Ejemplo n.º 1
void ArmaPlot::plot(const vec &X, const vec &Y, hold::HOLDSTATE _hold)
    assert(X.n_elem == Y.n_elem && "X and Y must have the same shape.");

    if (this->_hold == hold::off) {

    int scale_x, scale_y;

    getScales(scale_x, scale_y, X, Y);

    double X0 = scene->sceneRect().left();
    double Y0 = scene->sceneRect().top() - Y.min()*scale_y;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < X.n_elem - 1; ++i) {
        scene->addLine(X0 + X.at(i)*scale_x,
                       Y0 + Y.at(i)*scale_y,
                       X0 + X.at(i+1)*scale_x,
                       Y0 + Y.at(i+1)*scale_y,

    if (_hold != hold::keep) {
        this->_hold = _hold;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CQCopasiAnimation::applyToScene(CQLayoutScene& scene, int step)
  std::vector<qreal> scales; getScales(scales, step);

  if (scales.size() != mEntries.size())

  for (size_t i = 0; i < scales.size(); ++i)
      mEntries[i]->applyToScene(scene, scales[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
pyrOutput* chnsPyramid(float *image, pyrInput *input){
 * Declaring variables
    float *I;
    int height = input->sz[0],
	    width = input->sz[1],
	    heightO = input->sz[0],
	    widthO = input->sz[1],
	    channels = input->sz[2];

    int heightOriginal = height, widthOriginal = width;
    int misalign = 1;
    int sOfF = sizeof(float);

 * Get default parameters pPyramid
    if ( !input->complete ){
	    input->nApprox = input->nPerOct - 1;

	input->pchns->pGradHist->binSize = input->shrink;
	input->pad[0] = round(input->pad[0]/input->shrink) * input->shrink;
	input->pad[1] = round(input->pad[1]/input->shrink) * input->shrink;
	input->minDs[0] = max(input->minDs[0], input->shrink * 4);
	input->minDs[1] = max(input->minDs[1], input->shrink * 4);

	input->complete = true;

 * Convert I to appropriate color space (or simply normalize)
    int cs = input->pchns->pColor->colorSpace;
    I = rgbConvert(image, height*width, channels, cs, 1.0f);
    input->pchns->pColor->colorSpace = orig;

 * Get scales at which to compute features and list of real/approx scales
    float *scales = 0;
    float *scaleshw = 0;
    int nScales = getScales(scales, scaleshw, input->nPerOct, input->nOctUp,
		  input->minDs, input->shrink, input->sz);
    //TODO :: WARNING :: This was done in the Dollar's Code
    int isRMax;
	isRMax = 0;
	isRMax = 0 + input->nOctUp * input->nPerOct;
    //TODO :: WARNING :: END
    int *isR, *isA, *isN;

    //isR Vector Allocation
    int countIsR = 0;
    for ( int i = isRMax; i < nScales; i += (input->nApprox + 1) )
    isR = new int[countIsR];

    for ( int i = isRMax, j = 0; i < nScales; j++, i += (input->nApprox + 1) )
	isR[j] = i;

    //isA and isN Vector Allocation
    int countIsA = nScales - countIsR;
    int countIsN = nScales;
    isA = new int[countIsA];
    isN = new int[countIsN];

    for ( int i = 0, auxI = 0; i < nScales; i++){
	bool ok = true;
	for (int j = 0; j < countIsR; j++)
	    if(i == isR[j]){
		ok = false;

	if (ok){
	    isA[auxI] = i;

	isN[i] = i;

    int *auxIsJ;
    auxIsJ = new int[countIsR + 1];

    auxIsJ[0] = 0;
    auxIsJ[countIsR] = nScales;

    for (int i = 0; i < countIsR - 1; i++)
	auxIsJ[i+1] = floor((isR[i] + 1 + isR[i+1] + 1) / 2); 
    // " +1 " because we are in c++ and the vector already assumes the first
    // element to be index 0.

    for (int i = 0; i < countIsR; i++){
	int minJ = auxIsJ[i];
	int maxJ = auxIsJ[i+1];

	for (int j = minJ; j < maxJ; j++)
	    isN[j] = isR[i];

