void LLWLParamManager::loadAllPresets()
	// First, load system (coming out of the box) sky presets.

	// Then load user presets. Note that user day presets will modify any system ones already loaded.
bool LLWaterParamManager::isSystemPreset(const std::string& preset_name) const
	// *TODO: file system access is excessive here.
	// <FS:Ansariel> FIRE-10861: Fix Windlight settings order
	//return gDirUtilp->fileExists(getSysDir() + LLURI::escape(preset_name) + ".xml");
	return gDirUtilp->fileExists(getSysDir() + escapeString(preset_name) + ".xml");
	// </FS:Ansariel>
bool LLWLParamManager::isSystemPreset(const std::string& preset_name) const
	// *TODO: file system access is excessive here.
	return gDirUtilp->fileExists(getSysDir() + LLWeb::curlEscape(preset_name) + ".xml");