static void explode(int row, int col) { chtype bold; erase(); MvPrintw(row, col, "-"); showit(); init_pair(1, get_colour(&bold), my_bg); (void) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | bold); MvPrintw(row - 1, col - 1, " - "); MvPrintw(row + 0, col - 1, "-+-"); MvPrintw(row + 1, col - 1, " - "); showit(); init_pair(1, get_colour(&bold), my_bg); (void) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | bold); MvPrintw(row - 2, col - 2, " --- "); MvPrintw(row - 1, col - 2, "-+++-"); MvPrintw(row + 0, col - 2, "-+#+-"); MvPrintw(row + 1, col - 2, "-+++-"); MvPrintw(row + 2, col - 2, " --- "); showit(); init_pair(1, get_colour(&bold), my_bg); (void) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | bold); MvPrintw(row - 2, col - 2, " +++ "); MvPrintw(row - 1, col - 2, "++#++"); MvPrintw(row + 0, col - 2, "+# #+"); MvPrintw(row + 1, col - 2, "++#++"); MvPrintw(row + 2, col - 2, " +++ "); showit(); init_pair(1, get_colour(&bold), my_bg); (void) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | bold); MvPrintw(row - 2, col - 2, " # "); MvPrintw(row - 1, col - 2, "## ##"); MvPrintw(row + 0, col - 2, "# #"); MvPrintw(row + 1, col - 2, "## ##"); MvPrintw(row + 2, col - 2, " # "); showit(); init_pair(1, get_colour(&bold), my_bg); (void) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1) | bold); MvPrintw(row - 2, col - 2, " # # "); MvPrintw(row - 1, col - 2, "# #"); MvPrintw(row + 0, col - 2, " "); MvPrintw(row + 1, col - 2, "# #"); MvPrintw(row + 2, col - 2, " # # "); showit(); }
void Pattern_rain::activate(void *arg) { m_mode = (Mode)(intptr_t)(arg); if (m_mode == RAIN_RANDOM || (unsigned) m_mode >= RAIN_NUM_MODES) { m_mode = (Mode) random(1, RAIN_NUM_MODES); } if (m_mode == RAIN_SINGLE_RANDOM_COLOUR) { m_wheel = random(MAX_WHEEL); } m_drop.reset(get_colour()); }
bool Pattern_rain::display() { int y = m_drop.m_y.get(); if (y >= ROW_COUNT) { m_drop.reset(get_colour()); y = m_drop.m_y.get(); } int x = m_drop.m_x.get(); draw_pixel(x, y, m_drop.m_c); return true; }
int expose(t_sticks *c) { char *lives; lives = ft_itoa(c->life[0]); mlx_clear_window(c->mlx, c->win); get_colour(c, 0); draw(0, 0, c, 0); mlx_string_put(c->mlx, c->win, 240, 20, c->act_co, lives); free(lives); display_one(c); display_two(c); display_three(c); display_four(c); display_five(c); lives = ft_itoa(c->life[6]); get_colour(c, 6); draw(65, 135, c, 6); mlx_string_put(c->mlx, c->win, 460, 135, c->act_co, lives); free(lives); return (0); }
static void set_material_values(t_env *e, char *pt1, char *pt2) { t_split_string values; values = ft_nstrsplit(pt2, ' '); if (!ft_strcmp(pt1, "NAME")) { ft_strdel(&e->material[e->materials]->name); e->material[e->materials]->name = ft_strdup(values.strings[0]); } else if (!ft_strcmp(pt1, "DIFFUSE")) e->material[e->materials]->diff = get_colour(e, values); else if (!ft_strcmp(pt1, "SPECULAR")) e->material[e->materials]->spec = get_colour(e, values); else if (!ft_strcmp(pt1, "REFLECT")) e->material[e->materials]->reflect = to_range(ft_atod(values.strings[0]), 0.0, 1.0); else if (!ft_strcmp(pt1, "REFRACT")) e->material[e->materials]->refract = to_range(ft_atod(values.strings[0]), 0.0, 1.0); else if (!ft_strcmp(pt1, "IOR")) e->material[e->materials]->ior = ft_atod(values.strings[0]); ft_free_split(&values); }
Histogram::Histogram(vector<Reconstructor::Voxel*> cluster_members, vector<Camera*> c, int k, vector<vector<vector<Reconstructor::Voxel*>>> &camera) { centroid.x = 0; centroid.y = 0; centroid.z = 0; cv::Mat frame_rgb0 = c[0]->getVideoFrame(k); cv::Mat frame_rgb1 = c[1]->getVideoFrame(k); cv::Mat frame_rgb2 = c[2]->getVideoFrame(k); cv::Mat frame_rgb3 = c[3]->getVideoFrame(k); cv::Mat frame_hsv0; cv::Mat frame_hsv1; cv::Mat frame_hsv2; cv::Mat frame_hsv3; cv::cvtColor(frame_rgb0,frame_hsv0,CV_RGB2HSV); cv::cvtColor(frame_rgb1,frame_hsv1,CV_RGB2HSV); cv::cvtColor(frame_rgb2,frame_hsv2,CV_RGB2HSV); cv::cvtColor(frame_rgb3,frame_hsv3,CV_RGB2HSV); vector<cv::Mat> hsv; hsv.push_back(frame_hsv0); hsv.push_back(frame_hsv1); hsv.push_back(frame_hsv2); hsv.push_back(frame_hsv3); // make array empty for(int i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++) { histogram[i] = 0; } for(int i = 0; i < cluster_members.size(); i++) { if(cluster_members[i]->z < 800) { continue; } int h = get_colour(cluster_members[i], c, hsv, camera); if(h >= 0) { histogram[h/(360/HISTOGRAM_SIZE)] ++; } } // normalize the histogram normalize(); }
