Ejemplo n.º 1
/* =============================================================================
 * coordinate_comparePair
 * -- For sorting in list of source/destination pairs
 * -- Route longer paths first so they are more likely to succeed
 * =============================================================================
coordinate_comparePair (const void* aPtr, const void* bPtr)
    double aDistance = getPairDistance((pair_t*)aPtr);
    double bDistance = getPairDistance((pair_t*)bPtr);

    if (aDistance < bDistance) {
        return 1;
    } else if (aDistance > bDistance) {
        return -1;

    return 0;
void IntervalManager::memorizeAction(std::pair<int, int>& pair, int costDiff) {
    int distance = getPairDistance(pair, dimension);
    for (Interval* interval : intervals) {
        if (distance < interval->getMaxDistance()
                && distance >= interval->getMinDistance()) {
            Action* action = new Action(pair, costDiff);
            lastAction = action;
        // Note: don't break, more than one interval might qualify
std::ostream& IntervalManager::outputDataCSV(std::ostream& out) {
    // prefix
    out << relation->getType() << "," << strategy->getType() << ",";
    // either 1st line data or current data
    if (!startedCSVOutput) {
        startedCSVOutput = true;
        // Interval data headers
        for (Interval* interval : intervals) {
            out << "[" << interval->getMinDistance() << ";"
                    << interval->getMaxDistance() << "[,";
        // Last action headers
        out << "Last Action, ,";
        out << "Range,";
        out << "Cost diff,";
        // Actions considered headers
        out << "Stats,";
        out << "# of improving actions,";
        out << "# of degrading actions,";
        out << "ratio,";
    } else {
        // Interval data
        for (Interval* interval : intervals) {
            out << interval->getActions().size() << ",";
        // Last action data
        out << "Action:,";
        const std::pair<int, int>& pair = lastAction->getPair();
        out << "[" << pair.first << " <-> " << pair.second << "],";
        out << getPairDistance(pair, dimension) << ",";
        out << lastAction->getCostDiff() << ",";
        // Actions considered stats
        out << "Stats:,";
        out << strategicMemory->getNumberOfGoodActions() << ",";
        out << strategicMemory->getNumberOfBadActions() << ",";
        out << strategicMemory->getGoodToBadRatio() << ",";
    out << std::endl;
    return out;
Interval* IntervalManager::getInterval(const std::pair<int, int>& pair) {
    int distance = getPairDistance(pair, dimension);
    return getInterval(distance);