Ejemplo n.º 1
double uniondist(double mean)
	if (getRandNum(100) < 50)
		return (mean*0.8 + mean*0.2*getRandNum(20) / 20);
		return (-mean*0.8 - mean*0.2*getRandNum(20) / 20);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int tss_populate_basebandvals(plist_t tssreq, plist_t tssparameters, int64_t BbGoldCertId){
    plist_t parameters = plist_new_dict();
    char bbnonce[noncelen+1];
    char bbsnum[5];
    int64_t BbChipID = 0;
    getRandNum(bbnonce, noncelen, 256);
    getRandNum(bbsnum, 4, 256);
    int n=0; for (int i=1; i<7; i++) BbChipID += (arc4random() % 10) * pow(10, ++n);
    plist_dict_set_item(parameters, "BbNonce", plist_new_data(bbnonce, noncelen));
    plist_dict_set_item(parameters, "BbChipID", plist_new_uint(BbChipID));
    plist_dict_set_item(parameters, "BbGoldCertId", plist_new_uint(BbGoldCertId));
    plist_dict_set_item(parameters, "BbSNUM", plist_new_data(bbsnum, 4));
    /* BasebandFirmware */
    plist_t BasebandFirmware = plist_access_path(tssparameters, 2, "Manifest", "BasebandFirmware");
    if (!BasebandFirmware || plist_get_node_type(BasebandFirmware) != PLIST_DICT) {
        error("ERROR: Unable to get BasebandFirmware node\n");
        return -1;
    plist_t bbfwdict = plist_copy(BasebandFirmware);
    BasebandFirmware = NULL;
    if (plist_dict_get_item(bbfwdict, "Info")) {
        plist_dict_remove_item(bbfwdict, "Info");
    plist_dict_set_item(tssreq, "BasebandFirmware", bbfwdict);
    tss_request_add_baseband_tags(tssreq, parameters, NULL);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
AbstractMessage *NoLocationMessage::creatMessage(QStringList &list)
    QMap<QString, AbstractMessage *>::iterator itr;
    if (list.at(0) != "N") {
        itr = messageDB.find(list.at(0));
    } else {
        itr = messageDB.find("[Me]");
    if (itr != messageDB.end()) {
        LocationMessage *message = (LocationMessage *) itr.value();
        return message;

    QString s;
    if (list.at(0) == "N") {
        s = "V"
                + QString(" 0000 ")
                + QString::number(getRandNum())
                + " N "
                + QString::number(getRandNum())
                + " E "
                + " 998"
                + " 180";
    } else {
        s = list.at(0)
                + " 99999"
                + " V"
                + " 0000 "
                + QString::number(getRandNum())
                + " N "
                + QString::number(getRandNum())
                + " E "
                + " 999"
                + " 90";
    QStringList randList(s.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts));
    AbstractMessage *newMessage;
    if (randList.at(0) == "V") {
        newMessage = new SelfLocationMessage(randList);
        messageDB.insert("[Me]", newMessage);
    } else {
        newMessage = new DistanceLocationMessage(randList);
        messageDB.insert(list.at(0), newMessage);
    ((LocationMessage *)newMessage)->changeMessageType(Message::NOLOCATION);
    return newMessage;
Ejemplo n.º 4
double getRandExp(double lambda)
	int acc=1234567;
	double prob = ((double)getRandNum(acc)) / acc;
	double a = -log(1 - prob) / lambda;
	return a;
void ServantBerserkerFlail::subHP(int hp, DamageType dt)
    bool noDamage = false;

    int r = getRandNum();
    if (((ascension == 1 && r <= getLuk()) ||
         (ascension == 2 && r <= getLuk() * 1.5)) &&
            (dt == D_STR || dt == D_MAG))
        noDamage = true;
        log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " deflected the attack and took no damage! Spin to Win!");