static void edge_printer(NODE *from, NODE *to, void *data) { if (data) { DFA *dfa = data; LIST *output = get_from_hash(dfa->outputs, to, sizeof(void *)); DAA_SET *set = output->size ? output->items[0] : NULL; if (set) { printf("{"); HASH_ITERATOR iter; for (hash_iterator(set->set, &iter); hash_iterator_valid(&iter); hash_iterator_next(&iter)) { DECLARATION *decl = CAST_TO_DECLARATION(iter.entry->data); printf("<font color=\"%s\">%s</font>", get_colour(decl->colour), (char *) iter.entry->key); printf(","); } printf("}"); } } }
// Get the data for the given QModelIndex. QVariant Chain::Chain_Table_Model::data(QModelIndex const& index, int role) const { if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole || role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole) { // get the background colour for this index QColor background_colour = get_colour(index); return QVariant(QBrush(background_colour)); } else if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { // If you want text in the cells, do it here return QVariant(); } else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { // get the tooltip for this index QString tooltip = get_tooltip(index); return QVariant(tooltip); } return QVariant(); }
Hit TextureMaterial::apply_material(Vector3D view, Light* light, Hit h) const { Vector3D l = light->position - h.intersection; Vector3D N = h.normal; double r = l.length(); l.normalize(); N.normalize(); view.normalize(); double ldotN =; if (ldotN > 0.0) { Vector3D reflected = -l + (2 * ldotN * N); reflected.normalize(); double attenuation = light->falloff[0] + light->falloff[1] * r + light->falloff[2] * r * r; attenuation = 1 / attenuation; h.diffuse = ldotN * attenuation * light->colour * get_colour(h.tex_coords); } else { h.diffuse = Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } return h; }
void add_cell(boost::intmax_t val, const std::string& table_name, const std::string& row_name, const std::string& column_heading) { // // Load the table, add our data, and re-write: // std::string table_id = "table_" + sanitize_string(table_name); boost::regex table_e("\\[table:" + table_id + "\\s[^\\[]++" "((\\[" "([^\\[\\]]*+(?2)?+)*+" "\\]\\s*+)*+\\s*+)" "\\]" ); boost::smatch table_location; if(regex_search(content, table_location, table_e)) { std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > table_data; load_table(table_data, table_location[1].first, table_location[1].second); // // Figure out which column we're on: // unsigned column_id = 1001u; for(unsigned i = 0; i < table_data[0].size(); ++i) { if(table_data[0][i] == column_heading) { column_id = i; break; } } if(column_id > 1000) { // // Need a new column, must be adding a new compiler to the table! // table_data[0].push_back(column_heading); for(unsigned i = 1; i < table_data.size(); ++i) table_data[i].push_back(std::string()); column_id = table_data[0].size() - 1; } // // Figure out the row: // unsigned row_id = 1001; for(unsigned i = 1; i < table_data.size(); ++i) { if(table_data[i][0] == row_name) { row_id = i; break; } } if(row_id > 1000) { // // Need a new row, add it now: // table_data.push_back(std::vector<std::string>()); table_data.back().push_back(row_name); for(unsigned i = 1; i < table_data[0].size(); ++i) table_data.back().push_back(std::string()); row_id = table_data.size() - 1; } // // Find the best result in this row: // boost::uintmax_t best = (std::numeric_limits<boost::uintmax_t>::max)(); std::vector<boost::intmax_t> values; for(unsigned