void ProgDetails::loadPage(void) { MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); QString category_type, showtype, year, syndicatedEpisodeNum; QString rating, colorcode, title_pronounce; float stars = 0.0; int partnumber = 0, parttotal = 0; int audioprop = 0, videoprop = 0, subtype = 0, generic = 0; bool recorded = false; RecordingRule* record = nullptr; if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()) { record = new RecordingRule(); record->LoadByProgram(&m_progInfo); } if (m_progInfo.GetFilesize()) recorded = true; QString ptable = recorded ? "recordedprogram" : "program"; if (m_progInfo.GetScheduledEndTime() != m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()) { query.prepare(QString("SELECT category_type, airdate, stars," " partnumber, parttotal, audioprop+0, videoprop+0," " subtitletypes+0, syndicatedepisodenumber, generic," " showtype, colorcode, title_pronounce" " FROM %1 WHERE chanid = :CHANID AND" " starttime = :STARTTIME ;").arg(ptable)); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); if (query.exec() && query.next()) { category_type = query.value(0).toString(); year = query.value(1).toString(); stars = query.value(2).toFloat(); partnumber = query.value(3).toInt(); parttotal = query.value(4).toInt(); audioprop = query.value(5).toInt(); videoprop = query.value(6).toInt(); subtype = query.value(7).toInt(); syndicatedEpisodeNum = query.value(8).toString(); generic = query.value(9).toInt(); showtype = query.value(10).toString(); colorcode = query.value(11).toString(); title_pronounce = query.value(12).toString(); } else if (!query.isActive()) MythDB::DBError("ProgDetails", query); rating = getRatings( recorded, m_progInfo.GetChanID(), m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); } if (category_type.isEmpty() && !m_progInfo.GetProgramID().isEmpty()) { QString prefix = m_progInfo.GetProgramID().left(2); if (prefix == "MV") category_type = "movie"; else if (prefix == "EP") category_type = "series"; else if (prefix == "SP") category_type = "sports"; else if (prefix == "SH") category_type = "tvshow"; } addItem(tr("Title"), m_progInfo.toString(ProgramInfo::kTitleSubtitle, " - "), ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Title Pronounce"), title_pronounce, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); QString s = m_progInfo.GetDescription(); QString attr; if (partnumber > 0) attr += tr("Part %1 of %2, ").arg(partnumber).arg(parttotal); if (!rating.isEmpty() && rating != "NR") attr += rating + ", "; if (category_type == "movie") { if (!year.isEmpty()) attr += year + ", "; /* see #7810, was hardcoded to 4 star system, when every theme * uses 10 stars / 5 stars with half stars */ if (stars > 0.0f) attr += tr("%n star(s)", "", roundf(stars * 10.0f)) + ", "; } if (!colorcode.isEmpty()) attr += colorcode + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_MONO) attr += tr("Mono") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_STEREO) attr += tr("Stereo") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_SURROUND) attr += tr("Surround Sound") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_DOLBY) attr += tr("Dolby Sound") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_HARDHEAR) attr += tr("Audio for Hearing Impaired") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_VISUALIMPAIR) attr += tr("Audio for Visually Impaired") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_HDTV) attr += tr("HDTV") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_WIDESCREEN) attr += tr("Widescreen") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_AVC) attr += tr("AVC/H.264") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_720) attr += tr("720p Resolution") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_1080) attr += tr("1080i/p Resolution") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_DAMAGED) attr += tr("Damaged") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_HARDHEAR) attr += tr("CC","Closed Captioned") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_NORMAL) attr += tr("Subtitles Available") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_ONSCREEN) attr += tr("Subtitled") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_SIGNED) attr += tr("Deaf Signing") + ", "; if (generic && category_type == "series") attr += tr("Unidentified Episode") + ", "; else if (m_progInfo.IsRepeat()) attr += tr("Repeat") + ", "; if (!attr.isEmpty()) { attr.truncate(attr.lastIndexOf(',')); s += " (" + attr + ")"; } addItem(tr("Description"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); QString actors, directors, producers, execProducers; QString