    if (!noDamage)
        currHP -= hp;
        int mhp = getMaxHP();
        if (currHP > mhp)
            currHP = mhp;
        else if (currHP <= 0)
            currHP = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int tss_populate_random(plist_t tssreq, int is64bit, uint64_t ecid){
    char nonce[noncelen+1];
    char sep_nonce[noncelen+1];
    int n=0;
    if (!ecid) for (int i=0; i<16; i++) ecid += (arc4random() % 10) * pow(10, n++);
    getRandNum(nonce, noncelen, 256);
    getRandNum(sep_nonce, noncelen, 256);
    nonce[noncelen] = sep_nonce[noncelen] = 0;
    debug("[TSSR] ecid=%llu\n",ecid);
    debug("[TSSR] nonce=%s\n",nonce);
    debug("[TSSR] sepnonce=%s\n",sep_nonce);
    return tss_populate_devicevals(tssreq, ecid, nonce, noncelen, sep_nonce, noncelen, is64bit);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void generateW(double * x, double mean, int len, double demand_jump_factor)
	std::default_random_engine generator;
	double sigma = sqrt(mean)*demand_jump_factor;
	double sigmaJump = mean / 4;
	std::normal_distribution<double> jumpdistribution(0, sigmaJump);

	x[0] = mean;
	double curP = probabilityDensity(x[0], mean, sigma);

	for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)
		x[i] = x[i - 1];
		double nextX = x[i - 1];
		if (getRandNum(100) <= demand_jump_factor)
			nextX += uniondist(mean);
			nextX +=jumpdistribution(generator);
		double nextP = probabilityDensity(nextX, mean, sigma);
		if (nextP >= curP)
			curP = nextP;
			x[i] = nextX;
			double u = (0.0+abso(getRandNum(10000))) / 10000;
			if (u < nextP / curP)
				curP = nextP;
				x[i] = nextX;
		if (x[i] < 0)
			x[i] = 0;
			curP = probabilityDensity(0, mean, sigma);
        if (isnan(x[i]))
Ejemplo n.º 8
void CDNewsImageController::tableViewDidSelectRowAtIndexPath(CATableView* table, unsigned int section, unsigned int row)
    CDShowNewsImage* _controller = new CDShowNewsImage();
    _controller->setTitle(" ");
    RootWindow::getInstance()->getRootNavigationController()->pushViewController(_controller, true);
Ejemplo n.º 9
/***** Active Skills *****/
int ServantAssassin::poisonStrike(vector<Servant *> defenders)
    if (actionMPCosts[ascension][1] > currMP)
        return 1; // Not enough MP to attack
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defenders.size(); i++)
            log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " used Poison Strike against " +
                               defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!");

            // Check if you hit the targets
            vector<int> opEvade = defenders[i]->getEvade();
            bool hit = false;
            // Calculate accuracy
            int accuracy = capZero(getHitRate() - opEvade[0]);

            int r = getRandNum();
            if (accuracy >= r)
                hit = true;

            // Skill: Presence Detection skips all other evasion checks!

            // If you hit, apply the poison debuff
            if (hit)
                vector<Stat> dStats;
                vector<int> dAmount;
                dAmount.push_back(-1 * (defenders[i]->getMaxHP() / 20));
                Debuff *poison = new Debuff("Poison",
                                            "Poison does damage over time.",
                                            dStats, dAmount, 5);
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " poisoned " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!");
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " missed " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!");

            // Poison strike does no damage and thus there is no need to check
            // if the defender is dead.

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * buildFile function
 * Builds a .dat file that has 20 integers.
 * @param **file a pointer to a pointer of a file
 * @param fileSize the number of items in the file
void buildFile(FILE **file, int fileSize)
    int randNum = 0; //integer to store number returned from getRandNum
    int dataRead = 0; //integer to store the data read from the file

    //opens/creates the file
    *file = fopen("pa13.dat", "w+b");

    //checks if the file was succesfully opened
    if( !file )
        puts("Error opening file...");
        //writes 20 integers from 0-19 to the file
        for( int i = 0; i < fileSize; i++ )
            fwrite(&randNum, sizeof(int), 1, *file);

        //adds one to the integer that comes up from getRandNum function on the file
        for( int i = 0; i < 500; i++ )
            //sets the return value of getRandNum to randNum
            randNum = getRandNum(0, NUM_ITEMS);

            //seeks from the beginning of the file to randNum
            fseek(*file, (int)(sizeof(int)) * randNum, SEEK_SET);
            //reads the data from the current spot in the file
            fread(&dataRead, sizeof(int), 1, *file);

