Ejemplo n.º 1
void final_magic_crop_rotate ( Mat& mat, vector<Point>& points4 ) {

  Size size_mat = mat.size();
  corners_magick_do ( points4 /*ref*/ ); /*sorts corner points4*/

  vector<Point2f> points4f;
  // this here is probably closest to the size of the original invoice... well, let's try... tension :)
  RotatedRect rect_minAreaRect = minAreaRect ( points4 );

  // RNG rng(12345);
  Point2f rect_points[4]; rect_minAreaRect.points( rect_points );

  for ( int i=0; i<(int)points4.size(/*4*/); ++i ) {

  bool is_mat_width = size_mat.width>size_mat.height; /*is width larger*/
  int small = min(rect_minAreaRect.size.width, rect_minAreaRect.size.height);
  int large = max(rect_minAreaRect.size.width, rect_minAreaRect.size.height);
  !is_mat_width && (small=small^large) && (large=small^large) && (small=small^large); /*XOR swap*/
  // Mat quad = Mat::zeros ( small, large, CV_8UC3 );
  Mat quad = Mat::zeros ( small, large, CV_8U );

  vector<Point2f> quad_pts;
  quad_pts.push_back(Point2f(0, 0));
  quad_pts.push_back(Point2f(quad.cols, 0));
  quad_pts.push_back(Point2f(quad.cols, quad.rows));
  quad_pts.push_back(Point2f(0, quad.rows));

  if ( points4f.size()==4 ) {
    outfile << "ok, doing pers transform and warp..." << points4f << endl;
    Mat transmtx = getPerspectiveTransform ( points4f, quad_pts );
    warpPerspective ( mat, quad, transmtx, quad.size() );

    imwrite ( IMG_PATH, quad ) ;
    ocr_doit ( quad );
  else {
    outfile << "checking points4f... not 4 of number " << points4f << endl;
    // TODO rotate
    if ( mat.cols>mat.rows ){
      rot90 ( mat, 1 );
    imwrite ( IMG_PATH, mat ) ;
    outfile << "DISPLAY_IMG" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Mat InversePerspectiveMapper::MapInversePerspectiveFromVanishingPoint(const Mat &image, const Point2f &vanishingPoint)
    float abstand = abs(vanishingPoint.y - (image.rows / 2.0f));
    float focalLength = 575;
    float alphaKlein = 23 * CV_PI_F / 180;
    float alphaGross = 29 * CV_PI_F / 180;

    float cameraTilt = atan(abstand / focalLength);

    float remainingHeight = image.rows - cvRound(vanishingPoint.y);

    float xDistance = cvCeil(image.cols / 3.0f);
    float yDistance = cvCeil(remainingHeight / 3.0f);

    pair<vector<cv::Point2f>, vector<cv::Point2f> > sourceDestinationPairs;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            float x = xDistance + i * xDistance;
            float y = vanishingPoint.y + yDistance + j * yDistance;

            float u = 22 * HTWKMath::cotf((cameraTilt - alphaKlein) + y * (2 * alphaKlein / (image.rows - 1))) *
                      sinf(-alphaGross + x * (2 * alphaGross / (image.cols - 1))) - 3;
            float v = 22 * HTWKMath::cotf((cameraTilt - alphaKlein) + y * (2 * alphaKlein / (image.rows - 1))) *
                      cosf(-alphaGross + x * (2 * alphaGross / (image.cols - 1))) - 50;
            // set from 50 to 55 remove hood for car 20 after crash

            // Moved coordinates to IPM
            u = u + 150;
            v = 200 - v;

            sourceDestinationPairs.first.push_back(Point2f(x, y));
            sourceDestinationPairs.second.push_back(Point2f(u, v));

    Mat lambda = getPerspectiveTransform(sourceDestinationPairs.first, sourceDestinationPairs.second);
    Mat output(200, 300, CV_8UC1, CV_RGB(0, 0, 0));

    warpPerspective(image, output, lambda, output.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, CV_RGB(5, 5, 5));

    return output.clone();
Ejemplo n.º 3
Mat getTransformMat(Point2f* srcq )
	Point2f srcQuad[4],dstQuad[4];
	Mat warp_perspective;
	srcQuad[0] = srcq[0];
	srcQuad[1] = srcq[1];
	srcQuad[2] = srcq[2];
	srcQuad[3] = srcq[3];

