Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: jam.c Proyecto: cfriedt/jamvm
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Class *array_class, *main_class;
    Object *system_loader, *array;
    MethodBlock *mb;
    InitArgs args;
    int class_arg;
    char *cpntr;
    int status;
    int i;

    class_arg = parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &args);

    args.main_stack_base = &array_class;

    if(!initVM(&args)) {
        printf("Could not initialise VM.  Aborting.\n");

   if((system_loader = getSystemClassLoader()) == NULL)
        goto error;


    for(cpntr = argv[class_arg]; *cpntr; cpntr++)
        if(*cpntr == '.')
            *cpntr = '/';

    main_class = findClassFromClassLoader(argv[class_arg], system_loader);
    if(main_class != NULL)

        goto error;

    mb = lookupMethod(main_class, SYMBOL(main),

    if(mb == NULL || !(mb->access_flags & ACC_STATIC)) {
        signalException(java_lang_NoSuchMethodError, "main");
        goto error;

    /* Create the String array holding the command line args */

    i = class_arg + 1;
    if((array_class = findArrayClass(SYMBOL(array_java_lang_String))) &&
           (array = allocArray(array_class, argc - i, sizeof(Object*))))  {
        Object **args = ARRAY_DATA(array, Object*) - i;

        for(; i < argc; i++)
            if(!(args[i] = Cstr2String(argv[i])))

        /* Call the main method */
        if(i == argc)
            executeStaticMethod(main_class, mb, array);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: jam.c Proyecto: OPSF/uClinux
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Class *array_class, *main_class;
    Object *system_loader, *array;
    MethodBlock *mb;
    InitArgs args;
    int class_arg;
    char *cpntr;
    int status;
    int i;

    class_arg = parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &args);

    args.main_stack_base = &array_class;

   if((system_loader = getSystemClassLoader()) == NULL) {
        printf("Cannot create system class loader\n");


    for(cpntr = argv[class_arg]; *cpntr; cpntr++)
        if(*cpntr == '.')
            *cpntr = '/';

    if((main_class = findClassFromClassLoader(argv[class_arg], system_loader)) != NULL)

    if(exceptionOccurred()) {

    mb = lookupMethod(main_class, SYMBOL(main), SYMBOL(_array_java_lang_String__V));
    if(!mb || !(mb->access_flags & ACC_STATIC)) {
        printf("Static method \"main\" not found in %s\n", argv[class_arg]);

    /* Create the String array holding the command line args */

    i = class_arg + 1;
    if((array_class = findArrayClass(SYMBOL(array_java_lang_String))) &&
           (array = allocArray(array_class, argc - i, sizeof(Object*))))  {
        Object **args = (Object**)ARRAY_DATA(array) - i;

        for(; i < argc; i++)
            if(!(args[i] = Cstr2String(argv[i])))

        /* Call the main method */
        if(i == argc)
            executeStaticMethod(main_class, mb, array);

    /* ExceptionOccurred returns the exception or NULL, which is OK
       for normal conditionals, but not here... */
    if((status = exceptionOccurred() ? 1 : 0))

    /* Wait for all but daemon threads to die */
Ejemplo n.º 3
v8::Local<v8::Value> Java::createJVM(JavaVM** jvm, JNIEnv** env) {
  v8::Local<v8::Value> asyncOptions = this->handle()->Get(Nan::New<v8::String>("asyncOptions").ToLocalChecked());
  if (asyncOptions->IsObject()) {

  // setup classpath
  std::ostringstream classPath;
  classPath << "-Djava.class.path=";

  v8::Local<v8::Value> classPathValue = this->handle()->Get(Nan::New<v8::String>("classpath").ToLocalChecked());
  if(!classPathValue->IsArray()) {
    return Nan::TypeError("Classpath must be an array");
  v8::Local<v8::Array> classPathArrayTemp = v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast(classPathValue);
  for(uint32_t i=0; i<classPathArrayTemp->Length(); i++) {
    if(i != 0) {
      #ifdef WIN32
        classPath << ";";
        classPath << ":";
    v8::Local<v8::Value> arrayItemValue = classPathArrayTemp->Get(i);
    if(!arrayItemValue->IsString()) {
      return Nan::TypeError("Classpath must only contain strings");
    v8::Local<v8::String> arrayItem = arrayItemValue->ToString();
    v8::String::Utf8Value arrayItemStr(arrayItem);
    classPath << *arrayItemStr;

