordinates
                            earth2Aircraft(north, east, &acX, &acY);

                        // 3) Convert the aircraft coordinates to screen coordinates
                        aircraft2Screen(acX, acY, &xScn, &yScn);

                        // 4) Save the screen coordinates (inches)

                    // In range?  Do we care?
                    bool inRange  = !showInRangeOnly || (((xScn * xScn) + (yScn * yScn)) <= radius2);

                    if (inRange) {

                        // set symbol's visibility

                        // and set the symbol's position
                        g->lcTranslate(xScn, yScn + displacement);

                        // pass the argument value to the symbol (if needed)
                        if (symbols[i]->getValue() != 0) {
                            g->event(UPDATE_VALUE, symbols[i]->getValue());

                        // rotate the symbol's heading subcomponent (if needed)
                        // -- sending a 'Z' rotation event to a component named 'hdg'
                        if (symbols[i]->isHeadingValid()) {
                            BasicGL::Graphic* phdg = symbols[i]->getHdgGraphics();
                            if (phdg == 0) {
                                Basic::Pair* hpair = (Basic::Pair*) g->findByName("hdg");
                                if (hpair != 0) {
                                    phdg = dynamic_cast<Graphic*>(hpair->object());
                            if (phdg != 0) {
                                Basic::Degrees* angObj = symbols[i]->getHdgAngleObj();
                                if (angObj == 0) {
                                    angObj = new Basic::Degrees();
                                double relHeading = symbols[i]->getHeadingDeg() - getHeadingDeg();
                                phdg->event(UPDATE_VALUE6, angObj);
                    else {
                        // out of range, so clear the graphical component's visibility flag

                // When the symbol visibility flag is false ...
                else {
                    Basic::Pair* p = symbols[i]->getSymbolPair();
                    BasicGL::Graphic* g = (BasicGL::Graphic*)p->object();

        // ---
        // Let our base class handle the drawing
        // ---

        // ---
        // now restore the matrices on all of our graphical components
        // ---
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SYMBOLS; i++) {
            if (symbols[i] != 0) {
                Basic::Pair* p = symbols[i]->getSymbolPair();
                BasicGL::Graphic* g = (BasicGL::Graphic*)p->object();
                if (g->isVisible()) g->lcRestoreMatrix();

Ejemplo n.º 10
void Circle3DOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    if (!_visible) {
        return; // do nothing if we're not visible

    float alpha = getAlpha();

    if (alpha == 0.0) {
        return; // do nothing if our alpha is 0, we're not visible
    const float FULL_CIRCLE = 360.0f;
    const float SLICES = 180.0f;  // The amount of segment to create the circle

    //const int slices = 15;
    xColor color = getColor();
    const float MAX_COLOR = 255.0f;
    glColor4f(color.red / MAX_COLOR, color.green / MAX_COLOR, color.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);

    glm::vec3 position = getPosition();
    glm::vec3 center = getCenter();
    glm::vec2 dimensions = getDimensions();
    glm::quat rotation = getRotation();

    float glowLevel = getGlowLevel();
    Glower* glower = NULL;
    if (glowLevel > 0.0f) {
        glower = new Glower(glowLevel);

        glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
        glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(rotation);
        glRotatef(glm::degrees(glm::angle(rotation)), axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
            glm::vec3 positionToCenter = center - position;
            glTranslatef(positionToCenter.x, positionToCenter.y, positionToCenter.z);
            glScalef(dimensions.x, dimensions.y, 1.0f);

            // Create the circle in the coordinates origin
            float outerRadius = getOuterRadius(); 
            float innerRadius = getInnerRadius(); // only used in solid case
            float startAt = getStartAt();
            float endAt = getEndAt();

            // for our overlay, is solid means we draw a ring between the inner and outer radius of the circle, otherwise
            // we just draw a line...
            if (getIsSolid()) {

                float angle = startAt;
                float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                glm::vec2 firstInnerPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
                glm::vec2 firstOuterPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);

                glVertex2f(firstInnerPoint.x, firstInnerPoint.y);
                glVertex2f(firstOuterPoint.x, firstOuterPoint.y);

                while (angle < endAt) {
                    angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 thisInnerPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
                    glm::vec2 thisOuterPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);

                    glVertex2f(thisOuterPoint.x, thisOuterPoint.y);
                    glVertex2f(thisInnerPoint.x, thisInnerPoint.y);
                    angle += SLICE_ANGLE;
                // get the last slice portion....
                angle = endAt;
                angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                glm::vec2 lastInnerPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
                glm::vec2 lastOuterPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                glVertex2f(lastOuterPoint.x, lastOuterPoint.y);
                glVertex2f(lastInnerPoint.x, lastInnerPoint.y);

