Ejemplo n.º 1
static gint nitrox_sort_func(GtkTreeModel *model,
	GtkTreeIter *iter_a,
	GtkTreeIter *iter_b,
	gpointer user_data)
	int index_a, index_b;
	struct dive *a, *b;
	int a_o2, b_o2;
	int a_he, b_he;
	int a_o2low, b_o2low;

	gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter_a, DIVE_INDEX, &index_a, -1);
	gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter_b, DIVE_INDEX, &index_b, -1);
	a = get_dive(index_a);
	b = get_dive(index_b);
	get_dive_gas(a, &a_o2, &a_he, &a_o2low);
	get_dive_gas(b, &b_o2, &b_he, &b_o2low);

	/* Sort by Helium first, O2 second */
	if (a_he == b_he) {
		if (a_o2 == b_o2)
			return a_o2low - b_o2low;
		return a_o2 - b_o2;
	return a_he - b_he;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void nitrox_data_func(GtkTreeViewColumn *col,
			     GtkCellRenderer *renderer,
			     GtkTreeModel *model,
			     GtkTreeIter *iter,
			     gpointer data)
	int index, o2, he, o2low;
	char buffer[80];
	struct dive *dive;

	gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, DIVE_INDEX, &index, -1);
	dive = get_dive(index);
	get_dive_gas(dive, &o2, &he, &o2low);
	o2 = (o2 + 5) / 10;
	he = (he + 5) / 10;
	o2low = (o2low + 5) / 10;

	if (he)
		snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d/%d", o2, he);
	else if (o2)
		if (o2 == o2low)
			snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", o2);
			snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d" UTF8_ELLIPSIS "%d", o2low, o2);
		strcpy(buffer, "air");

	g_object_set(renderer, "text", buffer, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Create a plot-info with smoothing and ranged min/max
 * This also makes sure that we have extra empty events on both
 * sides, so that you can do end-points without having to worry
 * about it.
void create_plot_info_new(struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc, struct plot_info *pi, bool fast)
	int o2, he, o2max;
	/* Create the new plot data */
	free((void *)last_pi_entry_new);

	get_dive_gas(dive, &o2, &he, &o2max);
	if (dc->divemode == FREEDIVE){
		pi->dive_type = FREEDIVE;
	} else 	if (he > 0) {
		pi->dive_type = TRIMIX;
	} else {
		if (o2)
			pi->dive_type = NITROX;
			pi->dive_type = AIR;

	last_pi_entry_new = populate_plot_entries(dive, dc, pi);

	check_gas_change_events(dive, dc, pi);   /* Populate the gas index from the gas change events */
	check_setpoint_events(dive, dc, pi);     /* Populate setpoints */
	setup_gas_sensor_pressure(dive, dc, pi); /* Try to populate our gas pressure knowledge */
	if (!fast) {
		populate_pressure_information(dive, dc, pi, false);	/* .. calculate missing pressure entries for all gasses except o2 */
		if (dc->divemode == CCR)					/* For CCR dives.. */
			populate_pressure_information(dive, dc, pi, true); /* .. calculate missing o2 gas pressure entries */
	fill_o2_values(dc, pi, dive);			 /* .. and insert the O2 sensor data having 0 values. */
	calculate_sac(dive, pi);			 /* Calculate sac */
	calculate_deco_information(dive, dc, pi, false); /* and ceiling information, using gradient factor values in Preferences) */
	calculate_gas_information_new(dive, pi);	 /* Calculate gas partial pressures */

#ifdef DEBUG_GAS

	pi->meandepth = dive->dc.meandepth.mm;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int nitrox_sort_value(struct dive *dive)
	int o2, he, o2low;
	get_dive_gas(dive, &o2, &he, &o2low);
	return he*1000 + o2;