            //seeks from the beginning of the file back to the randNum
            fseek(*file, (int)(sizeof(int)) * randNum, SEEK_SET);
            //adds one to the current value in the file and sets it to randNum
            randNum = dataRead + 1;
            //writes the current value of randNum to the current spot in the file
            fwrite(&randNum, sizeof(int), 1, *file);

}//end buildFile
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CDNewsImageController::onRefreshRequestFinished(const HttpResponseStatus& status, const CSJson::Value& json)
    if (status == HttpResponseSucceed)
        const CSJson::Value& value = json["msg"];
        int length = value.size();
        for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
            newsImage temp_msg;
            temp_msg.m_title = value[index]["title"].asString();
            for (int i=0; i<value[index]["piccon"].size(); i++) {
                string temp_pic = value[index]["piccon"][i]["pic"].asString();
                string temp_dsc = value[index]["piccon"][i]["desc"].asString();
        CC_BREAK_IF(p_pLoading == NULL);
        if (p_pLoading->isAnimating())
    while (0);
Ejemplo n.º 12
int ServantBerserkerClub::attack(vector<Servant *> defenders, bool counter)
    if (actionMPCosts[ascension][0] > currMP)
        return 1; // Not enough MP to attack
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defenders.size(); i++)
            // Add the target to the list of previous targets (if they are not
            //  already on it)
            if (!previouslyTargeted(defenders[i]))

            int dam = 0;
            // Check if you hit the targets
            vector<int> opEvade = defenders[i]->getEvade();
            bool hit = false;
            // Calculate accuracy
            int accuracy = capZero(getHitRate() - opEvade[0]);

            int r = getRandNum();
            if (accuracy >= r)
                hit = true;

            if (opEvade.size() > 1 && hit)
                for (unsigned int j = 1; j < opEvade.size() && hit; j++)
                    r = getRandNum();
                    if (opEvade[j] >= r)
                        hit = false;

            // If you hit, calculate crit chance
            if (hit)
                int attackMult = 1;
                int critChance = capZero(getCriticalRate() -
                r = getRandNum();
                if (critChance >= r)
                    attackMult *= 3;

                // If you're at the Final Ascension and have already faced this
                //  target, deal thrice as much damage and decrease DEF by 10
                //  (Barbarian's Wrath)
                if(ascension == 2 && previouslyTargeted(defenders[i]))
                    attackMult *= 3;
                    vector<Stat> tS;
                    vector<int> tA;
                    Debuff* bw = new Debuff("Barbarian's Wrath",
                                            "You tried to fight a Club Berserker twice, and paid the price.",
                                            defenders[i]->getTeam(), tS, tA,
                    log->addToEventLog(defenders[i]->getFullName() + " felt " +
                                       getFullName() + "'s Wrath!");

                // Deal the damage
                dam = capZero(getStr() - defenders[i]->getDef()) * attackMult;
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " dealt " +
                                   to_string(dam) + " damage to " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + ".");
                defenders[i]->subHP(dam, D_STR);

                // Apply the Crushing Blow debuff
                vector<Stat> tStats;
                vector<int> tAmounts;
                Debuff* bOut = new Debuff("Crushing Blow",
                                          "You took a blow from a Club Berserker, permanetly denting your armor.",
                                          defenders[i]->getTeam(), tStats,
                                          tAmounts, -1);


                // Check to see if Barbarian's Might activates
                r = getRandNum();
                if (r <= getLuk() * 2)
                    vector<Stat> tS;
                    vector<int> tA;
                    Debuff* bm = new Debuff("Barbarian's Might",
                                            "You took an incredible blow from a Club Berserker, permanetly denting your armor.",
                                            defenders[i]->getTeam(), tS, tA,
                    log->addToEventLog(defenders[i]->getFullName() + " felt " +
                                       getFullName() + "'s Might!");
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " missed " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!");

