Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Returns an SBMLExtensionNamespaces<class SBMLExtensionType> object 
 * (e.g. SBMLExtensionNamespaces<LayoutExtension> whose alias type is 
 * LayoutPkgNamespaces) corresponding to the given uri.
 * Null will be returned if the given uri is not defined in the corresponding package.
LayoutExtension::getSBMLExtensionNamespaces(const std::string &uri) const
  LayoutPkgNamespaces* pkgns = NULL;
  if ( uri == getXmlnsL3V1V1())
    pkgns = new LayoutPkgNamespaces(3,1,1);    
  else if ( uri == getXmlnsL2())
    // (NOTE) This should be harmless but may cause some problem.
    pkgns = new LayoutPkgNamespaces(2);
  return pkgns;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Returns the package version with the given URI of this package.
unsigned int
LayoutExtension::getPackageVersion(const std::string &uri) const
  if (uri == getXmlnsL3V1V1())
    return 1;
  else if (uri == getXmlnsL2())
    // (NOTE) This should be harmless but may cause some problem.
    return 1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Returns the SBML version with the given URI of this package.
unsigned int 
LayoutExtension::getVersion(const std::string &uri) const
  if (uri == getXmlnsL3V1V1())
    return 1;
  else if (uri == getXmlnsL2())
    // (NOTE) This may cause unexpected behaviour.
    /* which indeed it does */
    return 1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Returns the URI (namespace) of the package corresponding to the combination of the given sbml level,
 * sbml version, and package version.
 * Empty string will be returned if no corresponding URI exists.
 * @return a string of the package URI
const std::string& 
LayoutExtension::getURI(unsigned int sbmlLevel, unsigned int sbmlVersion, unsigned int pkgVersion) const
  if (sbmlLevel == 3)
    if (sbmlVersion == 1)
      if (pkgVersion == 1)
        return getXmlnsL3V1V1();
  else if (sbmlLevel == 2)
    return getXmlnsL2();

  static std::string empty = "";

  return empty;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Initialization function of layout extension module which is automatically invoked 
 * by SBMLExtensionRegister class before main() function invoked.
  // 1. Checks if the layout package has already been registered.

  if (SBMLExtensionRegistry::getInstance().isRegistered(getPackageName()))
    // do nothing;

  // 2. Creates an SBMLExtension derived object.

  LayoutExtension layoutExtension;

  // 3. Creates SBasePluginCreatorBase derived objects required for this extension. 
  //    The derived classes can be instantiated by using the following template class.
  //    temaplate<class SBasePluginType> class SBasePluginCreator
  //    The constructor of the creator class has two arguments:
  //        (1) SBaseExtensionPoint : extension point to which the plugin object connected
  //        (2) std::vector<std::string> : a std::vector object that contains a list of URI
  //                                       (package versions) supported by the plugin object.
  //    For example, three plugin classes (plugged in SBMLDocument, Model, and SpeciesReference) 
  //    are required for the layout extension (The plugin class for SpeciesReference is required
  //    only for SBML Level 2) .

  std::vector<std::string> packageURIs;

  // LayoutSpeciesReferencePlugin is used only for SBML Level 2
  std::vector<std::string> L2packageURI;

  SBaseExtensionPoint sbmldocExtPoint("core",SBML_DOCUMENT);
  SBaseExtensionPoint modelExtPoint("core",SBML_MODEL);
  SBaseExtensionPoint sprExtPoint("core",SBML_SPECIES_REFERENCE);
  SBaseExtensionPoint msprExtPoint("core",SBML_MODIFIER_SPECIES_REFERENCE);

	SBasePluginCreator<LayoutSBMLDocumentPlugin, LayoutExtension> sbmldocPluginCreator(sbmldocExtPoint, packageURIs);
  SBasePluginCreator<LayoutModelPlugin,  LayoutExtension>           modelPluginCreator(modelExtPoint,packageURIs);
  SBasePluginCreator<LayoutSpeciesReferencePlugin, LayoutExtension> sprPluginCreator(sprExtPoint,L2packageURI);
  SBasePluginCreator<LayoutSpeciesReferencePlugin, LayoutExtension> msprPluginCreator(msprExtPoint,L2packageURI);

  // 4. Adds the above SBasePluginCreatorBase derived objects to the SBMLExtension derived object.


  // 5. Registers the SBMLExtension derived object to SBMLExtensionRegistry

  int result = SBMLExtensionRegistry::getInstance().addExtension(&layoutExtension);

    std::cerr << "[Error] LayoutExtension::init() failed." << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Initialization function of groups extension module which is automatically invoked 
 * by SBMLExtensionRegister class before main() function invoked.
  // 1. Checks if the groups pacakge has already been registered.

  if (SBMLExtensionRegistry::getInstance().isRegistered(getPackageName()))
    // do nothing;

  // 2. Creates an SBMLExtension derived object.

  RenderExtension renderExtension;

  // 3. Creates SBasePluginCreatorBase derived objects required for this 
  //    extension. The derived classes can be instantiated by using the following 
  //     template class.
  //    temaplate<class SBasePluginType> class SBasePluginCreator
  //    The constructor of the creator class has two arguments:
  //        (1) SBaseExtensionPoint : extension point to which the plugin object connected
  //        (2) std::vector<std::string> : a std::vector object that contains a list of URI
  //                                       (package versions) supported by the plugin object.
  //    For example, two plugin objects (plugged in SBMLDocument and Model elements) are 
  //    required for the groups extension.
  //    Since only 'required' attribute is used in SBMLDocument by the groups package, existing
  //    SBMLDocumentPluginNotRequired class can be used as-is for the plugin.
  //    Since the lists of supported package versions (currently only L3V1-groups-V1 supported )
  //    are equal in the both plugin objects, the same vector object is given to each 
  //    constructor.

  std::vector<std::string> packageURIs;

  // LayoutSpeciesReferencePlugin is used only for SBML Level 2
  std::vector<std::string> L2packageURI;

  SBaseExtensionPoint sbmldocExtPoint("core",SBML_DOCUMENT);
  SBaseExtensionPoint layoutExtPoint("layout",SBML_LAYOUT_LAYOUT);
  SBaseExtensionPoint layoutGOExtPoint("layout",SBML_LAYOUT_GRAPHICALOBJECT);
  SBaseExtensionPoint clayoutExtPoint("core",SBML_LAYOUT_LAYOUT);
  SBaseExtensionPoint listOfLayoutsExtPoint("layout", SBML_LIST_OF);

  SBasePluginCreator<RenderSBMLDocumentPlugin, RenderExtension> sbmldocPluginCreator(sbmldocExtPoint,packageURIs);
  SBasePluginCreator<RenderLayoutPlugin,   RenderExtension> layoutPluginCreator(layoutExtPoint,packageURIs);
  SBasePluginCreator<RenderLayoutPlugin,   RenderExtension> clayoutPluginCreator(clayoutExtPoint,packageURIs);
  SBasePluginCreator<RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin,   RenderExtension> lolPluginCreator(listOfLayoutsExtPoint,packageURIs);
  SBasePluginCreator<RenderGraphicalObjectPlugin,   RenderExtension> goPluginCreator(layoutGOExtPoint,packageURIs);

  // 3. Adds the above SBasePluginCreatorBase derived objects to the SBMLExtension derived object.

  // 4. Registers the SBMLExtension derived object to SBMLExtensionRegistry

  int result = SBMLExtensionRegistry::getInstance().addExtension(&renderExtension);

    std::cerr << "[Error] RenderExtension::init() failed." << std::endl;

  // add converter to registry;
  RenderLayoutConverter rlc;