Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOL HistoryFile::setDefaultFilename(void)
    const ScilabPreferences* prefs = getScilabPreferences();
    if (prefs != NULL && prefs->historyFile != NULL)
        const char* prefHistoryFile = prefs->historyFile;
        return TRUE;
        std::string filename(DEFAULT_HISTORY_FILE);
        char *SCIHOME = getSCIHOME();
        if (SCIHOME)
            std::string scihome(SCIHOME);
            std::string sep(DIR_SEPARATOR);
            this->setFilename(scihome + sep + filename);
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
unsigned long GetLargestFreeMemoryRegion(void)

#if _WIN64

    const ScilabPreferences* prefs =  getScilabPreferences();
    /* we need to limit values to 32 bits for Scilab :( */

    /* Bug 10439 JVM reserves some space in 32 bit space */
    /* "Empiric" value for a Java Heap space to 256mb */
    /* It is not really a good workaround :/ */
    unsigned long SECURITY_FREE_MEMORY = (atoi(prefs->heapSize) + 85) * (1024 * 1024);
#define SECURITY_FREE_MEMORY 1040000

    unsigned long realSize = 0;

    //due to scilab stack limitation this value must not be > MAX_INT
    realSize = 0x7fffffff;

    if (realSize > SECURITY_FREE_MEMORY)
        realSize -= SECURITY_FREE_MEMORY;
    return realSize;
Ejemplo n.º 3
char * getJavaHeapSize(void)
    const char * value = getScilabPreferences()->heapSize;
    char * rvalue = NULL;
    int ivalue;

    if (value)
        ivalue = (int)atof(value);
        if (ivalue > 0)
            rvalue = (char *)MALLOC(24 * sizeof(char));
            sprintf(rvalue, "-Xmx%dm", ivalue);

    return rvalue;