bool BVolPointLocation<BasicTraits>::InitPointLocation  (GeneralType*, 
							 const TransformType& m)
   m_hit = NULL;
   TransformType inv; inv.invertFrom(m);
   inv.mult(getPoint(), m_local);
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Side PredWrapper::doInsphereFast( Tet tet, int v ) const
    if ( v == _infIdx || tet.has( _infIdx ) ) 
        return SideZero; 

    const RealType* p[]  = { 
		getPoint( tet._v[0] )._p, 
		getPoint( tet._v[1] )._p, 
		getPoint( tet._v[2] )._p, 
		getPoint( tet._v[3] )._p, 
		getPoint( v )._p

    const RealType det = inspherefast( p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4] );
    const Side s       = sphToSide( det );
    return s;
Ejemplo n.º 3
glm::vec3 CompositorHelper::sphereSurfaceFromOverlay(const glm::vec2& overlay) const {
    auto spherical = overlayToSpherical(overlay);
    // FIXME use a GLMHelper sphericalToCartesian after fixing the rotation signs.
    auto sphereSurfacePoint = getPoint(spherical.x, spherical.y);
    auto UITransform = getUiTransform();
    auto position4 = UITransform * vec4(sphereSurfacePoint, 1);
    return vec3(position4) / position4.w;
void GLVertexGridDirect::setTexCoord(int i, int j)
	Vec2 p;
	for (int k = 0; k < numLayers; k++)
		getPoint(k, i, j, p);
        glMultiTexCoord2f(GL_TEXTURE0 + k, p.x*gridw[k], p.y*gridh[k]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool SquareDomainSquareHole::isFeasible(GridPointIndex *x) {
	if (x != NULL) {
		State *s = getPoint(x);
		bool ret = isFeasible(s);
		delete[] s;
		return ret;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Sphere::getRandomPoint(SurfacePoint &pt) {
   if (!m_surfaceSampler)
      m_surfaceSampler = new UniformOnSphereSampler();
   pt.position = m_transToWorld * m_surfaceSampler->sample().getValue<Point3>();
   getPoint(pt, pt.uv);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void Viewer::mouse_double_right_click_event(  QMouseEvent *e )
    boost::optional< QVector3D > point = getPoint( e->pos() );
    if( !point ) { std::cerr << "warning: no point found near the double right click" << std::endl; return; }
    Eigen::Vector3d p( point->x(), point->y(), point->z() );
    if( !m_offset ) { std::cerr << "warning: offset is not defined yet, wait until it is found first" << std::endl; return; }
    p += *m_offset;
    std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << p.x() << "," << p.y() << "," << p.z() << std::endl;
	Action::Create3dPrimitive* CreatePrimitiveWidget::createBoxAction() const
		gp_Ax3 axis(getPoint(), getDir());
		float height = getHeight();
		float width = getWidth();
		float lenght = getLength();

		return new Action::CreateBox(axis, height, width, lenght);
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool SquareDomainRoundHole::isFeasible(GridPointIndex *x, Player p) {
	if (x != NULL) {
		State *s = getPoint(x);
		bool ret = isFeasible(s, p);
		delete[] s;
		return ret;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
double Coeff(int *pt, int di, double shift, myCSField sf) {
    double x[sf->d];
    getPoint(pt, x, sf);
    x[di] += shift;
    /* double xx=0.5; */
    /* printf("x=%.12f, field=%f\n", xx, CalcCoeff(&xx, sf)); */
    /* assert(0); */
    return CalcCoeff(x, sf);
Ejemplo n.º 11
TrajectoryPtr Trajectory::clone() const
	TrajectoryPtr res(new Trajectory(rns,name));
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<getNrOfPoints();i++)
	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Orient PredWrapper::doOrient3DFast( int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3 ) const
    assert(     ( v0 != v1 ) && ( v0 != v2 ) && ( v0 != v3 )
                &&  ( v1 != v2 ) && ( v1 != v3 )
                &&  ( v2 != v3 )
                &&  "Duplicate indices in orientation!" );

