Ejemplo n.º 1
void getCentreRing(gint i, gint j, gdouble C[])

	gint k;
	gint c;
	gint* num  = NULL;
	gint n;

	for(c=0;c<3;c++) C[c] = 0;
	n = 4;
	if(inRing(j, i, n-1, TRUE) ) num = getRing();
		if(inRing(j, i, n-1, TRUE)) num = getRing();
		if(inRing(j, i, n-1, TRUE)) num = getRing();
		for(c=0;c<3;c++) C[c] += GeomOrb[j].C[c];
			for(c=0;c<3;c++) C[c] += GeomOrb[num[k]].C[c];
		for(c=0;c<3;c++) C[c] /= n;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Polynomial Polynomial::deHomogenizationInSameRing()const
  Polynomial ret(getRing());
  int n=getRing().getNumberOfVariables();
  for(TermMap::const_iterator i=terms.begin();i!=terms.end();i++)
      IntegerVector v=i->first.exponent;
      FieldElement e=i->second;
	  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CTable::dealUpCards(CPlayer *player, int numcards)
    CCard *tmpCard;
    CpduDealCardsFlex pdu;
    char message[100] = { '\0' };
    char vChar[3] = { '\0' };
    char sChar;

    if (numcards)
        sprintf(message, "%s was dealt ", player->getUsername());

    pdu.setDeal(player->getSlot(), Hole);
    for (; numcards > 0; numcards--)
        tmpCard = deck_.popCard();


        memset(vChar, 0x0, sizeof(vChar));
        switch (tmpCard->getValue())
        case (10):  strcpy(vChar, "10"); break;
        case (11):  vChar[0] = 'J'; break;
        case (12):  vChar[0] = 'Q'; break;
        case (13):  vChar[0] = 'K'; break;
        case (14):  vChar[0] = 'A'; break;
        default: itoa(tmpCard->getValue(), vChar, 10); break;

        switch (tmpCard->getSuit())
        case (1):   sChar = 'C'; break;         // Clubs
        case (2):   sChar = 'D'; break;         // Diamonds
        case (3):   sChar = 'H'; break;         // Hearts
        case (4):   sChar = 'S'; break;         // Spades
        sprintf(message, "%s [%s%c]", message, vChar, sChar);

        pdu.addCard(tmpCard->getValue(), tmpCard->getSuit());

        delete tmpCard;


Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Polynomial::checkExponentVectors()const
	int n=getRing().getNumberOfVariables();
	for(TermMap::const_iterator i=terms.begin();i!=terms.end();i++)
		//	log1
			//	AsciiPrinter(Stderr)<<"Exponent vector length does not match ring\n"<<*this;
			return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
MStatus tm_polySplitFty::doIt()
//	Description:
//		Performs the actual tm_polySplit operation on the given object and UVs
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	MVector vector;
	MPoint point;
	MFnMesh meshFn( fMesh);
	int edgeVertices[2];
	MItMeshEdge edgeIt( fMesh);
	int prevIndex;

	meshFn.getEdgeVertices( fSelEdges[0], edgeVertices);
	meshFn.getPoint( edgeVertices[0], point);
	meshFn.getPoint( edgeVertices[1], averagePos);
	averagePos = (point + averagePos) * 0.5;

#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "##########################tm_polySplitFty::doIt" << endl;
cout<<"loop="<<fa_loop<<" loopMode="<<fa_loop_mode<<" loop_angle="<<fa_loop_angle<<" loop_maxcount="<<fa_maxcount<<endl;
	//getting valid edges
		if( fa_loop)
			if(!getLoopFromFirst( fa_loop_mode, fa_loop_angle, fa_maxcount))
				MGlobal::displayError( "tm_polySplit command failed: Bad edges selected." );
				return MStatus::kFailure;
				MGlobal::displayError( "tm_polySplit command failed: Bad edges selected." );
				return MStatus::kFailure;
		{// close edges:
		MIntArray conFacesA;
		edgeIt.setIndex( fSelEdges[0], prevIndex);
		edgeIt.getConnectedFaces( conFacesA);
		if( conFacesA.length() > 1)
			MIntArray conFacesB;
			edgeIt.setIndex( fSelEdges[fSelEdges.length() - 1], prevIndex);
			edgeIt.getConnectedFaces( conFacesB);
			if( conFacesB.length() > 1)
				if( conFacesA[0] == conFacesB[0]) fSelEdges.append( fSelEdges[0]);
				else if( conFacesA[0] == conFacesB[1]) fSelEdges.append( fSelEdges[0]);
				else if( conFacesA[1] == conFacesB[0]) fSelEdges.append( fSelEdges[0]);
				else if( conFacesA[1] == conFacesB[1]) fSelEdges.append( fSelEdges[0]);

