Ejemplo n.º 1
void GazeTracker::update(const IplImage *image, const IplImage *eyegrey, vector<vector<int> > vector_h_v_combined) {
    if (isActive()) {
    	// TODO ARCADI 23/12

		//output.gazepoint = Point(gpx->getmean(SharedImage(image, &ignore)), 
		//			 gpy->getmean(SharedImage(image, &ignore)));

//vector<vector<int> > vector_h_v_combined;
//vector_h_v_combined.insert(vector_h_v_combined.end(), vector_horizontal.begin(), vector_horizontal.end());
//vector_h_v_combined.insert(vector_h_v_combined.end(), vector_vertical.begin(), vector_vertical.end());

//cout << "UPDATE! Vertical Vector size: " << vector_h_v_combined.size() << endl;

		//output.gazepoint = Point(histx->getmean(vector_horizontal), 
		//			 histy->getmean(vector_vertical));
		// Use combined only for Y
		//output.gazepoint = Point(histx->getmean(vector_horizontal), 
		//			 histy->getmean(vector_h_v_combined));

		cout << "Size of vector[5]: " << vector_h_v_combined.size() << endl;

		// Use combined for both directions
		output.gazepoint = Point(histx->getmean(vector_h_v_combined), 

    	vector<int> vector_horizontal_and_vertical;
		copy( vector_horizontal.begin(), vector_horizontal.end(), back_inserter(vector_horizontal_and_vertical));
		copy( vector_vertical.begin(), vector_vertical.end(), back_inserter(vector_horizontal_and_vertical));

		output.gazepoint = Point(histx->getmean(vector_horizontal_and_vertical), 
		//double* out = regression.CalculateOutput(vector_horizontal, vector_vertical);

		//output.gazepoint = Point(out[0], out[1]);


		output.targetid = getTargetId(output.gazepoint);
		output.target = getTarget(output.targetid);
		// Neural network
		// Resize image to 16x8
		cvResize(eyegrey, nn_eye);
		cvEqualizeHist(nn_eye, nn_eye);
		fann_type inputs[nn_eyewidth * nn_eyeheight];
		for (int i = 0; i < nn_eyewidth * nn_eyeheight; ++i) 
			inputs[i] = (float)(nn_eye->imageData[i] + 129) / 257.0f;
		fann_type* outputs = fann_run(ANN, inputs);
		mapFromNeuralNetworkToScreenCoordinates(Point(outputs[0], outputs[1]), output.nn_gazepoint); 
Ejemplo n.º 2
void GoalApproach::act()
    //send message to move towards target
    //get coordinates
    Vector2d targetCo = getCore()->getCoordsSub()->getComponent(getTargetId())->getCoords();

        //set movement
        Parameters moveParameters;
        std::stringstream xSS(""), ySS("");
        xSS << targetCo.x;
        ySS << targetCo.y;

    //send telegram
    Message message(getSourceId() , getTargetId(), moveParameters);
    Telegram telegram(getTargetId(), getTargetId(), 0.0, message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool GoalApproach::met()
    //get coords of source and target
    //TODO: for met and act, DO NOT DO IT LIKE THIS! Will break if target or source is now null! Get comp* first then try for vector2d if not null
    Vector2d sourceCo = getCore()->getCoordsSub()->getComponent(getSourceId())->getCoords();
    Vector2d targetCo = getCore()->getCoordsSub()->getComponent(getTargetId())->getCoords();

    if (sourceCo.getDistance(targetCo) <= minDistToTarget_)
        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void GazeTracker::update(const cv::Mat *image, const cv::Mat *eyeGrey) {
	if (isActive()) {
		output.gazePoint = Point(_gaussianProcessX->getmean(Utils::SharedImage(image, &ignore)), _gaussianProcessY->getmean(Utils::SharedImage(image, &ignore)));
		output.targetId = getTargetId(output.gazePoint);
		output.target = getTarget(output.targetId);