i = 1; i < table_data[row_id].size(); ++i) { if(i == column_id) { if(val < best) best = val; values.push_back(val); } else { std::cout << "Existing cell value was " << table_data[row_id][i] << std::endl; boost::uintmax_t cell_val = get_value_from_cell(table_data[row_id][i]); std::cout << "Extracted value: " << cell_val << std::endl; if(cell_val < best) best = cell_val; values.push_back(cell_val); } } // // Update the row: // for(unsigned i = 1; i < table_data[row_id].size(); ++i) { std::string& s = table_data[row_id][i]; s = "[role "; if(values[i - 1] < 0) { s += "grey -]"; } else { s += get_colour(values[i - 1], best); s += " "; s += format_precision(static_cast<double>(values[i - 1]) / best, 2); s += "[br]("; s += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(values[i - 1]) + "ns)]"; } } // // Convert back to a string and insert into content: std::sort(table_data.begin() + 1, table_data.end(), [](std::vector<std::string> const& a, std::vector<std::string> const& b) { return a[0] < b[0]; } ); std::string c = save_table(table_data); content.replace(table_location.position(1), table_location.length(1), c); } else { // // Create a new table and try again: // std::string new_table = "\n[template " + table_id; new_table += "[]\n[table:" + table_id; new_table += " "; new_table += table_name; new_table += "\n[[Function]["; new_table += column_heading; new_table += "]]\n"; new_table += "[["; new_table += row_name; new_table += "][[role blue 1.00[br]("; new_table += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(val); new_table += "ns)]]]\n]\n]\n"; std::string::size_type pos = content.find("[/tables:]"); if(pos != std::string::npos) content.insert(pos + 10, new_table); else content += "\n\n[/tables:]\n" + new_table; // // Add a section for this table as well: // std::string section_id = "section_" + sanitize_string(table_name); if(content.find(section_id + "[]") == std::string::npos) { std::string new_section = "\n[template " + section_id + "[]\n[section:" + section_id + " " + table_name + "]\n[" + table_id + "]\n[endsect]\n]\n"; pos = content.find("[/sections:]"); if(pos != std::string::npos) content.insert(pos + 12, new_section); else content += "\n\n[/sections:]\n" + new_section; add_to_all_sections(section_id); } // // Add to list of all tables (not in sections): // add_to_all_sections(table_id, "performance_all_tables"); } }
Colour SceneNode::get_colour(Point3D origin, Vector3D dir, const Colour& ambient, const Colour& bg, const std::list<Light*>& lights, int num_glossy_rays, int limit) { HitInfo info = intersects(origin, dir); if (!info.empty() && limit > 0) { Hit closest = info.get_closest(); Material* close_mat = closest.material; Colour c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (std::list<Light*>::const_iterator it = lights.begin(); it != lights.end(); ++it) { Vector3D shadow_ray = (*it)->position - closest.intersection; HitInfo shadow_info = intersects(closest.intersection, shadow_ray); closest = close_mat->apply_material(-dir, *it, closest); if (!shadow_info.empty()) { std::vector<Hit> all_hits = shadow_info.get_all_hits(); int num_translucent = 0; Colour shadow(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < all_hits.size(); i++) { Hit h =; if (!h.in_shadow) { if (num_translucent == 0) { shadow = shadow + closest.diffuse; num_translucent = 1; } break; } else { if ((h.material)->get_transparency() > 0.0) { shadow = shadow + (h.material)->get_transparency() * closest.diffuse; num_translucent++; } else { num_translucent = 0; break; } } } if (num_translucent > 0) { c = c + (1.0 / num_translucent) * shadow; c = c + closest.specular; } } else { c = c + closest.diffuse; c = c + closest.specular; } } if ((closest.material)->should_reflect()) { Vector3D V = dir, N = closest.normal; V.normalize(); N.normalize(); Vector3D reflected = V - (2 * * N); Colour r = get_colour(closest.intersection, reflected, ambient, bg, lights, num_glossy_rays, limit - 1); if (num_glossy_rays > 0) { Vector3D w = reflected; w.normalize(); Vector3D u = w.cross(Vector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); u.normalize(); Vector3D v = w.cross(Vector3D(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); v.normalize(); for (int i = 0; i < num_glossy_rays; i++) { double dx = 0.0; double dy = 0.0; while (dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) { dx = ((double)(rand() % 100) / 100.0) * 0.125; dy = ((double)(rand() % 100) / 100.0) * 0.125; } Vector3D refi = reflected + dx * u + dy * v; if ( < 0) { refi = -refi; } Colour ri = get_colour(closest.intersection, refi, ambient, bg, lights, num_glossy_rays, limit - 1); r = r + ri; } r = (double) (1.0 / (num_glossy_rays + 1)) * r; } c = 0.7 * c + 0.3 * close_mat->get_reflect(r); } Vector3D refracted; if (close_mat->should_refract() && close_mat->get_transmit_ray(refracted, dir, closest)) { Colour refr = get_colour(closest.intersection, refracted, ambient, bg, lights, num_glossy_rays, limit + 1); c = c + close_mat->get_transparency() * refr; } c = c + (1.0 - close_mat->get_transparency()) * close_mat->get_ambient(ambient); return c; } else { return bg; } }
void label::draw_contents() { const SDL_Rect& loc = location(); if (!text_.empty() && loc.w > 0 && loc.h > 0) font::draw_text(&video(), loc, size_, get_colour(), text_, loc.x, loc.y); }
void print_expression(EXPRESSION *expr, DAA_SET *set) { if (expr == NULL) { printf("?null?"); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, EXPR_VARIABLE)) { VARIABLE *var = CAST_TO_VARIABLE(expr); int defined = !set || find_in_hash(set->set, var->name, strlen(var->name)); if (set) printf("<font color=\"%s\">", get_colour(var->decl->colour)); printf("%s", var->name); if (set) printf("</font>"); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, EXPR_INTEGER)) { INTEGER *integer = CAST_TO_INTEGER(expr); printf("%d", integer->value); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, EXPR_STRING)) { STRING *str = CAST_TO_STRING(expr); printf("\"%s\"", str->value); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, EXPR_TUPLE)) { printf("("); if (tree_num_children(expr) >= 1) { print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 0), set); } int i; for (i = 1; i < tree_num_children(expr); i++) { printf(", "); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, i), set); } printf(")"); } else if (is_unary_op(expr)) { printf("%s", get_escaped_op_symbol(expr)); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 0), set); } else if (is_binary_op(expr)) { print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 0), set); printf(" %s ", get_escaped_op_symbol(expr)); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 1), set); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, STMT_ASSIGN)) { printf("assign "); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 0), set); printf(" = "); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 1), set); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, STMT_TEST)) { printf("test "); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 0), set); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, EXPR_CALL)) { VARIABLE *var = tree_get_child(expr, 0); printf("%s(", var->name); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 1), set); printf(")"); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, STMT_RETURN)) { printf("return "); print_expression(tree_get_child(expr, 0), set); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, STMT_ENTER)) { printf("enter"); } else if (tree_is_type(expr, STMT_EXIT)) { printf("exit"); } else { printf("?expr %p %s?", expr, tree_get_name(expr)); } }
