virtual ~request_handlers() { std::for_each( boost::make_transform_iterator(request_handlers_.begin(), get_spec()), boost::make_transform_iterator(request_handlers_.end(), get_spec()), std::default_delete<request_spec>()); std::for_each( boost::make_transform_iterator(request_handlers_.begin(), get_handler()), boost::make_transform_iterator(request_handlers_.end(), get_handler()), std::default_delete<request_handler>()); }
request_handler *find(std::string const &request) { auto end(boost::make_transform_iterator(request_handlers_.end(), get_spec())); auto found_spec( std::find_if( boost::make_transform_iterator(request_handlers_.begin(), get_spec()), end, spec_conformed(request))); if (found_spec == end) return 0; auto found_pair(found_spec.base()); return found_pair->second; }
void options_c::merge_targets() { std::map<uint64_t, track_target_c *> targets_by_track_uid; std::vector<target_cptr> targets_to_keep; for (auto &target : m_targets) { auto track_target = dynamic_cast<track_target_c *>(target.get()); if (!track_target || dynamic_cast<segment_info_target_c *>(target.get())) { targets_to_keep.push_back(target); continue; } auto existing_target_it = targets_by_track_uid.find(track_target->get_track_uid()); auto track_uid = target->get_track_uid(); if (targets_by_track_uid.end() == existing_target_it) { targets_to_keep.push_back(target); targets_by_track_uid[track_uid] = track_target; continue; } existing_target_it->second->merge_changes(*track_target); mxwarn(boost::format(Y("The edit specifications '%1%' and '%2%' resolve to the same track with the UID %3%.\n")) % existing_target_it->second->get_spec() % track_target->get_spec() % track_uid); } m_targets.swap(targets_to_keep); }
t_color get_ambiant_light(t_scene scene, t_vector ray, t_obj object, t_point inter) { t_llst *tmp; t_point light_inter; double norm; tmp = scene.lst_light; scene.color = new_color(0, 0, 0); while (tmp) { light_inter = new_point(inter.x - tmp->light->, inter.y - tmp->light->, inter.z - tmp->light->; norm = sqrt(pow(light_inter.x, 2) + pow(light_inter.y, 2) + pow(light_inter.z, 2)); scene.normal = object.normal(object, inter, ray); light_inter = new_point((double)light_inter.x / norm, light_inter.y / norm, light_inter.z / norm); scene.scal = scalar_prod(light_inter, scene.normal); scene.ray = ray.dir; if (norm_is_shit(scene, *(tmp->light), inter, norm) && scene.scal >= 0.000000000000000000001) scene.color = calc_color(get_spec(scene, *(tmp->light), light_inter, object), object.texturing(object, inter, ray), *(tmp->light), scene.scal); tmp = tmp->next; } return (scene.color); }
MonoTraceSpec * mono_trace_parse_options (const char *options) { char *p = (char*)options; int size = 1; int last_used; int token; trace_spec.enabled = TRUE; if (*p == 0){ trace_spec.len = 1; trace_spec.ops = g_new0 (MonoTraceOperation, 1); trace_spec.ops [0].op = MONO_TRACEOP_ALL; return &trace_spec; } for (p = (char*)options; *p != 0; p++) if (*p == ',') size++; trace_spec.ops = g_new0 (MonoTraceOperation, size); input = (char*)options; last_used = 0; while ((token = (get_spec (&last_used))) != TOKEN_END){ if (token == TOKEN_ERROR) return NULL; if (token == TOKEN_SEPARATOR) continue; } trace_spec.len = last_used; cleanup (); return &trace_spec; }