  // set the native binding location
  v8::Local<v8::Value> v8NativeBindingLocation = this->handle()->Get(Nan::New<v8::String>("nativeBindingLocation").ToLocalChecked());
  v8::String::Utf8Value nativeBindingLocationStr(v8NativeBindingLocation);
  s_nativeBindingLocation = *nativeBindingLocationStr;

  // get other options
  v8::Local<v8::Value> optionsValue = this->handle()->Get(Nan::New<v8::String>("options").ToLocalChecked());
  if(!optionsValue->IsArray()) {
    return Nan::TypeError("options must be an array");
  v8::Local<v8::Array> optionsArrayTemp = v8::Local<v8::Array>::Cast(optionsValue);

  // create vm options
  int vmOptionsCount = optionsArrayTemp->Length() + 1;
  JavaVMOption* vmOptions = new JavaVMOption[vmOptionsCount];
  //printf("classPath: %s\n", classPath.str().c_str());
  vmOptions[0].optionString = strdup(classPath.str().c_str());
  for(uint32_t i=0; i<optionsArrayTemp->Length(); i++) {
    v8::Local<v8::Value> arrayItemValue = optionsArrayTemp->Get(i);
    if(!arrayItemValue->IsString()) {
      delete[] vmOptions;
      return Nan::TypeError("options must only contain strings");
    v8::Local<v8::String> arrayItem = arrayItemValue->ToString();
    v8::String::Utf8Value arrayItemStr(arrayItem);
    vmOptions[i+1].optionString = strdup(*arrayItemStr);

  JavaVMInitArgs args;
  // The JNI invocation is documented to include a function JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs that
  // was formerly called here. But the documentation from Oracle is confusing/contradictory.
  // 1) It claims that the caller must set args.version before calling JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs, which
  // we did not do.
  // 2) The sample code provide at the top of the doc doesn't even call JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs.
  // 3) The Oracle documentation for Java 6 through Java 8 all contain a comment "Note that in the JDK/JRE, there is no
  // longer any need to call JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs."
  // 4) It seems that some platforms don't implement JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs, or have
  // marked it deprecated.
  // Omitting the call to JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs works fine on Mac and Linux with Java 7 and Java 8.
  // The Oracle documentation is here:
  //     http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/invocation.html
  //     http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/invocation.html
  //     http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/invocation.html
  args.version = JNI_BEST_VERSION;
  // JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs(&args);  // If this turns out to be necessary, it should be called here.
  args.ignoreUnrecognized = false;
  args.options = vmOptions;
  args.nOptions = vmOptionsCount;

  JavaVM* jvmTemp;
  JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvmTemp, (void **)env, &args);
  *jvm = jvmTemp;

  delete [] vmOptions;

  m_classLoader = getSystemClassLoader(*env);

  v8::Local<v8::Value> onJvmCreated = this->handle()->Get(Nan::New<v8::String>("onJvmCreated").ToLocalChecked());

  // TODO: this handles sets put doesn't prevent modifing the underlying data. So java.classpath.push will still work which is invalid.
  Nan::SetAccessor(this->handle(), Nan::New<v8::String>("classpath").ToLocalChecked(), AccessorProhibitsOverwritingGetter, AccessorProhibitsOverwritingSetter);
  Nan::SetAccessor(this->handle(), Nan::New<v8::String>("options").ToLocalChecked(), AccessorProhibitsOverwritingGetter, AccessorProhibitsOverwritingSetter);
  Nan::SetAccessor(this->handle(), Nan::New<v8::String>("nativeBindingLocation").ToLocalChecked(), AccessorProhibitsOverwritingGetter, AccessorProhibitsOverwritingSetter);
  Nan::SetAccessor(this->handle(), Nan::New<v8::String>("asyncOptions").ToLocalChecked(), AccessorProhibitsOverwritingGetter, AccessorProhibitsOverwritingSetter);
  Nan::SetAccessor(this->handle(), Nan::New<v8::String>("onJvmCreated").ToLocalChecked(), AccessorProhibitsOverwritingGetter, AccessorProhibitsOverwritingSetter);