#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "fSelEdges = ";for( unsigned i=0;i<fSelEdges.length();i++) cout << fSelEdges[i] << " ";cout << endl;

	edgesCount = fSelEdges.length();
	if(edgesCount < 2)
		MGlobal::displayError( "tm_polySplit command failed: Can't find more than one ring edge." );
		return MStatus::kFailure;

	MItMeshVertex vtxIt( fMesh);
	MItMeshPolygon faceIt( fMesh);

	MIntArray conFaces;
	MIntArray conEdges;
	MIntArray faceEdges;

	unsigned numConFaces;

	if( firstTime)
	splitedPoints_start_N.setLength( edgesCount);
	splitedPoints_dir_N.setLength( edgesCount);
	splitedPoints_ndir_N.setLength( edgesCount);
	splitedPoints_start_R.setLength( edgesCount);
	splitedPoints_dir_R.setLength( edgesCount);
	splitedPoints_ndir_R.setLength( edgesCount);

	oldVtxCount = meshFn.numVertices();
	oldUVsCount = meshFn.numUVs();

#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "oldVtxCount = " << oldVtxCount << endl;
cout << endl << "oldUVsCount = " << oldUVsCount << endl;

//######################################## finding inverted edges
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "### finding inverted edges:" << endl;
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < edgesCount; i++) invEdge[i] = 0;
	int zero_vtx_index = 0;
	edgeIt.setIndex( fSelEdges[0], prevIndex);
	edgeIt.getConnectedFaces( conFaces);
	numConFaces = conFaces.length();
	int nextEdgeId = -1;
	int nextFaceId = -1;
	for( unsigned cf = 0; cf < numConFaces; cf++)
		faceIt.setIndex( conFaces[cf], prevIndex);
		faceIt.getEdges( faceEdges);
		unsigned numFaceEdges = faceEdges.length();
		for( unsigned fe = 0; fe < numFaceEdges; fe++)
			if( faceEdges[fe] == fSelEdges[1])
				nextFaceId = conFaces[cf];
		if( nextEdgeId != -1) break;
	if( nextFaceId == -1)
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "nextFaceId == -1 (edgeId[" << fSelEdges[0] << "]);" << endl;
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	meshFn.getEdgeVertices( fSelEdges[0], edgeVertices);
	int vtxIndex = edgeVertices[zero_vtx_index];
	unsigned e = 1;
	bool founded = true;
	int nextEdgeVertices[2];
	int COUNTER = 0;
	while( e < edgesCount)
		if(COUNTER > 32000)
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "(COUNTER > 32000) on finding inverted edges!" << endl;
		meshFn.getEdgeVertices( fSelEdges[e], nextEdgeVertices);
		vtxIt.setIndex( vtxIndex, prevIndex);
		vtxIt.getConnectedEdges( conEdges);
		unsigned numConEdges = conEdges.length();
		faceIt.setIndex( nextFaceId, prevIndex);
		faceIt.getEdges( faceEdges);
		unsigned numFaceEdges = faceEdges.length();
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << COUNTER << ") edgeId = " << fSelEdges[e-1] << ", numConEdges = " << numConEdges;
cout << ", vtxIndex = " << vtxIndex << ", nextFaceId = " << nextFaceId << ":" << endl;
		bool nextEdgeId_founded = false;
		for( unsigned ce = 0; ce < numConEdges; ce++)
			if((conEdges[ce] == fSelEdges[e-1]) || (conEdges[ce] == nextEdgeId)) continue;
			for( unsigned fe = 0; fe < numFaceEdges; fe++)
				if( conEdges[ce] == faceEdges[fe])
					nextEdgeId = conEdges[ce];
					nextEdgeId_founded = true;
			if( nextEdgeId_founded) break;
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "nextEdgeId was not founded, edge " <<  fSelEdges[e-1] << endl;
cout << "connected edges: ";
for( unsigned ce = 0; ce < numConEdges; ce++) cout << conEdges[ce] << ", "; cout << endl;
cout << "connected face edges: ";
for( unsigned fe = 0; fe < numFaceEdges; fe++) cout << faceEdges[fe] << ", "; cout << endl;
		int cEdgeVertices[2];
		meshFn.getEdgeVertices( nextEdgeId, cEdgeVertices);
		int cEdge_oppVtx;
		int searchVtxIndex = 1;
		if( nextEdgeId == fSelEdges[e]) searchVtxIndex = 0;
		if( cEdgeVertices[0] == vtxIndex) cEdge_oppVtx = cEdgeVertices[1];
		else cEdge_oppVtx = cEdgeVertices[0];
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "nextEdgeId = " << nextEdgeId << ", cEdge_oppVtx = " << cEdge_oppVtx << endl;
		founded = false;
		if(cEdge_oppVtx == nextEdgeVertices[searchVtxIndex])
			invEdge[e] = 1;
			zero_vtx_index = 1;
			founded = true;
		if(cEdge_oppVtx == nextEdgeVertices[1-searchVtxIndex])
