Ejemplo n.º 1
	void ServerModel::recive(const struct EpollMessage* _msg)
		if(_msg->fd == getSockFd()) {
		} else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void ServerModel::listen(const struct EpollMessage* _msg)
		sock::Acceptor* client = new sock::Acceptor(getSockFd(), new struct sockaddr_in()); 
		int socket = client->getSock();
		memset(_msg->ctl, 0x00, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
		_msg->ctl->events = EPOLLIN;
		_msg->ctl->data.ptr = new std::shared_ptr<sock::Sock>(client);
		epoll_ctl(m_epoll, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, socket, _msg->ctl);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Steps of working:                                                                       
 *     1 - Port number is accepted via command line args                                  
 *     2 - Server Socket is created                                                       
 *     3 - A single client is allowed to connect, followed by creation of a client socket 
 *     4 - Message is read from the client                                                
 *     5 - A message is sent to the client in response                                       
 *     6 - Client socket is closed  
 *     7 - Go back to step 3
 * ---------------------------------
 *  If the program is terminated:                                                      
 *     8 - Server socket is closed                                                        
 *     9 - Program terminates                                                             
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	int portNo = atoi(argv[1]);
	int sockFd    = getSockFd(portNo);
	int clientFd;
	char buff[MAX_BUFF];
	char *headers;
	char *msg;
	char *response;
	int n;
	int clientCounter = 0;
	// Running this loop forever...
	while(1) {
	 	clientFd = getClientFd(sockFd);  // Waiting for the client to connect.
		n = read(clientFd, buff, MAX_BUFF - 1); // Reading what client has to say.
		printf("%s\r\n", buff); // Printing the message received from the client.
		msg = (char *)calloc(MAX_BUFF, sizeof(char));
		headers = (char *)calloc(MAX_BUFF, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(msg, "Hi, Client number %d!\r\n", clientCounter);
		sprintf(headers, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: %lu\r\n\r\n", strlen(msg));
		response = (char *)calloc(MAX_BUFF + MAX_BUFF, sizeof(char));
		response = strcat(headers, msg);
		n = write(clientFd, response, strlen(response)); // Writing a response message for the client
		close(clientFd); // Closing the client connection.
	return 0;