            // Check to see if the defender is dead. If they are, do not call
            // the counterattack. Additionally, if they are an Avenger and they
            // die, activate Final Revenge.
            // If they are not dead but they are a Berserker, check to see if
            // Mad Counter activates.
            if(defenders[i]->getCurrHP() > 0)
                // Check if the defender is a Berserker. If they are, and they
                // are adjacent to this unit, check to see if Mad Counter
                // activates.
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Berserker &&
                    r = getRandNum();
                    if (defenders[i]->getLuk() >= r)
                        // Mad Counter activated! The attacking servant takes
                        // damage equal to the damage they dealt.
                        log->addToEventLog(defenders[i]->getFullName() +
                                           "'s Mad Counter activated, dealing " +
                                           to_string(dam) + " damage back to " +
                                           getFullName() + ".");
                        subHP(dam, C_STR);
                // Call "attack" on the defending servant for their
                // counterattack, if you are in their range and you are the
                // initiating servant.
                if (defenders[i]->isInRange(this) && counter)
                    vector<Servant *> you;
                    defenders[i]->attack(you, false);
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Avenger)
                    // Activate Final Revenge
                    Debuff *finRev = defenders[i]->finalRevenge();
                    if (defenders[i]->getAscensionLvl() == 2)
                        subHP(.1 * getMaxHP(), OMNI);
                        subMP(.1 * getMaxMP());

                        if (getCurrHP() == 0)

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void generateSyntheticData(int row, int hosts, double ** m, std::string prefix, std::string topofile, double demand_jump_factor, double demand_locality_factor, int merge_len)
    char filedir[200];
    sprintf(filedir,"%s%s", prefix.c_str(),"patterns");
    printf("dir=%s!\n", filedir);
	FILE * fPattern = fopen(filedir,"r");
	assert(fPattern != NULL && "Unable to open petterns file");
	int nWeeks;
	int frlt=fscanf(fPattern, "%i", &nWeeks);
	assert(frlt >= 0);
	double ** totflow = new double *[nWeeks];
	for (int curWeek = 0; curWeek < nWeeks;curWeek++)
		totflow[curWeek] = new double[2016];
		for (int i = 0; i < 2016; i++)
			frlt=fscanf(fPattern, "%lf", &totflow[curWeek][i]);

	const int nfft = 2016;
	kiss_fft_cfg cfg = kiss_fft_alloc(nfft, false, 0, 0);
	kiss_fft_cfg cfg2 = kiss_fft_alloc(nfft,true, 0, 0);
	kiss_fft_cpx cx_in[nfft], cx_out[nfft];

	for (int curWeek = 0; curWeek < nWeeks; curWeek++)
		for (int i = 0; i < nfft; i++)
			cx_in[i].r = totflow[curWeek][i];
			cx_in[i].i = 0;
		kiss_fft(cfg, cx_in, cx_out);
		for (int i = 0; i < nfft; i++)
			cx_out[i].r /= nfft;
			cx_out[i].i /= nfft;
		int position[nfft];
		for (int i = 0; i < nfft; i++)
			position[i] = i;

		for (int i = 0; i < nfft - 1; i++)
			for (int j = i + 1; j < nfft; j++)
				double n1 = cxnorm(cx_out[position[i]]);
				double n2 = cxnorm(cx_out[position[j]]);
				if (n1 < n2)
					int tmp;
					tmp = position[i];
					position[i] = position[j];
					position[j] = tmp;
		for (int i = 6; i < nfft; i++)
			double a = uniform_rand(0, 3);
			cx_out[position[i]].r *= a;
			cx_out[position[i]].i *= a;
		kiss_fft(cfg2, cx_out, cx_in);
		for (int i = 0; i < nfft; i++)
			totflow[curWeek][i] = cx_in[i].r;

	FILE * fFFTout = fopen("fftout", "w");
	for (int curWeek = 0; curWeek < nWeeks; curWeek++)
		for (int i = 0; i < 2016; i++)
			fprintf(fFFTout, "%.2lf  ", totflow[curWeek][i]);
		fprintf(fFFTout, "\n");

	int nMean;
    char filedir2[200];
    sprintf(filedir2,"%s%s", prefix.c_str(),"pareto");
    printf("dir=%s!\n", filedir2);
	FILE * fpareto = fopen(filedir2, "r");
	frlt=fscanf(fpareto, "%i", &nMean);

