Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: res32.c Proyecto: bilboed/wine
/* output the resources into a .o file */
void output_res_o_file( DLLSPEC *spec )
    unsigned int i;
    char *res_file = NULL;
    int fd, err;

    if (!spec->nb_resources) fatal_error( "--resources mode needs at least one resource file as input\n" );
    if (!output_file_name) fatal_error( "No output file name specified\n" );

    byte_swapped = 0;

    put_dword( 0 );      /* ResSize */
    put_dword( 32 );     /* HeaderSize */
    put_word( 0xffff );  /* ResType */
    put_word( 0x0000 );
    put_word( 0xffff );  /* ResName */
    put_word( 0x0000 );
    put_dword( 0 );      /* DataVersion */
    put_word( 0 );       /* Memory options */
    put_word( 0 );       /* Language */
    put_dword( 0 );      /* Version */
    put_dword( 0 );      /* Characteristics */

    for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_resources; i++)
        unsigned int header_size = get_resource_header_size( &spec->resources[i] );

        put_dword( spec->resources[i].data_size );
        put_dword( (header_size + 3) & ~3 );
        put_string( &spec->resources[i].type );
        put_string( &spec->resources[i].name );
        align_output( 4 );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_word( spec->resources[i].mem_options );
        put_word( spec->resources[i].lang );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_data( spec->resources[i].data, spec->resources[i].data_size );
        align_output( 4 );

    /* if the output file name is a .res too, don't run the results through windres */
    if (strendswith( output_file_name, ".res"))

    res_file = get_temp_file_name( output_file_name, ".res" );
    if ((fd = open( res_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0600 )) == -1)
        fatal_error( "Cannot create %s\n", res_file );
    if (write( fd, output_buffer, output_buffer_pos ) != output_buffer_pos)
        fatal_error( "Error writing to %s\n", res_file );
    close( fd );
    free( output_buffer );

    if (res_file)
        char *prog = find_tool( "windres", NULL );
        char *cmd = xmalloc( strlen(prog) + strlen(res_file) + strlen(output_file_name) + 9 );
        sprintf( cmd, "%s -i %s -o %s", prog, res_file, output_file_name );
        if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", cmd );
        err = system( cmd );
        if (err) fatal_error( "%s failed with status %d\n", prog, err );
        free( cmd );
        free( prog );
    output_file_name = NULL;  /* so we don't try to assemble it */
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* output the resources into a .o file */
void output_res_o_file( DLLSPEC *spec )
    unsigned int i;
    char *res_file = NULL;
    int fd;
    struct strarray *args;

    if (!spec->nb_resources) fatal_error( "--resources mode needs at least one resource file as input\n" );
    if (!output_file_name) fatal_error( "No output file name specified\n" );

    qsort( spec->resources, spec->nb_resources, sizeof(*spec->resources), cmp_res );
    remove_duplicate_resources( spec );

    byte_swapped = 0;

    put_dword( 0 );      /* ResSize */
    put_dword( 32 );     /* HeaderSize */
    put_word( 0xffff );  /* ResType */
    put_word( 0x0000 );
    put_word( 0xffff );  /* ResName */
    put_word( 0x0000 );
    put_dword( 0 );      /* DataVersion */
    put_word( 0 );       /* Memory options */
    put_word( 0 );       /* Language */
    put_dword( 0 );      /* Version */
    put_dword( 0 );      /* Characteristics */

    for (i = 0; i < spec->nb_resources; i++)
        unsigned int header_size = get_resource_header_size( &spec->resources[i] );

        put_dword( spec->resources[i].data_size );
        put_dword( (header_size + 3) & ~3 );
        put_string( &spec->resources[i].type );
        put_string( &spec->resources[i].name );
        align_output( 4 );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_word( spec->resources[i].mem_options );
        put_word( spec->resources[i].lang );
        put_dword( spec->resources[i].version );
        put_dword( 0 );
        put_data( spec->resources[i].data, spec->resources[i].data_size );
        align_output( 4 );

    /* if the output file name is a .res too, don't run the results through windres */
    if (strendswith( output_file_name, ".res"))

    res_file = get_temp_file_name( output_file_name, ".res" );
    if ((fd = open( res_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0600 )) == -1)
        fatal_error( "Cannot create %s\n", res_file );
    if (write( fd, output_buffer, output_buffer_pos ) != output_buffer_pos)
        fatal_error( "Error writing to %s\n", res_file );
    close( fd );
    free( output_buffer );

    args = find_tool( "windres", NULL );
    strarray_add( args, "-i", res_file, "-o", output_file_name, NULL );
    spawn( args );
    strarray_free( args );

    output_file_name = NULL;  /* so we don't try to assemble it */