 * Compute image pyramid [real scales]
    int nTypes = 0;
    imgWrap ***data =  (imgWrap ***) wrCalloc(nScales, sizeof(imgWrap**));

    int shrink = input->shrink;
    float shr[3] = { 0, 0, 0};
    for (int it = 0, i = isR[0]; it < countIsR; it++, i=isR[it]){
	float scale = scales[i];
	int newHeight = round((float) heightO * (float) scale /
			(float) shrink) * shrink;

	int newWidth = round((float) widthO * (float) scale /
			(float) shrink) * shrink;
	float *I1;
	if ( height == newHeight && width == newWidth){
	    //TODO :: WARNING :: Should I copy it over?
	    I1 = (float*) wrCalloc(height*width*channels + misalign,
		  sOfF) + misalign;

	    int lengthArray = height*width*channels;
	    for (int j = 0; j < lengthArray; j++)
		    I1[j] = I[j];
	    I1 = (float*) wrCalloc(newHeight*newWidth*channels + misalign,
		  sOfF) + misalign;

	    //TODO :: WARNING :: Hardcoded value :: 1.f
	    resample(I, I1, height, newHeight, width, newWidth, channels, 1.f);

	if (scale == 0.5f && (input->nApprox > 0 || input->nPerOct == 1)){
	    //TODO :: WARNING :: Should I free "I"?
	    // I replace old I with new I1, as I reduced the image to half size

	    I = I1;
	    height = newHeight;
	    width = newWidth;

	//TODO :: WARNING :: Hardcoded value :: downsample
	float *I2 = 0;
	int downsample = 1;
	convTriAux(I1, I2, misalign, newHeight, newWidth, channels,
		input->smoothIm, downsample

	 * Channels Compute for this isR[i] scale
	infoOut *chns = chnsCompute(I2, newHeight, newWidth, channels,

	imgWrap **data1 = chns->data;
	nTypes = chns->nTypes;

	if (i == isR[0]){
	     * This is checking the size of each transformation. By design only
	     * the H channel will have the correct dimensions.
	    for (int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++){
		shr[j] = data1[j]->height;
		shr[j] = newHeight / shr[j];

		if (shr[j] > shrink || (int)shr[j] % 1 > 0){
		    cout << "Something went wrong with the shrinking."
			<< endl << "Source code line: " << __FILE__ << " @ "
			<< __LINE__ << endl;
		    return NULL; //This should never happen


	for(int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++){
	    if (shr[j] == 1)

	    int nH = newHeight*shr[j],
		nW = newWidth*shr[j],
		chnsTransform = data1[j]->channels;

	    float *chnTypeData = (float*) wrCalloc(nH*nW*channels + misalign,
				sOfF) + misalign;

	    //TODO :: WARNING :: Hardcoded value :: 1.f
	    resample(data1[j]->image, chnTypeData, newHeight, nH, newWidth, nW,
		    chnsTransform, 1.f

	    data1[j]->height = nH;
	    data1[j]->width = nW;

	    wrFree(data1[j]->image - misalign);
	    data1[j]->image = chnTypeData;

	data[i] = data1;

    // In case I changed it when scale = 0.5f
    height = heightO;
    width = widthO;

 * If lambdas not specified compute image specific lambdas
    int nApprox = input->nApprox;
    float *lambdas = input->lambdas;
    if ( nApprox > 0 && !lambdas){
	int nOctUp = input->nOctUp;
	int nPerOct = input->nPerOct;

	//TODO :: WARNING :: Yet again I start at 0.
	// The is Vector :: is=1 + nOctUp*nPerOct:nApprox+1:nScales;
	int countIs = 0;

	int *isTemp = new int[nScales];
	for (int i = nOctUp*nPerOct; i < nScales; i += nApprox + 1){
	    isTemp[countIs] = i;

	if (countIs > 2){
	    isTemp[0] = isTemp[1];
	    isTemp[1] = isTemp[2];
	    cout << "Couldn't calculate lambdas. Not enough scales to use."
		<< endl << "Source code line: " << __FILE__ << " @ "
		<< __LINE__ << endl;
	    return NULL;

	float *f0 = new float[nTypes];
	float *f1 = new float[nTypes];

	imgWrap **d0 = data[isTemp[0]];
	imgWrap **d1 = data[isTemp[1]];

	for (int i = 0; i < nTypes; i++){
	    float numElem = (float)
			    (d0[i]->width * d0[i]->height * d0[i]->channels);

	    float sumElem = 0.f;

	    for (int j = 0; j < numElem; j++)
		sumElem += d0[i]->image[j];

	    f0[i] = sumElem / numElem;

	for (int i = 0; i < nTypes; i++){
	    float numElem = (float)
			    (d1[i]->width * d1[i]->height * d1[i]->channels);

	    float sumElem = 0.f;

	    for (int j = 0; j < numElem; j++)
		sumElem += d1[i]->image[j];

	    f1[i] = sumElem / numElem;

	lambdas = new float[nTypes];
	float lambdaValue = log2(scales[isTemp[0]] / scales[isTemp[1]]);
	for (int i = 0; i < nTypes; i++)
	    lambdas[i] = -log2(f0[i] / f1[i]) / lambdaValue;