writers, guestStars, hosts, adapters; QString presenters, commentators, guests; if (m_progInfo.GetScheduledEndTime() != m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()) { if (recorded) query.prepare("SELECT role,people.name FROM recordedcredits" " AS credits" " LEFT JOIN people ON credits.person = people.person" " WHERE credits.chanid = :CHANID" " AND credits.starttime = :STARTTIME" " ORDER BY role;"); else query.prepare("SELECT role,people.name FROM credits" " LEFT JOIN people ON credits.person = people.person" " WHERE credits.chanid = :CHANID" " AND credits.starttime = :STARTTIME" " ORDER BY role;"); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); if (query.exec() && query.size() > 0) { QStringList plist; QString rstr, role, pname; while(query.next()) { role = query.value(0).toString(); /* The people.name column uses utf8_bin collation. * Qt-MySQL drivers use QVariant::ByteArray for string-type * MySQL fields marked with the BINARY attribute (those using a * *_bin collation) and QVariant::String for all others. * Since QVariant::toString() uses QString::fromAscii() * (through QVariant::convert()) when the QVariant's type is * QVariant::ByteArray, we have to use QString::fromUtf8() * explicitly to prevent corrupting characters. * The following code should be changed to use the simpler * toString() approach, as above, if we do a DB update to * coalesce the people.name values that differ only in case and * change the collation to utf8_general_ci, to match the * majority of other columns, or we'll have the same problem in * reverse. */ pname = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(1) .toByteArray().constData()); if (rstr != role) { if (rstr == "actor") actors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "director") directors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "producer") producers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "executive_producer") execProducers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "writer") writers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest_star") guestStars = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "host") hosts = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "adapter") adapters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "presenter") presenters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "commentator") commentators = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest") guests = plist.join(", "); rstr = role; plist.clear(); } plist.append(pname); } if (rstr == "actor") actors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "director") directors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "producer") producers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "executive_producer") execProducers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "writer") writers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest_star") guestStars = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "host") hosts = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "adapter") adapters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "presenter") presenters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "commentator") commentators = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest") guests = plist.join(", "); } } addItem(tr("Actors"), actors, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Guest Star"), guestStars, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Guest"), guests, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Host"), hosts, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Presenter"), presenters, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Commentator"), commentators, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Director"), directors, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Producer"), producers, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Executive Producer"), execProducers, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Writer"), writers, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Adapter"), adapters, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Category"), m_progInfo.GetCategory(), ProgInfoList::kLevel1); query.prepare("SELECT genre FROM programgenres " "WHERE chanid = :CHANID AND starttime = :STARTTIME " "AND relevance > 0 ORDER BY relevance;"); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); if (query.exec()) { s.clear(); while (query.next()) { if (!s.isEmpty()) s += ", "; s += query.value(0).toString(); } addItem(tr("Genre"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); } s.clear(); if (!category_type.isEmpty()) { s = category_type; if (!m_progInfo.GetSeriesID().isEmpty()) s += " (" + m_progInfo.GetSeriesID() + ")"; if (!showtype.isEmpty()) s += " " + showtype; } addItem(tr("Type", "category_type"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); s.clear(); if (m_progInfo.GetSeason() > 0) s = QString::number(m_progInfo.GetSeason()); addItem(tr("Season"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); s.clear(); if (m_progInfo.GetEpisode() > 0) { if (m_progInfo.GetEpisodeTotal() > 0) s = tr("%1 of %2").arg(m_progInfo.GetEpisode()) .arg(m_progInfo.GetEpisodeTotal()); else s = QString::number(m_progInfo.GetEpisode()); } addItem(tr("Episode"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Syndicated Episode Number"), syndicatedEpisodeNum, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); s.clear(); if (m_progInfo.GetOriginalAirDate().isValid() && category_type != "movie") { s = MythDate::toString(m_progInfo.GetOriginalAirDate(), MythDate::kDateFull | MythDate::kAddYear); } addItem(tr("Original Airdate"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Program ID"), m_progInfo.GetProgramID(), ProgInfoList::kLevel1); // Begin MythTV information not found in the listings info QDateTime statusDate; if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingStatus() == RecStatus::WillRecord || m_progInfo.GetRecordingStatus() == RecStatus::Pending) statusDate = m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime(); RecordingType rectype = kSingleRecord; // avoid kNotRecording RecStatus::Type recstatus = m_progInfo.GetRecordingStatus(); if (recstatus == RecStatus::PreviousRecording || recstatus == RecStatus::NeverRecord || recstatus == RecStatus::Unknown) { query.prepare("SELECT recstatus, starttime " "FROM oldrecorded WHERE duplicate > 0 AND " "future = 0 AND " "((programid <> '' AND programid = :PROGRAMID) OR " " (title <> '' AND title = :TITLE AND " " subtitle <> '' AND subtitle = :SUBTITLE AND " " description <> '' AND description = :DECRIPTION));"); query.bindValue(":PROGRAMID", m_progInfo.GetProgramID()); query.bindValue(":TITLE", m_progInfo.GetTitle()); query.bindValue(":SUBTITLE", m_progInfo.GetSubtitle()); query.bindValue(":DECRIPTION", m_progInfo.GetDescription()); if (!query.exec()) { MythDB::DBError("showDetails", query); } else if (query.next()) { if (recstatus == RecStatus::Unknown) recstatus = RecStatus::Type(query.value(0).toInt()); if (recstatus == RecStatus::PreviousRecording || recstatus == RecStatus::NeverRecord || recstatus == RecStatus::Recorded) { statusDate = MythDate::as_utc(query.value(1).toDateTime()); } } } if (recstatus == RecStatus::Unknown) { if (recorded) { recstatus = RecStatus::Recorded; statusDate = m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime(); } else { // re-enable "Not Recording" status text rectype = m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleType(); } } s = RecStatus::toString(recstatus, rectype); if (statusDate.isValid()) s += " " + MythDate::toString(statusDate, MythDate::kDateFull | MythDate::kAddYear); addItem(tr("MythTV Status"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); QString recordingRule; QString lastRecorded; QString nextRecording; QString averageTimeShift; QString watchListScore; QString watchListStatus; QString searchPhrase; if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()) { recordingRule = QString("%1, ").arg(m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()); if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleType() != kNotRecording) recordingRule += toString(m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleType()); if (!(record->m_title.isEmpty())) recordingRule += QString(" \"%2\"").arg(record->m_title); query.prepare("SELECT last_record, next_record, avg_delay " "FROM record WHERE recordid = :RECORDID"); query.bindValue(":RECORDID", m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()); if (query.exec() && query.next()) { if (query.value(0).toDateTime().isValid()) lastRecorded = MythDate::toString( MythDate::as_utc(query.value(0).toDateTime()), MythDate::kDateFull | MythDate::kAddYear); if (query.value(1).toDateTime().isValid()) nextRecording = MythDate::toString( MythDate::as_utc(query.value(1).toDateTime()), MythDate::kDateFull | MythDate::kAddYear); if (query.value(2).toInt() > 0) averageTimeShift = tr("%n hour(s)", "", query.value(2).toInt()); } if (recorded) { if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2() > 0) watchListScore = QString::number(m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2()); if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2() < 