			zero_vtx_index = 0;
			founded = true;
			vtxIndex = cEdge_oppVtx;
		if(e == (edgesCount-1)) break;
		edgeIt.setIndex( fSelEdges[e], prevIndex);
		edgeIt.getConnectedFaces( conFaces);
		numConFaces = conFaces.length();
		if( numConFaces < 2)
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "numConFaces < 2 (edgeId[" << fSelEdges[e] << "]);" << endl;
		if( conFaces[0] == nextFaceId) nextFaceId = conFaces[1];
		else nextFaceId = conFaces[0];
		vtxIndex = nextEdgeVertices[zero_vtx_index];
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "founded, conFaces = " << conFaces[0] << ", " << conFaces[1] << " => " << nextFaceId << endl;
//######################################## getting edges vertices UVs information
	MFloatArray edgeUVs_u( edgesCount*4, -1.0f);
	MFloatArray edgeUVs_v( edgesCount*4, -1.0f);
	MIntArray edge_conFacesIds( edgesCount*2, -1);
	MIntArray edge_conFacesNum( edgesCount, -1);
	for( unsigned e = 0; e < edgesCount; e++)
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//cout << "edgeId #" << fSelEdges[e] << ":" << endl;
		meshFn.getEdgeVertices( fSelEdges[e], edgeVertices);
		edgeIt.setIndex( fSelEdges[e], prevIndex);
		edgeIt.getConnectedFaces( conFaces);
		numConFaces = conFaces.length();
		edge_conFacesNum[e] = numConFaces;
		bool swap = false;
		if((numConFaces > 1) && (conFaces[0] > conFaces[1])) swap = true;
		for( unsigned cf = 0; cf < numConFaces; cf++)
			int cFaceId = cf;
			if( swap) cFaceId = 1 - cf;
			edge_conFacesIds[e*2 + cf] = conFaces[cFaceId];
			for( int ev = 0; ev < 2 ; ev++)
				int numVtxUVs;
				float uvPiont[2];
				vtxIt.setIndex( edgeVertices[ev], prevIndex);
				vtxIt.numUVs( numVtxUVs);
				if( numVtxUVs <= 0) continue;
				MStatus stat = vtxIt.getUV( conFaces[cFaceId], uvPiont);
				if(!stat) continue;
				unsigned uvArrayIndex = (e*4) + (cf*2) + ev;
				edgeUVs_u.set( uvPiont[0], uvArrayIndex);
				edgeUVs_v.set( uvPiont[1], uvArrayIndex);
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//cout << "faceId #" << conFaces[cFaceId] << ", vtxId #" << edgeVertices[ev] << " = (";
//cout << edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex] << ", " << edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex] << ");" << endl;
//###################################### get points starts and vectors:
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < edgesCount; i++)
		meshFn.getEdgeVertices( fSelEdges[i], edgeVertices);
		if ( invEdge[i] == 1)
			meshFn.getPoint( edgeVertices[1], splitedPoints_start_N[i]);
			meshFn.getPoint( edgeVertices[0], point);
			meshFn.getPoint( edgeVertices[0], splitedPoints_start_N[i]);
			meshFn.getPoint( edgeVertices[1], point);
		splitedPoints_dir_N[i] = point - splitedPoints_start_N[i];
		splitedPoints_ndir_N[i] = splitedPoints_dir_N[i];
		splitedPoints_start_R[i] = point;
		splitedPoints_dir_R[i] = splitedPoints_start_N[i] - point;
		splitedPoints_ndir_R[i] = splitedPoints_dir_R[i];
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "splitedPoints_start_N = ";
for( unsigned i=0;i<splitedPoints_start_N.length();i++)
	cout << splitedPoints_start_N[0]<<","<<splitedPoints_start_N[1]<<","<<splitedPoints_start_N[2] << " ";
cout << endl << "splitedPoints_dir_N = ";
for( unsigned i=0;i<splitedPoints_dir_N.length();i++)
	cout << splitedPoints_dir_N[0]<<","<<splitedPoints_dir_N[1]<<","<<splitedPoints_dir_N[2] << " ";
cout << endl;
//######################################## do the split:
	MFloatPointArray internalPoints;
	MIntArray placements( edgesCount, MFnMesh::kOnEdge);
	MFloatArray edgeFactors( edgesCount, 0.5);
status = meshFn.split( placements, fSelEdges, edgeFactors, internalPoints);
	if( !status)
		MGlobal::displayError( "can't split with given data");
		return status;
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << " ! split success ! " << endl;
	newVtxCount = meshFn.numVertices();
	newUVsCount = meshFn.numUVs();
//###################################### get UVs starts and vectors:
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "newVtxCount = " << newVtxCount << endl;
cout << endl << "newUVsCount = " << newUVsCount << endl;

