Ejemplo n.º 1
// VSpawnSphereSpawnTargetTrack::spawnTarget( pTime, pForward );
// Spawn an Object.
void VSpawnSphereSpawnTargetTrack::spawnTarget( void )
    VTorque::SpawnSphereType *object;
    if ( !getSceneObject( object ) )

    // Spawn the Object.
    SimObject *spawnedObject = object->spawnObject();

    // Scene Object?
    VTorque::SceneObjectType *sceneObject = dynamic_cast<VTorque::SceneObjectType*>( spawnedObject );
    if ( sceneObject )
        sceneObject->setPosition( object->getPosition() );

    // Valid?
    if ( spawnedObject )
        // Add Reference.
        mSpawnList.addObject( spawnedObject );
	std::shared_ptr<const CollisionShape3D> BodyConvexHullShapeWidget::createBodyShape() const
			auto scaledShape = std::make_shared<const CollisionConvexHullShape>(getPoints());

			//test construction of original shape because can throw an exception due to imprecision of float
			float invScale = 1.0 / getSceneObject()->getModel()->getTransform().getScale();

			return scaledShape;
		}catch(std::invalid_argument &e)
			LabelStyleHelper::applyErrorStyle(pointsLabel, std::string(e.what()));
			return DefaultBodyShapeCreator(getSceneObject()).createDefaultBodyShape(CollisionShape3D::ShapeType::CONVEX_HULL_SHAPE, true);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// VLightObjectAnimationEvent::onComplete( pTime, pDelta );
// The current animation played by the light object will be paused when this
// Event completes its updates.
void VLightObjectAnimationEvent::onComplete( const S32 &pTime, const S32 &pDelta )
    Parent::onTrigger( pTime, pDelta );

    // Fetch the Light Object.
    VTorque::LightObjectType *lightObject;
    if ( getSceneObject( lightObject ) )
        // Pause the Animation.
        VTorque::pauseAnimation( lightObject );
Ejemplo n.º 4
// VLightObjectAnimationEvent::onTrigger( pTime, pDelta );
// When this Event is triggered the light object will begin to play the target
// animation.
void VLightObjectAnimationEvent::onTrigger( const S32 &pTime, const S32 &pDelta )
    Parent::onTrigger( pTime, pDelta );

    // Fetch the Light Object.
    VTorque::LightObjectType *lightObject;
    if ( getSceneObject( lightObject ) )
        // Play the Animation.
        VTorque::playAnimation( lightObject, mAnimationData );
Ejemplo n.º 5
// VLightObjectAnimationTrack::onControllerReset( pTime, pForward );
void VLightObjectAnimationTrack::onControllerReset( const S32 &pTime, const bool &pForward )
    // Default Reset.
    Parent::onControllerReset( pTime, pForward );

    // Fetch the Light Object.
    VTorque::LightObjectType *lightObject;
    if ( getSceneObject( lightObject ) )
        // Stop the Animation.
        VTorque::pauseAnimation( lightObject );
Ejemplo n.º 6
// VLightObjectAnimationTrack::onControllerEvent( pEvent );
bool VLightObjectAnimationTrack::onControllerEvent( VController::eControllerEventType pEvent )
    if ( !Parent::onControllerEvent( pEvent ) )
        // Skip.
        return false;

    // Enabled?
    if ( !isEnabled() )
        // Continue Processing Events.
        return true;

    // Fetch the Light Object.
    VTorque::LightObjectType *lightObject;
    if ( !getSceneObject( lightObject ) )
        // Skip.
        return true;

    switch ( pEvent )
        case VController::k_EventPlay :

                // Play Animation?
                VLightObjectAnimationEvent *event;
                if ( getCurrentEvent( event ) )
                    // Play.
                    VTorque::playAnimation( lightObject );

            } break;

        case VController::k_EventPause :
        case VController::k_EventStop :

                // Stop the Animation.
                VTorque::pauseAnimation( lightObject );

