Ejemplo n.º 1
boost::filesystem::path MacOsPath::getUserConfigPath() const
    boost::filesystem::path userPath (getUserHome());
    userPath /= "Library/Preferences/";

    return userPath / mName;
Ejemplo n.º 2
boost::filesystem::path MacOsPath::getUserDataPath() const
    boost::filesystem::path userPath (getUserHome());
    userPath /= "Library/Application Support/";

    return userPath / mName;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//Get the destination location for the extracted installer
void GetCobundleFileName(LPTSTR lpszLocalFileName, LPTSTR lpszLocalDirName, LPTSTR lpszCobundleName) {
    wsprintf(lpszLocalDirName, "%s\\%s%s%_combo", lpszLocalDirName, BUNDLE, VERSION);

    CreateDirectory(lpszLocalDirName, NULL);
    wsprintf(lpszLocalFileName, "%s\\%s", lpszLocalDirName, lpszCobundleName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
char *sysGetDeploymentUserHome() {
    static char deploymentUserHome[MAXPATHLEN];
    static int  initialized = FALSE;
    if (!initialized) {
        sprintf(deploymentUserHome, "%s\\Sun\\Java\\Deployment",
        initialized = TRUE;
    return deploymentUserHome;
Ejemplo n.º 5
boost::filesystem::path MacOsPath::getInstallPath() const
    boost::filesystem::path installPath;

    boost::filesystem::path homePath = getUserHome();

    if (!homePath.empty())
        boost::filesystem::path wineDefaultRegistry(homePath);
        wineDefaultRegistry /= ".wine/system.reg";

        if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file(wineDefaultRegistry))
            boost::filesystem::ifstream file(wineDefaultRegistry);
            bool isRegEntry = false;
            std::string line;
            std::string mwpath;

            while (std::getline(file, line))
                if (line[0] == '[') // we found an entry
                    if (isRegEntry)

                    isRegEntry = (line.find("Softworks\\\\Morrowind]") != std::string::npos);
                else if (isRegEntry)
                    if (line[0] == '"') // empty line means new registry key
                        std::string key = line.substr(1, line.find('"', 1) - 1);
                        if (strcasecmp(key.c_str(), "Installed Path") == 0)
                            std::string::size_type valuePos = line.find('=') + 2;
                            mwpath = line.substr(valuePos, line.rfind('"') - valuePos);

                            std::string::size_type pos = mwpath.find("\\");
                            while (pos != std::string::npos)
                               mwpath.replace(pos, 2, "/");
                               pos = mwpath.find("\\", pos + 1);

            if (!mwpath.empty())
                // Change drive letter to lowercase, so we could use ~/.wine/dosdevice symlinks
                mwpath[0] = tolower(mwpath[0]);
                installPath /= homePath;
                installPath /= ".wine/dosdevices/";
                installPath /= mwpath;

                if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(installPath))

    return installPath;
Ejemplo n.º 6
boost::filesystem::path MacOsPath::getCachePath() const
    boost::filesystem::path userPath (getUserHome());
    userPath /= "Library/Caches";
    return userPath / mName;
Ejemplo n.º 7
boost::filesystem::path LinuxPath::getCachePath() const
    return getEnv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", getUserHome() / ".cache") / mName;
Ejemplo n.º 8
boost::filesystem::path LinuxPath::getUserDataPath() const
    return getEnv("XDG_DATA_HOME", getUserHome() / ".local/share") / mName;
Ejemplo n.º 9
boost::filesystem::path LinuxPath::getUserConfigPath() const
    return getEnv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", getUserHome() / ".config") / mName;
Ejemplo n.º 10
w_instance NativeProperties_init(JNIEnv *env, w_instance classSystem) {
  w_thread thread = JNIEnv2w_thread(env);
  char *utf8;
  w_string s;
  w_fifo fifo;
  w_int i;

  prop_hashtable = ht_create("hashtable:native system properties", 17, ht_stringHash, ht_stringCompare, 0, 0);
  woempa(1, "Created prop_hashtable\n");
  s = cstring2String(UNICODE_SUBSETS, strlen(UNICODE_SUBSETS));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)cstring2String("mika.unicode.subsets", 20), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.unicode.subsets", s);

  utf8 = getInstallationDir();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.home", 9), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.home", s);

  utf8 = getExtensionDir();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.ext.dirs", 13), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.ext.dirs", s);

  utf8 = getLibraryPath();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.library.path", 17), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.library.path", s);

  s = utf2String(VERSION_STRING, strlen(VERSION_STRING));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.version", 12), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.version", s);

  s = utf2String(WONKA_INFO, strlen(WONKA_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.vm.options", 15), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.vm.options", s);

  s = utf2String(DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE, strlen(DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.default.heap.size", 22), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.default.heap.size", s);

  s = utf2String(AWT_INFO, strlen(AWT_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.awt.options", 16), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.awt.options", s);

#ifdef O4P
  s = utf2String(O4P_INFO, strlen(O4P_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.o4p.options", 16), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.o4p.options", s);

#ifdef OSWALD
  s = utf2String(OSWALD_INFO, strlen(OSWALD_INFO));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.oswald.options", 19), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.oswald.options", s);

  s = utf2String(BUILD_HOST, strlen(BUILD_HOST));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.build.host", 15), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.build.host", s);

  utf8 = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("mika.build.time", 15), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "mika.build.time", s);

  utf8 = getOSName();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.name", 7), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.name", s);

  utf8 = getOSVersion();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.version", 10), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.version", s);

  utf8 = getOSArch();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("os.arch", 7), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "os.arch", s);

  utf8 = getUserName();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.name", 9), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.name", s);

  utf8 = getUserHome();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.home", 9), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.home", s);

  utf8 = getUserDir();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.dir", 8), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.dir", s);

  utf8 = getUserLanguage();
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("user.language", 13), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "user.language", s);

  utf8 = "Mika " VERSION_STRING;
  s = utf2String(utf8, strlen(utf8));
  ht_write(prop_hashtable, (w_word)utf2String("java.runtime.name", 17), (w_word)s);
  woempa(1, "Set %s -> %w\n", "java.runtime.name", s);

  keyArray = allocArrayInstance_1d(JNIEnv2w_thread(env), clazzArrayOf_String, prop_hashtable->occupancy);
  fifo = ht_list_keys_no_lock(prop_hashtable);
  i = 0;
  while ((s = (w_string)getFifo(fifo))) {
    woempa(7, "keyArray[%d] = %w\n", i, s);
    setArrayReferenceField(keyArray, getStringInstance(s), i);

  return keyArray;