0) { switch (m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2()) { case wlExpireOff: watchListStatus = tr("Auto-expire off"); break; case wlWatched: watchListStatus = tr("Marked as 'watched'"); break; case wlEarlier: watchListStatus = tr("Not the earliest episode"); break; case wlDeleted: watchListStatus = tr("Recently deleted episode"); break; } } } if (record->m_searchType != kManualSearch && record->m_description != m_progInfo.GetDescription()) searchPhrase = record->m_description; } addItem(tr("Recording Rule"), recordingRule, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Search Phrase"), searchPhrase, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); s.clear(); if (m_progInfo.GetFindID()) { QDateTime fdate(QDate(1970, 1, 1),QTime(12,0,0)); fdate = fdate.addDays((int)m_progInfo.GetFindID() - 719528); s = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(m_progInfo.GetFindID()) .arg(MythDate::toString( fdate, MythDate::kDateFull | MythDate::kAddYear)); } addItem(tr("Find ID"), s, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Last Recorded"), lastRecorded, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Next Recording"), nextRecording, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Average Time Shift"), averageTimeShift, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Watch List Score"), watchListScore, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Watch List Status"), watchListStatus, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); QString recordingHost; QString recordingInput; QString recordedFilename; QString recordedFileSize; QString recordingGroup; QString storageGroup; QString playbackGroup; QString recordingProfile; recordingHost = m_progInfo.GetHostname(); recordingInput = m_progInfo.GetInputName(); if (recorded) { recordedFilename = m_progInfo.GetBasename(); recordedFileSize = QString("%1 ") .arg(m_progInfo.GetFilesize()/((double)(1<<30)),0,'f',2); recordedFileSize += tr("GB", "GigaBytes"); query.prepare("SELECT profile FROM recorded" " WHERE chanid = :CHANID" " AND starttime = :STARTTIME;"); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetRecordingStartTime()); if (query.exec() && query.next()) { recordingProfile = m_progInfo.i18n(query.value(0).toString()); } recordingGroup = m_progInfo.i18n(m_progInfo.GetRecordingGroup()); storageGroup = m_progInfo.i18n(m_progInfo.GetStorageGroup()); playbackGroup = m_progInfo.i18n(m_progInfo.GetPlaybackGroup()); } else if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()) { recordingProfile = record->m_recProfile; } addItem(tr("Recording Host"), recordingHost, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Recording Input"), recordingInput, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Recorded File Name"), recordedFilename, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Recorded File Size"), recordedFileSize, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Recording Profile"), recordingProfile, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Recording Group"), recordingGroup, ProgInfoList::kLevel1); addItem(tr("Storage Group"), storageGroup, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); addItem(tr("Playback Group"), playbackGroup, ProgInfoList::kLevel2); PowerPriorities(ptable); delete record; }
void ProgDetails::loadPage(void) { loadHTML(); MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); QString fullDateFormat = gCoreContext->GetSetting("DateFormat", "M/d/yyyy"); if (!fullDateFormat.contains("yyyy")) fullDateFormat += " yyyy"; QString category_type, showtype, year, epinum, rating, colorcode, title_pronounce; float stars = 0.0; int partnumber = 0, parttotal = 0; int audioprop = 0, videoprop = 0, subtype = 0, generic = 0; bool recorded = false; RecordingRule* record = NULL; if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()) { record = new RecordingRule(); record->LoadByProgram(&m_progInfo); } if (m_progInfo.GetFilesize()) recorded = true; if (m_progInfo.GetScheduledEndTime() != m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()) { QString ptable = "program"; if (recorded) ptable = "recordedprogram"; query.prepare(QString("SELECT category_type, airdate, stars," " partnumber, parttotal, audioprop+0, videoprop+0," " subtitletypes+0, syndicatedepisodenumber, generic," " showtype, colorcode, title_pronounce" " FROM %1 WHERE chanid = :CHANID AND" " starttime = :STARTTIME ;").arg(ptable)); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); if (query.exec() && query.next()) { category_type = query.value(0).toString(); year = query.value(1).toString(); stars = query.value(2).toDouble(); partnumber = query.value(3).toInt(); parttotal = query.value(4).toInt(); audioprop = query.value(5).toInt(); videoprop = query.value(6).toInt(); subtype = query.value(7).toInt(); epinum = query.value(8).toString(); generic = query.value(9).toInt(); showtype = query.value(10).toString(); colorcode = query.value(11).toString(); title_pronounce = query.value(12).toString(); } else if (!query.isActive()) MythDB::DBError("ProgDetails", query); rating = getRatings( recorded, m_progInfo.GetChanID(), m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); } if (category_type.isEmpty() && !m_progInfo.GetProgramID().isEmpty()) { QString prefix = m_progInfo.GetProgramID().left(2); if (prefix == "MV") category_type = "movie"; else if (prefix == "EP") category_type = "series"; else if (prefix == "SP") category_type = "sports"; else if (prefix == "SH") category_type = "tvshow"; } addItem("TITLE", tr("Title"), m_progInfo.toString(ProgramInfo::kTitleSubtitle, " - ")); addItem("TITLE_PRONOUNCE", tr("Title Pronounce"), title_pronounce); QString s = m_progInfo.GetDescription(); QString attr; if (partnumber > 0) attr += QString(tr("Part %1 of %2, ")).arg(partnumber).arg(parttotal); if (!rating.isEmpty() && rating != "NR") attr += rating + ", "; if (category_type == "movie") { if (!year.isEmpty()) attr += year + ", "; if (stars > 0.0) attr += tr("%n star(s)", "", (int) (stars * 4.0)) + ", "; } if (!colorcode.isEmpty()) attr += colorcode + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_MONO) attr += tr("Mono") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_STEREO) attr += tr("Stereo") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_SURROUND) attr += tr("Surround Sound") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_DOLBY) attr += tr("Dolby Sound") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_HARDHEAR) attr += tr("Audio for Hearing Impaired") + ", "; if (audioprop & AUD_VISUALIMPAIR) attr += tr("Audio for Visually Impaired") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_HDTV) attr += tr("HDTV") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_WIDESCREEN) attr += tr("Widescreen") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_AVC) attr += tr("AVC/H.264") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_720) attr += tr("720p Resolution") + ", "; if (videoprop & VID_1080) attr += tr("1080i/p Resolution") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_HARDHEAR) attr += tr("CC","Closed Captioned") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_NORMAL) attr += tr("Subtitles Available") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_ONSCREEN) attr += tr("Subtitled") + ", "; if (subtype & SUB_SIGNED) attr += tr("Deaf Signing") + ", "; if (generic && category_type == "series") attr += tr("Unidentified Episode") + ", "; else if (m_progInfo.IsRepeat()) attr += tr("Repeat") + ", "; if (!attr.isEmpty()) { attr.truncate(attr.lastIndexOf(',')); s += " (" + attr + ")"; } addItem("DESCRIPTION", tr("Description"), s); s.clear(); if (!m_progInfo.GetCategory().isEmpty()) { s = m_progInfo.GetCategory(); query.prepare("SELECT genre FROM programgenres " "WHERE chanid = :CHANID AND starttime = :STARTTIME " "AND relevance > 0 ORDER BY relevance;"); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); if (query.exec()) { while (query.next()) s += ", " + query.value(0).toString(); } } addItem("CATEGORY", tr("Category"), s); s.clear(); if (!category_type.isEmpty()) { s = category_type; if (!m_progInfo.GetSeriesID().isEmpty()) s += " (" + m_progInfo.GetSeriesID() + ")"; if (!showtype.isEmpty()) s += " " + showtype; } addItem("CATEGORY_TYPE", tr("Type", "category_type"), s); addItem("EPISODE", tr("Episode Number"), epinum); s.clear(); if (m_progInfo.GetOriginalAirDate().isValid() && category_type != "movie") { s = m_progInfo.GetOriginalAirDate().toString(fullDateFormat); } addItem("ORIGINAL_AIRDATE", tr("Original Airdate"), s); addItem("PROGRAMID", tr("Program ID"), m_progInfo.GetProgramID()); QString actors, directors, producers, execProducers; QString writers, guestStars, hosts, adapters; QString presenters, commentators, guests; if (m_progInfo.GetScheduledEndTime() != m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()) { if (recorded) query.prepare("SELECT role,people.name FROM recordedcredits" " AS credits" " LEFT JOIN people ON credits.person = people.person" " WHERE credits.chanid = :CHANID" " AND credits.starttime = :STARTTIME" " ORDER BY role;"); else query.prepare("SELECT role,people.name FROM credits" " LEFT JOIN people ON credits.person = people.person" " WHERE credits.chanid = :CHANID" " AND credits.starttime = :STARTTIME" " ORDER BY role;"); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime()); if (query.exec() && query.size() > 0) { QStringList plist; QString rstr, role, pname; while(query.next()) { role = query.value(0).toString(); /* The people.name column uses utf8_bin collation. * Qt-MySQL drivers use QVariant::ByteArray for string-type * MySQL fields marked with the BINARY attribute (those using a * *_bin collation) and QVariant::String for all others. * Since QVariant::toString() uses QString::fromAscii() * (through QVariant::convert()) when the QVariant's type is * QVariant::ByteArray, we have to use QString::fromUtf8() * explicitly to prevent corrupting characters. * The following code should be changed to use the simpler * toString() approach, as above, if we do a DB update to * coalesce the people.name values that differ only in case and * change the collation to utf8_general_ci, to match the * majority of other columns, or we'll have the same problem in * reverse. */ pname = QString::fromUtf8(query.value(1) .toByteArray().constData()); if (rstr != role) { if (rstr == "actor") actors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "director") directors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "producer") producers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "executive_producer") execProducers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "writer") writers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest_star") guestStars = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "host") hosts = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "adapter") adapters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "presenter") presenters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "commentator") commentators = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest") guests = plist.join(", "); rstr = role; plist.clear(); } plist.append(pname); } if (rstr == "actor") actors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "director") directors = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "producer") producers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "executive_producer") execProducers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "writer") writers = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest_star") guestStars = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "host") hosts = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "adapter") adapters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "presenter") presenters = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "commentator") commentators = plist.join(", "); else if (rstr == "guest") guests = plist.join(", "); } } addItem("ACTORS", tr("Actors"), actors); addItem("DIRECTOR", tr("Director"), directors); addItem("PRODUCER", tr("Producer"), producers); addItem("EXECUTIVE_PRODUCER", tr("Executive Producer"), execProducers); addItem("WRITER", tr("Writer"), writers); addItem("GUEST_STAR", tr("Guest Star"), guestStars); addItem("HOST", tr("Host"), hosts); addItem("ADAPTER", tr("Adapter"), adapters); addItem("PRESENTER", tr("Presenter"), presenters); addItem("COMMENTATOR", tr("Commentator"), commentators); addItem("GUEST", tr("Guest"), guests); // Begin MythTV information not found in the listings info // msg += "<br>"; QDateTime statusDate; if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingStatus() == rsWillRecord) statusDate = m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime(); RecordingType rectype = kSingleRecord; // avoid kNotRecording RecStatusType recstatus = m_progInfo.GetRecordingStatus(); if (recstatus == rsPreviousRecording || recstatus == rsNeverRecord || recstatus == rsUnknown) { query.prepare("SELECT recstatus, starttime " "FROM oldrecorded WHERE duplicate > 0 AND " "future = 0 AND " "((programid <> '' AND programid = :PROGRAMID) OR " " (title <> '' AND title = :TITLE AND " " subtitle <> '' AND subtitle = :SUBTITLE AND " " description <> '' AND description = :DECRIPTION));"); query.bindValue(":PROGRAMID", m_progInfo.GetProgramID()); query.bindValue(":TITLE", m_progInfo.GetTitle()); query.bindValue(":SUBTITLE", m_progInfo.GetSubtitle()); query.bindValue(":DECRIPTION", m_progInfo.GetDescription()); if (!query.exec()) { MythDB::DBError("showDetails", query); } else if (query.next()) { if (recstatus == rsUnknown) recstatus = RecStatusType(query.value(0).toInt()); if (recstatus == rsPreviousRecording || recstatus == rsNeverRecord || recstatus == rsRecorded) { statusDate = query.value(1).toDateTime(); } } } if (recstatus == rsUnknown) { if (recorded) { recstatus = rsRecorded; statusDate = m_progInfo.GetScheduledStartTime(); } else { // re-enable "Not Recording" status text rectype = m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleType(); } } s = toString(recstatus, rectype); if (statusDate.isValid()) s += " " + statusDate.toString(fullDateFormat); addItem("MYTHTV_STATUS", QString("MythTV " + tr("Status")), s); QString recordingRule; QString lastRecorded; QString nextRecording; QString averageTimeShift; QString watchListScore; QString watchListStatus; QString searchPhrase; if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()) { recordingRule = QString("%1, ").arg(m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()); if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleType() != kNotRecording) recordingRule += toString(m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleType()); if (!(record->m_title.isEmpty())) recordingRule += QString(" \"%2\"").arg(record->m_title); query.prepare("SELECT last_record, next_record, avg_delay " "FROM record WHERE recordid = :RECORDID"); query.bindValue(":RECORDID", m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()); if (query.exec() && query.next()) { if (query.value(0).toDateTime().isValid()) lastRecorded = query.value(0).toDateTime().toString(fullDateFormat); if (query.value(1).toDateTime().isValid()) nextRecording = query.value(1).toDateTime().toString(fullDateFormat); if (query.value(2).toInt() > 0) averageTimeShift = tr("%n hour(s)", "", query.value(2).toInt()); } if (recorded) { if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2() > 0) watchListScore = QString::number(m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2()); if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2() < 0) { switch (m_progInfo.GetRecordingPriority2()) { case wlExpireOff: watchListStatus = tr("Auto-expire off"); break; case wlWatched: watchListStatus = tr("Marked as 'watched'"); break; case wlEarlier: watchListStatus = tr("Not the earliest episode"); break; case wlDeleted: watchListStatus = tr("Recently deleted episode"); break; } } } if (record->m_searchType != kManualSearch && record->m_description != m_progInfo.GetDescription()) { searchPhrase = record->m_description .replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("\n", " "); } } addItem("RECORDING_RULE", tr("Recording Rule"), recordingRule); addItem("LAST_RECORDED", tr("Last Recorded"), lastRecorded); addItem("NEXT_RECORDING", tr("Next Recording"), nextRecording); addItem("AVERAGE_TIME_SHIFT", tr("Average Time Shift"), averageTimeShift); addItem("WATCH_LIST_SCORE", tr("Watch List Score"), watchListScore); addItem("WATCH_LIST_STATUS", tr("Watch List Status"), watchListStatus); addItem("SEARCH_PHRASE", tr("Search Phrase"), searchPhrase); s.clear(); if (m_progInfo.GetFindID()) { QDate fdate(1970, 1, 1); fdate = fdate.addDays((int)m_progInfo.GetFindID() - 719528); s = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(m_progInfo.GetFindID()) .arg(fdate.toString(fullDateFormat)); } addItem("FINDID", tr("Find ID"), s); QString recordingHost; QString recordedFilename; QString recordedFileSize; QString recordingGroup; QString storageGroup; QString playbackGroup; QString recordingProfile; if (recorded) { recordingHost = m_progInfo.GetHostname(); recordedFilename = m_progInfo.GetBasename(); recordedFileSize = QString("%1 ") .arg(m_progInfo.GetFilesize()/((double)(1<<30)),0,'f',2); recordedFileSize += tr("GB", "GigaBytes"); query.prepare("SELECT profile FROM recorded" " WHERE chanid = :CHANID" " AND starttime = :STARTTIME;"); query.bindValue(":CHANID", m_progInfo.GetChanID()); query.bindValue(":STARTTIME", m_progInfo.GetRecordingStartTime()); if (query.exec() && query.next()) { recordingProfile = m_progInfo.i18n(query.value(0).toString()); } recordingGroup = m_progInfo.i18n(m_progInfo.GetRecordingGroup()); storageGroup = m_progInfo.i18n(m_progInfo.GetStorageGroup()); playbackGroup = m_progInfo.i18n(m_progInfo.GetPlaybackGroup()); } else if (m_progInfo.GetRecordingRuleID()) { recordingProfile = record->m_recProfile; } addItem("RECORDING_HOST", tr("Recording Host"), recordingHost); addItem("RECORDED_FILE_NAME", tr("Recorded File Name"), recordedFilename); addItem("RECORDED_FILE_SIZE", tr("Recorded File Size"), recordedFileSize); addItem("RECORDING_PROFILE", tr("Recording Profile"), recordingProfile); addItem("RECORDING_GROUP", tr("Recording Group"), recordingGroup); addItem("STORAGE_GROUP", tr("Storage Group"), storageGroup); addItem("PLAYBACK_GROUP", tr("Playback Group"), playbackGroup); m_page[m_currentPage] = m_html.join("\n"); delete record; }