Ejemplo n.º 1
# Conversion options for get_strlit_contents():
STRCONV_ESCAPE   = 0x00000001 # convert non-printable characters to C escapes (\n, \xNN, \uNNNN)

def get_strlit_contents(ea, len, type, flags = 0):
  Get bytes contents at location, possibly converted.
  It works even if the string has not been created in the database yet.

  Note that this will <b>always</b> return a simple string of bytes
  (i.e., a 'str' instance), and not a string of unicode characters.

  If you want auto-conversion to unicode strings (that is: real strings),
  you should probably be using the idautils.Strings class.

  @param ea: linear address of the string
  @param len: length of the string in bytes (including terminating 0)
  @param type: type of the string. Represents both the character encoding,
               <u>and</u> the 'type' of string at the given location.
  @param flags: combination of STRCONV_..., to perform output conversion.
  @return: a bytes-filled str object.
static PyObject *py_get_strlit_contents(
        ea_t ea,
        PyObject *py_len,
        int32 type,
        int flags = 0)
  uint64 len;
  if ( !PyW_GetNumber(py_len, &len) )
  if ( len == BADADDR )
    len = uint64(-1);
  qstring buf;
  if ( len != uint64(-1) && ea_t(ea + len) < ea
    || get_strlit_contents(&buf, ea, len, type, NULL, flags) < 0 )
  if ( type == STRTYPE_C && buf.length() > 0 && buf.last() == '\0' )
  newref_t py_buf(PyString_FromStringAndSize(buf.begin(), buf.length()));
  return py_buf.o;
Ejemplo n.º 2
GCCTypeInfo *GCCTypeInfo::parseTypeInfo(ea_t ea)
	if (g_KnownTypes.count(ea))
		return g_KnownTypes[ea];

	GCC_RTTI::type_info tmp;
	if (!get_bytes(&tmp, sizeof(GCC_RTTI::type_info), ea))
		return 0;

	ea_t name_ea = tmp.__type_info_name;

	size_t length = get_max_strlit_length(name_ea, STRTYPE_C, ALOPT_IGNHEADS);
	qstring buffer;

	if (!get_strlit_contents(&buffer, name_ea, length, STRTYPE_C)) {
		return 0;
	qstring name(buffer);
	qstring demangled_name;
	name = qstring("_ZTS") + name;
	int32 res = demangle_name(&demangled_name, name.c_str(), 0);
	if (res != (MT_GCC3 | M_AUTOCRT | MT_RTTI))
		return 0;

	demangled_name = demangled_name.substr(19);

	GCCTypeInfo * result = new GCCTypeInfo();
	result->ea = ea;
	result->typeName = demangled_name;
	result->vtbl = tmp.__type_info_vtable;

	setUnknown(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::type_info, __type_info_vtable)), sizeof(void*));

	op_plain_offset(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::type_info, __type_info_vtable)), 0, ea);
	setUnknown(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::type_info, __type_info_name)), sizeof(void*));
	op_plain_offset(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::type_info, __type_info_name)), 0, ea);
	MakeName(ea, demangled_name, "RTTI_", "");

	if (tmp.__type_info_vtable == class_type_info_vtbl)
		g_KnownTypes[ea] = result;
		return result;

	if (tmp.__type_info_vtable == si_class_type_info_vtbl)
		GCC_RTTI::__si_class_type_info si_class;
		if (!get_bytes(&si_class, sizeof(GCC_RTTI::__si_class_type_info), ea))
			delete result;
			return 0;
		GCCTypeInfo *base = parseTypeInfo(si_class.base);
		if (base == 0)
			delete result;
			return 0;

		setUnknown(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__si_class_type_info, base)), sizeof(void*));
		op_plain_offset(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__si_class_type_info, base)), 0, ea);

		result->parentsCount = 1;
		result->parentsTypes = new GCCParentType*[1];
		result->parentsTypes[0] = new GCCParentType();
		result->parentsTypes[0]->ea = base->ea;
		result->parentsTypes[0]->info = base;
		result->parentsTypes[0]->flags = 0;
		g_KnownTypes[ea] = result;
		return result;

	if (tmp.__type_info_vtable != vmi_class_type_info_vtbl) {
		// Unknown type, ignore it
		delete result;
		return 0;

	GCC_RTTI::__vmi_class_type_info vmi_class;
	if (!get_bytes(&vmi_class, sizeof(GCC_RTTI::__vmi_class_type_info), ea))
		return 0;

	// vmi_class.vmi_flags;  // WTF??

	result->parentsCount = vmi_class.vmi_base_count;
	result->parentsTypes = new GCCParentType*[result->parentsCount];
	ea_t addr = ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__vmi_class_type_info, vmi_bases));

	setUnknown(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__vmi_class_type_info, vmi_flags)), sizeof(void*));
	create_dword(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__vmi_class_type_info, vmi_flags)), sizeof(void *));

	setUnknown(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__vmi_class_type_info, vmi_base_count)), sizeof(int));
	create_dword(ea + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__vmi_class_type_info, vmi_base_count)), sizeof(int));

	GCC_RTTI::__base_class_info baseInfo;
	for (int i = 0; i < vmi_class.vmi_base_count; ++i, addr += sizeof(baseInfo))
		if (!get_bytes(&baseInfo, sizeof(baseInfo), addr))
			delete result;
			return 0;

		GCCTypeInfo *base = parseTypeInfo(baseInfo.base);
		if (base == 0)
			delete result;
			return 0;
		setUnknown(addr + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__base_class_info, base)), sizeof(void*));
		op_plain_offset(addr + offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__base_class_info, base), 0, addr);

		setUnknown(addr + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__base_class_info, vmi_offset_flags)), sizeof(void*));
		create_dword(addr + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__base_class_info, vmi_offset_flags)), sizeof(int));
		result->parentsTypes[i] = new GCCParentType();
		result->parentsTypes[i]->ea = base->ea;
		result->parentsTypes[i]->ea = base->ea;
		result->parentsTypes[i]->info = base;
		result->parentsTypes[i]->flags = static_cast<unsigned>(baseInfo.vmi_offset_flags);

		qstring flags;
		if (baseInfo.vmi_offset_flags & baseInfo.virtual_mask)
			flags += " virtual_mask ";
		if (baseInfo.vmi_offset_flags & baseInfo.public_mask)
			flags += " public_mask ";
		if (baseInfo.vmi_offset_flags & baseInfo.offset_shift)
			flags += " offset_shift ";
		set_cmt(addr + ea_t(offsetof(GCC_RTTI::__base_class_info, vmi_offset_flags)), flags.c_str(), false);
	g_KnownTypes[ea] = result;
	return result;