	double * saveMean = new double[nMean];
	for (int i = 0; i < nMean; i++)
		frlt=fscanf(fpareto, "%lf", &saveMean[i]);

	double ** Tin = new double*[hosts];
	double ** Tout = new double*[hosts];

	for (int i = 0; i < hosts; i++)
		Tin[i] = new double[row];
		Tout[i] = new double[row];
		generateW(Tin[i], saveMean[getRandNum(nMean)], row,demand_jump_factor);
		generateW(Tout[i], saveMean[getRandNum(nMean)], row,demand_jump_factor);
	for (int i = 0; i < hosts; i++)
		printf("No%i ----------%lf        ", i, Tin[i][0]);
		for (int j = 0; j < 100;j++)
			printf("%.2lf -- ", Tin[i][j]);
		double avg = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < row; j++)
			avg += Tin[i][j] / row;
		printf("avg == %.2lf\n\n", avg);
	double tot_in, tot_out;
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        tot_in = 0;
        tot_out = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < hosts;j++)
			tot_in += Tin[j][i];
			tot_out += Tout[j][i];
        if (tot_in==0)
		for (int j = 0; j < hosts; j++)
			Tin[j][i] /= tot_in;
			Tout[j][i] /= tot_out;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		printf("No%i ---------- \n\n\n", i);
		for (int j = 0; j < 100;j++)
			printf("%.6lf -- ", Tin[i][j]);
	double maxDist = 0;
	double ** graph=NULL;
	if (topofile.length() > 1)
		FILE* topof=fopen(topofile.c_str(), "r");
		assert(topof != NULL);
		int topo_n, topo_m;
        int tmp_rlt;
		tmp_rlt=fscanf(topof, "%i%i", &topo_n, &topo_m);
        if (tmp_rlt<0)
          printf("error! in fscanf\n");
		graph = new double *[topo_n];
		for (int i = 0; i < topo_n; i++)
			graph[i] = new double[topo_n];
		for (int i = 0; i < topo_n; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < topo_n; j++)
				if (i != j)
					graph[i][j] = 214748368;
					graph[i][j] = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < topo_m; i++)
			int va, vb;
			double edge_len;
			double tmp_rlt=fscanf(topof, "%i%i%lf", &va, &vb, &edge_len);
            if (tmp_rlt<0)
              printf("error! in fscanf\n");
			graph[va][vb] = edge_len;
			graph[vb][va] = edge_len;
		for (int k = 0; k < topo_n; k++)
			for (int i = 0; i < topo_n; i++)
				if (k != i)
					for (int j = 0; j < topo_n; j++)
						if ((k != j) && (i != j))
							if (graph[i][j]>graph[i][k] + graph[k][j])
								graph[i][j] = graph[i][k] + graph[k][j];
		for (int i = 0; i < topo_n; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < topo_n; j++)
				if (maxDist<graph[i][j])
					maxDist = graph[i][j];

    int next=0;
	int pickedTotPattern=0;
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        double s_merge=0;
        for (int j=0;j<merge_len;j++)
            s_merge+= totflow[pickedTotPattern][next];
            if (next>=2016)
		for (int j = 0; j < hosts; j++)
			for (int k = 0; k < hosts; k++){
				if (maxDist == 0)
					m[j*hosts + k][i] = s_merge * Tin[j][i] * Tout[k][i];
					m[j*hosts + k][i] = s_merge * Tin[j][i] * Tout[k][i]* exp(-demand_locality_factor*  graph[j][k]/maxDist/2);
                if (isnan(m[j*hosts+k][i]))
                    printf("%lf %lf %lf", s_merge, Tin[j][i], Tout[k][i]);
                if (m[j*hosts+k][i]==0)
	for (int i = 0; i < nWeeks; i++)
		delete[] totflow[i];
	delete[] totflow;
	delete[] saveMean;
	delete[] Tin;
	delete[] Tout;
Ejemplo n.º 14
double uniform_rand(double a, double b)
	double range = 100000;
	return a + ((double)getRandNum(int(range))) / range * (b - a);
Ejemplo n.º 15
int ServantBerserkerFlail::attack(vector<Servant *> defenders, bool counter)
    if (actionMPCosts[ascension][0] > currMP)
        return 1; // Not enough MP to attack
        bool npActive = false;