 * Compute image pyramid [approximated scales]
    shrink = input->shrink;
    for (int it = 0, i = isA[0]; it < countIsA; it++, i=isA[it]){
	int iR = isN[i];

	float scale = scales[i];

	//TODO :: WARNING :: The value height may have been modified to half of
	//                   it, hence using heightOriginal (width)
	int newHeight = round((float) heightOriginal * (float) scale /
			(float) shrink);
	int newWidth = round((float) widthOriginal * (float) scale /
			(float) shrink);

	float scaleRatio = (scale / scales[iR]);
	float *rs = new float[nTypes];

	for (int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++)
	    rs[j] = pow(scaleRatio, -lambdas[j] );

	imgWrap **dataImgA = (imgWrap **) wrCalloc(nTypes, sizeof(imgWrap*));
	imgWrap **dataImgR = data[iR];

	for (int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++){
	    int ijChannels = dataImgR[j]->channels;

	    float *isAimage = (float*) wrCalloc(newHeight*newWidth*ijChannels +
			    misalign, sOfF) + misalign;

	    //TODO :: WARNING :: Hardcoded value
	    resample(dataImgR[j]->image, isAimage, dataImgR[j]->height,
		    newHeight, dataImgR[j]->width, newWidth, ijChannels, rs[j]);

	    dataImgA[j] = new imgWrap(isAimage, newWidth, newHeight,ijChannels);

	data[i] = dataImgA;
	delete [] rs;

 * Smooth channels, optionally pad and concatenate channels
    int downSample = 1; // WARNING : This is the default by dollar
    int s = downSample;

    for (int i = 0; i < nScales; i++){
	for (int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++){
	    float *S;
	    int height = data[i][j]->height;
	    int width = data[i][j]->width;
	    int channel = data[i][j]->channels;

	      * Smoothing Channels
	    convTriAux(data[i][j]->image, S, misalign, height, width, channel,
			input->smoothChns, s

	    wrFree(data[i][j]->image - misalign);

	     * Padding according to the scale. Then change the shrink value.
	    int padTB = input->pad[0] / shrink,
		padLR = input->pad[1] / shrink;

	    if (padTB > 0 || padLR > 0){
		int newHeight = height + padTB * 2;
		int newWidth = width + padLR * 2;

		float *P = (float*) wrCalloc(newHeight*newWidth*channel +
			    misalign, sOfF) + misalign;

		imPad(S, P, height, width, channel, padTB, padTB, padLR, padLR,
		      padvalue, 0.f

		wrFree(S - misalign);

		data[i][j]->height = newHeight;
		data[i][j]->width = newWidth;

		S = P;

	    data[i][j]->image = S;

 * Concatenate.
    int totalChannels = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++)
	totalChannels += data[0][j]->channels;

	int chnsArr[nTypes];

	for (int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++)
	    chnsArr[j] = data[0][j]->channels;

	for (int i = 0; i < nScales; i++){
	    int height = data[i][0]->height;
	    int width = data[i][0]->width;

	    float *imgC = (float*) wrCalloc(height*width*totalChannels +
			  misalign, sOfF) + misalign;

	    int totalSize = 0;
	    for (int j = 0; j < nTypes; j++){
		float *imgO = data[i][j]->image;

		copy(imgO, imgO + height*width*chnsArr[j], imgC + totalSize);
		totalSize += height*width*chnsArr[j];

	    for (int j=1; j < nTypes; j++){
		wrFree(data[i][j]->image - misalign);

	    wrFree(data[i][0]->image - misalign);
	    data[i][0]->image = imgC;
	    data[i][0]->channels = totalChannels;

 * Create output struct
    pyrOutput *output = new pyrOutput();
    output->input = input;
    output->chnsPerScale = data;
    output->nScales =  nScales;
    output->scales = scales;
    output->nChannels = totalChannels;

 * Clean Memory
    delete [] isR;
    delete [] isA;
    delete [] isN;
    delete [] lambdas;
    delete [] scaleshw;