static int get_spec (int *last) { int token = get_token (); if (token == TOKEN_EXCLUDE){ token = get_spec (last); if (token == TOKEN_EXCLUDE){ fprintf (stderr, "Expecting an expression"); return TOKEN_ERROR; } if (token == TOKEN_ERROR) return token; trace_spec.ops [(*last)-1].exclude = 1; return TOKEN_SEPARATOR; } if (token == TOKEN_END || token == TOKEN_SEPARATOR || token == TOKEN_ERROR) return token; if (token == TOKEN_METHOD){ MonoMethodDesc *desc = mono_method_desc_new (value, TRUE); if (desc == NULL){ fprintf (stderr, "Invalid method name: %s\n", value); return TOKEN_ERROR; } trace_spec.ops [*last].op = MONO_TRACEOP_METHOD; trace_spec.ops [*last].data = desc; } else if (token == TOKEN_ALL) trace_spec.ops [*last].op = MONO_TRACEOP_ALL; else if (token == TOKEN_PROGRAM) trace_spec.ops [*last].op = MONO_TRACEOP_PROGRAM; else if (token == TOKEN_WRAPPER) trace_spec.ops [*last].op = MONO_TRACEOP_WRAPPER; else if (token == TOKEN_NAMESPACE){ trace_spec.ops [*last].op = MONO_TRACEOP_NAMESPACE; trace_spec.ops [*last].data = g_strdup (value); } else if (token == TOKEN_CLASS || token == TOKEN_EXCEPTION){ char *p = strrchr (value, '.'); if (p) { *p++ = 0; trace_spec.ops [*last].data = g_strdup (value); trace_spec.ops [*last].data2 = g_strdup (p); } else { trace_spec.ops [*last].data = g_strdup (""); trace_spec.ops [*last].data2 = g_strdup (value); } trace_spec.ops [*last].op = token == TOKEN_CLASS ? MONO_TRACEOP_CLASS : MONO_TRACEOP_EXCEPTION; } else if (token == TOKEN_STRING){ trace_spec.ops [*last].op = MONO_TRACEOP_ASSEMBLY; trace_spec.ops [*last].data = g_strdup (value); } else if (token == TOKEN_DISABLED) { trace_spec.enabled = FALSE; } else { fprintf (stderr, "Syntax error in trace option specification\n"); return TOKEN_ERROR; } (*last)++; return TOKEN_SEPARATOR; }
void de_get_extra_cgrps(WRootWin *rootwin, DEStyle *style, ExtlTab tab) { uint i=0, nfailed=0, n=extl_table_get_n(tab); char *name; ExtlTab sub; if(n==0) return; style->extra_cgrps=ALLOC_N(DEColourGroup, n); if(style->extra_cgrps==NULL) return; for(i=0; i<n-nfailed; i++){ GrStyleSpec spec; if(!extl_table_geti_t(tab, i+1, &sub)) goto err; if(!get_spec(sub, "substyle_pattern", &spec, NULL)){ extl_unref_table(sub); goto err; } style->extra_cgrps[i-nfailed].spec=spec; de_get_colour_group(rootwin, style->extra_cgrps+i-nfailed, sub, style); extl_unref_table(sub); continue; err: warn(TR("Corrupt substyle table %d."), i); nfailed++; } if(n-nfailed==0){ free(style->extra_cgrps); style->extra_cgrps=NULL; } style->n_extra_cgrps=n-nfailed; }
void help_scr_control(void){ char c; if ((c = get_spec()) != 0){ switch(c){ case 5: scr_ch(prev_scr); break; /// @todo Rozhodnout o implementaci tlačítka START case 21: // F11 - Strorno měření kf_zrusit(); break; case 22: //F12 // Odeslání dat. send_data(); break; default: break; } } }
void change_c::execute_add_or_set() { size_t idx; unsigned int num_found = 0; for (idx = 0; m_master->ListSize() > idx; ++idx) { if (m_property.m_callbacks->GlobalId != (*m_master)[idx]->Generic().GlobalId) continue; if (change_c::ct_set == m_type) set_element_at(idx); ++num_found; } if (0 == num_found) { do_add_element(); if (1 < verbose) mxinfo(boost::format(Y("Change for '%1%' executed. No property of this type found. One entry added.\n")) % get_spec()); return; } if (change_c::ct_set == m_type) { if (1 < verbose) mxinfo(boost::format(Y("Change for '%1%' executed. Number of entries set: %2%.\n")) % get_spec() % num_found); return; } const EbmlSemantic *semantic = get_semantic(); if (semantic && semantic->Unique) mxerror(boost::format(Y("This property is unique. More instances cannot be added in '%1%'. %2%\n")) % get_spec() % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); do_add_element(); if (1 < verbose) mxinfo(boost::format(Y("Change for '%1%' executed. One entry added.\n")) % get_spec()); }