	unsigned edgeNum = 0;
	unsigned uvNum = 0;
	unsigned numNewUVs = newUVsCount - oldUVsCount;
	splitedUVsU_start_N.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsV_start_N.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsU_start_R.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsV_start_R.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsU_dir_N.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsV_dir_N.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsU_dir_R.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsV_dir_R.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsU_ndir_N.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsV_ndir_N.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsU_ndir_R.setLength( numNewUVs);
	splitedUVsV_ndir_R.setLength( numNewUVs);
	for( int j = oldVtxCount; j < newVtxCount; j++)
		MIntArray conFaces;
		int numVtxUVs;
		vtxIt.setIndex( j, prevIndex);
		vtxIt.numUVs( numVtxUVs);
		if( numVtxUVs > 0)
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//cout << "vtx #" << j << " (edge #" << fSelEdges[edgeNum] << ") :" << endl;
			bool swap = false;
			if((edge_conFacesNum[edgeNum] > 1) && (numVtxUVs > 1))
				MItMeshPolygon faceIt( fMesh);
				faceIt.setIndex( edge_conFacesIds[edgeNum*2], prevIndex);
				int numFaceVtx = faceIt.polygonVertexCount();
				bool has = false;
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//cout << "((numConFaces > 1) && (numVtxUVs > 1)) : ( ";
				for( int fVtx = 0; fVtx < numFaceVtx; fVtx++)
					int uvIndex;
					faceIt.getUVIndex( fVtx, uvIndex);
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//cout << uvIndex << " ";
					if( uvIndex == (uvNum + oldUVsCount)) has = true;
				if( !has) swap = true;
//#ifdef _DEBUG
//cout << ") uv = " << (uvNum + oldUVsCount) << " => swap = " << swap << endl;
			for( int uvi = 0; uvi < numVtxUVs; uvi++)
				unsigned uvArrayIndex_a;
				if( swap) uvArrayIndex_a = (edgeNum*4) + ((1-uvi)*2);
				else uvArrayIndex_a = (edgeNum*4) + (uvi*2);
				unsigned uvArrayIndex_b = uvArrayIndex_a;
				if(invEdge[edgeNum] == 1) uvArrayIndex_a++;
				else uvArrayIndex_b++;
				splitedUVsU_start_N[uvNum] = edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_a];
				splitedUVsV_start_N[uvNum] = edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_a];
				splitedUVsU_start_R[uvNum] = edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_b];
				splitedUVsV_start_R[uvNum] = edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_b];
				splitedUVsU_dir_N[uvNum] = edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_b] - edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_a];
				splitedUVsV_dir_N[uvNum] = edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_b] - edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_a];
				splitedUVsU_dir_R[uvNum] = edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_a] - edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_b];
				splitedUVsV_dir_R[uvNum] = edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_a] - edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_b];
				float dist = sqrt((splitedUVsU_dir_N[uvNum]*splitedUVsU_dir_N[uvNum]) + (splitedUVsV_dir_N[uvNum]*splitedUVsV_dir_N[uvNum]));
				if(dist == 0)
					splitedUVsU_ndir_N[uvNum] = 0;
					splitedUVsV_ndir_N[uvNum] = 0;
					splitedUVsU_ndir_R[uvNum] = 0;
					splitedUVsV_ndir_R[uvNum] = 0;
					splitedUVsU_ndir_N[uvNum] = splitedUVsU_dir_N[uvNum] / dist;
					splitedUVsV_ndir_N[uvNum] = splitedUVsV_dir_N[uvNum] / dist;
					splitedUVsU_ndir_R[uvNum] = splitedUVsU_dir_R[uvNum] / dist;
					splitedUVsV_ndir_R[uvNum] = splitedUVsV_dir_R[uvNum] / dist;
/*#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "uvNum #" << (uvNum + oldUVsCount) << " (uvi=" << uvi << ") : ( ";
cout << edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_a] << ", ";
cout << edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_a] << ") - ( ";
cout << edgeUVs_u[uvArrayIndex_b] << ", ";
cout << edgeUVs_v[uvArrayIndex_b] << ");" << endl;
*/						uvNum++;
	return status;
void analysisClass::loop(){