	dstQuad[0] = Point2f(192.0/5.0,0.0);
	dstQuad[1] = Point2f(3008.0/5.0,0.0);
	dstQuad[2] = Point2f(3008.0/5.0,float(image.rows));
	dstQuad[3] = Point2f(192.0/5.0,float(image.rows));
	warp_perspective= getPerspectiveTransform(srcQuad,dstQuad);
	//warpPerspective(src, warped, warp_perspective, Size(640,480));

	return warp_perspective;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Calibrador::calcHomography() {
	if(ptsSrc.size() >= 4) {
		vector<Point2f> srcPoints, dstPoints;
		for(int i = 0; i < ptsSrc.size(); i++) {
			srcPoints.push_back(Point2f(ptsSrc[i].x, ptsSrc[i].x));
			dstPoints.push_back(Point2f(ptsDst[i].x, ptsDst[i].y));
		// generate a homography from the two sets of points
		homography = findHomography(Mat(srcPoints), Mat(dstPoints));
		homographyReady = true;
		cv::invert(homography, homography_inv);
		// getPerspective
		// esto necesita 4 puntos (ni mas ni menos)
		map_matrix = getPerspectiveTransform(srcPoints, dstPoints);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Mat ScreenDetector::transformImage(std::vector<Point> rect)
    Point tl,tr, bl, br;
    int width, height;
    // order Points : top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
    rect = getOrderedPoints(rect);
    tl = rect.at(0);
    tr = rect.at(1);
    br = rect.at(2);
    bl = rect.at(3);

    Point2f src[4];
    src[0] = rect.at(0);
    src[1] = rect.at(1);
    src[2] = rect.at(2);
    src[3] = rect.at(3);

    Point2f dst[4];

    dst[0] = Point(0,0);
    dst[1] = Point(interfaceWidth-1, 0);
    dst[2] = Point(interfaceWidth-1, interfaceHeight-1);
    dst[3] = Point(0, interfaceHeight-1);

    Mat transformMatrix;
    transformMatrix = getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst);

        Mat warped;
        namedWindow("warped", WINDOW_KEEPRATIO);
        warpPerspective(img, warped, transformMatrix, Size(interfaceWidth, interfaceHeight));
        imshow("warped", warped);

    return transformMatrix;
Ejemplo n.º 6
cv::Mat PerspectiveTransform::getTransformationMatrix(vector<ofVec2f> src, vector<ofVec2f> dst)
    cv::Mat mat;
    if (src.size() < 4 ||
        dst.size() < 4 ||
        src.size() != dst.size())
        return mat;

    cv::Point2f cvSrc[4];
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        cvSrc[i].x = src[i].x;
        cvSrc[i].y = src[i].y;
    cv::Point2f cvDst[4];
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
        cvDst[i].x = dst[i].x;
        cvDst[i].y = dst[i].y;
    return getPerspectiveTransform(cvSrc, cvDst);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * **************************************************/
void QuadObj::takeTexture() {
    // Calculate Matrix using the parent matrixes too
    std::stack<QMatrix4x4> mats;
    QMatrix4x4 cmat;

    // Store previous matrixes in stack
    QuadObj *po = this;
    bool notroot = true;
    while ( notroot ) {

        if ( po != pro.objectRoot ) {
            mats.push( po->getMatrix() );
           // qDebug() << po->m_itemData;
            po = (QuadObj * ) po->parentItem();
        } else {
            mats.push( po->getMatrix() );
            //qDebug() << po->m_itemData;
            notroot = false;

    // cmat = manager->fixCamera->getMatrix(); TODO
    for ( int i=0 , e = mats.size(); i < e ; i ++ ) {
        cmat *= mats.top();
       // qDebug() << "mat";

    QVector3D vect;
    qDebug() << "verticies " << vertices.size();
    qDebug() << "TexCoords " << texCoords.size();
    for ( int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {    // verticies.size
        vect =  cmat * vertices[i];
        texCoords[i] = QVector2D ( ( vect.x()   + 1 ) / 2   ,
                                   ( 1 - vect.y() )  / 2 );

    // The output texture image coordinate and size
    int w,h;
    w = textureMat->cols;
    h = textureMat->rows;

    cv::Point2f ocoords[4];
    ocoords[0] = cv::Point2f (0, 0);
    ocoords[1] = cv::Point2f (0, h);
    ocoords[2] = cv::Point2f (w, h);
    ocoords[3] = cv::Point2f (w, 0);
    cv::Point2f textpoint[4];
  //  UvtoCvCoordinate(manager->mainproject->actualBackground, textpoint);