		// Neural network
		// Resize image to 16x8
		cv::resize(*eyeGrey, *_nnEye, _nnEye->size());
		cv::equalizeHist(*_nnEye, *_nnEye);

		fann_type inputs[_nnEyeWidth * _nnEyeHeight];
		for (int i = 0; i < _nnEyeWidth * _nnEyeHeight; ++i) {
			inputs[i] = (float)(_nnEye->data[i] + 129) / 257.0f;

		fann_type *outputs = fann_run(_ANN, inputs);
		Utils::mapFromNeuralNetworkToScreenCoordinates(Point(outputs[0], outputs[1]), output.nnGazePoint);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void GazeTracker::calculateTrainingErrors() {
	int numMonitors = Gdk::Screen::get_default()->get_n_monitors();
	Gdk::Rectangle monitorGeometry;
	Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Screen> screen = Gdk::Display::get_default()->get_default_screen();

	// Geometry of main monitor
	screen->get_monitor_geometry(numMonitors - 1, monitorGeometry);

	std::vector<Point> points = getSubVector(_calTargets, &CalTarget::point);

	//std::cout << "Input count: " << _inputCount;
	//std::cout << ", Target size: " << _calTargets.size() << std::endl;

	for (int i = 0; i < _calTargets.size(); i++) {
		double xTotal = 0;
		double yTotal = 0;
		double sampleCount = 0;

		//std::cout << points[i].x << ", " << points[i].y << " x " << allOutputCoords[j][0] << ", " << allOutputCoords[j][1] << std::endl;

		int j = 0;
		while (j < _inputCount && points[i].x == allOutputCoords[j][0] && points[i].y == allOutputCoords[j][1]) {
			double xEstimate = (_gaussianProcessX->getmean(Utils::SharedImage(allImages[j], &ignore)) + _gaussianProcessXLeft->getmean(Utils::SharedImage(allImagesLeft[j], &ignore))) / 2;
			double yEstimate = (_gaussianProcessY->getmean(Utils::SharedImage(allImages[j], &ignore)) + _gaussianProcessYLeft->getmean(Utils::SharedImage(allImagesLeft[j], &ignore))) / 2;

			//std::cout << "i, j = (" << i << ", " << j << "), est: " << xEstimate << "(" << _gaussianProcessX->getmean(SharedImage(allImages[j], &ignore)) << "," << _gaussianProcessXLeft->getmean(SharedImage(allImagesLeft[j], &ignore)) << ")" << ", " << yEstimate << "(" << _gaussianProcessY->getmean(SharedImage(allImages[j], &ignore)) << "," << _gaussianProcessYLeft->getmean(SharedImage(allImagesLeft[j], &ignore)) << ")" << std::endl;

			xTotal += xEstimate;
			yTotal += yEstimate;

		xTotal /= sampleCount;
		yTotal /= sampleCount;

		*outputFile << "TARGET: (" << _calTargets[i].point.x << "\t, " << _calTargets[i].point.y << "\t),\tESTIMATE: (" << xTotal << "\t, " << yTotal << ")" << std::endl;
		//std::cout << "TARGET: (" << _calTargets[i].point.x << "\t, " << _calTargets[i].point.y << "\t),\tESTIMATE: (" << xTotal << "\t, " << yTotal << "),\tDIFF: (" << fabs(_calTargets[i].point.x- x_total) << "\t, " << fabs(_calTargets[i].point.y - y_total) << ")" << std::endl;

		// Calibration error removal
		_xv[i][0] = xTotal;		// Source
		_xv[i][1] = yTotal;

		// Targets
		_fvX[i] = _calTargets[i].point.x;
		_fvY[i] = _calTargets[i].point.y;
		_sigv[i] = 0;

		int targetId = getTargetId(Point(xTotal, yTotal));

		if (targetId != i) {
			std::cout << "Target id is not the expected one!! (Expected: "<< i << ", Current: " << targetId << ")" << std::endl;

