Ejemplo n.º 1

   accept:      byte to write (passed as int)
   perform:     write a single byte to the port
   return:      none
   exceptions:  IOException
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_io_I2CPort_writeByte( JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj, jint ji ) 
	unsigned char byte = (unsigned char)ji;
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	int result;

	do {
		result=write (fd, &byte, sizeof(unsigned char));
	}  while (result < 0 && errno==EINTR);
	if(result >= 0)
	throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "writeByte",
		strerror( errno ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_io_RS485Port_NativeEnableReceiveTimeoutThreshold(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, jint vtime, jint threshold, jint buffer)
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	struct termios ttyset;

	if( tcgetattr( fd, &ttyset ) < 0 ) goto fail;
	ttyset.c_cc[ VMIN ] = threshold;
	ttyset.c_cc[ VTIME ] = vtime/100;
	if( tcsetattr( fd, TCSANOW, &ttyset ) < 0 ) goto fail;

	throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "TimeoutThreshold", strerror( errno ) );
Ejemplo n.º 3

 accept:      byte to write (passed as int)
 perform:     write a single byte to the port
 return:      none
 exceptions:  IOException
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_io_RS485Port_writeByte( JNIEnv *env,
		jobject jobj, jint ji )
	unsigned char byte = (unsigned char)ji;
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	int result=0,count=0;

	/* turn on the DTR */
	ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &result);
	result |= TIOCM_DTR;
	ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &result);

	/* send the data */
	do {
		result=write (fd, &byte, sizeof(unsigned char));
	}while (result < 0 && errno==EINTR);
	if(result < 0) goto fail;
	/* wait for the last bit to go 
	 * see get_lsr_info in linux/driver/char/serial.c 
	 * */
#if defined(TIOCSERGETLSR) /* dima ????????? I did it in exactly the same way as in SerialImp.c */
		result=ioctl(fd, TIOCSERGETLSR);
		/*  FIXME this should work but its a hack  */
		if (result != TIOCSER_TEMT)
	}while(result != TIOCSER_TEMT);
#endif /* TIOCSERGETLSR */
	/* shut down the DTR */
	ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &result);
	result &= ~TIOCM_DTR;
	ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &result);

	/* flush input (we dont want to get our own message */
	do {
		result=tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
	}while (result && errno==EINTR && count <5);

	if(result) goto fail;

	throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "writeByte",
			strerror( errno ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
   accept:      none
   perform:     check if printer is selected
   return:      JNI_TRUE if printer is selected other wise JNI_FALSE
   exceptions:  none
   comments:    LP_SELEC   unchanged selected input, active high
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL LPRPort(isPrinterSelected)(JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj)
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
#if defined (__linux__)
	int status;
	ioctl(fd, LPGETSTATUS, &status);
	return( status & LP_SELEC ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE );
#elif defined (WIN32)
	return getWin32ParallelStatus( fd, PARALLEL_SELECTED); 
/*  FIXME??  */
	printf("ParallelImp.c LPGETSTATUS not defined\n");
Ejemplo n.º 5

   accept:      none
   perform:     find out the number of bytes available for reading
   return:      available bytes
                -1 on error
   exceptions:  none
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL LPRPort(nativeavailable)( JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj )
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	int result;
	char message[80];

	ENTER( "LPRPort:nativeavailable" );
    On SCO OpenServer FIONREAD always fails for serial devices,
    so try ioctl FIORDCHK instead; will only tell us whether
    bytes are available, not how many, but better than nothing.

    This turns out to be true on Solaris also.  taj.
#ifdef FIORDCHK  /* __unixware__ __sun__ probably others */
	result = ioctl(fd, FIORDCHK, 0);
	if( ioctl( fd, FIONREAD, &result ) < 0 )
		goto fail;
#endif /* FIORDCHK */
	if (result == -1) {
		goto fail;
	if( result )
/*		sprintf(message, "    nativeavailable: FIORDCHK result %d, \
				errno %d\n", result , result == -1 ? errno : 0);
		report( message );
	LEAVE( "LPRPort:nativeavailable" );
	return (jint)result;
	report("LPRPort:nativeavailable:  ioctl() failed\n");
	LEAVE( "LPRPort:nativeavailable" );
	throw_java_exception_system_msg( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "nativeavailable" );
	return (jint)result;
Ejemplo n.º 6

