Ejemplo n.º 1
ConnectionManager::copy_synapse_prototype( synindex old_id, std::string new_name )
  // we can assert here, as nestmodule checks this for us
  assert( !synapsedict_->known( new_name ) );

  int new_id = prototypes_[ 0 ].size();

  if ( new_id == invalid_synindex ) // we wrapped around (=255), maximal id of synapse_model = 254
    net_.message( SLIInterpreter::M_ERROR,
      "CopyModel cannot generate another synapse. Maximal synapse model count of 255 exceeded." );
    throw KernelException( "Synapse model count exceeded" );
  assert( new_id != invalid_synindex );

  // if the copied synapse is a secondary connector model the synid of the copy has to
  // be mapped to the corresponding secondary event type
  if ( not get_synapse_prototype( old_id ).is_primary() )
    ( get_synapse_prototype( old_id ).get_event() )->add_syn_id( new_id );

  for ( thread t = 0; t < net_.get_num_threads(); ++t )
    prototypes_[ t ].push_back( get_synapse_prototype( old_id ).clone( new_name ) );
    prototypes_[ t ][ new_id ]->set_syn_id( new_id );

  synapsedict_->insert( new_name, new_id );
  return new_id;
Ejemplo n.º 2
ModelManager::copy_synapse_model_( index old_id, Name new_name )
  size_t new_id = prototypes_[ 0 ].size();

  if ( new_id == invalid_synindex ) // we wrapped around (=255), maximal id of
                                    // synapse_model = 254
      "CopyModel cannot generate another synapse. Maximal synapse model count "
      "of 255 exceeded." );
    throw KernelException( "Synapse model count exceeded" );
  assert( new_id != invalid_synindex );

  // if the copied synapse is a secondary connector model the synid of the copy
  // has to be mapped to the corresponding secondary event type
  if ( not get_synapse_prototype( old_id ).is_primary() )
    ( get_synapse_prototype( old_id ).get_event() )->add_syn_id( new_id );

  for ( thread t = 0;
        t < static_cast< thread >( kernel().vp_manager.get_num_threads() );
        ++t )
    prototypes_[ t ].push_back(
      get_synapse_prototype( old_id ).clone( new_name.toString() ) );
    prototypes_[ t ][ new_id ]->set_syn_id( new_id );

  synapsedict_->insert( new_name, new_id );
  return new_id;
Ejemplo n.º 3
ConnectionManager::get_synapse_status( index gid, synindex syn_id, port p, thread tid )
  assert_valid_syn_id( syn_id );

  DictionaryDatum dict( new Dictionary );
  validate_pointer( connections_[ tid ].get( gid ) )->get_synapse_status( syn_id, dict, p );
  ( *dict )[ names::source ] = gid;
  ( *dict )[ names::synapse_model ] = LiteralDatum( get_synapse_prototype( syn_id ).get_name() );

  return dict;