Ejemplo n.º 1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool t_combat_object_model_base::write( std::streambuf & stream ) const
		put< t_uint16 >( stream, k_current_format_version );
		put< t_uint8 >( stream, m_footprint_size.row );
		put< t_uint8 >( stream, m_footprint_size.column );
		put< t_uint8 >( stream, get_height() );
		put< t_uint8 >( stream, get_frames_per_second() );
		put< t_uint8 >( stream, is_underlay() );
		put<bool>( stream, m_blocks_movement );
		put<bool>( stream, m_can_be_destroyed );
		put<bool>( stream, m_can_be_summoned );
		put<bool>( stream, m_hinders_movement );
		put<bool>( stream, m_obscures_vision );
		put<t_int16>( stream, m_type );
		write_string16( stream, get_obstacle_keyword( m_type ) );
	catch ( t_streambuf_write_failure const & )
		return false;
	return true;
gboolean export_swf_create_layer_elements(swf_frame_element *array_start, guint num_frames, layer *this_layer_data, guint layer_depth)
	// Local variables
	gfloat				click_duration;
	guint				click_frames;
	gfloat				element_x_position_finish = 0;
	gfloat				element_x_position_increment = 0;
	gfloat				element_x_position_start = 0;
	gfloat				element_y_position_finish = 0;
	gfloat				element_y_position_increment = 0;
	gfloat				element_y_position_start = 0;
	gfloat				fade_frame;
	gfloat				finish_frame;
	gint				finish_frame_rounded;
	guint				frame_counter;				// Holds the number of frames
	GString 			*layer_name;				// The text name for the layer
	layer_mouse			*mouse_data;				// Points to the mouse object data inside the layer
	guint				loop_counter = 0;			// Simple counter used in loops
	gint				num_displayed_frames;
	guint				opacity_count;				// Used when calculating object opacity
	gfloat				opacity_step;				// Used when calculating object opacity
	guint				play_click = MOUSE_NONE;	// Should a click sound be played?
	gfloat				scaled_height_ratio;		// Used to calculate the final size an object should be scaled to 
	gfloat				scaled_width_ratio;			// Used to calculate the final size an object should be scaled to
	gfloat				start_frame;
	guint				start_frame_rounded;
	gfloat				x_position;					// Used in calculating layer object position
	gfloat				y_position;					// Used in calculating layer object position

	// Initialisation
	layer_name = g_string_new(NULL);
	g_string_printf(layer_name, "%s%d", "Object", layer_depth);

	// Set some basic properties for the layer, across all of its frames
	for (frame_counter = 0; frame_counter < num_frames; frame_counter++)
		array_start[frame_counter].action_this = FALSE;
		array_start[frame_counter].object_name = layer_name;
		array_start[frame_counter].depth = layer_depth;
		array_start[frame_counter].layer_info = this_layer_data;
		array_start[frame_counter].is_moving = FALSE;

	// Calculate the height and width scaling values needed for this swf output
	scaled_height_ratio = (gfloat) get_output_height() / (gfloat) get_project_height();
	scaled_width_ratio = (gfloat) get_output_width() / (gfloat) get_project_width();

	// Calculate the scaled start and finish positions for each element
	element_x_position_start = scaled_width_ratio * this_layer_data->x_offset_start;
	element_x_position_finish = scaled_width_ratio * this_layer_data->x_offset_finish;
	element_y_position_start = scaled_height_ratio * this_layer_data->y_offset_start;
	element_y_position_finish = scaled_height_ratio * this_layer_data->y_offset_finish;

	// If there is a fade in transition, fill in the relevant elements
	start_frame = this_layer_data->start_time * get_frames_per_second();
	if (TRANS_LAYER_NONE != this_layer_data->transition_in_type)
		// Work out the starting and ending frames for the fade
		finish_frame = start_frame + (this_layer_data->transition_in_duration * get_frames_per_second());

		// Indicate on which frame the element should be displayed, at what display depth, and its starting co-ordinates
		start_frame_rounded = roundf(start_frame);
		finish_frame_rounded = roundf(finish_frame) == 0 ? 0 : ((roundf(finish_frame)>=num_frames) ? num_frames-1 : roundf(finish_frame));
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].add = TRUE;
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].x_position = element_x_position_start;
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].y_position = element_y_position_start;

		// Work out how much opacity to increment each frame by
		opacity_step = 100 / ((this_layer_data->transition_in_duration * get_frames_per_second()));

		// Loop through each frame of the fade in, setting the opacity values
		opacity_count = 0;
		for (frame_counter = start_frame_rounded; frame_counter <= finish_frame_rounded; frame_counter++)
			array_start[frame_counter].action_this = TRUE;
			array_start[frame_counter].opacity_change = TRUE;
			array_start[frame_counter].opacity = opacity_count;
			array_start[frame_counter].x_position = element_x_position_start;
			array_start[frame_counter].y_position = element_y_position_start;
			opacity_count += floorf(opacity_step);

