Ejemplo n.º 1
static gint get_matches(unsigned char *b, struct custom_data *d, gboolean *err) {
    gint i, r = 0;

    d->num_matches = get16; b += 2; r += 2;

    for (i = 0; i < d->num_matches; i++) {
        gint t = get8; b++; r++;
        if (t != CD_MATCH) ERROR("Expected CD_MATCH, got %d", t);
        t = get8; b++; r++;
        if (t != CD_MATCH_COMP_1) ERROR("Expected CD_MATCH_COMP_1, got %d", t);
        gint ret = get_competitor(b, &(d->matches[i].c1), err);
        b += ret; r += ret;
        t = get8; b++; r++;
        if (t != CD_MATCH_COMP_2) ERROR("Expected CD_MATCH_COMP_2, got %d", t);
        ret = get_competitor(b, &(d->matches[i].c2), err);
        b += ret; r += ret;

    LOG("num matches = %d", d->num_matches);
    return r;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Function to get query the location of a competitor. */
void query_location(event_ptr event) {
    competitor *competitor;
    int number;

    printf("\nPlease enter in the competitor number you wish to query the location of: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);

    while ((competitor = get_competitor(event, number)) == NULL) { /* Check to make sure a valid competitor is entered. */
        printf("\nPlease enter in a valid competitor number: ");
        scanf("%d", &number);

    print_location(event, competitor);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Function to get a manual input for the updating of a competitor's arrival at a time checkpoint. */
void update_competitor(event_ptr event) {
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    competitor *competitor;
    int number;
    int checkpoint;

    printf("\nPlease enter in the competitor number you wish to update: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);

    while ((competitor = get_competitor(event, number)) == NULL) { /* Check to make sure a valid competitor is entered. */
        printf("\nPlease enter in a valid competitor number: ");
        scanf("%d", &number);

    printf("\nPlease enter in the new checkpoint of the competitor: ");
    scanf("%d", &checkpoint);

    while (checkpoint > event->number_of_nodes || checkpoint < 1) { /* Check to make sure a valid status is entered. */
        printf("\nPlease enter in a valid checkpoint between 1 and %d: ", event->number_of_nodes);
        scanf("%d", &checkpoint);

    printf("\nPlease enter in the hour at which the competitor arrived (between 00 and 23) for a 24-hour clock: ");
    scanf("%02d", &hours);

    while (hours > 23 || hours < 00) { /* Check to make sure a valid number of hours is entered. */
        printf("\nPlease enter in a valid hour between 00 and 23 for a 24-hour clock: ");
        scanf("%02d", &hours);

    printf("\nPlease enter in the minutes at which the competitor arrived: ");
    scanf("%02d", &minutes);

    while (minutes > 60 || minutes < 00) { /* Check to make sure a valid number of minutes is entered. */
        printf("\nPlease enter in a valid number of minutes between (00 and 60): ");
        scanf("%02d", &minutes);

    if ((chronological_check(event->current_time, hours, minutes)) == SUCCESS) {
        if (competitor->status == NS) {
            printf("\nCompetitor %d has now started\n", competitor->number);
        } else {
            checkpoint_update(event, competitor, checkpoint, hours, minutes); /* Call to function that does the updating. */
    } else {
        printf("\n\nSorry but the manual update you are attempting is not in chronological order, updating process aborted.\n");
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Function to read in a file of times. */
void read_times_file(event_ptr event) {
    FILE *times_file; /* File pointer. */
    char file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
    int load_status;
    char status;
    int checkpoint;
    int competitor_number;
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    competitor *competitor;

    do {
        printf("\n\nPlease enter in the file path and name of the time file to be loaded: ");
        scanf("%s", file_name);

        if ((times_file = fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL) { /* Open file with read permissions only and check file opened. */
            printf("Please enter in a valid file path and name.\n");
    } while (times_file == NULL);

    do {
        load_status = fscanf(times_file, " %c %d %d %d:%d", &status, &checkpoint, &competitor_number, &hours, &minutes);

        if (load_status == EOF) {
            printf("\nEnd of file reached.");
        } else if (load_status == 5) {
            if ((chronological_check(event->current_time, hours, minutes)) == SUCCESS) {
                competitor = get_competitor(event, competitor_number);
                checkpoint_update(event, competitor, checkpoint, hours, minutes);
            } else {
                load_status = FAILURE;
        } else {
            printf("Error reading in time file, possible pattern mismatch.\n");
    } while (load_status != EOF && load_status == 5 && load_status != FAILURE);

    if (load_status == EOF) {
        printf("\nLoading of times files complete.\n");
    } else if (load_status == FAILURE) {
        printf("\nFile has not arrived in chronological order, permission to read in file denied.\n");
    } else if (load_status != 5) {
        printf("Error reading in time file, possible pattern mismatch.\n");
Ejemplo n.º 5
static gint get_rr_pool(unsigned char *b, round_robin_bare_t *pool, gboolean *err) {
    gint r = 0, i;
    gint ret = get_string(b, pool->name);
    b += ret; r += ret; 
    LOG("POOL NAME = %s", pool->name);
    gint t = get8; b++; r++;
    if (t != CD_RR_POOL_NUM_MATCHES)
        ERROR("Expected CD_RR_POOL_NUM_MATCHES, got %d", t);

    pool->num_rr_matches = get16; b += 2; r += 2;

    for (i = 0; i < pool->num_rr_matches; i++) {
        t = get8; b++; r++;
        if (t == CD_RR_POOL_MATCH) {
            pool->rr_matches[i] = get16;
            b += 2; r += 2;
            LOG("rr match %d: %d", i, pool->rr_matches[i]);
        } else ERROR("Expected CD_RR_POOL_MATCH, got %d", t);

    t = get8; b++; r++;
        ERROR("Expected CD_RR_POOL_NUM_COMPETITORS, got %d", t);

    pool->num_competitors = get16; b += 2; r += 2;

    for (i = 0; i < pool->num_competitors; i++) {
        t = get8; b++; r++;
        if (t == CD_COMP) {
            gint ret = get_competitor(b, &pool->competitors[i], err);
            b += ret; r += ret;
        } else ERROR("Expected CD_COMP, got %d", t);

    LOG("num rr matches = %d, num comps = %d", pool->num_rr_matches, pool->num_competitors);
    return r;