   accept:      jbarray: bytes used for writing
                offset: offset in array to start writing
                count: Number of bytes to write
   perform:     write length bytes of jbarray
   return:      none
   exceptions:  IOException
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL LPRPort(writeArray)( JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj, jbyteArray jbarray, jint offset, jint count )
#ifdef WIN32
	DWORD countWritten; /* Fixme, should be a loop until all is written */
	int errorCount = 0;
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	jbyte *body = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, jbarray, 0 );
	unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)malloc( count );
	int i;
	for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) bytes[ i ] = body[ i + offset ];
	(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, jbarray, body, 0 );
#ifdef WIN32
	we set a timeout because all calls are sequentiell (also with asynchron)
	 this means that the default timeout of unlimited
	blocks all calls (also close and status request) if the device is down
	GetCommTimeouts( (HANDLE)fd, &timeouts );
	timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
	timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 2000; /*  2000 is the min value for the default Windows NT and Windows 2000 driver */
	SetCommTimeouts( (HANDLE)fd, &timeouts );
	while( count > 0 ){
		if(!WriteFile( (HANDLE)fd, bytes, count, &countWritten, NULL ) && countWritten == 0){
			this are 20 * 2 seconds, in this time a printer (or other parallel device)
			should solv all problems like buffer full, etc
			if(errorCount++ < 20){
				Sleep( 20 ); /* make a small pause to execute all other requests in all other threads */
			throw_java_exception_system_msg( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "writeArray" );
		errorCount = 0;
		bytes += countWritten;
		count -= countWritten;
	if( write( fd, bytes, count ) < 0 )
		throw_java_exception_system_msg( env, IO_EXCEPTION, "writeArray" );
	free( bytes );
Ejemplo n.º 7
   accept:       none
   perform:      Not really sure see isPaperOut
   return:       JNI_FALSE if the printer does not return out of paper other
                 wise JNI_TRUE.
   exceptions:   none
   comments:     Is this documented right in the javadocs?
	         not sure this is correct FIXME
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL LPRPort(isPrinterTimedOut)(JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj)
#if defined(__linux__)
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	int status;
	ioctl(fd, LPGETSTATUS, &status);
	return( status & LP_BUSY ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE );
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
	printf("ParallelImp.c LPGETSTATUS not defined\n");
	return( status & EBUSY ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE );
	return( JNI_FALSE );
Ejemplo n.º 8
   accept:      none
   perform:     check for printer error
   return:      JNI_TRUE if there is an printer error otherwise JNI_FALSE
   exceptions:  none
   comments:    LP_ERR   unchanged error input, active low
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL LPRPort(isPrinterError)(JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj)
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
#if defined (__linux__)
	int status;
	ioctl(fd, LPGETSTATUS, &status);
	return( status & LP_ERR ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE );
#elif defined (WIN32)
	return getWin32ParallelStatus( fd, PARALLEL_PAPER_EMPTY | 
									   PARALLEL_OFF_LINE |
									   PARALLEL_POWER_OFF |
/*  FIXME??  */
	printf("ParallelImp.c LPGETSTATUS not defined\n");
Ejemplo n.º 9

   accept:      jbarray: bytes used for writing 
                offset: offset in array to start writing
                count: Number of bytes to write
   perform:     write length bytes of jbarray
   return:      none
   exceptions:  IOException
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_io_I2CPort_writeArray( JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj, jbyteArray jbarray, jint offset, jint count )
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	int result=0,total=0,i;

	unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)malloc( count );

