Ejemplo n.º 1
U_CFUNC const char* U_EXPORT2
uprv_detectWindowsTimeZone() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle* bundle = NULL;
    char* icuid = NULL;

    LONG result;
    TZI tziKey;
    TZI tziReg;

    /* Obtain TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION from the API, and then convert it
       to TZI.  We could also interrogate the registry directly; we do
       this below if needed. */
    uprv_memset(&apiTZI, 0, sizeof(apiTZI));
    uprv_memset(&tziKey, 0, sizeof(tziKey));
    uprv_memset(&tziReg, 0, sizeof(tziReg));
    tziKey.bias = apiTZI.Bias;
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.standardDate, (char*)&apiTZI.StandardDate,
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.daylightDate, (char*)&apiTZI.DaylightDate,

    bundle = ures_openDirect(NULL, "windowsZones", &status);
    ures_getByKey(bundle, "mapTimezones", bundle, &status);

    /* Note: We get the winid not from static tables but from resource bundle. */
    while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
        const char* winid;
        int32_t len;
        UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getNextResource(bundle, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        winid = ures_getKey(winTZ);
        result = getTZI(winid, &tziReg);

        if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            /* Windows alters the DaylightBias in some situations.
               Using the bias and the rules suffices, so overwrite
               these unreliable fields. */
            tziKey.standardBias = tziReg.standardBias;
            tziKey.daylightBias = tziReg.daylightBias;

            if (uprv_memcmp((char *)&tziKey, (char*)&tziReg, sizeof(tziKey)) == 0) {
                const UChar* icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);
                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    icuid = (char*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1));
                    uprv_memset(icuid, 0, len + 1);
                    u_austrncpy(icuid, icuTZ, len);
        if (icuid != NULL) {


    return icuid;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Main Windows time zone detection function.  Returns the Windows
 * time zone, translated to an ICU time zone, or NULL upon failure.
U_CFUNC const char* U_EXPORT2
uprv_detectWindowsTimeZone() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle* bundle = NULL;
    char* icuid = NULL;
    char apiStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char regStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char tmpid[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    int32_t len;
    int id;
    int errorCode;
    UChar ISOcodeW[3]; /* 2 letter iso code in UTF-16*/
    char  ISOcodeA[3]; /* 2 letter iso code in ansi */

    LONG result;
    TZI tziKey;
    TZI tziReg;

    BOOL isVistaOrHigher;
    BOOL tryPreVistaFallback;

    /* Obtain TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION from the API, and then convert it
       to TZI.  We could also interrogate the registry directly; we do
       this below if needed. */
    uprv_memset(&apiTZI, 0, sizeof(apiTZI));
    uprv_memset(&tziKey, 0, sizeof(tziKey));
    uprv_memset(&tziReg, 0, sizeof(tziReg));
    tziKey.bias = apiTZI.Bias;
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.standardDate, (char*)&apiTZI.StandardDate,
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.daylightDate, (char*)&apiTZI.DaylightDate,

    /* Convert the wchar_t* standard name to char* */
    uprv_memset(apiStdName, 0, sizeof(apiStdName));
    wcstombs(apiStdName, apiTZI.StandardName, MAX_LENGTH_ID);

    tmpid[0] = 0;

    id = GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION);
    errorCode = GetGeoInfoW(id,GEO_ISO2,ISOcodeW,3,0);
    u_strToUTF8(ISOcodeA, 3, NULL, ISOcodeW, 3, &status);

    bundle = ures_openDirect(NULL, "windowsZones", &status);
    ures_getByKey(bundle, "mapTimezones", bundle, &status);

        Windows Vista+ provides us with a "TimeZoneKeyName" that is not localized
        and can be used to directly map a name in our bundle. Try to use that first
        if we're on Vista or higher
    uprv_memset(&osVerInfo, 0, sizeof(osVerInfo));
    osVerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVerInfo);
    isVistaOrHigher = osVerInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6;	/* actually includes Windows Server 2008 as well, but don't worry about it */
    tryPreVistaFallback = TRUE;
    if(isVistaOrHigher) {
        result = getTZKeyName(regStdName, sizeof(regStdName));
        if(ERROR_SUCCESS == result) {
            UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getByKey(bundle, regStdName, NULL, &status);
            if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                const UChar* icuTZ = NULL;
                if (errorCode != 0) {
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, ISOcodeA, &len, &status);
                if (errorCode==0 || icuTZ==NULL) {
                    /* fallback to default "001" and reset status */
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);

                if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    int index=0;
                    while (! (*icuTZ == '\0' || *icuTZ ==' ')) {
                        tmpid[index++]=(char)(*icuTZ++);  /* safe to assume 'char' is ASCII compatible on windows */
                    tryPreVistaFallback = FALSE;

    if(tryPreVistaFallback) {

        /* Note: We get the winid not from static tables but from resource bundle. */
        while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
            UBool idFound = FALSE;
            const char* winid;
            UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getNextResource(bundle, NULL, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            winid = ures_getKey(winTZ);
            result = getTZI(winid, &tziReg);

            if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                /* Windows alters the DaylightBias in some situations.
                   Using the bias and the rules suffices, so overwrite
                   these unreliable fields. */
                tziKey.standardBias = tziReg.standardBias;
                tziKey.daylightBias = tziReg.daylightBias;

                if (uprv_memcmp((char *)&tziKey, (char*)&tziReg, sizeof(tziKey)) == 0) {
                    const UChar* icuTZ = NULL;
                    if (errorCode != 0) {
                        icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, ISOcodeA, &len, &status);
                    if (errorCode==0 || icuTZ==NULL) {
                        /* fallback to default "001" and reset status */
                        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                        icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);