		// Ensure the layer is completely visible after the end of the fade in
		array_start[frame_counter].action_this = TRUE;
		array_start[frame_counter].opacity_change = TRUE;
		array_start[frame_counter].opacity = 100;
	} else
		// Indicate on which frame the element should be displayed, at what display depth, and its starting co-ordinates
		start_frame_rounded = roundf(start_frame);
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].add = TRUE;
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].x_position = element_x_position_start;
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].y_position = element_y_position_start;
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].action_this = TRUE;
		array_start[start_frame_rounded].opacity = 100;

	// If there is a fade out transition, fill in the relevant elements
	if (TRANS_LAYER_NONE != this_layer_data->transition_out_type)
		// Work out the starting and ending frames for the fade
		fade_frame = start_frame;
		if (TRANS_LAYER_NONE != this_layer_data->transition_in_type)
			fade_frame += this_layer_data->transition_in_duration * get_frames_per_second();
		fade_frame += this_layer_data->duration * get_frames_per_second();
		finish_frame = fade_frame + (this_layer_data->transition_out_duration * get_frames_per_second());
		start_frame_rounded = roundf(fade_frame);
		finish_frame_rounded = roundf(finish_frame) == 0 ? 0 : ((roundf(finish_frame)>=num_frames) ? num_frames-1 : roundf(finish_frame));

		// Work out how much opacity to decrement each frame by
		opacity_step = 100 / ((this_layer_data->transition_out_duration * get_frames_per_second()));

		// Loop through each frame of the fade out, setting the opacity values
		opacity_count = 100;
		for (frame_counter = start_frame_rounded; frame_counter <= finish_frame_rounded; frame_counter++)
			array_start[frame_counter].action_this = TRUE;
			array_start[frame_counter].opacity_change = TRUE;
			array_start[frame_counter].opacity = opacity_count;
			array_start[frame_counter].x_position = element_x_position_finish;
			array_start[frame_counter].y_position = element_y_position_finish;
			opacity_count -= floorf(opacity_step);

		// Ensure the layer is completely invisible after the end of the fade out
		array_start[finish_frame_rounded].action_this = TRUE;
		array_start[finish_frame_rounded].opacity_change = TRUE;
		array_start[finish_frame_rounded].opacity = 0;
		array_start[finish_frame_rounded].x_position = element_x_position_start;
		array_start[finish_frame_rounded].y_position = element_y_position_start;

	// Work out the start frame of the fully visible layer display
	if (TRANS_LAYER_NONE != this_layer_data->transition_in_type)
		start_frame += this_layer_data->transition_in_duration * get_frames_per_second();

	// Work out the finish frame of the fully visible layer display
	finish_frame = start_frame + (this_layer_data->duration * get_frames_per_second());

	// If this is a mouse cursor with a click, we squeeze the movement part into a smaller number of frames
	// to give time for the click sound to play while the mouse is stationery and before it fades
	if (TYPE_MOUSE_CURSOR == this_layer_data->object_type)
		// Simplify the pointer to the mouse click data
		mouse_data = (layer_mouse *) this_layer_data->object_data;

		// Determine how many frames to compress the mouse movement by, and also add the click sound
		switch (mouse_data->click)

				click_duration = 0.5;
				click_frames = roundf(click_duration * get_frames_per_second()) + 1;
				play_click = mouse_data->click;


				click_duration = 0.5;
				click_frames = roundf(click_duration * get_frames_per_second()) + 1;
				play_click = mouse_data->click;


				click_duration = 0.5;
				click_frames = roundf(click_duration * get_frames_per_second()) + 1;
				play_click = mouse_data->click;

			case MOUSE_NONE:

				click_frames = 0;

		// Compress the mouse movement by the determined amount
		finish_frame = CLAMP(finish_frame - click_frames, start_frame + 1, get_valid_fields_max_value(FRAME_NUMBER));
	start_frame_rounded = roundf(start_frame);
	finish_frame_rounded = roundf(finish_frame) == 0 ? 0 : ((roundf(finish_frame)>=num_frames) ? num_frames-1 : roundf(finish_frame));
	num_displayed_frames = finish_frame_rounded - start_frame_rounded;

	// Skip layers with 0 full visibility duration
	if (0 < num_displayed_frames)
		x_position = element_x_position_start;
		y_position = element_y_position_start;

		// If the layer moves, work out the movement related values
		if ((element_x_position_start != element_x_position_finish) || (element_y_position_start != element_y_position_finish))
			// Work out how much to increment the frame movement by in each direction
			element_x_position_increment = (element_x_position_finish - element_x_position_start) / (num_displayed_frames);
			element_y_position_increment = (element_y_position_finish - element_y_position_start) / (num_displayed_frames);

		// Loop through each frame of the fully visible layer, filling in the relevant elements
		loop_counter = 1;
		for (frame_counter = start_frame_rounded; frame_counter <= finish_frame_rounded; frame_counter++)
			// Store the opacity, x and y positions for this layer for this frame
			array_start[frame_counter].opacity = 100;
			array_start[frame_counter].x_position = x_position;
			array_start[frame_counter].y_position = y_position;