void super_blit(SuperBlitable *superb, SDL_Surface *dest, int x, int y, int angle) { SDL_Surface *s_final; Uint32 curr_spec = get_spec(); if ((superb->last_spec != curr_spec) || \ (superb->curr_flag != SB_CF_NORMAL)) { SDL_Surface *s_n_spec; Uint8 sr, sg, sb; SDL_GetRGB(curr_spec, get_spec_fmt(), &sr, &sg, &sb); SDL_FreeSurface(superb->curr); superb->curr = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(superb->orig); s_n_spec = SDL_ConvertSurface(superb->spec, superb->spec->format, 0); change_style(s_n_spec, SDL_MapRGB(s_n_spec->format, sr, sg, sb)); change_spec(superb->curr, s_n_spec); set_alpha_channel(superb->curr, superb->alph); SDL_FreeSurface(s_n_spec); superb->curr_flag = SB_CF_NORMAL; } s_final = rotozoomSurface(superb->curr, angle, 1, 0); center_blit(s_final, dest, x, y); SDL_FreeSurface(s_final); }
void change_c::parse_date_time() { // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 boost::regex re{"^ (\\d{4}) - (\\d{2}) - (\\d{2}) (?: T | \\h) (\\d{2}) : (\\d{2}) : (\\d{2}) \\h* ( Z | ([+-]) (\\d{2}) : (\\d{2}) ) $", boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::mod_x}; boost::smatch matches; int64_t year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds; int64_t offset_hours = 0, offset_minutes = 0, offset_mult = 1; auto valid = boost::regex_match(m_value, matches, re); if (valid) valid = parse_number(matches[1].str(), year) && parse_number(matches[2].str(), month) && parse_number(matches[3].str(), day) && parse_number(matches[4].str(), hours) && parse_number(matches[5].str(), minutes) && parse_number(matches[6].str(), seconds); if (valid && (matches[7].str() != "Z")) { valid = parse_number(matches[9].str(), offset_hours) && parse_number(matches[10].str(), offset_minutes); if (matches[8].str() == "-") offset_mult = -1; } valid = valid && (year >= 1900) && (month >= 1) && (month <= 12) && (day >= 1) && (day <= 31) && (hours >= 0) && (hours <= 23) && (minutes >= 0) && (minutes <= 59) && (offset_hours >= 0) && (offset_hours <= 23) && (offset_minutes >= 0) && (offset_minutes <= 59); if (valid) { try { auto date_time = boost::posix_time::ptime{ boost::gregorian::date(year, month, day), boost::posix_time::time_duration(hours, minutes, seconds) }; if (!date_time.is_not_a_date_time()) { auto tz_offset = (offset_hours * 60 + offset_minutes) * offset_mult; date_time -= boost::posix_time::minutes(tz_offset); } if (!date_time.is_not_a_date_time()) m_ui_value = mtx::date_time::to_time_t(date_time); return; } catch (std::out_of_range &) { } } mxerror(boost::format("%1% %2% %3% %4%\n") % (boost::format(Y("The property value is not a valid date & time string in '%1%'.")) % get_spec()).str() % Y("The recognized format is 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS+zz:zz': the year, month, day, letter 'T', hours, minutes, seconds and the time zone's offset from UTC; example: 2017-03-28T17:28-02:00.") % Y("The letter 'Z' can be used instead of the time zone's offset from UTC to indicate UTC aka Zulu time.") % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); }
void gvcst_root_search(void) { srch_blk_status *h0; uchar_ptr_t c, c1; sm_uc_ptr_t rp; unsigned short rlen, hdr_len; uchar_ptr_t subrec_ptr; enum cdb_sc status; boolean_t gbl_target_was_set; gv_namehead *save_targ; mname_entry *gvent; int altkeylen; assert((dba_bg == gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->acc_meth) || (dba_mm == gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->acc_meth)); assert(gv_altkey->top == gv_currkey->top); assert(gv_altkey->top == gv_keysize); assert(gv_currkey->end < gv_currkey->top); for (c = gv_altkey->base, c1 = gv_currkey->base; *c1;) *c++ = *c1++; *c++ = 0; *c = 0; gv_altkey->end = c - gv_altkey->base; assert(gv_altkey->end < gv_altkey->top); assert(gv_target != cs_addrs->dir_tree); save_targ = gv_target; /* Check if "gv_target->gvname" matches "gv_altkey->base". If not, there