void start_pppoe(int pppoe_num) { char idletime[20], retry_num[20], param[4]; char username[80], passwd[80]; char ppp_username[2][20] = { "ppp_username", "ppp_username_1" }; char ppp_passwd[2][20] = { "ppp_passwd", "ppp_passwd_1" }; char ppp_demand[2][20] = { "ppp_demand", "ppp_demand_1" }; char ppp_service[2][20] = { "ppp_service", "ppp_service_1" }; char ppp_ac[2][10] = { "ppp_ac", "ppp_ac_1" }; // char wanip[2][15] = { "wan_ipaddr", "wan_ipaddr_1" }; // char wanmask[2][15] = { "wan_netmask", "wan_netmask_1" }; // char wangw[2][15] = { "wan_gateway", "wan_gateway_1" }; char pppoeifname[15]; char *wan_ifname = nvram_safe_get("wan_ifname"); if (isClient()) { wan_ifname = getSTA(); } pid_t pid; sprintf(pppoeifname, "pppoe_ifname%d", pppoe_num); nvram_set(pppoeifname, ""); cprintf("start session %d\n", pppoe_num); sprintf(idletime, "%d", atoi(nvram_safe_get("ppp_idletime")) * 60); snprintf(retry_num, sizeof(retry_num), "%d", (atoi(nvram_safe_get("ppp_redialperiod")) / 5) - 1); snprintf(username, sizeof(username), "%s", nvram_safe_get(ppp_username[pppoe_num])); snprintf(passwd, sizeof(passwd), "%s", nvram_safe_get(ppp_passwd[pppoe_num])); sprintf(param, "%d", pppoe_num); /* * add here */ char *pppoe_argv[] = { "pppoecd", wan_ifname, "-u", username, "-p", passwd, "-r", nvram_safe_get("wan_mtu"), // del by honor, add by tallest. "-t", nvram_safe_get("wan_mtu"), "-i", nvram_match(ppp_demand[pppoe_num], "1") ? idletime : "0", "-I", "10", // Send an LCP echo-request frame to the // server every 10 seconds "-T", "20", // pppd will presume the server to be dead if // 20 LCP echo-requests are sent without //-> timeout 1 min // receiving a valid LCP echo-reply "-P", param, // PPPOE session number. "-N", retry_num, // To avoid kill pppd when pppd has been // connecting. #if LOG_PPPOE == 2 "-d", #endif "-C", "disconnected_pppoe", // by tallest 0407 NULL, /* set default route */ NULL, NULL, /* pppoe_service */ NULL, NULL, /* pppoe_ac */ NULL, /* pppoe_keepalive */ NULL }, **arg; /* * Add optional arguments */ for (arg = pppoe_argv; *arg; arg++) ; /* * Removed by AhMan */ if (pppoe_num == PPPOE0) { // PPPOE0 must set default route. *arg++ = "-R"; } if (nvram_invmatch(ppp_service[pppoe_num], "")) { *arg++ = "-s"; *arg++ = nvram_safe_get(ppp_service[pppoe_num]); } if (nvram_invmatch(ppp_ac[pppoe_num], "")) { *arg++ = "-a"; *arg++ = nvram_safe_get(ppp_ac[pppoe_num]); } if (nvram_match("ppp_static", "1")) { *arg++ = "-L"; *arg++ = nvram_safe_get("ppp_static_ip"); } // if (nvram_match("pppoe_demand", "1") || nvram_match("pppoe_keepalive", // "1")) *arg++ = "-k"; mkdir("/tmp/ppp", 0777); symlink("/sbin/rc", "/tmp/ppp/ip-up"); symlink("/sbin/rc", "/tmp/ppp/ip-down"); symlink("/sbin/rc", "/tmp/ppp/set-pppoepid"); // tallest 1219 unlink("/tmp/ppp/log"); // Clean rpppoe client files - Added by ice-man (Wed Jun 1) unlink("/tmp/ppp/options.pppoe"); unlink("/tmp/ppp/connect-errors"); _evalpid(pppoe_argv, NULL, 0, &pid); if (nvram_match(ppp_demand[pppoe_num], "1")) { // int timeout = 5; start_tmp_ppp(pppoe_num); // This should be handled in start_wan_done // while (ifconfig (nvram_safe_get (pppoeifname), IFUP, NULL, NULL) // && timeout--) // sleep (1); // route_add (nvram_safe_get ("wan_iface"), 0, "", // "", // ""); } cprintf("done. session %d\n", pppoe_num); return; }