  if (onJvmCreated->IsFunction()) {
    v8::Local<v8::Function> onJvmCreatedFunc = onJvmCreated.As<v8::Function>();
    v8::Local<v8::Object> context = Nan::New<v8::Object>();
    onJvmCreatedFunc->Call(context, 0, NULL);

  return Nan::Null();
Ejemplo n.º 4
int ElfTransaction::elfHookRunningApp(char * arg) {

	LOGD("elfHookRunningAPP %s",arg);

	JavaVM* jvm = AndroidRuntime::getJavaVM();
	if (jvm == NULL) {
		LOGD("jvm is NULL");
		return -1;
	jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&jni_env, NULL);

	if (jni_env == NULL) {
		LOGD("jni_env is NULL");
		return -1;

	jstring apk_path = jni_env->NewStringUTF("/data/ElfInject.apk");
	jstring dex_out_path = jni_env->NewStringUTF("/data/");
	jclass dexloader_claxx = jni_env->FindClass("dalvik/system/DexClassLoader");

	snprintf(sig_buffer, 512, "(%s%s%s%s)V", JSTRING, JSTRING, JSTRING,

	jmethodID dexloader_init_method = jni_env->GetMethodID(dexloader_claxx,
			"<init>", sig_buffer);

	if (dexloader_init_method == NULL) {
		LOGD("dexloader_init_method is NULL");
		return -1;
	snprintf(sig_buffer, 512, "(%s)%s", JSTRING, JCLASS);
	jmethodID loadClass_method = jni_env->GetMethodID(dexloader_claxx,
			"loadClass", sig_buffer);

	if (loadClass_method == NULL) {
		LOGD("loadClass_method is NULL");
		return -1;

	jobject class_loader = getSystemClassLoader();

	if (class_loader == NULL) {
		LOGD("class_loader is NULL");
		return -1;

	LOGD("getSystemClassLoader finished...");

	jobject dex_loader_obj = jni_env->NewObject(dexloader_claxx,
			dexloader_init_method, apk_path, dex_out_path, NULL, class_loader);

	LOGD("dex_loader_obj is %p", dex_loader_obj);
	if (dex_loader_obj == NULL) {
		LOGD("dex_loader_obj is NULL");
		return -1;

	jstring class_name = jni_env->NewStringUTF("com.elf.inject.EntryClass");

	jclass entry_class = static_cast<jclass>(jni_env->CallObjectMethod(
			dex_loader_obj, loadClass_method, class_name));

	if (entry_class == NULL) {
		LOGD("entry_class is NULL");
		return -1;

	LOGD("entry_class is %p", entry_class);

	jmethodID invoke_method = jni_env->GetStaticMethodID(entry_class, "invoke",

	if (invoke_method == NULL) {
		LOGD("invoke_method is NULL");
		return -1;

	//	//check_value(invoke_method);
	jobjectArray objectarray = (jobjectArray) jni_env->CallStaticObjectMethod(
			entry_class, invoke_method, 0);
	if (objectarray == NULL) {
		LOGD("objectarray is NULL");
		return -1;

	jsize size = jni_env->GetArrayLength(objectarray);
	sp<IServiceManager> servicemanager = defaultServiceManager();

	LOGD("size is : %d", size);

	for (jsize i = 0; i < size; i += 2) {

		jstring name = static_cast<jstring>(jni_env->GetObjectArrayElement(
				objectarray, i));
		jobject obj = jni_env->GetObjectArrayElement(objectarray, i + 1);

		const char* c_name = jni_env->GetStringUTFChars(name, NULL);

		LOGD("c_name is %s", c_name);

		DummyJavaBBinder* binder = (DummyJavaBBinder*) servicemanager->getService(String16(c_name)).get();

	LOGD("******* hooking end  *****\n");