            } else {
                if (getIsDashedLine()) {
                } else {

                float angle = startAt;
                float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                glm::vec2 firstPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                glVertex2f(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y);

                while (angle < endAt) {
                    angle += SLICE_ANGLE;
                    angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 thisPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                    glVertex2f(thisPoint.x, thisPoint.y);

                    if (getIsDashedLine()) {
                        angle += SLICE_ANGLE / 2.0f; // short gap
                        angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                        glm::vec2 dashStartPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                        glVertex2f(dashStartPoint.x, dashStartPoint.y);
                // get the last slice portion....
                angle = endAt;
                angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                glm::vec2 lastOuterPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                glVertex2f(lastOuterPoint.x, lastOuterPoint.y);
            // draw our tick marks
            // for our overlay, is solid means we draw a ring between the inner and outer radius of the circle, otherwise
            // we just draw a line...
            if (getHasTickMarks()) {

                // draw our major tick marks
                if (getMajorTickMarksAngle() > 0.0f && getMajorTickMarksLength() != 0.0f) {
                    xColor color = getMajorTickMarksColor();
                    glColor4f(color.red / MAX_COLOR, color.green / MAX_COLOR, color.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);
                    float tickMarkAngle = getMajorTickMarksAngle();
                    float angle = startAt - fmod(startAt, tickMarkAngle) + tickMarkAngle; 
                    float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    float tickMarkLength = getMajorTickMarksLength();
                    float startRadius = (tickMarkLength > 0.0f) ? innerRadius : outerRadius;
                    float endRadius = startRadius + tickMarkLength;

                    while (angle <= endAt) {
                        angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);

                        glm::vec2 thisPointA(cos(angleInRadians) * startRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * startRadius);
                        glm::vec2 thisPointB(cos(angleInRadians) * endRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * endRadius);

                        glVertex2f(thisPointA.x, thisPointA.y);
                        glVertex2f(thisPointB.x, thisPointB.y);
                        angle += tickMarkAngle;

                // draw our minor tick marks
                if (getMinorTickMarksAngle() > 0.0f && getMinorTickMarksLength() != 0.0f) {
                    xColor color = getMinorTickMarksColor();
                    glColor4f(color.red / MAX_COLOR, color.green / MAX_COLOR, color.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);
                    float tickMarkAngle = getMinorTickMarksAngle();
                    float angle = startAt - fmod(startAt, tickMarkAngle) + tickMarkAngle; 
                    float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    float tickMarkLength = getMinorTickMarksLength();
                    float startRadius = (tickMarkLength > 0.0f) ? innerRadius : outerRadius;
                    float endRadius = startRadius + tickMarkLength;

                    while (angle <= endAt) {
                        angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);

                        glm::vec2 thisPointA(cos(angleInRadians) * startRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * startRadius);
                        glm::vec2 thisPointB(cos(angleInRadians) * endRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * endRadius);

                        glVertex2f(thisPointA.x, thisPointA.y);
                        glVertex2f(thisPointB.x, thisPointB.y);
                        angle += tickMarkAngle;

    if (glower) {
        delete glower;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Circle3DOverlay::render(RenderArgs* args) {
    if (!_visible) {
        return; // do nothing if we're not visible

    float alpha = getAlpha();

    if (alpha == 0.0) {
        return; // do nothing if our alpha is 0, we're not visible
    // Create the circle in the coordinates origin
    float outerRadius = getOuterRadius();
    float innerRadius = getInnerRadius(); // only used in solid case
    float startAt = getStartAt();
    float endAt = getEndAt();
    bool geometryChanged = (startAt != _lastStartAt || endAt != _lastEndAt ||
                                innerRadius != _lastInnerRadius || outerRadius != _lastOuterRadius);

    const float FULL_CIRCLE = 360.0f;
    const float SLICES = 180.0f;  // The amount of segment to create the circle

    //const int slices = 15;
    xColor color = getColor();
    const float MAX_COLOR = 255.0f;
    glColor4f(color.red / MAX_COLOR, color.green / MAX_COLOR, color.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);

    glm::vec3 position = getPosition();
    glm::vec3 center = getCenter();
    glm::vec2 dimensions = getDimensions();
    glm::quat rotation = getRotation();

    float glowLevel = getGlowLevel();
    Glower* glower = NULL;
    if (glowLevel > 0.0f) {
        glower = new Glower(glowLevel);

        glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
        glm::vec3 axis = glm::axis(rotation);
        glRotatef(glm::degrees(glm::angle(rotation)), axis.x, axis.y, axis.z);
            glm::vec3 positionToCenter = center - position;
            glTranslatef(positionToCenter.x, positionToCenter.y, positionToCenter.z);
            glScalef(dimensions.x, dimensions.y, 1.0f);


            auto geometryCache = DependencyManager::get<GeometryCache>();
            // for our overlay, is solid means we draw a ring between the inner and outer radius of the circle, otherwise
            // we just draw a line...
            if (getIsSolid()) {
                if (_quadVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
                    _quadVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();
                if (geometryChanged) {
                    QVector<glm::vec2> points;

                    float angle = startAt;
                    float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 firstInnerPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
                    glm::vec2 firstOuterPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);

                    points << firstInnerPoint << firstOuterPoint;

                    while (angle < endAt) {
                        angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                        glm::vec2 thisInnerPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
                        glm::vec2 thisOuterPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);

