Ejemplo n.º 1
void Body::addLocalForce( Ogre::Vector3& force, Ogre::Vector3& pos )
	Ogre::Vector3 bodypos;
	Ogre::Quaternion bodyorient;

	getPositionOrientation( bodyorient, bodypos );

	Ogre::Vector3 globalforce = bodyorient * force;
	Ogre::Vector3 globalpoint = (bodyorient * pos) + bodypos;

	addGlobalForce( globalforce, globalpoint );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ossimAlphaSensorHSI::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point,
                                                  ossimDpt& image_point) const
   // Initialize at middle
   ossim_float64 refL = theImageSize.y/2;
   ossim_float64 drefL = 5;
   int nIter = 0;
   ossimColumnVector3d camLOS;
   ossimColumnVector3d camLOS1;

   // Iterate using Newton's method
   while (nIter<3)
      ossim_float64 Fx[2];
      ossim_float64 refl[2];
      refl[0] = refL;
      refl[1] = refL + drefL;

      for (int ll=0; ll<2; ++ll)
         // Compute camera position & orientation matrix
         ossimEcefPoint platPos;
         NEWMAT::Matrix cam2EcfRot;
         getPositionOrientation(refl[ll], platPos, cam2EcfRot);

         // Compute ECF vector
         ossimEcefPoint worldPointECF = ossimEcefPoint(world_point);
         ossimColumnVector3d ecfLOS = worldPointECF.data() - platPos.data();

         // Rotate to camera frame
         camLOS = cam2EcfRot.t() * ecfLOS;
         if (ll==0)
            camLOS1 = camLOS;

         // Set function value
         ossim_float64 cScanAngle = atan(camLOS[1]/camLOS[2]);
         ossim_float64 scanAngle = getScanAngle(refl[ll]);
         Fx[ll] = cScanAngle - scanAngle;

      // Compute numeric 1st derivative & new estimate for reference line (refL)
      ossim_float64 dFx = (Fx[1]-Fx[0]) / drefL;
      refL -= Fx[0]/dFx;


   ossim_float64 samp = m_adjustedFocalLength*camLOS1[0]/camLOS1[2] + theImageSize.x/2;

   ossimDpt p(samp, refL);
   image_point = p;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Body::addGlobalForce( Ogre::Vector3& force, Ogre::Vector3& pos )
	Ogre::Vector3 bodypos;
	Ogre::Quaternion bodyorient;
	getPositionOrientation( bodyorient, bodypos );

	Ogre::Vector3 topoint = pos - bodypos;
	Ogre::Vector3 torque = topoint.crossProduct( force );

	addForce( force );
	addTorque( torque );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ossimAlphaSensorHSI::imagingRay(const ossimDpt& imagePoint,
                                     ossimEcefRay& imageRay) const
   ossim_float64 line = imagePoint.y;

   // Form camera frame LOS vector
   ossim_float64 scanAngle = getScanAngle(line);
   ossimColumnVector3d camLOS(imagePoint.x - theImageSize.x/2,
                              m_adjustedFocalLength * tan(scanAngle),

   // Compute camera position & orientation matrix
   ossimEcefPoint platPos;
   NEWMAT::Matrix cam2EcfRot;
   getPositionOrientation(line, platPos, cam2EcfRot);

   // Rotate camera vector to ECF
   ossimColumnVector3d ecfLOS = cam2EcfRot * camLOS.unit();

   // Construct ECF image ray
   ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(ecfLOS);

   if (traceDebug())
         << "ossimAlphaSensorHSI::imagingRay DEBUG:\n"
         << "  imagePoint = " << imagePoint << "\n"
         << "  imageRay = " << imageRay << "\n"
         << "  camLOS     = " << camLOS << "\n"
         << "  platPos    = " << platPos << "\n"
         << std::endl;