  /*  for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        qDebug() << textpoint[i].x << " : " << textpoint[i].y;
        cv::circle( manager->mainproject->actualBackground, textpoint[i],5, cv::Scalar(1,255,1), 3 );

 //   sortCorners(textpoint);
  //  manager->mainwindow->glWidget->UploadTexture(manager->mainproject->actualBackground.cols ,
   //               manager->mainproject->actualBackground.rows,
    //             manager->mainproject->actualBackground.data );

    cv::Mat ptransform = getPerspectiveTransform ( textpoint, ocoords);
  //  cv::Mat transmtx = cv::getPerspectiveTransform(corners, quad_pts);
 //   cv::warpPerspective( *manager->mainproject->actualBackground, *textureMat, ptransform,  textureMat->size() );

    GLWidget & gl = pro.getManger().getMainGLW();
    if ( textureID == 0 ) {
        gl.glGenBuffers( 1, &textureID);
    gl.glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , textureID);
    gl.glTexImage2D(  GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, textureMat->cols, textureMat->rows, 0, GL_RGB,
                      GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ( GLvoid * ) textureMat->data );
    gl.glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
    gl.glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);
    //qDebug() << "Background ID:" << manager->mainproject->backtextID;
    qDebug() << "TextureId:" << textureID;
    texCoords[0] =  QVector2D ( 0,0);                      // Set Texture coordinate
    texCoords[1] =  QVector2D ( 0,1);
    texCoords[2] =  QVector2D ( 1,1);
    texCoords[3] =  QVector2D ( 1,0);
    textPixmap   =  QPixmap::fromImage( this->cvMatToQImage( *textureMat) );

Ejemplo n.º 8
 * **************************************************/
void CubeObj::takeTexture() {
    // Calculate Matrix using the parent matrixes too
    std::stack<QMatrix4x4> mats;
    QMatrix4x4 cmat;

    // Store previous matrixes in stack
    CubeObj *po = this;
    bool notroot = true;
    while ( notroot ) {
        if ( po != pro.objectRoot ) {
            mats.push( po->getMatrix() );
           // qDebug() << po->m_itemData;
            po = (CubeObj * ) po->parentItem();
        } else {
            mats.push( po->getMatrix() );
            //qDebug() << po->m_itemData;
            notroot = false;

    // camera mat * parent mat * parent mat ..... * parent mat * this mat * this scale
//    cmat = pro.getManger().fixCamera->getMatrix();          // TODO
    for ( int i=0 , e = mats.size(); i < e ; i ++ ) {
        cmat *= mats.top();
       // qDebug() << "mat";

    // Project points to screen
    QVector3D vect;
    qDebug() << "verticies " << vertices.size();
    qDebug() << "TexCoords " << texCoords.size();

    QVector<QVector2D> projectedPoints;
    for ( int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {    // verticies.size
        vect =  cmat * vertices[i];
        projectedPoints.append(  QVector2D ( ( vect.x()   + 1 ) / 2   , ( 1 - vect.y() )  / 2 ) );

    // The output texture image coordinate and size
    int w,h;
    w = textureMat->cols;
    h = textureMat->rows;

    cv::Point2f ocoords[ 4 ];
    ocoords[0] = cv::Point2f (0, 0);
    ocoords[1] = cv::Point2f (0, h);
    ocoords[2] = cv::Point2f (w, h);
    ocoords[3] = cv::Point2f (w, 0);

    cv::Point2f textpoints[24];      // TODO
 //   UvtoCvCoordinate( *pro.actualBackground, projectedPoints, textpoints ); TODO
    // for test
    for ( int i = 0; i < 24 ; i++) {
        //qDebug() << textpoints[i].x << " : " << textpoints[i].y;
        cv::circle( pro.actualBackground, textpoints[i],3, cv::Scalar(1,255,1), 2 );
    // -------------------*/

    GLWidget & gl = pro.getManger().getMainGLW();
    for ( int i =0; i < 6; i++) {
        cv::Mat ptransform = getPerspectiveTransform ( &textpoints[i*4], ocoords);
//        cv::warpPerspective( *pro.actualBackground, *textureMat, ptransform,  textureMat->size() );
        if ( textureIDs[i] == 0 ) {
            gl.glGenBuffers( 1, &textureIDs[i]);
            qDebug() << "TextureId:" << textureIDs[i];
        gl.glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , textureIDs[i]);
        gl.glTexImage2D(  GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, textureMat->cols, textureMat->rows, 0, GL_RGB,
                          GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ( GLvoid * ) textureMat->data );
        gl.glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);
        gl.glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);