                        points << thisOuterPoint << thisInnerPoint;
                        angle += SLICE_ANGLE;
                    // get the last slice portion....
                    angle = endAt;
                    angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 lastInnerPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * innerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * innerRadius);
                    glm::vec2 lastOuterPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                    points << lastOuterPoint << lastInnerPoint;

                    geometryCache->updateVertices(_quadVerticesID, points);
                geometryCache->renderVertices(GL_QUAD_STRIP, _quadVerticesID);

            } else {
                if (_lineVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
                    _lineVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();

                if (geometryChanged) {
                    QVector<glm::vec2> points;
                    float angle = startAt;
                    float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 firstPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                    points << firstPoint;

                    while (angle < endAt) {
                        angle += SLICE_ANGLE;
                        angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                        glm::vec2 thisPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                        points << thisPoint;

                        if (getIsDashedLine()) {
                            angle += SLICE_ANGLE / 2.0f; // short gap
                            angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                            glm::vec2 dashStartPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                            points << dashStartPoint;
                    // get the last slice portion....
                    angle = endAt;
                    angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                    glm::vec2 lastPoint(cos(angleInRadians) * outerRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * outerRadius);
                    points << lastPoint;

                    geometryCache->updateVertices(_lineVerticesID, points);

                if (getIsDashedLine()) {
                    geometryCache->renderVertices(GL_LINES, _lineVerticesID);
                } else {
                    geometryCache->renderVertices(GL_LINE_STRIP, _lineVerticesID);
            // draw our tick marks
            // for our overlay, is solid means we draw a ring between the inner and outer radius of the circle, otherwise
            // we just draw a line...
            if (getHasTickMarks()) {

                if (_majorTicksVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
                    _majorTicksVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();
                if (_minorTicksVerticesID == GeometryCache::UNKNOWN_ID) {
                    _minorTicksVerticesID = geometryCache->allocateID();

                if (geometryChanged) {
                    QVector<glm::vec2> majorPoints;
                    QVector<glm::vec2> minorPoints;

                    // draw our major tick marks
                    if (getMajorTickMarksAngle() > 0.0f && getMajorTickMarksLength() != 0.0f) {
                        float tickMarkAngle = getMajorTickMarksAngle();
                        float angle = startAt - fmod(startAt, tickMarkAngle) + tickMarkAngle; 
                        float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                        float tickMarkLength = getMajorTickMarksLength();
                        float startRadius = (tickMarkLength > 0.0f) ? innerRadius : outerRadius;
                        float endRadius = startRadius + tickMarkLength;

                        while (angle <= endAt) {
                            angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);

                            glm::vec2 thisPointA(cos(angleInRadians) * startRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * startRadius);
                            glm::vec2 thisPointB(cos(angleInRadians) * endRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * endRadius);

                            majorPoints << thisPointA << thisPointB;
                            angle += tickMarkAngle;

                    // draw our minor tick marks
                    if (getMinorTickMarksAngle() > 0.0f && getMinorTickMarksLength() != 0.0f) {
                        float tickMarkAngle = getMinorTickMarksAngle();
                        float angle = startAt - fmod(startAt, tickMarkAngle) + tickMarkAngle; 
                        float angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);
                        float tickMarkLength = getMinorTickMarksLength();
                        float startRadius = (tickMarkLength > 0.0f) ? innerRadius : outerRadius;
                        float endRadius = startRadius + tickMarkLength;

                        while (angle <= endAt) {
                            angleInRadians = glm::radians(angle);

                            glm::vec2 thisPointA(cos(angleInRadians) * startRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * startRadius);
                            glm::vec2 thisPointB(cos(angleInRadians) * endRadius, sin(angleInRadians) * endRadius);

                            minorPoints << thisPointA << thisPointB;
                            angle += tickMarkAngle;

                    geometryCache->updateVertices(_majorTicksVerticesID, majorPoints);
                    geometryCache->updateVertices(_minorTicksVerticesID, minorPoints);

                xColor majorColor = getMajorTickMarksColor();
                glColor4f(majorColor.red / MAX_COLOR, majorColor.green / MAX_COLOR, majorColor.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);
                geometryCache->renderVertices(GL_LINES, _majorTicksVerticesID);

                xColor minorColor = getMinorTickMarksColor();
                glColor4f(minorColor.red / MAX_COLOR, minorColor.green / MAX_COLOR, minorColor.blue / MAX_COLOR, alpha);
                geometryCache->renderVertices(GL_LINES, _minorTicksVerticesID);
    if (geometryChanged) {
        _lastStartAt = startAt;
        _lastEndAt = endAt;
        _lastInnerRadius = innerRadius;
        _lastOuterRadius = outerRadius;
    if (glower) {
        delete glower;