is a name mismatch (out-of-design situation). * This check is temporary until we catch the situation that caused D9H02-002641 */ /* --- Check BEGIN --- */ gvent = &save_targ->gvname; altkeylen = gv_altkey->end - 1; if (!altkeylen || (altkeylen != gvent->var_name.len) || memcmp(gv_altkey->base, gvent->var_name.addr, gvent->var_name.len)) GTMASSERT; /* --- Check END --- */ if (INVALID_GV_TARGET != reset_gv_target) gbl_target_was_set = TRUE; else { gbl_target_was_set = FALSE; reset_gv_target = save_targ; } gv_target = cs_addrs->dir_tree; if (is_standalone) /* *&& (0 != gv_target->clue.end) && (FALSE == is_valid_hist(&gv_target->hist))) */ gv_target->clue.end = 0; T_BEGIN_READ_NONTP_OR_TP(ERR_GVGETFAIL); assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE || cs_addrs->now_crit); /* we better hold crit in the final retry (TP & non-TP) */ for (;;) { hdr_len = rlen = 0; gv_target = cs_addrs->dir_tree; if (dollar_trestart) gv_target->clue.end = 0; if (cdb_sc_normal == (status = gvcst_search(gv_altkey, 0))) { if (gv_altkey->end + 1 == gv_target->hist.h[0].curr_rec.match) { h0 = gv_target->hist.h; rp = (h0->buffaddr + h0->curr_rec.offset); hdr_len = sizeof(rec_hdr) + gv_altkey->end + 1 - ((rec_hdr_ptr_t)rp)->cmpc; GET_USHORT(rlen, rp); if (FALSE == (CHKRECLEN(rp, h0->buffaddr, rlen)) || (rlen < hdr_len + sizeof(block_id))) { gv_target->clue.end = 0; RESET_GV_TARGET_LCL(save_targ); t_retry(cdb_sc_rmisalign); continue; } GET_LONG(save_targ->root, (rp + hdr_len)); if (rlen > hdr_len + sizeof(block_id)) { assert(NULL != global_collation_mstr.addr || 0 == global_collation_mstr.len); if (global_collation_mstr.len < rlen - (hdr_len + sizeof(block_id))) { if (NULL != global_collation_mstr.addr) free(global_collation_mstr.addr); global_collation_mstr.len = rlen - (hdr_len + SIZEOF(block_id)); global_collation_mstr.addr = (char *)malloc(global_collation_mstr.len); } /* the memcpy needs to be done here instead of out of for loop for * concurrency consideration. We don't use s2pool because the pointer rp is 64 bits */ memcpy(global_collation_mstr.addr, rp + hdr_len + sizeof(block_id), rlen - (hdr_len + sizeof(block_id))); } if (0 != dollar_tlevel) { status = tp_hist(NULL); if (cdb_sc_normal != status) { gv_target->clue.end = 0; RESET_GV_TARGET_LCL(save_targ); gv_target->root = 0; t_retry(status); continue; } break; } } if (0 == dollar_tlevel) { if ((trans_num)0 != t_end(&gv_target->hist, 0)) break; } else { status = tp_hist(NULL); if (cdb_sc_normal == status) break; gv_target->clue.end = 0; RESET_GV_TARGET_LCL(save_targ); gv_target->root = 0; t_retry(status); continue; } save_targ->root = 0; } else { gv_target->clue.end = 0; RESET_GV_TARGET_LCL(save_targ); t_retry(status); continue; } } RESET_GV_TARGET_LCL_AND_CLR_GBL(save_targ); if (rlen > hdr_len + sizeof(block_id)) { assert(NULL != global_collation_mstr.addr); subrec_ptr = get_spec((uchar_ptr_t)global_collation_mstr.addr, (int)(rlen - (hdr_len + sizeof(block_id))), COLL_SPEC); if (subrec_ptr) { gv_target->nct = *(subrec_ptr + COLL_NCT_OFFSET); gv_target->act = *(subrec_ptr + COLL_ACT_OFFSET); gv_target->ver = *(subrec_ptr + COLL_VER_OFFSET); } else { gv_target->nct = 0; gv_target->act = 0; gv_target->ver = 0; } } else { gv_target->nct = 0; gv_target->act = cs_addrs->hdr->def_coll; gv_target->ver = cs_addrs->hdr->def_coll_ver; } if (gv_target->act) act_in_gvt(); assert(gv_target->act || NULL == gv_target->collseq); return; }
void change_c::parse_signed_integer() { if (!parse_number(m_value, m_si_value)) mxerror(boost::format(Y("The property value is not a valid signed integer in '%1%'. %2%\n")) % get_spec() % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); }