	jbyte *body = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, jbarray, 0 );
	for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) bytes[ i ] = body[ i + offset ];
	(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, jbarray, body, 0 );
	do {
		result=write (fd, bytes + total + offset, count - total); /* dima */
		if(result >0){
			total += result;
	}  while ((total<count)||(result < 0 && errno==EINTR));
	free( bytes );
	if( result < 0 ) throw_java_exception( env, IO_EXCEPTION,
		"writeArray", strerror( errno ) );
Ejemplo n.º 10
   accept:      none
   perform:     Check to see if the printer is printing.
   return:      JNI_TRUE if the printer is Busy, JNI_FALSE if its idle
   exceptions:  none
   comments:    LP_BUSY     inverted busy input, active high
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL LPRPort(isPrinterBusy)(JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj)
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	int status;
#if defined (__linux__)
	ioctl(fd, LPGETSTATUS, &status);
#elif defined (WIN32)
	return getWin32ParallelStatus( fd, PARALLEL_BUSY); 
/*  FIXME??  */
	printf("ParallelImp.c LPGETSTATUS not defined\n");
#if defined(__linux__)
	return( status & LP_BUSY ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE );
#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
	return( status & EBUSY ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE );
Ejemplo n.º 11

   accept:      none
   perform:     periodically check for I2CPortEvents
   return:      none
   exceptions:  none
   comments:    FIXME This is probably wrong on bsd.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_io_I2CPort_eventLoop( JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj )
	int fd, ret, change;
	fd_set rfds;
	struct timeval tv_sleep;
	unsigned int mflags;
#if defined(TIOCGICOUNT)
	struct serial_icounter_struct sis, osis;
#endif /* TIOCGICOUNT */
	unsigned int omflags;

	jmethodID method, interrupt;
	jboolean interrupted = 0;
	jclass jclazz, jthread;
	jclazz = (*env)->GetObjectClass( env, jobj );
	fd = get_java_var(env, jobj, "fd", "I");
	method = (*env)->GetMethodID( env, jclazz, "sendEvent", "(IZ)V" );
	jthread = (*env)->FindClass( env, "java/lang/Thread" );
	interrupt = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID( env, jthread, "interrupted", "()Z" );

	/* Some multiport i2c cards do not implement TIOCGICOUNT ... */
#if defined(TIOCGICOUNT)
	if( ioctl( fd, TIOCGICOUNT, &osis ) < 0 ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Port does not support TIOCGICOUNT events\n" );
	fprintf( stderr, "Port does not support all Hardware events\n" );
#endif /*  TIOCGICOUNT */

	if( ioctl( fd, TIOCMGET, &omflags) <0 ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Port does not support events\n" );

	FD_ZERO( &rfds );
	while( !interrupted ) {
		FD_SET( fd, &rfds );
		/* Check every 1 second, or on receive data */
		tv_sleep.tv_sec = 1; 
		tv_sleep.tv_usec = 0;
		do {
			ret=select( fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv_sleep );
		}  while (ret < 0 && errno==EINTR);
		if( ret < 0 ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "select() Failed\n" );

		if( ioctl( fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &change ) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "TIOCSERGETLSR Failed\n" );
		else if( change ) {
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method,
#endif /* TIOCSERGETLSR */
#if defined(TIOCGICOUNT)
	/*	wait for RNG, DSR, CD or CTS  but not DataAvailable
	 *      The drawback here is it never times out so if someone
	 *      reads there will be no chance to try again.
	 *      This may make sense if the program does not want to 
	 *      be notified of data available or errors.
	 *	ret=ioctl(fd,TIOCMIWAIT);
		if( ioctl( fd, TIOCGICOUNT, &sis ) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "TIOCGICOUNT Failed\n" );
		while( sis.frame != osis.frame ) {
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method, (jint)SPE_FE, JNI_TRUE );
		while( sis.overrun != osis.overrun ) {
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method, (jint)SPE_OE, JNI_TRUE );
		while( sis.parity != osis.parity ) {
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method, (jint)SPE_PE, JNI_TRUE );
		while( sis.brk != osis.brk ) {
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method, (jint)SPE_BI, JNI_TRUE );
		osis = sis;
#endif /*  TIOCGICOUNT */
		if( ioctl( fd, TIOCMGET, &mflags ) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "TIOCMGET Failed\n" );
		interrupted = (*env)->CallStaticBooleanMethod( env, jthread, interrupt );
	       /* A Portable implementation */
		change = (mflags&TIOCM_CTS) - (omflags&TIOCM_CTS);
		if( change ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Sending SPE_CTS\n");
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method,
				(jint)SPE_CTS, JNI_TRUE );
		change = (mflags&TIOCM_DSR) - (omflags&TIOCM_DSR);
		if( change ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Sending SPE_DSR\n");
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method,
				(jint)SPE_DSR, JNI_TRUE );
		change = (mflags&TIOCM_RNG) - (omflags&TIOCM_RNG);
		if( change ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Sending SPE_RI\n");
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method,
				(jint)SPE_RI, JNI_TRUE );
		change = (mflags&TIOCM_CD) - (omflags&TIOCM_CD);
		if( change ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Sending SPE_CD\n");
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method,
				(jint)SPE_CD, JNI_TRUE );
		omflags = mflags;
		if( ioctl( fd, FIONREAD, &change ) ) {
			fprintf( stderr, "FIONREAD Failed\n" );
		else if( change ) {
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, jobj, method,
			usleep(1000); /* select wont block */
Ejemplo n.º 12