void start_pptp(int status) { int ret; FILE *fp; char *pptp_argv[] = { "pppd", NULL }; char username[80], passwd[80]; stop_dhcpc(); #ifdef HAVE_PPPOE stop_pppoe(); #endif stop_vpn_modules(); snprintf(username, sizeof(username), "%s", nvram_safe_get("ppp_username")); snprintf(passwd, sizeof(passwd), "%s", nvram_safe_get("ppp_passwd")); if (status != REDIAL) { create_pptp_config(nvram_safe_get("pptp_server_name"), username); /* * Generate pap-secrets file */ if (!(fp = fopen("/tmp/ppp/pap-secrets", "w"))) { perror("/tmp/ppp/pap-secrets"); return; } fprintf(fp, "\"%s\" * \"%s\" *\n", username, passwd); fclose(fp); chmod("/tmp/ppp/pap-secrets", 0600); /* * Generate chap-secrets file */ if (!(fp = fopen("/tmp/ppp/chap-secrets", "w"))) { perror("/tmp/ppp/chap-secrets"); return; } fprintf(fp, "\"%s\" * \"%s\" *\n", username, passwd); fclose(fp); chmod("/tmp/ppp/chap-secrets", 0600); /* * Enable Forwarding */ if ((fp = fopen("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", "r+"))) { fputc('1', fp); fclose(fp); } else perror("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"); } char *wan_ifname = nvram_safe_get("wan_ifname"); if (isClient()) { wan_ifname = getSTA(); } nvram_set("pptp_ifname", wan_ifname); /* * Bring up WAN interface */ if (nvram_match("pptp_use_dhcp", "1")) { // pid_t pid; // char *wan_ipaddr; // char *wan_netmask; // char *wan_gateway; // char *pptp_server_ip = nvram_safe_get ("pptp_server_ip"); // char *wan_hostname = nvram_safe_get ("wan_hostname"); nvram_set("wan_get_dns", ""); nvram_unset("dhcpc_done"); //dirty hack start_dhcpc(wan_ifname, NULL, NULL, 1); int timeout; for (timeout = 60; !nvram_match("dhcpc_done", "1") && timeout > 0; --timeout) { /* wait for info from dhcp server */ sleep(1); } stop_dhcpc(); /* we don't need dhcp client anymore */ create_pptp_config(nvram_safe_get("pptp_server_ip"), username); } else { ifconfig(wan_ifname, IFUP, nvram_safe_get("wan_ipaddr"), nvram_safe_get("wan_netmask")); struct dns_lists *dns_list = NULL; dns_to_resolv(); dns_list = get_dns_list(); int i = 0; if (dns_list) { for (i = 0; i < dns_list->num_servers; i++) route_add(wan_ifname, 0, dns_list->dns_server[i], nvram_safe_get("pptp_wan_gateway"), ""); } route_add(wan_ifname, 0, "", nvram_safe_get("pptp_wan_gateway"), ""); char pptpip[64]; getIPFromName(nvram_safe_get("pptp_server_name"), pptpip); route_del(wan_ifname, 0, "", nvram_safe_get("pptp_wan_gateway"), ""); if (dns_list) { for (i = 0; i < dns_list->num_servers; i++) route_del(wan_ifname, 0, dns_list->dns_server[i], nvram_safe_get("pptp_wan_gateway"), ""); free(dns_list); } nvram_set("pptp_server_ip", pptpip); if (!nvram_match("pptp_wan_gateway", "")) route_add(wan_ifname, 0, nvram_safe_get("pptp_server_ip"), nvram_safe_get("pptp_wan_gateway"), ""); } ret = _evalpid(pptp_argv, NULL, 0, NULL); if (nvram_match("ppp_demand", "1")) { /* * Trigger Connect On Demand if user press Connect button in Status * page */ if (nvram_match("action_service", "start_pptp") || nvram_match("action_service", "start_l2tp")) { start_force_to_dial(); // force_to_dial(nvram_safe_get("action_service")); nvram_unset("action_service"); } /* * Trigger Connect On Demand if user ping pptp server */ else { eval("listen", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname")); } } stop_wland(); start_wshaper(); start_wland(); cprintf("done\n"); return; }