            } break;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// VParticleEffectToggleTrack::onControllerReset( pTime, pForward );
// Enable or Disable the particle effect after a reset.
void VParticleEffectToggleTrack::onControllerReset( const S32 &pTime, const bool &pForward )
    // Default Reset.
    Parent::onControllerReset( pTime, pForward );

    VParticleEffectToggleEvent  *event;
    VTorque::ParticleEffectType *particleEffect;
    if ( getSceneObject( particleEffect ) && getPreviousEvent( event ) )
        // Turn On?
        const bool turnOn = ( event->mEventType == VSharedEnum::k_ActionTurnOn );

        // Toggle the Particle Effect.
        VTorque::setParticleEffectOn( particleEffect, turnOn );
Ejemplo n.º 8
// VMotionEvent::onTrigger( pDelta, pDelta );
// The path object is told to move to the next node. If this event corresponds
// to Node 0, the object will move to Node 1. If the object reaches the node
// before the next event is triggered, then the object will stop moving.
// The object's position is only reset when the track is reset and not when an
// event is triggered.
void VMotionEvent::onTrigger( const S32 &pTime, const S32 &pDelta )
    Parent::onTrigger( pTime, pDelta );

    // Fetch Parent Track.
    VMotionTrack *track;
    if ( !getTrack( track ) )
        // Invalid Track.

    // Fetch Path & Reference Object.
    VTorque::PathObjectType  *path   = track->getPath();
    VTorque::SceneObjectType *object = getSceneObject();
    if ( !path || !object )
        // Invalid.

    // Valid Destination Node?
    if ( !isControllerLooping() && !getNextEvent() )
        // Clear Active.
        VTorque::setPathObjectActive( path, object, false );
        // Quit.

    // Set Active.
    VTorque::setPathObjectActive( path, object, true );

    // Apply Speed.
    VTorque::setPathObjectSpeed( path, object, getObjectSpeed() );
Ejemplo n.º 9
// VMotionTrack::getObjectSpeed();
// Determine the Speed that an object must move at to travel over the segment
// length of the Path.
F32 VMotionEvent::getObjectSpeed( void )
    // Fetch Parent Track.
    VMotionTrack *track;
    if ( !getTrack( track ) )
        // Invalid Track.
        return 0.f;

    // Fetch Path & Reference Object.
    VTorque::PathObjectType  *path   = track->getPath();
    VTorque::SceneObjectType *object = getSceneObject();
    if ( !path || !object )
        // Invalid Object(s).
        return 0.f;

    // Fetch Node Index.
    const S32 &srcNodeIndex = getNodeIndex( ( isControllerPlayingForward() ) ? 0 : -1 );

    // Fetch the Next Event.
    VEvent *nextEvent = getNextEvent();

    // Valid Destination Node?
    if ( !isControllerLooping() && !nextEvent )
        // No Next Node.
        return 0.f;

    // Valid Next Node?
    if ( nextEvent )
        // Fetch Segment Length & Duration.
        const F32 &length   = VTorque::getPathNodeLength( path, srcNodeIndex );
        const F32 &duration = mAbs( getTriggerTime() - nextEvent->getTriggerTime() );

        // Speed = Distance / Duration.
        return ( length / ( duration / 1000.f ) );

    // Playing Forwards?
    if ( isControllerPlayingForward() )
        // Fetch the First Event.
        VEvent *firstEvent = dynamic_cast<VEvent*>( track->getChild() );

        // Fetch Segment Length & Duration.
        const F32 &length   = VTorque::getPathNodeLength( path, srcNodeIndex );
        const F32 &duration = ( getControllerDuration() - getTriggerTime() ) + firstEvent->getTriggerTime();

        // Speed = Distance / Duration.
        return ( length / ( duration / 1000.f ) );

    // Fetch the Last Event.
    VEvent *lastEvent = dynamic_cast<VEvent*>( track->getLastChild() );

    // Fetch Segment Length & Duration.
    const F32 &length   = VTorque::getPathNodeLength( path, srcNodeIndex );
    const F32 &duration = ( getControllerDuration() - lastEvent->getTriggerTime() ) + getTriggerTime();

    // Speed = Distance / Duration.
    return ( length / ( duration / 1000.f ) );