Ejemplo n.º 1
// Moves our reference lat lon based on the distance moved.
void MapPage::moveMap(const int startX, const int startY, const int endX, const int endY)
   double eLat = 0, eLon = 0, lat = 0, lon = 0, sLat = 0, sLon = 0, deltaLat = 0, deltaLon = 0;

   // figure our lat/lon positioning
   pixelsToLatLon(startX, startY, sLat, sLon);
   pixelsToLatLon(endX, endY, eLat, eLon);

   // get our delta movement
   deltaLat = sLat - eLat;
   deltaLon = sLon - eLon;

   lat = getReferenceLatDeg();
   lon = getReferenceLonDeg();

   lat += deltaLat;
   lon += deltaLon;

   // As the world turns.... we need to flip the maps!
   if (lon > 180) lon = -180;
   else if (lon < -180) lon = 180;
   if (lat > 90) lat = -90;
   else if (lat < -90) lat = 90;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void Display::mouseMotionEvent(const int x, const int y)
    if (dragging) {
        const auto page = static_cast<MapPage*>(subpage());
        if (page != nullptr) {
            // get our ref lat, because we won't go passed 70 degrees lat (either way);
            const double lat = page->getReferenceLatDeg();
            if (lat < 70 && lat > -70) {
                page->moveMap(startX, startY, x, y);
            } else {
                if (lat > 0) page->setReferenceLatDeg(65);
                else page->setReferenceLatDeg(-65);
            startX = x;
            startY = y;
    setMouse(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// converts screen to lat/lon coordinates
bool MapPage::screen2LatLon(const LCreal x, const LCreal y,
                              double* const lat, double* const lon) const
   bool ok = false;

   const double scale = getScale();
   const double cosLat = getCosRefLat();
   if (lat != nullptr && lon != nullptr && scale != 0 && cosLat != 0) {

      // buffer the inputs
      double screenX = x;
      double screenY = y;

      // Adjust for the decentered displayment
      if ( !getCentered() ) screenY -= getDisplacement();

      // Scale from screen (inches) to A/C (NM) and
      // transpose the X and Y from screen to A/C
      const double acX = screenY/scale;
      const double acY = screenX/scale;

      // Rotate A/C to NED
      double earthX = 0.0;
      double earthY = 0.0;
      if (getNorthUp()) {
         earthX = acX;
         earthY = acY;
      else {
         earthX = (acX * headingCos) - (acY * headingSin);
         earthY = (acX * headingSin) + (acY * headingCos);

      // Convert nautical miles (NED) from ref point to lat/lon
      *lat = (earthX/60.0) + getReferenceLatDeg();
      *lon = (earthY/(60.0*cosLat)) + getReferenceLonDeg();

      ok = true;
   return ok;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// converts lat/lon to screen coordinates
bool MapPage::latLon2Screen(const double lat, const double lon,
                              LCreal* const x, LCreal* const y) const
   bool ok = false;
   if (x != nullptr && y != nullptr) {

      // Convert to nautical miles (NED) centered on ownship
      const double earthX = ((lat - getReferenceLatDeg()) * 60.0);
      const double earthY = ((lon - getReferenceLonDeg()) * 60.0 * getCosRefLat());

      // Rotate to aircraft coordinates
      double acX = 0;
      double acY = 0;
      if (getNorthUp()) {
         acX = earthX;
         acY = earthY;
      else {
         acX =  (earthX * headingCos) + (earthY * headingSin);
         acY = -(earthX * headingSin) + (earthY * headingCos);

      // Scale from nautical miles to inches and
      // transpose the X and Y from A/C to screen
      double screenY = acX * getScale();
      const double screenX = acY * getScale();

      // Adjust for the decentered displayment
      if ( !getCentered() ) screenY += getDisplacement();

      *x = static_cast<LCreal>(screenX);
      *y = static_cast<LCreal>(screenY);

      ok = true;

   return ok;