    const Point3 p[] = { 
		getPoint( v0 ), getPoint( v1 ), getPoint( v2 ), getPoint( v3 ) 
	RealType det  = orient3dfast( p[0]._p, p[1]._p, p[2]._p, p[3]._p );

    if ( (v0 == _infIdx) || (v1 == _infIdx) || (v2 == _infIdx) || (v3 == _infIdx) ) 
        det = -det; 

    return ortToOrient( det );
Ejemplo n.º 13
        void Curve::calculateLength()
            /* Calculate length. First, take a simple guess. The real length
             * will probably be smaller. */
            float simpleGuess = getLengthGuess();
            float increment = 1.0f / simpleGuess;

            /* Now approximate the real length. */
            length = 0.0f;

            /* getPoint(0.0f) equals start, so... */
            Vector2D previous = getPoint(0.0f), current; 
            for(float t = increment; t <= 1.0f; t += increment) {
                current = getPoint(t);
                length += previous.getDistance(current);
                previous = current;
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool MoveResult::operator==(const MoveResult& other) const {
	return true
		 && _isPlayerSet(mgen::SHALLOW) == other._isPlayerSet(mgen::SHALLOW)
		 && _isPointSet(mgen::SHALLOW) == other._isPointSet(mgen::SHALLOW)
		 && _isRemovedSet(mgen::SHALLOW) == other._isRemovedSet(mgen::SHALLOW)
		 && getPlayer() == other.getPlayer()
		 && getPoint() == other.getPoint()
		 && getRemoved() == other.getRemoved();
Ejemplo n.º 15
	void Ray::transformAffine(const Matrix4& matrix)
		Vector3 end = getPoint(1.0f);

		mOrigin = matrix.multiplyAffine(mOrigin);
		end = matrix.multiplyAffine(end);

		mDirection = Vector3::normalize(end - mOrigin);
	Action::Create3dPrimitive* CreatePrimitiveWidget::createConeAction() const
		gp_Ax3 axis(getPoint(), getDir());
		float radius1 = getRadius1();
		float radius2 = getRadius2();
		float height = getHeight();
		float angle = getAngle();
		return new Action::CreateCone(axis, radius1, radius2, height, angle);
Ejemplo n.º 17
int gnuplot_splot_obj(gnuplot_ctrl *handle,
                      void *obj,
                      void (*getPoint)(void*,gnuplot_point*,int,int),
                      int n,
                      char *title) {
    int i;
	int		tmpfd ;
    char    name[128] ;
    char    cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE] ;
    char    line[GP_CMD_SIZE] ;

    if (handle==NULL || getPoint==NULL || (n<1)) return 1;
    if (handle->nplots > 0)
      return 1;
    /* Open one more temporary file? */
    if (handle->ntmp == GP_MAX_TMP_FILES - 1) {
                "maximum # of temporary files reached (%d): cannot open more",
                GP_MAX_TMP_FILES) ;
        return 1;

    /* Open temporary file for output   */
	sprintf(name, GNUPLOT_TEMPFILE, P_tmpdir);
    if ((tmpfd=mkstemp(name))==-1) {
        fprintf(stderr,"cannot create temporary file: exiting plot") ;
        return 1;
    /* Store file name in array for future deletion */
    strcpy(handle->to_delete[handle->ntmp], name) ;
    handle->ntmp ++ ;

    /* Write data to this file  */
    gnuplot_point point;
    for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
        sprintf(line, "%g %g %g\n", point.x, point.y, point.z) ;
		write(tmpfd, line, strlen(line));
    close(tmpfd) ;

    /* Command to be sent to gnuplot    */
    strcpy(cmd, "splot") ;
    if (title == NULL) {
        sprintf(line, "%s \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name, handle->pstyle) ;
    } else {
        sprintf(line, "%s \"%s\" title \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name,
                      title, handle->pstyle) ;

