Ejemplo n.º 1
void R_set_response(SEXP learnsample, SEXP y) {

    double *v, *t, *j, *dy, *p;
    int i, n;
    n = LENGTH(y);
    dy = REAL(y);
    if (LENGTH(R_get_response(learnsample)) != n)
        error("lengths of arguments don't match");
    v = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_responsesSym), 
                                 PL2_variablesSym), 0));
    t = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_responsesSym), 
                                 PL2_transformationsSym), 0));
    j = REAL(get_test_trafo(GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_responsesSym)));
    p = REAL(get_predict_trafo(GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_responsesSym)));
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        v[i] = dy[i];
        t[i] = dy[i];
        j[i] = dy[i];
        p[i] = dy[i];
Ejemplo n.º 2
SEXP R_TreeGrow(SEXP learnsample, SEXP weights, SEXP controls) {
     SEXP ans, tree, where, nweights, fitmem;
     double *dnweights, *dweights;
     int nobs, i, nodenum = 1, *iwhere;

     PROTECT(fitmem = ctree_memory(learnsample, PROTECT(ScalarLogical(1))));
     nobs = get_nobs(learnsample);
     PROTECT(ans = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
     SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, where = allocVector(INTSXP, nobs));
     iwhere = INTEGER(where);
     for (int i = 0; i < nobs; i++) iwhere[i] = 0;
     SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, tree = allocVector(VECSXP, NODE_LENGTH));
     C_init_node(tree, nobs, get_ninputs(learnsample), get_maxsurrogate(get_splitctrl(controls)),
                 ncol(get_predict_trafo(GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_responsesSym))));

     nweights = S3get_nodeweights(tree);
     dnweights = REAL(nweights);
     dweights = REAL(weights);
     for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) dnweights[i] = dweights[i];
     C_TreeGrow(tree, learnsample, fitmem, controls, iwhere, &nodenum, 1);

     if (LOGICAL(GET_SLOT(get_tgctrl(controls), PL2_remove_weightsSym))[0])
         C_remove_weights(tree, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: Node.c Proyecto: rforge/party
void C_Node(SEXP node, SEXP learnsample, SEXP weights,
            SEXP fitmem, SEXP controls, int TERMINAL, int depth) {

    int nobs, ninputs, jselect, q, j, k, i;
    double mincriterion, sweights, *dprediction;
    double *teststat, *pvalue, smax, cutpoint = 0.0, maxstat = 0.0;
    double *standstat, *splitstat;
    SEXP responses, inputs, x, expcovinf, linexpcov;
    SEXP varctrl, splitctrl, gtctrl, tgctrl, split, testy, predy;
    double *dxtransf, *thisweights;
    int *itable;

    nobs = get_nobs(learnsample);
    ninputs = get_ninputs(learnsample);
    varctrl = get_varctrl(controls);
    splitctrl = get_splitctrl(controls);
    gtctrl = get_gtctrl(controls);
    tgctrl = get_tgctrl(controls);
    mincriterion = get_mincriterion(gtctrl);
    responses = GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_responsesSym);
    inputs = GET_SLOT(learnsample, PL2_inputsSym);
    testy = get_test_trafo(responses);
    predy = get_predict_trafo(responses);
    q = ncol(testy);

    /* <FIXME> we compute C_GlobalTest even for TERMINAL nodes! </FIXME> */

    /* compute the test statistics and the node criteria for each input */
    C_GlobalTest(learnsample, weights, fitmem, varctrl,
                 gtctrl, get_minsplit(splitctrl),
                 REAL(S3get_teststat(node)), REAL(S3get_criterion(node)), depth);

    /* sum of weights: C_GlobalTest did nothing if sweights < mincriterion */
    sweights = REAL(GET_SLOT(GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_expcovinfSym),
    REAL(VECTOR_ELT(node, S3_SUMWEIGHTS))[0] = sweights;

    /* compute the prediction of this node */
    dprediction = REAL(S3get_prediction(node));