			// If the layer moves, fill in the relevant elements
			if ((element_x_position_start != element_x_position_finish) || (element_y_position_start != element_y_position_finish))
				// Mark this element as needing action taken
				array_start[frame_counter].action_this = TRUE;
				array_start[frame_counter].is_moving = TRUE;

				// Update the element position with each loop
				x_position = element_x_position_start + (element_x_position_increment * loop_counter);
				y_position = element_y_position_start + (element_y_position_increment * loop_counter);
				loop_counter++;  // We use a separate loop counter now in order to minimise the accumulated rounding effect

		// If a click sound should be played, we mark this
		if (MOUSE_NONE != play_click)
			// Mark the appropriate frame as needing the mouse click sound to be played
			array_start[frame_counter].action_this = TRUE;
			array_start[frame_counter].click_sound_to_play = play_click;

	// Determine on which frame the element should be removed from display
	if (TRANS_LAYER_NONE != this_layer_data->transition_out_type)
			finish_frame += (this_layer_data->transition_out_duration * get_frames_per_second());
	finish_frame_rounded = roundf(finish_frame) == 0 ? 0 : ((roundf(finish_frame)>=num_frames) ? num_frames-1 : roundf(finish_frame));
	array_start[finish_frame_rounded].action_this = TRUE;
	array_start[finish_frame_rounded].remove = TRUE;

	return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
gboolean swf_add_mouse_click(SWFMovie this_movie, gint click_type)
	// Local variables
	gfloat				click_duration;
	guint				click_frames;
	GString				*click_name;				// The name of the mouse click sound we'll need to play
	guint				i;							// Counter
	GString				*message;					// Used to construct message strings
	SWFDisplayItem 		sound_display_item;
	FILE				*sound_file;				// The file we load the sound from
	SWFMovieClip		sound_movie_clip;			// Movie clip specifically to hold a sound
	SWFSoundStream 		sound_stream;				// The sound we use gets loaded into this
	gchar				*sound_pathname = NULL;		// Full pathname to a sound file to load is constructed in this
	SWFAction			swf_action;					// Used when constructing action script

	// Initialisation
	click_name = g_string_new(NULL);

	// Determine the sound file to load
	switch (click_type)

			// If we've already added the sound to the movie, we don't need to add it again
			if (FALSE == get_mouse_click_single_added())
				// Single click mouse sound
				sound_pathname = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, SOUND_DIR, "mouse_single_click.mp3", NULL);

				// Make sure we only add this click sound once

			click_name = g_string_assign(click_name, "mousesingleclick");
			click_duration = 0.5;


			// If we've already added the sound to the movie, we don't need to add it again
			if (FALSE == get_mouse_click_double_added())
				// Double click mouse sound
				sound_pathname = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, SOUND_DIR, "mouse_double_click.mp3", NULL);

				// Make sure we only add this click sound once

			click_name = g_string_assign(click_name, "mousedoubleclick");
			click_duration = 0.5;


			// If we've already added the sound to the movie, we don't need to add it again
			if (FALSE == get_mouse_click_triple_added())
				// Triple click mouse sound
				sound_pathname = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, SOUND_DIR, "mouse_triple_click.mp3", NULL);

				// Make sure we only add this click sound once

			click_name = g_string_assign(click_name, "mousetripleclick");
			click_duration = 0.5;

	if (NULL != sound_pathname)
		// Create the sound object we'll be using
		if (get_debug_level()) printf("%s: '%s'\n", _("Full path name to sound file is"), sound_pathname);

		// Load the sound file
		sound_file = fopen(sound_pathname, "rb");
		if (NULL == sound_file)
			// Something went wrong when loading the sound file, so return
			message = g_string_new(NULL);
			g_string_printf(message, "%s ED412: %s", _("Error"), _("Something went wrong when opening a mouse click sound file."));
			g_string_free(message, TRUE);
			return FALSE;
		sound_stream = newSWFSoundStream(sound_file);

		// Create a new movie clip file, containing only the sound
		sound_movie_clip = newSWFMovieClip();

		// Ensure the clip doesn't start out playing nor keep looping
		swf_action = compileSWFActionCode("this.stop(); ");
		SWFMovieClip_add(sound_movie_clip, (SWFBlock) swf_action);

		// Add the sound stream to the sound movie clip
		SWFMovieClip_setSoundStream(sound_movie_clip, sound_stream, 1);

		// Add extra frames to allow the click to play it's full length
		click_frames = roundf(click_duration * get_frames_per_second());
		for (i = 0; i < click_frames; i++)

		// Add the sound movie clip to the swf movie
		sound_display_item = SWFMovie_add(this_movie, (SWFBlock) sound_movie_clip);

		// Name the display item
		SWFDisplayItem_setName(sound_display_item, click_name->str);

		// Ensure the object is at the correct display depth
		SWFDisplayItem_setDepth(sound_display_item, 1000 + click_type); // Trying to pick a non conflicting depth

	// Free the memory allocated in this functions
	g_string_free(click_name, TRUE);

	return TRUE;