    /* send command to gnuplot  */
    gnuplot_cmd(handle, line) ;
    handle->nplots++ ;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool console::miniParser::getGUInput(wxString expression) {
   exp = expression;
   switch (_wait4type) {
      case         telldata::tn_pnt : return getPoint();
      case         telldata::tn_box : return getBox();
      case TLISTOF(telldata::tn_pnt): return getList();
               default: return false;// unexpected type
Ejemplo n.º 19
	QPointF operator[](quint32 i) const {
		Vertex v;
		switch(i) {
			case 0: v = a; break;
			case 1: v = b; break;
			case 2: v = c; break;
			default: return QPointF(); // to fix a warning
		return getPoint(points, size, v.layer, v.sector, layers, v.index, centerPtr);
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool DiagramList::getPath(QPainterPath &path, float scaleX, float scaleY)
	QPointF p;
	if (getPoint(p,0))
		QPainterPath pp(QPointF(p.x() * scaleX, p.y() * scaleY));
		path = pp;

		size_t nCoords = _coords.size();
		for (size_t i = 1; i < nCoords; i++)
			path.lineTo(QPointF(p.x() * scaleX, p.y() * scaleY));
		return true;
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void SplineTCB<Point>::toHermite(SplineHermite<Point>& s) const
	//copy times
	int numKeys = getNumKeys();
	for(int i=0;i<numKeys;i++)
		int a = (i > 0 ? i-1 : 0);
		int b = (i+1 < numKeys ? i+1 : numKeys-1);

		const Point& P_1 = getPoint(a);
		const Point& P0 = getPoint(i);
		const Point& P1 = getPoint(b);

		s.getPoint(i) = P0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    RowsStages::getNextPoint(double* lat, double* lon)

      if (m_curr == m_stages.size())
        m_curr = 2;

      return getPoint(lat, lon);
Ejemplo n.º 23
EMoveType PointInteract::selectIfIntesect( const OFX::PenArgs& args )
	const Point2 mouse = ofxToGil( args.penPosition );
	Point2 p           = getPoint();

	_offset = p - mouse;
	double margeCanonical = getMarge() * args.pixelScale.x;
	EMoveType m           = clicPoint( p, mouse, margeCanonical );
	return m;
Ejemplo n.º 24
/** Loads the set of all quads from the specified filename.
 *  \param filename The absolute filename to load the quad file from.
void QuadSet::init(const std::string &filename)
    m_min = Vec3( 99999,  99999,  99999);
    m_max = Vec3(-99999, -99999, -99999);

    XMLNode *xml = file_manager->createXMLTree(filename);
    if(!xml || xml->getName()!="quads")
        Log::error("[QuadSet::load] ERROR : QuadSet '%s' not found.", filename.c_str());
        delete xml;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<xml->getNumNodes(); i++)
        const XMLNode *xml_node = xml->getNode(i);
            Log::warn("[QuadSet::load] WARNING: Unsupported node type '%s' found in '%s' - ignored.",
                   xml_node->getName().c_str(), filename.c_str());

        // Note that it's not easy to do the reading of the parameters here
        // in quad, since the specification in the xml can contain references
        // to previous points. E.g.:
        // <quad p0="40:3" p1="40:2" p2="25.396030 0.770338 64.796539" ...
        Vec3 p0, p1, p2, p3;
        getPoint(xml_node, "p0", &p0);
        getPoint(xml_node, "p1", &p1);
        getPoint(xml_node, "p2", &p2);
        getPoint(xml_node, "p3", &p3);
        bool invisible=false;
        xml_node->get("invisible", &invisible);
        bool ai_ignore=false;
        xml_node->get("ai-ignore", &ai_ignore);
        Quad* q=new Quad(p0,p1,p2,p3, invisible, ai_ignore);

    delete xml;
}   // load
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * @param num Number of points to calculate
 * @param out The result is written here
void Path::getPoints(int num, Vector* out) const {
    assert(num > 1);
    assert(num > 1);
    double t;
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
	t = double(i) / (double(num));
	out[i] = getPoint(t);