    /* <FIXME> feed raw numeric values OR dummy encoded factors as y
       Problem: what happens for survival times ? */
    C_prediction(REAL(predy), nobs, ncol(predy), REAL(weights),
                 sweights, dprediction);
    /* </FIXME> */

    teststat = REAL(S3get_teststat(node));
    pvalue = REAL(S3get_criterion(node));

    /* try the two out of ninputs best inputs variables */
    /* <FIXME> be more flexible and add a parameter controlling
               the number of inputs tried </FIXME> */
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {

        smax = C_max(pvalue, ninputs);
        REAL(S3get_maxcriterion(node))[0] = smax;

        /* if the global null hypothesis was rejected */
        if (smax > mincriterion && !TERMINAL) {

            /* the input variable with largest association to the response */
            jselect = C_whichmax(pvalue, teststat, ninputs) + 1;

            /* get the raw numeric values or the codings of a factor */
            x = get_variable(inputs, jselect);
            if (has_missings(inputs, jselect)) {
                expcovinf = GET_SLOT(get_varmemory(fitmem, jselect),
                thisweights = C_tempweights(jselect, weights, fitmem, inputs);
            } else {
                expcovinf = GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_expcovinfSym);
                thisweights = REAL(weights);

            /* <FIXME> handle ordered factors separatly??? </FIXME> */
            if (!is_nominal(inputs, jselect)) {

                /* search for a split in a ordered variable x */
                split = S3get_primarysplit(node);

                /* check if the n-vector of splitstatistics
                   should be returned for each primary split */
                if (get_savesplitstats(tgctrl)) {
                    C_init_orderedsplit(split, nobs);
                    splitstat = REAL(S3get_splitstatistics(split));
                } else {
                    C_init_orderedsplit(split, 0);
                    splitstat = REAL(get_splitstatistics(fitmem));

                C_split(REAL(x), 1, REAL(testy), q, thisweights, nobs,
                        INTEGER(get_ordering(inputs, jselect)), splitctrl,
                        GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_linexpcov2sampleSym),
                        expcovinf, REAL(S3get_splitpoint(split)), &maxstat,
                S3set_variableID(split, jselect);
            } else {

                /* search of a set of levels (split) in a numeric variable x */
                split = S3get_primarysplit(node);

                /* check if the n-vector of splitstatistics
                   should be returned for each primary split */
                if (get_savesplitstats(tgctrl)) {
                                        LENGTH(get_levels(inputs, jselect)),
                    splitstat = REAL(S3get_splitstatistics(split));
                } else {
                                        LENGTH(get_levels(inputs, jselect)),
                    splitstat = REAL(get_splitstatistics(fitmem));

                linexpcov = get_varmemory(fitmem, jselect);
                standstat = Calloc(get_dimension(linexpcov), double);
                              REAL(GET_SLOT(linexpcov, PL2_expectationSym)),
                              REAL(GET_SLOT(linexpcov, PL2_covarianceSym)),
                              get_dimension(linexpcov), get_tol(splitctrl),

                                   LENGTH(get_levels(inputs, jselect)),
                                   REAL(testy), q, thisweights,
                                   nobs, standstat, splitctrl,
                                   GET_SLOT(fitmem, PL2_linexpcov2sampleSym),
                                   expcovinf, &cutpoint,
                                   &maxstat, splitstat);

                /* compute which levels of a factor are available in this node
                   (for printing) later on. A real `table' for this node would
                   induce too much overhead here. Maybe later. */

                itable = INTEGER(S3get_table(split));
                dxtransf = REAL(get_transformation(inputs, jselect));
                for (k = 0; k < LENGTH(get_levels(inputs, jselect)); k++) {
                    itable[k] = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) {
                        if (dxtransf[k * nobs + i] * thisweights[i] > 0) {
                            itable[k] = 1;

            if (maxstat == 0) {
                if (j == 1) {
                } else {
                    /* do not look at jselect in next iteration */
                    pvalue[jselect - 1] = R_NegInf;
            } else {
                S3set_variableID(split, jselect);
        } else {