	// Add the corners of the monitor as 4 extra data points. This helps the correction for points that are near the edge of monitor
	_xv[_calTargets.size()][0] = monitorGeometry.get_x();
	_xv[_calTargets.size()][1] = monitorGeometry.get_y();
	_fvX[_calTargets.size()] = monitorGeometry.get_x()-40;
	_fvY[_calTargets.size()] = monitorGeometry.get_y()-40;

	_xv[_calTargets.size()+1][0] = monitorGeometry.get_x() + monitorGeometry.get_width();
	_xv[_calTargets.size()+1][1] = monitorGeometry.get_y();
	_fvX[_calTargets.size()+1] = monitorGeometry.get_x() + monitorGeometry.get_width() + 40;
	_fvY[_calTargets.size()+1] = monitorGeometry.get_y() - 40;

	_xv[_calTargets.size()+2][0] = monitorGeometry.get_x() + monitorGeometry.get_width();
	_xv[_calTargets.size()+2][1] = monitorGeometry.get_y() + monitorGeometry.get_height();
	_fvX[_calTargets.size()+2] = monitorGeometry.get_x() + monitorGeometry.get_width() + 40;
	_fvY[_calTargets.size()+2] = monitorGeometry.get_y() + monitorGeometry.get_height() + 40;

	_xv[_calTargets.size()+3][0] = monitorGeometry.get_x();
	_xv[_calTargets.size()+3][1] = monitorGeometry.get_y() + monitorGeometry.get_height();
	_fvX[_calTargets.size()+3] = monitorGeometry.get_x() - 40;
	_fvY[_calTargets.size()+3] = monitorGeometry.get_y() + monitorGeometry.get_height() + 40;

	int pointCount = _calTargets.size() + 4;
	int N = pointCount;
	N = binomialInv(N, 2) - 1;

	// Find the best beta and gamma parameters for interpolation
	mirBetaGamma(1, 2, pointCount, (double *)_xv, _fvX, _sigv, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N, 2, 50.0, &_betaX, &_gammaX);
	mirBetaGamma(1, 2, pointCount, (double *)_xv, _fvY, _sigv, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, N, 2, 50.0, &_betaY, &_gammaY);

	*outputFile << std::endl << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;


	std::cout << "ERROR CALCULATION FINISHED. BETA = " << _betaX << ", " << _betaY << ", GAMMA IS " << _gammaX << ", " << _gammaY << std::endl;
	for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) {
		std::cout << _xv[i][0] << ", " << _xv[i][1] << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 6
void GazeTracker::calculateTrainingErrors() {
	int num_of_monitors = Gdk::Screen::get_default()->get_n_monitors();
	Gdk::Rectangle monitorgeometry;
	Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Screen> screen = Gdk::Display::get_default()->get_default_screen();