   accept:     duration in milliseconds.
   perform:    send break for actual time.  not less than 0.25 seconds.
   exceptions: none
   comments:   not very precise
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_gnu_io_I2CPort_sendBreak( JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj, jint duration )
	int fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );
	tcsendbreak( fd, (int)( duration / 250 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 13

   accept:      none
   perform:     periodically check for ParallelPortEvents
   return:      none
   exceptions:  none
   comments:    lots of work needed here.  Yes its a mess.
struct lp_stats
	unsigned long chars;
	unsigned long sleeps;
	unsigned int maxrun;
	unsigned int maxwait;
	unsigned int meanwait;
	unsigned int mdev;

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL LPRPort(eventLoop)( JNIEnv *env,
	jobject jobj )
	int fd, ret;
	unsigned int pflags = 0;
	fd_set rfds;
	struct timeval sleep;
	jboolean interrupted = 0;

	fd = get_java_var( env, jobj,"fd","I" );

	interrupted = is_interrupted(env, jobj);

	FD_ZERO( &rfds );
	while( !interrupted )
		FD_SET( fd, &rfds );
		/* Check every 1 second, or on receive data */
		sleep.tv_sec = 1;	
		sleep.tv_usec = 0;
		do {
			ret = select( fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &sleep );
		while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);
		if( ret < 0 ) break;
		interrupted = is_interrupted(env, jobj);
		if(interrupted) {

#if defined(LPGETSTATUS)
		ioctl( fd, LPGETSTATUS, &pflags );
#elif defined(WIN32)
		pflags = getWin32ParallelStatusFlags(fd);
	/*  FIXME??  */
	printf("ParallelImp.c LPGETSTATUS is undefined!\n");


#if defined(PARALLEL_BUSY)
		if (pflags & PARALLEL_BUSY)
			send_event( env, jobj, PAR_EV_ERROR, JNI_TRUE );
#elif defined(LP_BUSY)
		if (pflags&LP_BUSY)    /* inverted input, active high */
			send_event( env, jobj, PAR_EV_ERROR, JNI_TRUE );
#elif defined(EBUSY)
		if (pflags&EBUSY)    /* inverted input, active high */
			send_event( env, jobj, PAR_EV_ERROR, JNI_TRUE );
#endif /* EBUSY LP_BUSY */
/*  FIXME  this has moved into the ifdef __kernel__?  Need to get the
           posix documentation on this.
		if (pflags&LP_ACK)
			send_event( env, jobj, PAR_EV_ERROR, JNI_TRUE );

#if defined (__linux__)
		/* unchanged input, active low */
		if (pflags&LP_NOPA)   /* unchanged input, active high */
			send_event( env, jobj, PAR_EV_ERROR, 1 );
		if (pflags&LP_SELEC)  /* unchanged input, active high */
			send_event( env, jobj, PAR_EV_ERROR, 1 );
		if (pflags&LP_ERR)  /* unchanged input, active low */
			send_event( env, jobj, PAR_EV_ERROR, 1 );
	/*  FIXME??  */
	printf("ParallelImp.c LPGETSTATUS is undefined!\n");