  // Declare HCAL tree(s)

  HcalNoiseTree * noise_tree = getTree<HcalNoiseTree>("noise_tree");
  int n_events = noise_tree -> fChain -> GetEntries();

  // Clean branches we don't need

  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("*"         , kFALSE);
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("PulseCount", kTRUE );
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("IEta"      , kTRUE );
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("IPhi"      , kTRUE );
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("Depth"     , kTRUE );
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("Energy"    , kTRUE );
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("Charge"    , kTRUE );
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("OfficialDecision", kTRUE);
  noise_tree -> fChain -> SetBranchStatus("NumberOfGoodPrimaryVertices", kTRUE);

  // Declare some important quantities
  const int nrings = 6;

  // Declare histograms

  TH1F * h_npv = makeTH1F("npv",5,-0.5,4.5);
  TH1F * h_ieta= makeTH1F("ieta", 59, -29.5, 29.5 );
  TH1F * h_iphi= makeTH1F("iphi", 73, -0.5, 72.5 );
  TH2F * h_ieta_iphi = makeTH2F("ieta_iphi", 59, -29.5, 29.5, 73, -0.5, 72.5 );
  char hist_name[100];
  std::vector<TH2F*> a0_histograms, a1_histograms, a2_histograms, a3_histograms;
  for (int iring = 0; iring < nrings; ++iring){
    sprintf(hist_name, "a0_ring%d", iring); a0_histograms.push_back(makeTH2F(hist_name, 3000, 0, 3000, 10000, -10.0, 10.0));
    sprintf(hist_name, "a1_ring%d", iring); a1_histograms.push_back(makeTH2F(hist_name, 3000, 0, 3000, 10000, -10.0, 10.0));
    sprintf(hist_name, "a2_ring%d", iring); a2_histograms.push_back(makeTH2F(hist_name, 3000, 0, 3000, 10000, -10.0, 10.0));
    sprintf(hist_name, "a3_ring%d", iring); a3_histograms.push_back(makeTH2F(hist_name, 3000, 0, 3000, 10000, -10.0, 10.0));