main() { static char text[MAXSEARCH]; /* Pointer to buffer for search text */ static char date_time[19]; /* Receive file date and time */ int err, mode, handle, len; /* Codes, file handle, bytes read */ int row, col, ch; /* Cursor coordinates, kb character */ int i, j, attr; /* Index variables, file attribute */ int disp_attr; /* Display attribute */ char *spec, *ptr, *buffer; /* File spec, char match, read buffer */ long dsize, disk_use; /* Disk size and usage */ struct DISKSTAT disk; /* Structure for disk size params */ static char copy_msg[] = { "Files can be copied or moved in 2 different modes:\n" \ " 0 - overwrite target file if it exists\n" \ " 1 - abort if target file exists\n\n" \ "Mode 1 is supported only with DOS versions 3.0 or higher.\n" }; static char move_msg[] = { "Quick Move uses DOS function 56h (Rename File) to effectively " \ "move a file from\none directory to another directory on the " \ "same drive. It copies the entry\nfrom the source directory to " \ "the target directory, but does not physically\ncopy the file.\n\n" \ "Source and target specifications must be given in full, " \ "including filenames,\neven if the names are the same." }; static char grep_msg[] = { "The Find Text option uses the StrFindChar and StrCompare procedures " \ "to locate\na text string within specified files, like Unix's " \ "\"grep\" command. Find Text\nis limited to case-sensitive searches " \ "within the current directory.\n\nEnter the desired search string " \ "without quotation marks. When specifying the\nfilename, use " \ "wildcard characters to expand the search to a group of files --\n" \ "for example, \"*.*\" searches all files within the current " \ "directory, \"*.bat\"\nlimits the search to batch files, and so forth." }; static char attr_msg[] = { "\t\t\t1 normal \n" \ "\t\t\t2 read-only \n" \ "\t\t\t3 hidden \n" \ "\t\t\t4 system \n" \ "\t\t\t volume \n" \ "\t\t\t subdirectory\n" \ "\t\t\t5 archive \n" }; GetVidConfig(); ReadCharAttr( &disp_attr ); clear_scrn( disp_attr, 0, 24 ); SetCurPos( 8, 0 ); puts( "Welcome to the FILEDEMO program.\n\n\nThis program is meant " \ "to encourage experimentation while demonstrating how to\naccess " \ "DOS from assembly-language procedures. As a safety precaution, " \ "however,\nwe suggest you DO NOT experiment with files that " \ "cannot easily be replaced." ); press(); do { /* Display current drive and directory */ clear_scrn( disp_attr, 0, 24 ); SetCurPos( 0, 0 ); printf( "Current Directory: %c:\\", (char)(GetCurDrive() + 'A') ); GetCurDir( source ); puts( source ); /* Display DOS version */ SetCurPos( 1, 0 ); printf( "DOS Version: %2.1f", ( (float) GetVer() ) / 100 ); /* Display disk statistics for current drive */ SetCurPos( 0, 58 ); GetDiskSize( 0, &disk ); dsize = (long)disk.bytes * disk.sects *; disk_use = (long)( - disk.avail) * disk.bytes * disk.sects; printf( "Disk Size: %6lu K", dsize / 1024 ); SetCurPos( 1, 58 ); printf( "Disk Use: %6lu K", disk_use / 1024 ); /* Display menu and poll for keystroke */ clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 23 ); SetCurPos( 5, 0 ); puts( " \t *** FILE " \ "Demonstration Program ***" ); SetCurPos( 7, 0 ); puts( " \tA List Directory \t\tH Get/Set File Attribute" ); puts( " \tB Copy File \t\tI Get File Date and Time" ); puts( " \tC Move File \t\tJ Rename File" ); puts( " \tD Make Subdirectory \t\tK Delete File" ); puts( " \tE Remove Subdirectory \t\tL Create Unique File" ); puts( " \tF Change Default Drive \t\tM Quick Move" ); puts( " \tG Change Directory \t\tN Find Text" ); printf( "\n\n\tSelect an option, or press ESC to quit: " ); ch = getch(); switch( (ch = toupper( ch )) ) { /* List