/* ------------------------------------------- */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char line[LINESZ]; FILE *inFile_p, *outFile_p; char *ptr; int count, largestCount; unsigned lineNum; char code[LINESZ], newcode[LINESZ]; int ret; double coverage; unsigned colour; process_cmdline_args (argc, argv); // open files inFile_p = fopen (inFileName_pG, "r"); if (inFile_p == NULL) { perror ("fopen (inFile)"); return 1; } outFile_p = fopen (outFileName_pG, "w"); if (outFile_p == NULL) { perror ("fopen (outFile)"); return 1; } largestCount = find_largest_count (inFile_p); // start output file fprintf (outFile_p, "<html>\n"); fprintf (outFile_p, "<head><title>%s</title></head>\n", outFileName_pG); fprintf (outFile_p, "<body style=\"padding: 2em 1em 2em 110px; background-position: top left; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url(gcov2html-check.png);\" bgcolor=\"#000000\"><pre>\n"); // parse through gcov file // to create output while (fgets (line, LINESZ, inFile_p) != NULL) { if (strncmp (line, "function", 8) == 0) continue; if (strncmp (line, "call", 4) == 0) continue; if (strncmp (line, "branch", 6) == 0) continue; // get count ret = sscanf (line, " %d", &count); if (ret == 0) { if (strncmp (line, " #####", 9) == 0) count = 0; else count = -1; } // get line number // skip ':' ptr = strstr (line, ":"); ++ptr; sscanf (ptr, " %u", &lineNum); // get rest of line (code) // skip ':' ptr = strstr (ptr, ":"); ++ptr; strcpy (code, ptr); // remove trailing '\n' ptr = code; while ((*ptr != '\n') && *ptr) ++ptr; *ptr = 0; // calculate colour if (count == -1) colour = 0xffffff; else { coverage = (double)count / (double)largestCount; colour = get_colour (coverage); } process_code (code, newcode, LINESZ); fprintf (outFile_p, "<font color=\"#%06x\">%s</font>\n", colour, newcode); } // end output file fprintf (outFile_p, "</pre></body>\n"); fprintf (outFile_p, "</html>"); // done free (inFileName_pG); free (outFileName_pG); fclose (outFile_p); fclose (inFile_p); return 0; }
QColor Chain::Chain_Table_Model::get_colour(QModelIndex const& index) const { return get_colour(index.column(), index.row()); }
void print_graph(GRAPH *graph, char *name, void *data) { int i; graph_sequence++; printf("subgraph cluster_%s_%d {\n", name, graph_sequence); printf(" label=\"%s\"; labelloc=\"t\";\n", name); printf(" ranksep=0.1\n"); printf(" node [shape=\"box\", style=\"filled\"];\n"); /* Vertices. */ for (i = 0; i < tree_num_children(graph); i++) { NODE *vertex = tree_get_child(graph, i); if (vertex == NULL) continue; if (combine_bb && !tree_is_type(vertex, DEF_VARIABLE) && get_bb_next(graph, vertex, 2)) continue; printf(" %s_%d_%d [label=<<table border=\"0\">\n", name, graph_sequence, i); printf("<tr><td>%d. ", i); vertex_printer(vertex, data); printf("</td></tr>\n"); if (combine_bb && !tree_is_type(vertex, DEF_VARIABLE)) { NODE *next_vertex = get_bb_next(graph, vertex, 1); while (next_vertex) { vertex = next_vertex; int pos = (int) get_from_hash(graph->labels, vertex, sizeof(void *)); printf("<tr><td>%d. ", pos); vertex_printer(vertex, data); printf("</td></tr>\n"); next_vertex = get_bb_next(graph, vertex, 1); } } printf("</table>>"); if (tree_is_type(vertex, DEF_VARIABLE)) { DECLARATION *decl = CAST_TO_DECLARATION(vertex); printf(", fillcolor=%s", get_colour(decl->colour)); } printf("];\n"); HASH_ENTRY *he; NODE *from = vertex; he = find_in_hash(graph->forward, from, sizeof(void *)); if (he) { HASH *subhash = he->data; HASH_ITERATOR iter; for (hash_iterator(subhash, &iter); hash_iterator_valid(&iter); hash_iterator_next(&iter)) { NODE *to = iter.entry->key; HASH_ENTRY *he2 = find_in_hash(graph->labels, to, sizeof(void *)); if (he2) { EDGE_TYPE type = (EDGE_TYPE) iter.entry->data; if (type == EDGE_SYMMETRICAL) continue; printf(" %s_%d_%d -> %s_%d_%d [label=<", name, graph_sequence, i, name, graph_sequence, (int) he2->data); if (type & EDGE_YES) printf("Y"); if (type & EDGE_NO) printf("N"); if (type & EDGE_BACK) printf("B"); if (type & EDGE_LOOP) printf("L"); edge_printer(from, to, data); printf(">];\n"); } } } } printf("}\n"); }
const SDL_Color& label::set_colour(const SDL_Color& colour) { colour_ = colour; set_dirty(); return get_colour(); }