	// Geometry of main monitor
	screen->get_monitor_geometry(num_of_monitors - 1, monitorgeometry);
	vector<Point> points = getsubvector(caltargets, &CalTarget::point);
	int j = 0;
	//cout << "Input count: " << input_count;
	//cout << ", Target size: " << caltargets.size() << endl;
	for(int i=0; i<caltargets.size(); i++) {
		double x_total = 0;
		double y_total = 0;
		double sample_count = 0;
		//cout << points[i].x << ", " << points[i].y << " x " << all_output_coords[j][0] << ", " << all_output_coords[j][1] << endl;
		while(j < input_count && points[i].x == all_output_coords[j][0] && points[i].y == all_output_coords[j][1]) {
			double x_estimate = (gpx->getmean(SharedImage(all_images[j], &ignore)) + gpx_left->getmean(SharedImage(all_images_left[j], &ignore))) / 2;
			double y_estimate = (gpy->getmean(SharedImage(all_images[j], &ignore)) + gpy_left->getmean(SharedImage(all_images_left[j], &ignore))) / 2;
			//cout << "i, j = (" << i << ", " << j << "), est: " << x_estimate << "("<< gpx->getmean(SharedImage(all_images[j], &ignore)) << ","<< gpx_left->getmean(SharedImage(all_images_left[j], &ignore)) << ")" << ", " << y_estimate << "("<< gpy->getmean(SharedImage(all_images[j], &ignore)) <<","<< gpy_left->getmean(SharedImage(all_images_left[j], &ignore)) << ")"<< endl;
			x_total += x_estimate;
			y_total += y_estimate;
		x_total /= sample_count;
		y_total /= sample_count;
		*output_file << "TARGET: (" << caltargets[i].point.x << "\t, " << caltargets[i].point.y << "\t),\tESTIMATE: ("<< x_total << "\t, " << y_total <<")" << endl;
		//cout << "TARGET: (" << caltargets[i].point.x << "\t, " << caltargets[i].point.y << "\t),\tESTIMATE: ("<< x_total << "\t, " << y_total <<"),\tDIFF: ("<< fabs(caltargets[i].point.x- x_total) << "\t, " << fabs(caltargets[i].point.y - y_total) <<")" << endl;
		// Calibration error removal
		xv[i][0] = x_total;		// Source
		xv[i][1] = y_total;
		// Targets
		fv_x[i] = caltargets[i].point.x;
		fv_y[i] = caltargets[i].point.y;
		sigv[i] = 0;
		int targetId = getTargetId(Point(x_total, y_total));
		if(targetId != i) {
			cout << "Target id is not the expected one!! (Expected: "<< i<< ", Current: "<< targetId << ")" << endl;
	// Add the corners of the monitor as 4 extra data points. This helps the correction for points that are near the edge of monitor
	xv[caltargets.size()][0] = monitorgeometry.get_x();
	xv[caltargets.size()][1] = monitorgeometry.get_y();
	fv_x[caltargets.size()] = monitorgeometry.get_x()-40;
	fv_y[caltargets.size()] = monitorgeometry.get_y()-40;
	xv[caltargets.size()+1][0] = monitorgeometry.get_x() + monitorgeometry.get_width();
	xv[caltargets.size()+1][1] = monitorgeometry.get_y();
	fv_x[caltargets.size()+1] = monitorgeometry.get_x() + monitorgeometry.get_width() + 40;
	fv_y[caltargets.size()+1] = monitorgeometry.get_y() - 40;
	xv[caltargets.size()+2][0] = monitorgeometry.get_x() + monitorgeometry.get_width();
	xv[caltargets.size()+2][1] = monitorgeometry.get_y() + monitorgeometry.get_height();
	fv_x[caltargets.size()+2] = monitorgeometry.get_x() + monitorgeometry.get_width() + 40;
	fv_y[caltargets.size()+2] = monitorgeometry.get_y() + monitorgeometry.get_height() + 40;
	xv[caltargets.size()+3][0] = monitorgeometry.get_x();
	xv[caltargets.size()+3][1] = monitorgeometry.get_y() + monitorgeometry.get_height();
	fv_x[caltargets.size()+3] = monitorgeometry.get_x() - 40;
	fv_y[caltargets.size()+3] = monitorgeometry.get_y() + monitorgeometry.get_height() + 40;
	int point_count = caltargets.size() + 4;
    int N = point_count;
    N = binomialInv(N, 2) - 1;
	// Find the best beta and gamma parameters for interpolation
    mirBetaGamma(1, 2, point_count, (double*)xv, fv_x, sigv, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                 N, 2, 50.0, &beta_x, &gamma_x);
    mirBetaGamma(1, 2, point_count, (double*)xv, fv_y, sigv, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                 N, 2, 50.0, &beta_y, &gamma_y);
	*output_file << endl << endl;
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << "ERROR CALCULATION FINISHED. BETA = " << beta_x << ", " << beta_y << ", GAMMA IS " << gamma_x << ", " << gamma_y << endl;
	for(int j=0; j<point_count; j++) {
			cout << xv[j][0] << ", " << xv[j][1] << endl;