        // Check if Lashing Out activates
        // "Hitting all adjacent opponents" only applies to the first two
        //  ascension levels, as Maelstrom of Death trumps Lashing Out
        int r = getRandNum();

        // Cratered Debuff
        vector<Stat> tS;
        vector<int> tA;
        // Get the Team of the opposing team
        /*Team otherTeam = All;
        vector<vector<Servant*>> pField = field->getServantLocations();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pField.size(); i++)
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < pField[i].size(); j++)
                if(pField[i][j] != NULL && pField[i][j]->getTeam() != getTeam())
                    otherTeam = pField[i][j]->getTeam();
        Debuff* br = new Debuff("Cratered", "The ground has been cratered.",
                                All, tS, tA, -1);

        vector<Coordinate> crateredRange;

        if (ascension <= 1 && r < getLuk())
            // Add all adjacent servants to the defenders vector (as long as
            //  they aren't already in it)
            vector<Servant*> adj = field->getAllInRange(this, getLowToHighRange(1,1));
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < adj.size(); i++)
                bool isIn = false;
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < defenders.size() && !isIn; j++)
                    if (adj[i] == defenders[j])
                        isIn = true;

                if (!isIn)

            crateredRange = getAbsoluteRange(1,1,this);
        else if (ascension == 2 && r < getLuk() * 1.5)
            crateredRange = getAbsoluteRange(1,2,this);

        // Apply the cratered debuff to the appropriate spaces
        field->addDebuffToRange(br, crateredRange);

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defenders.size(); i++)
            int dam = 0;
            // Check if you hit the targets
            vector<int> opEvade = defenders[i]->getEvade();
            bool hit = false;
            // Calculate accuracy
            int accuracy = capZero(getHitRate() - opEvade[0]);

            r = getRandNum();
            if (accuracy >= r)
                hit = true;

            // Maelstrom of Death doubles accuracy and prevents other evasion
            //  skills from activating
            if (ascension == 2)
                accuracy *= 2;

            if (opEvade.size() > 1 && hit && ascension <= 1)
                for (unsigned int j = 1; j < opEvade.size() && hit; j++)
                    r = getRandNum();
                    if (opEvade[j] >= r)
                        hit = false;

            // If you hit, calculate crit chance
            if (hit)
                int attackMult = 1;
                int critChance = capZero(getCriticalRate() -

                // Spin To Win triples crit chance
                if (ascension >= 1)
                    critChance *= 3;

                // Maelstrom of Death also doubles crit chance
                if (ascension == 2)
                    critChance *= 2;

                r = getRandNum();
                if (critChance >= r)
                    attackMult *= 3;

                // Deal the damage
                dam = capZero(getStr() - defenders[i]->getDef()) * attackMult;
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " dealt " +
                                   to_string(dam) + " damage to " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + ".");
                defenders[i]->subHP(dam, D_STR);
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " missed " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!");

            // Check to see if the defender is dead. If they are, do not call
            // the counterattack. Additionally, if they are an Avenger and they
            // die, activate Final Revenge.
            // If they are not dead but they are a Berserker, check to see if
            // Mad Counter activates.
            if(defenders[i]->getCurrHP() > 0)
                // Check if the defender is a Berserker. If they are, and they
                // are adjacent to this unit, check to see if Mad Counter
                // activates.
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Berserker &&
                    r = getRandNum();
                    if (defenders[i]->getLuk() >= r)
                        // Mad Counter activated! The attacking servant takes
                        // damage equal to the damage they dealt.
                        log->addToEventLog(defenders[i]->getFullName() +
                                           "'s Mad Counter activated, dealing " +
                                           to_string(dam) + " damage back to " +
                                           getFullName() + ".");
                        subHP(dam, C_STR);
                // Call "attack" on the defending servant for their
                // counterattack, if you are in their range and you are the
                // initiating servant.
                // However if the servant is at their final ascension, or if
                //  Lashing out activates, targets cannot counter
                if (!npActive && counter && defenders[i]->isInRange(this))
                    vector<Servant *> you;
                    defenders[i]->attack(you, false);
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Avenger)
                    // Activate Final Revenge
                    Debuff *finRev = defenders[i]->finalRevenge();
                    if (defenders[i]->getAscensionLvl() == 2)
                        subHP(.1 * getMaxHP(), OMNI);
                        subMP(.1 * getMaxMP());