void start_dhcpfwd(void) { if (getWET()) // dont // start // any // dhcp // services // in // bridge // mode { nvram_set("lan_proto", "static"); return; } #ifdef HAVE_DHCPFORWARD FILE *fp; if (nvram_match("dhcpfwd_enable", "1")) { mkdir("/tmp/dhcp-fwd", 0700); mkdir("/var/run/dhcp-fwd", 0700); fp = fopen("/tmp/dhcp-fwd/dhcp-fwd.conf", "wb"); fprintf(fp, "user root\n" "group root\n" "chroot /var/run/dhcp-fwd\n" "logfile /tmp/dhcp-fwd.log\n" "loglevel 1\n" "pidfile /var/run/dhcp-fwd.pid\n" "ulimit core 0\n" "ulimit stack 64K\n" "ulimit data 32K\n" "ulimit rss 200K\n" "ulimit nproc 0\n" "ulimit nofile 0\n" "ulimit as 0\n" "if %s true false true\n", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname")); char *wan_proto = nvram_safe_get("wan_proto"); char *wan_ifname = nvram_safe_get("wan_ifname"); if (getSTA()) { wan_ifname = getSTA(); // returns eth1/eth2 for broadcom and // ath0 for atheros } #ifdef HAVE_PPPOE if (strcmp(wan_proto, "pppoe") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "if ppp0 false true true\n"); } #else if (0) { } #endif else if (getWET()) { // nothing } else if (strcmp(wan_proto, "dhcp") == 0 || strcmp(wan_proto, "static") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "if %s false true true\n", wan_ifname); } #ifdef HAVE_3G else if (strcmp(wan_proto, "3g") == 0 && nvram_match("3gdata", "qmi")) { fprintf(fp, "if wwan0 false true true\n"); } else if (strcmp(wan_proto, "3g") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "if ppp0 false true true\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_PPTP else if (strcmp(wan_proto, "pptp") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "if ppp0 false true true\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPETH else if (strcmp(wan_proto, "iphone") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "if iph0 false true true\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_L2TP else if (strcmp(wan_proto, "l2tp") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "if ppp0 false true true\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_HEARTBEAT else if (strcmp(wan_proto, "heartbeat") == 0) { fprintf(fp, "if ppp0 false true true\n"); } #endif else { fprintf(fp, "if %s false true true\n", wan_ifname); } fprintf(fp, "name %s ws-c\n" "server ip %s\n", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"), nvram_safe_get("dhcpfwd_ip")); fclose(fp); eval("dhcpfwd", "-c", "/tmp/dhcp-fwd/dhcp-fwd.conf"); syslog(LOG_INFO, "dhcpfwd : dhcp forwarder daemon successfully started\n"); return; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_DHCPRELAY if (nvram_match("dhcpfwd_enable", "1")) { eval("dhcrelay", "-i", nvram_safe_get("lan_ifname"), nvram_safe_get("dhcpfwd_ip")); syslog(LOG_INFO, "dhcrelay : dhcp relay successfully started\n"); } #endif return; }