 * Output
    return output;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void FeatPyramid::featpyramid (const IplImage *im, const Model *model, int padX, int padY)
  float sbin, interval;
  float sc;
  int imsize[2];
  float maxScale;
  IplImage *imAux = NULL;
  int pad[3];

  if (padX == -1 && padY == -1)
    padX = getPaddingX(model);
    padY = getPaddingY(model);

  sbin = (float)model->getSbin();
  interval = (float) model->getInterval()+1.0;
  sc = pow (2, 1/(interval));
  imsize[0] = im->height;
  imsize[1] = im->width;
  maxScale = 1 + floor ( log ( min (imsize[0], imsize[1]) /
  (5*sbin) ) / log(sc) );

  // It is the number of elements that will contain pyramid->features
  // and pyramid->scales. At less must be 2*interval
  if ( (maxScale + interval) < (2*interval) )
    setDim (int(2*interval));

    setDim (int(maxScale + interval));

  assert (getDim() > 0);
//  _feat = new CvMatND* [getDim()];    // Suspicious
  for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++) // Pre-allocate memory
//  assert (_feat != NULL);
  _scales = new float [getDim()]; // Suspicious
  assert (_scales != NULL);

  // Field imsize is setted
  assert (imsize[0] > 0);
  assert (imsize[1] > 0);

  setImSize (imsize);
//cout << "Antes de bucle featpyramid" << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < interval; i++)
    // Image is resized
    imAux = resize (im, (1/pow(sc, i)));

    // "First" 2x interval
    //setFeat(process(imAux, sbin/2), i);
	setFeat(process2(imAux, sbin/2), i);
    setScales(2/pow(sc, i), i);

    // "Second" 2x interval
    //setFeat (process (imAux, sbin), (int)(i+interval));
	setFeat (process2 (imAux, sbin), (int)(i+interval));
    setScales (1/pow(sc, i), (int)(i+interval));

    // Remaining intervals
    IplImage *imAux2; // mjmarin added
    for (int j = (int)(i+interval); j < (int)maxScale; j = j+(int)interval)
      // mjmarin: memory leak fixed
      //imAux = resize (imAux, 0.5); // Old sentence
      imAux2 = resize (imAux, 0.5);
      imAux = imAux2;

      //setFeat (process (imAux, sbin), (int)(j+interval));
	  setFeat (process2 (imAux, sbin), (int)(j+interval));
      setScales ((float)(0.5 * getScales()[j]), (int)(j+interval));

    // mjmarin: more release needed for imAux
  // Second loop
  for (int i = 0; i < getDim(); i++ )
    // Add 1 to padding because feature generation deletes a 1-cell
    // Wide border around the feature map
    pad[0] = padY + 1;
    pad[1] = padX + 1;
    pad[2] = 0;    
    //CvMatND* tmpfeat = getFeat()[i];
	cv::Mat tmpfeat = getFeat()[i];
	CvMatND tmpND = tmpfeat;
    //CvMatND* tmppad = padArray (tmpfeat, pad, 0);
	CvMatND* tmppad = padArray (&tmpND, pad, 0);
    setFeat (tmppad, i);
    //cvReleaseMatND(&tmpfeat); // mjmarin: commented out since it should be auto released with use of cv::Mat

    // Write boundary occlusion feature
	cv::Mat fMat = getFeat()[i];
    for (int j = 0; j <= padY; j++)
      //for (int k = 0; k < getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size; k++)
	  for (int k = 0; k < fMat.size.p[1]; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);
		fMat.at<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

    //for (int j = getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size - padY -1; j < getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size; j++)
	for (int j = fMat.size.p[0] - padY -1; j < fMat.size.p[0]; j++)
      //for (int k = 0; k < getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size; k++)
	  for (int k = 0; k < fMat.size.p[1]; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);
		fMat.at<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

    //for (int j = 0; j < getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size; j++)
	for (int j = 0; j < fMat.size.p[0]; j++)
      for (int k = 0; k <= padX; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);
		fMat.at<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

    //for (int j = 0; j < getFeat()[i]->dim[0].size; j++)
	for (int j = 0; j < fMat.size.p[0]; j++)
      //for (int k = getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size - padX - 1; k < getFeat()[i]->dim[1].size; k++)
	  for (int k = fMat.size.p[1] - padX - 1; k < fMat.size.p[1]; k++)
        //cvSetReal3D (getFeat()[i], j, k, 31, 1);
		fMat.at<double>(j, k, 31) = 1;

  setPadX (padX);
  setPadY (padY);