                        if (getCurrHP() == 0)

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
	pid_t pid = current->p_pid;

	if (scheduling_algorithm == 0)
		while (1) {
			pid = (pid + 1) % NPROCS;

			// Run the selected process, but skip
			// non-runnable processes.
			// Note that the 'run' function does not return.
			if (proc_array[pid].p_state == P_RUNNABLE)
	else if (scheduling_algorithm == 1)
		while (1) {
			int i;
			for (i = 1; i < NPROCS; i++) {
				if (proc_array[i].p_state == P_RUNNABLE)
	else if (scheduling_algorithm == 2)
		while (1) {
			int process = pid;
			int pri = 100;
			int i;
			for (i = pid+1; i <= pid+NPROCS; i++) {
				if (proc_array[i%NPROCS].p_state == P_RUNNABLE && proc_array[i%NPROCS].p_priority < pri) {
					process = i%NPROCS;
					pri = proc_array[i%NPROCS].p_priority;
	else if (scheduling_algorithm == 3)
		while (1) {
			int process = pid;
			while (1) {
				if (process == 0) {
					process = process%NPROCS;
				if (proc_array[process].p_state == P_RUNNABLE && proc_array[process].p_counter < proc_array[process].p_share) {
				else if (proc_array[process].p_state == P_RUNNABLE && proc_array[process].p_counter == proc_array[process%NPROCS].p_share) {
					proc_array[process].p_counter = 0;
					process = process%NPROCS;	
				else {
					process = process%NPROCS;
	else if (scheduling_algorithm == 4)
		while (1) {
			int proc = getRandNum()%(NPROCS-1);
			if (proc_array[proc+1].p_state == P_RUNNABLE && proc+1 == proc_array[proc+1].p_ticket) 

	// If we get here, we are running an unknown scheduling algorithm.
	cursorpos = console_printf(cursorpos, 0x100, "\nUnknown scheduling algorithm %d\n", scheduling_algorithm);
	while (1)
		/* do nothing */;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Re-define attack to account for the Vengeance skill
int ServantAvenger::attack(vector<Servant *> defenders, bool counter)
    if (actionMPCosts[ascension][0] > currMP)
        return 1; // Not enough MP to attack
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defenders.size(); i++)
            int dam = 0;
            // Check if you hit the targets
            vector<int> opEvade = defenders[i]->getEvade();
            bool hit = false;
            // Calculate accuracy
            int accuracy = capZero(getHitRate() - opEvade[0]);

            int r = getRandNum();
            if (accuracy >= r)
                hit = true;

            if (opEvade.size() > 1 && hit)
                for (unsigned int j = 1; j < opEvade.size() && hit; j++)
                    r = getRandNum();
                    if (opEvade[j] >= r)
                        hit = false;

            // If you hit, calculate crit chance
            // Also check if Skill: Vengeance activates
            if (hit)
                int attackMult = 1;
                int critChance = capZero(getCriticalRate() -
                r = getRandNum();
                if (critChance >= r)
                    attackMult *= 3;

                // Check for Vengeance
                int addVengeance = 0;
                r = getRandNum();
                if (getSkl() * 2 >= r)
                    addVengeance = (getMaxHP() - getCurrHP()) * 2;
                    log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " activated Vengeance!");

                // Deal the damage
                dam = (capZero(getStr() - defenders[i]->getDef()) + addVengeance)
                        * attackMult;
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " dealt " +
                                   to_string(dam) + " damage to " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + ".");
                defenders[i]->subHP(dam, D_STR);
                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " missed " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!");