first 60 files in specified directory */ case 'A': err = list_dir( get_spec( 1 ), disp_attr ); if( !err ) press(); break; /* Copy or Move File according to requested mode: * 0 = overwrite target * 1 = abort if target exists * If Move requested, delete source file after copy. */ case 'B': case 'C': clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 ); SetCurPos( 9, 0 ); puts( copy_msg ); mode = -1; while( (mode < 0) || (mode > 1) ) { SetCurPos( 16, 0 ); printf( "Enter copy mode: " ); mode = (int)(getche() - '0'); } spec = get_spec( 2 ); /* Get source */ strcpy( source, spec ); /* Save in buffer */ spec = get_spec( 3 ); /* Get target */ err = CopyFile( mode, source, spec ); if( (ch == 'C') && !err ) err = DelFile( source ); break; /* Make Directory */ case 'D': err = MakeDir( get_spec( 1 ) ); break; /* Remove Directory */ case 'E': err = RemoveDir( get_spec( 1 ) ); break; /* Change Default Drive */ case 'F': SetCurPos( 18, 0 ); printf( "Enter new drive letter: " ); ch = getch(); ch = toupper( ch ); ChangeDrive( ch ); err = 0; break; /* Change Directory */ case 'G': err = ChangeDir( get_spec( 1 ) ); break; /* Get and Set File Attributes */ case 'H': strcpy( source, get_spec( 3 ) ); if( (err = GetAttribute( source )) != -1 ) { attr = err; if( !attr ) attr_msg[6] = '*'; else attr_msg[6] = ' '; for( j = 1, i = 27; j <= 32; j <<= 1, i+= 21 ) { attr_msg[i] = ' '; if( attr & j ) attr_msg[i] = '*'; } err = 0; clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 ); SetCurPos( 7, 0 ); puts( attr_msg ); printf( "\n\nToggle attribute bits by selecting 1-5, " \ "or any other key to exit: " ); mode = (int)( getch() - '0' ); if( (mode > 0) && (mode < 6) ) { switch( --mode ) { case 0: attr = 0; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: attr = attr ^ (1 << (--mode) ); break; case 4: attr = attr ^ 32; } err = SetAttribute( attr, source ); } } break; /* Get File Date and Time */ case 'I': if( (handle = OpenFile( 0, get_spec( 3 ) )) == -1 ) err = 1; else err = 0; if( !err ) { if( !(err = GetFileTime( handle, date_time )) ) { clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 ); SetCurPos( 12, 10 ); printf( "File's date and time stamp: %s", date_time ); CloseFile( handle ); press(); } } break; /* Rename File */ case 'J': strcpy( source, get_spec( 2 ) ); err = RenameFile( source, get_spec( 3 ) ); break; /* Delete File */ case 'K': err = DelFile( get_spec( 3 ) ); break; /* Create File with Unique Name */ case 'L': strcpy( source, get_spec( 1 ) ); handle = UniqueFile( 0, source ); /* Normal file attr = 0 */ if( handle >= 0 ) { printf( "\n\nDOS creates file %s", source ); press(); err = 0; } else err = 1; break; /* Quick Move from one directory to another */ case 'M': clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 ); SetCurPos( 8, 0 ); puts( move_msg ); strcpy( source, get_spec( 2 ) ); err = RenameFile( source, get_spec( 3 ) ); break; /* Search files for specified text */ case 'N': clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 ); buffer = (char *) malloc( BUFFSIZE + 1 ); if( buffer == NULL ) { SetCurPos( 12, 26 ); puts( "Insufficient memory for option" ); err = 1; break; } SetCurPos( 7, 0 ); puts( grep_msg ); SetCurPos( 18, 0 ); printf( "Enter search text: " ); GetStr( text, MAXSEARCH ); /* Find first data file. */ if( err = FindFirst( 0, get_spec( 3 ), &file ) ) { clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 ); SetCurPos( 12, 24 ); puts( "No files found matching specification" ); } /* If file found, initialize screen coordinates and * open file for reading. */ else { clear_scrn( disp_attr, 2, 17 ); row = 6; col = 0; do { if( (handle = OpenFile( 0, file.filename )) != -1 ) { /* If file opened successfully, read a block * of BUFFSIZE bytes. If end-of-file encountered * (number of bytes read not equal to BUFFSIZE) * or read error, set error flag to break loop. * Terminate block with a NULL character to * make it an ASCIIZ string. */ err = 0; while( !err ) { len = ReadFile( handle, BUFFSIZE, buffer ); if( (len == 0) || (len != BUFFSIZE) ) ++err; ptr = buffer; *( ptr + len ) = 0; /* Search block for first character in text */ while( spec = StrFindChar( text[0], ptr, 0 ) ) { /* If initial character found, compare * remaining characters in search text. * If all characters match, display file * name and break out of loop. */ ptr = StrCompare( ++spec, &text[1], (strlen( text ) - 1) ); if( !ptr ) { SetCurPos( row++, col ); puts( file.filename ); if( row == 16) { row = 6; col += 20; } err = 1; break; } } } CloseFile( handle ); } else { err = 1; break; } } while( !FindNext( &file ) ); if( (row == 6) && (col == 0) ) { SetCurPos( 12, 22 ); puts( "Text not found in specified file(s)" ); } press(); err = 0; } free( buffer ); /* Free allocated block */ break; default: continue; } if( err ) { clear_scrn( disp_attr, 24, 24 ); SetCurPos( 24, 0 ); printf( "*** Error ***\a" ); press(); } } while( ch != ESCAPE ); /* Exit if ESC key pressed */ clear_scrn( disp_attr, 0, 24 ); /* Clear screen before exit */ SetCurPos( 23, 0 ); /* and set cursor to bottom */ return( 0 ); }
void change_c::parse_boolean() { try { m_b_value = parse_bool(m_value); } catch (...) { mxerror(boost::format(Y("The property value is not a valid boolean in '%1%'. %2%\n")) % get_spec() % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); } }
void change_c::validate(std::vector<property_element_c> *property_table) { if (!property_table) return; for (auto &property : *property_table) if (property.m_name == m_name) { m_property = property; if (change_c::ct_delete == m_type) validate_deletion_of_mandatory(); else parse_value(); return; } mxerror(boost::format(Y("The name '%1%' is not a valid property name for the current edit specification in '%2%'.\n")) % m_name % get_spec()); }
void change_c::validate_deletion_of_mandatory() { const EbmlSemantic *semantic = get_semantic(); if (semantic && semantic->Mandatory) mxerror(boost::format(Y("This property is mandatory and cannot be deleted in '%1%'. %2%\n")) % get_spec() % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); }
void change_c::parse_ascii_string() { size_t i; for (i = 0; m_value.length() > i; ++i) if (127 < static_cast<unsigned char>(m_value[i])) mxerror(boost::format(Y("The property value contains non-ASCII characters, but the property is not a Unicode string in '%1%'. %2%\n")) % get_spec() % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); m_s_value = m_value; }
void change_c::execute_delete() { size_t idx = 0; unsigned int num_deleted = 0; while (m_master->ListSize() > idx) { if (m_property.m_callbacks->GlobalId == (*m_master)[idx]->Generic().GlobalId) { m_master->Remove(idx); ++num_deleted; } else ++idx; } if (1 < verbose) mxinfo(boost::format(Y("Change for '%1%' executed. Number of entries deleted: %2%\n")) % get_spec() % num_deleted); }
void change_c::parse_floating_point_number() { if (!parse_number(m_value, m_fp_value)) mxerror(boost::format(Y("The property value is not a valid floating point number in '%1%'. %2%\n")) % get_spec() % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); }
void change_c::parse_binary() { try { m_x_value = bitvalue_c(m_value, 128); } catch (...) { mxerror(boost::format(Y("The property value is not a valid binary spec or it is not exactly 128 bits long in '%1%'. %2%\n")) % get_spec() % FILE_NOT_MODIFIED); } }