  /*  texCoords[0] =  QVector2D ( 0,0);                      // Set Texture coordinate
    texCoords[1] =  QVector2D ( 0,1);
    texCoords[2] =  QVector2D ( 1,1);
    texCoords[3] =  QVector2D ( 1,0);*/
 /*  textPixmap   =  QPixmap::fromImage( this->cvMatToQImage( *textureMat) );*/

Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Find a list of candidate marker from a given scene
 * @param current frame, in grayscale 8UC1 format
 * @return a list of marker candidates
vector<Marker> MarkerDetector::findMarkerCandidates( Mat& frame ) {
    vector<Marker> candidates;
    /* Do some thresholding, in fact you should tune the parameters here a bit */
    Mat thresholded;
    threshold( frame, thresholded, 50.0, 255.0, CV_THRESH_BINARY );
    /* Find contours */
    vector<vector<Point>> contours;
    findContours( thresholded.clone(), contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE );
    for( vector<Point> contour: contours ) {
        /* Approximate polygons out of these contours */
        vector<Point> approxed;
        approxPolyDP( contour, approxed, contour.size() * 0.05, true );
        /* Make sure it passes our first candidate check */
        if( !checkPoints( approxed ) )
        /* Do some perspective transformation on the candidate marker to a predetermined square */
        Marker marker;
        marker.matrix = Mat( markerHeight, markerWidth, CV_8UC1 );
        std::copy( approxed.begin(), approxed.end(), back_inserter( marker.poly ) );
        /* Apply sub pixel search */
        cornerSubPix( thresholded, marker.poly, Size(5, 5), Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 40, 0.001) );
        /* Projection target */
        const static vector<Point2f> target_corners = {
            Point2f( -0.5f, -0.5f ),
            Point2f( +5.5f, -0.5f ),
            Point2f( +5.5f, +5.5f ),
            Point2f( -0.5f, +5.5f ),
        /* Apply perspective transformation, to project our 3D marker to a predefined 2D coords */
        Mat projection = getPerspectiveTransform( marker.poly, target_corners );
        warpPerspective( thresholded, marker.matrix, projection, marker.matrix.size() );
        /* Ignore those region that's fully black, or not surrounded by black bars */
        if( sum(marker.matrix) == Scalar(0) ||
           countNonZero( marker.matrix.row(0)) != 0 ||
           countNonZero( marker.matrix.row(markerHeight - 1)) != 0 ||
           countNonZero( marker.matrix.col(0)) != 0 ||
           countNonZero( marker.matrix.col(markerWidth - 1)) != 0 ) {
        /* Find the rotation that has the smallest hex value */
        pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> minimum = { numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), 0 };
        vector<unsigned int> codes(markerHeight);
        unsigned int power = 1 << (markerWidth - 3);
        /* Rotate the marker 4 times, store the hex code upon each rotation */
        for( int rotation = 0; rotation < 4; rotation++ ) {
            stringstream ss;
            codes[rotation] = 0;
            for( int i = 1; i < markerHeight - 1; i++ ) {
                unsigned int code = 0;
                for ( int j = 1; j < markerWidth - 1; j++ ){
                    int value = static_cast<int>(marker.matrix.at<uchar>(i, j));
                    if( value == 0 )
                        code = code + ( power >> j );
                ss << hex << code;
            ss >> codes[rotation];
            if( minimum.first > codes[rotation] ) {
                minimum.first  = codes[rotation];
                minimum.second = rotation;
            flip( marker.matrix, marker.matrix, 1 );
            marker.matrix = marker.matrix.t();
        rotate( marker.poly.begin(), marker.poly.begin() + ((minimum.second + 2) % 4), marker.poly.end() );
        for( int i = 0; i < minimum.second; i++ ) {
            flip( marker.matrix, marker.matrix, 1 );
            marker.matrix = marker.matrix.t();
        marker.code = minimum.first;
        candidates.push_back( marker );
    return candidates;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int Img2IPM::process(Point pt[4], string save_path, int img_cols, int img_rows)
	int pointNum = 4;
	Point2f * srcPoint = new Point2f[pointNum];
	Point2f * dstPoint = new Point2f[pointNum];