            // Check to see if the defender is dead. If they are, do not call
            // the counterattack. Additionally, if they are an Avenger and they
            // die, activate Final Revenge.
            // If they are not dead but they are a Berserker, check to see if
            // Mad Counter activates.
            if(defenders[i]->getCurrHP() > 0)
                // Check if the defender is a Berserker. If they are, and they
                // are adjacent to this unit, check to see if Mad Counter
                // activates.
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Berserker &&
                    r = getRandNum();
                    if (defenders[i]->getLuk() >= r)
                        // Mad Counter activated! The attacking servant takes
                        // damage equal to the damage they dealt.
                        log->addToEventLog(defenders[i]->getFullName() +
                                           "' Mad Counter activated, dealing " +
                                           to_string(dam) + " damage back to " +
                                           getFullName() + ".");
                        subHP(dam, C_STR);
                // Call "attack" on the defending servant for their
                // counterattack, if you are in their range and you are the
                // initiating servant.
                if (defenders[i]->isInRange(this) && counter)
                    vector<Servant *> you;
                    defenders[i]->attack(you, false);
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Avenger)
                    // Activate Final Revenge
                    Debuff *finRev = defenders[i]->finalRevenge();
                    if (defenders[i]->getAscensionLvl() == 2)
                        subHP(.1 * getMaxHP(), OMNI);
                        subMP(.1 * getMaxMP());

                        if (getCurrHP() == 0)

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
/***** Function re-definitions *****/
int ServantAssassin::attack(vector<Servant *> defenders, bool counter)
    if (actionMPCosts[ascension][0] > currMP)
        return 1; // Not enough MP to attack
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < defenders.size(); i++)
            int dam = 0;
            // Check if you hit the targets
            vector<int> opEvade = defenders[i]->getEvade();
            bool hit = false;
            // Calculate accuracy
            int accuracy = capZero(getHitRate() - opEvade[0]);

            int r = getRandNum();
            if (accuracy >= r)
                hit = true;

            // Skill: Presence Detection skips all other evasion checks!

            // If you hit, calculate crit chance
            if (hit)
                int attackMult = 1;
                int critChance = capZero(getCriticalRate() -
                r = getRandNum();
                if (critChance >= r)
                    attackMult *= 3;

                // Calculate the chance of Lethality
                r = getRandNum();
                if (getSkl() / 8 > r)
                    dam = defenders[i]->getMaxHP() * attackMult;

                    log->addToEventLog(getFullName() +
                                       " activated Lethality against " +
                                       defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!" +
                                       to_string(dam) + " damage dealt!");
                    defenders[i]->subHP(dam, D_STR);
                    // Deal the damage
                    dam = capZero(getStr() - defenders[i]->getDef()) * attackMult;

                    log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " dealt " +
                                       to_string(dam) + " damage to " +
                                       defenders[i]->getFullName() + ".");
                    defenders[i]->subHP(dam, D_STR);

                // Add the weapon-specific debuff to the target
                Debuff *deb = new Debuff(classDebuff->getDebuffName(),

                log->addToEventLog(getFullName() + " missed " +
                                   defenders[i]->getFullName() + "!");

            // Check to see if the defender is dead. If they are, do not call
            // the counterattack. Additionally, if they are an Avenger and they
            // die, activate Final Revenge.
            // If they are not dead but they are a Berserker, check to see if
            // Mad Counter activates.
            if(defenders[i]->getCurrHP() > 0)
                // Check if the defender is a Berserker. If they are, and they
                // are adjacent to this unit, check to see if Mad Counter
                // activates.
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Berserker &&
                    r = getRandNum();
                    if (defenders[i]->getLuk() >= r)
                        // Mad Counter activated! The attacking servant takes
                        // damage equal to the damage they dealt.
                        log->addToEventLog(defenders[i]->getFullName() +
                                           "' Mad Counter activated, dealing " +
                                           to_string(dam) + " damage back to " +
                                           getFullName() + ".");
                        subHP(dam, C_STR);
                // Call "attack" on the defending servant for their
                // counterattack, if you are in their range and you are the
                // initiating servant.
                if (defenders[i]->isInRange(this) && counter)
                    vector<Servant *> you;
                    defenders[i]->attack(you, false);
                if (defenders[i]->getClass() == Avenger)
                    // Activate Final Revenge
                    Debuff *finRev = defenders[i]->finalRevenge();
                    if (defenders[i]->getAscensionLvl() == 2)
                        subHP(.1 * getMaxHP(), OMNI);
                        subMP(.1 * getMaxMP());

                        if (getCurrHP() == 0)

    return 0;