Ejemplo n.º 26
api_point shp_polyline::shapeMiddle( api_point topLeftBound, api_point bottomRightBound )
{	api_point p;

	if( size() > 0 )
	{	int index = (int)floor((double)size()/2);
		p = getPoint( index );
		int cnt = index;
		while( !pointInBounds( p, topLeftBound, bottomRightBound ) && cnt < size() )
			p = getPoint( ++cnt );
		cnt = index;
		while( !pointInBounds( p, topLeftBound, bottomRightBound) && cnt > 0 )
			p = getPoint( --cnt );		
		return p;
		return p;
Ejemplo n.º 27
Orient PredWrapper::doOrient4DAdaptSoS( Tet t, int v ) const
    assert(    t._v[0] != t._v[1] && t._v[0] != t._v[2] && t._v[0] != t._v[3] && t._v[0] != v
            && t._v[1] != t._v[2] && t._v[1] != t._v[3] && t._v[1] != v
            && t._v[2] != t._v[3] && t._v[2] != v
            && t._v[3] != v );

    // Fast

	const RealType* p[]  = { 
		getPoint( t._v[0] )._p, getPoint( t._v[1] )._p, 
		getPoint( t._v[2] )._p, getPoint( t._v[3] )._p, 
		getPoint( v )._p

    if ( v == _infIdx ) 
		return doOrient3DSoS( t._v[0], t._v[1], t._v[2], t._v[3] );

    if ( t.has( _infIdx ) ) 
        const int infVi = t.getIndexOf( _infIdx ); 
        const int* ord  = TetViAsSeenFrom[ infVi ]; 

        // Check convexity, looking from inside
        return doOrient3DSoS( t._v[ ord[0] ], t._v[ ord[2] ], t._v[ ord[1] ], v ); 

	const RealType sph0 = insphere( p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4] );
    const Orient ord0   = sphToOrient( sph0 );

    if ( OrientZero != ord0 )
        return ord0;

    // SoS

    const Orient ord2 = doOrientation4SoSOnly(
        p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4],
        t._v[0], t._v[1], t._v[2], t._v[3], v

    return ord2;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void AffectorRoad::save (Iff& iff) const
	iff.insertForm (TAG_0006);

		//-- save the base
		LayerItem::save (iff);

		//-- save specific data
		iff.insertForm (TAG_DATA); (iff);

			iff.insertChunk (TAG_DATA);

				iff.insertChunkData (m_pointList.getNumberOfElements ());
				int i;
				for (i = 0; i < m_pointList.getNumberOfElements (); ++i)
					iff.insertChunkData (getPoint (i).x);
					iff.insertChunkData (getPoint (i).y);

				iff.insertChunkData (m_heightList.getNumberOfElements ());
				for (i = 0; i < m_heightList.getNumberOfElements (); ++i)
					iff.insertChunkData (m_heightList[i]);

				iff.insertChunkData (getWidth ());
				iff.insertChunkData (getFamilyId ());
				iff.insertChunkData (static_cast<int32> (getFeatherFunction ()));
				iff.insertChunkData (getFeatherDistance ());
				iff.insertChunkData (static_cast<int32> (getFeatherFunctionShader ()));
				iff.insertChunkData (getFeatherDistanceShader ());
				iff.insertChunkData (m_hasFixedHeights ? static_cast<int32> (1) : static_cast<int32> (0));

			iff.exitChunk (TAG_DATA);

		iff.exitForm (TAG_DATA);

	iff.exitForm (TAG_0006);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * And Finally, the main method.
int main(void) {
	char path[20];
	printf("Please enter an input image path: \n");
	gets(path); //Yeah, I know its buffer overflow vulnerable.
	IplImage *img = cvLoadImage(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED);
	PointImage* out = getPoint(img);
	delete out;
	return 0;
void GraphView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*){
    QPixmap backbuffer;
    backbuffer.convertFromImage (image);
    QPainter paint(&backbuffer);
        for(int i = 0; i < disc->numEdge; i++){
            int x1,y1,x2,y2;
            getPoint(x1, y1, disc->verts[disc->edges[i].vert1]);
            getPoint(x2, y2, disc->verts[disc->edges[i].vert2]);
        for(int i = 0; i < disc->numVert; i++){
            int x,y;
            getPoint(x, y, disc->verts[i]);