	CvSize ipmSize;

	//v2 0514
	ipmSize.width = 260;
	ipmSize.height = 300;
	//sample4  °üº¬³µÍ·
		/// sample1 and sample3
		srcPoint[0] = cvPoint(pt[0].x, pt[0].y);
		srcPoint[1] = cvPoint(pt[1].x, pt[1].y);
		srcPoint[2] = cvPoint(pt[2].x, pt[2].y);
		srcPoint[3] = cvPoint(pt[3].x, pt[3].y);

		//v2 0514
		dstPoint[0] = cvPoint(105, 284);
		dstPoint[1] = cvPoint(154, 284);
		dstPoint[2] = cvPoint(154, 11);
		dstPoint[3] = cvPoint(105, 11);

	Mat img2ipmMatrix = getPerspectiveTransform(srcPoint, dstPoint);
	Mat ipm2imgMatrix = getPerspectiveTransform(dstPoint, srcPoint);

	ofstream ipm2iniFile((save_path + "ipm2ini.txt").c_str());
	for (int i = 0; i < ipm2imgMatrix.rows; i++)
		double * aa = ipm2imgMatrix.ptr<double>(i);
		for (int j = 0; j < ipm2imgMatrix.cols; j++)
			ipm2iniFile<<aa[j]<<" ";

	ofstream ini2ipmFile((save_path + "ini2ipm.txt").c_str());
	for (int i = 0; i < img2ipmMatrix.rows; i++)
		double * aa = img2ipmMatrix.ptr<double>(i);
		for (int j = 0; j < img2ipmMatrix.cols; j++)
			ini2ipmFile<<aa[j]<<" ";


	ofstream outlierFile((save_path +"outlier.txt").c_str());
	vector<Point2f> allIpmPoints;
	vector<Point2f> allIpmPoints2IniImg;
	int num2 = 0;
	for (int m = 0; m < ipmSize.height; m++)
		for (int n = 0; n < ipmSize.width; n++)
	perspectiveTransform(allIpmPoints, allIpmPoints2IniImg, ipm2imgMatrix);
	num2 = 0;
	for (int m = 0; m < ipmSize.height; m++)
		for (int n = 0; n < ipmSize.width; n++)
			Point2f tmpPt = allIpmPoints2IniImg[num2];
			if (tmpPt.x < 5 || tmpPt.x > img_cols - 5 || tmpPt.y < 5 || tmpPt.y > img_rows - 5)
				// outlier
				outlierFile<<n<<" "<<m<<endl;

	delete [] srcPoint;
	delete [] dstPoint;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Train::warpMatrix(Size sz,
                       double yaw,
                       double pitch,
                       double roll,
                       double scale,
                       double fovy,
                       Mat &M,
                       vector<Point2f>* corners)
	double st=sin(deg2Rad(roll));
	double ct=cos(deg2Rad(roll));
	double sp=sin(deg2Rad(pitch));
	double cp=cos(deg2Rad(pitch));
	double sg=sin(deg2Rad(yaw));
	double cg=cos(deg2Rad(yaw));
	double halfFovy=fovy*0.5;
	double d=hypot(sz.width,sz.height);
	double sideLength=scale*d/cos(deg2Rad(halfFovy));
	double h=d/(2.0*sin(deg2Rad(halfFovy)));
	double n=h-(d/2.0);
	double f=h+(d/2.0);
	Mat F=Mat(4,4,CV_64FC1);
	Mat Rroll=Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1);
	Mat Rpitch=Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1);
	Mat Ryaw=Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1);
	Mat T=Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1);
	Mat P=Mat::zeros(4,4,CV_64FC1);
	double ptsIn [4*3];
	double ptsOut[4*3];
	double halfW=sz.width/2, halfH=sz.height/2;
	ptsIn[0]=-halfW;ptsIn[ 1]= halfH;
	ptsIn[3]= halfW;ptsIn[ 4]= halfH;
	ptsIn[6]= halfW;ptsIn[ 7]=-halfH;
	Mat ptsInMat(1,4,CV_64FC3,ptsIn);Mat ptsOutMat(1,4,CV_64FC3,ptsOut);
	Point2f ptsInPt2f[4];Point2f ptsOutPt2f[4];
	for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
		Point2f ptIn(ptsIn[i*3+0],ptsIn[i*3+1]);
		Point2f ptOut(ptsOut[i*3+0],ptsOut[i*3+1]);