  TH2F* a0_histogram_hb = makeTH2F("a0_hb", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);
  TH2F* a1_histogram_hb = makeTH2F("a1_hb", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);
  TH2F* a2_histogram_hb = makeTH2F("a2_hb", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);
  TH2F* a3_histogram_hb = makeTH2F("a3_hb", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);

  TH2F* a0_histogram_he = makeTH2F("a0_he", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);
  TH2F* a1_histogram_he = makeTH2F("a1_he", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);
  TH2F* a2_histogram_he = makeTH2F("a2_he", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);
  TH2F* a3_histogram_he = makeTH2F("a3_he", 3000, 0, 3000, 100, -10.0, 10.0);
  // Loop over the events
  for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < n_events; ++iEvent){

    // Tell the user where we are

    if (iEvent%1000 == 0) std::cout << "Processing event " << iEvent << "/" << n_events << std::endl;
    // Get each entry in the event

    noise_tree -> GetEntry(iEvent);

    // Event-level selection
    // Note: "official selection" variable is always zero for MC?

    // if ( noise_tree -> OfficialDecision ) continue;
    if ( noise_tree -> NumberOfGoodPrimaryVertices == 0 ) continue;

    // Loop over the cells
    int nHBHE = noise_tree -> PulseCount;
    h_npv -> Fill(noise_tree -> NumberOfGoodPrimaryVertices);

    for (int iHBHE = 0; iHBHE < nHBHE; ++iHBHE){

      // Store some important values for selection

      int     ieta   = noise_tree -> IEta  [iHBHE];
      int     iphi   = noise_tree -> IPhi  [iHBHE];
      int    depth   = noise_tree -> Depth [iHBHE];
      bool     bad   = isBadChannel(0, ieta, iphi, depth);
      int     ring   = getRing(ieta);
      // Cell-level selection
      if (ring < 0) continue;
      if (noise_tree -> Energy[iHBHE]    < 1.0) continue;
      if (noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][4] < 5.0) continue;
      if (bad) continue;

      // Store some important values for plotting
      double TS1 = noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][1];
      double TS2 = noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][2];
      double TS3 = noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][3];
      double TS4 = noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][4];
      double TS5 = noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][5];
      double TS6 = noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][6];
      double TS7 = noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][7];

      std::cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
	std::cout << i << "\t";
      std::cout << std::endl;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
	std::cout << std::setprecision(2) <<  noise_tree -> Charge[iHBHE][i] << "\t";
      std::cout << std::endl;
      double a0  = TS3/TS4;
      double a1  = TS5/TS4;
      double a2  = TS6/TS4;
      double a3  = TS7/TS4;
      // Fill histograms

      h_ieta      -> Fill ( ieta );
      h_iphi      -> Fill ( iphi );
      h_ieta_iphi -> Fill ( ieta, iphi );

      a0_histograms[ring] -> Fill(TS4, a0);
      a1_histograms[ring] -> Fill(TS4, a1);
      a2_histograms[ring] -> Fill(TS4, a2);
      a3_histograms[ring] -> Fill(TS4, a3);

      if ( ring == 0 ){
	a0_histogram_hb -> Fill(TS4, a0);
	a1_histogram_hb -> Fill(TS4, a1);
	a2_histogram_hb -> Fill(TS4, a2);
	a3_histogram_hb -> Fill(TS4, a3);

      else { 
      	a0_histogram_he -> Fill(TS4, a0);
      	a1_histogram_he -> Fill(TS4, a1);
	a2_histogram_he -> Fill(TS4, a2);
	a3_histogram_he -> Fill(TS4, a3);