                    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                        /* Get the standard name from the registry key to compare with
                           the one from Windows API call. */
                        uprv_memset(regStdName, 0, sizeof(regStdName));
                        result = getSTDName(winid, regStdName, sizeof(regStdName));
                        if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                            if (uprv_strcmp(apiStdName, regStdName) == 0) {
                                idFound = TRUE;

                        /* tmpid buffer holds the ICU timezone ID corresponding to the timezone ID from Windows.
                         * If none is found, tmpid buffer will contain a fallback ID (i.e. the time zone ID matching
                         * the current time zone information)
                        if (idFound || tmpid[0] == 0) {
                            /* if icuTZ has more than one city, take only the first (i.e. terminate icuTZ at first space) */
                            int index=0;
                            while (! (*icuTZ == '\0' || *icuTZ ==' ')) {
                                tmpid[index++]=(char)(*icuTZ++);  /* safe to assume 'char' is ASCII compatible on windows */
            if (idFound) {

     * Copy the timezone ID to icuid to be returned.
    if (tmpid[0] != 0) {
        len = uprv_strlen(tmpid);
        icuid = (char*)uprv_calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
        if (icuid != NULL) {
            uprv_strcpy(icuid, tmpid);

    return icuid;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Main Windows time zone detection function.  Returns the Windows
 * time zone, translated to an ICU time zone, or NULL upon failure.
U_CFUNC const char* U_EXPORT2
uprv_detectWindowsTimeZone() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceBundle* bundle = NULL;
    char* icuid = NULL;
    UChar apiStd[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char apiStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char regStdName[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    char tmpid[MAX_LENGTH_ID];
    int32_t len;
    int id;
    int errorCode;
    char ISOcode[3]; /* 2 letter iso code */

    LONG result;
    TZI tziKey;
    TZI tziReg;

    /* Obtain TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION from the API, and then convert it
       to TZI.  We could also interrogate the registry directly; we do
       this below if needed. */
    uprv_memset(&apiTZI, 0, sizeof(apiTZI));
    uprv_memset(&tziKey, 0, sizeof(tziKey));
    uprv_memset(&tziReg, 0, sizeof(tziReg));
    tziKey.bias = apiTZI.Bias;
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.standardDate, (char*)&apiTZI.StandardDate,
    uprv_memcpy((char *)&tziKey.daylightDate, (char*)&apiTZI.DaylightDate,

    /* Convert the wchar_t* standard name to char* */
    uprv_memset(apiStdName, 0, sizeof(apiStdName));
    u_strFromWCS(apiStd, MAX_LENGTH_ID, NULL, apiTZI.StandardName, -1, &status);
    u_austrncpy(apiStdName, apiStd, sizeof(apiStdName) - 1);

    tmpid[0] = 0;

    id = GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION);
    errorCode = GetGeoInfoA(id,GEO_ISO2,ISOcode,3,0);

    bundle = ures_openDirect(NULL, "windowsZones", &status);
    ures_getByKey(bundle, "mapTimezones", bundle, &status);

    /* Note: We get the winid not from static tables but from resource bundle. */
    while (U_SUCCESS(status) && ures_hasNext(bundle)) {
        UBool idFound = FALSE;
        const char* winid;
        UResourceBundle* winTZ = ures_getNextResource(bundle, NULL, &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        winid = ures_getKey(winTZ);
        result = getTZI(winid, &tziReg);

        if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
            /* Windows alters the DaylightBias in some situations.
               Using the bias and the rules suffices, so overwrite
               these unreliable fields. */
            tziKey.standardBias = tziReg.standardBias;
            tziKey.daylightBias = tziReg.daylightBias;

            if (uprv_memcmp((char *)&tziKey, (char*)&tziReg, sizeof(tziKey)) == 0) {
                const UChar* icuTZ = NULL;
                if (errorCode != 0) {
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, ISOcode, &len, &status);
                if (errorCode==0 || icuTZ==NULL) {
                    /* fallback to default "001" and reset status */
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                    icuTZ = ures_getStringByKey(winTZ, "001", &len, &status);

                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    /* Get the standard name from the registry key to compare with
                       the one from Windows API call. */
                    uprv_memset(regStdName, 0, sizeof(regStdName));
                    result = getSTDName(winid, regStdName, sizeof(regStdName));
                    if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                        if (uprv_strcmp(apiStdName, regStdName) == 0) {
                            idFound = TRUE;

                    /* tmpid buffer holds the ICU timezone ID corresponding to the timezone ID from Windows.
                     * If none is found, tmpid buffer will contain a fallback ID (i.e. the time zone ID matching
                     * the current time zone information)
                    if (idFound || tmpid[0] == 0) {
                        /* if icuTZ has more than one city, take only the first (i.e. terminate icuTZ at first space) */
                        int index=0;
                        while (! (*icuTZ == '\0' || *icuTZ ==' ')) {
                            tmpid[index++]=(char)(*icuTZ++);  /* safe to assume 'char' is ASCII compatible on windows */
        if (idFound) {

     * Copy the timezone ID to icuid to be returned.
    if (tmpid[0] != 0) {
        len = uprv_strlen(tmpid);
        icuid = (char*)uprv_calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
        if (icuid != NULL) {
            uprv_strcpy(icuid, tmpid);

    return icuid;