static int print_doc_msg_func(int pnum, int num_pages) { char temp[10]; int key; if ( pnum == -1 ) /* successful completion */ { static FCODE msg[] = {"Done -- Press any key"}; buzzer(0); putstringcenter(7, 0, 80, C_HELP_LINK, msg); getakey(); return (0); } if ( pnum == -2 ) /* aborted */ { static FCODE msg[] = {"Aborted -- Press any key"}; buzzer(1); putstringcenter(7, 0, 80, C_HELP_LINK, msg); getakey(); return (0); } if (pnum == 0) /* initialization */ { static FCODE msg[] = {"Generating FRACTINT.DOC"}; helptitle(); printinstr(); setattr(2, 0, C_HELP_BODY, 80*22); putstringcenter(1, 0, 80, C_HELP_HDG, msg); putstring(7, 30, C_HELP_BODY, "Completed:"); movecursor(25,80); /* hide cursor */ } sprintf(temp, "%d%%", (int)( (100.0 / num_pages) * pnum ) ); putstring(7, 41, C_HELP_LINK, temp); while ( keypressed() ) { key = getakey(); if ( key == ESC ) return (0); /* user abort */ } return (1); /* AOK -- continue */ }
ushort TSystemError::selectKey() { ushort crsrType = TScreen::getCursorType(); TScreen::setCursorType( 0x2000 ); while( getakey() ) ; int ch = getakey() & 0xFF; while( ch != 13 && ch != 27 ) ch = getakey() & 0xFF; TScreen::setCursorType( crsrType ); return ch == 27; }
do_more( FILE *fp ) { int key, c, lines_shown = 0; char line[BUFSIZ]; set_crmode_noecho(); while ( fgets( line, BUFSIZ, fp ) ){ if ( lines_shown == SCREENLENGTH ){ /* screenful */ printf("[ -- MORE -- ] "); fflush(stdout); /* force message*/ key = getakey( "q \n"); /* get input */ printf("\r \r"); /* clear message */ if ( key == 'q' ) break; /* quit */ if ( key == ' ' ) /* new page */ lines_shown = 0 ; else if ( key == '\n' ) lines_shown--; } fputs( line, stdout ); /* output line */ lines_shown++; /* count lines */ } restore_tty(); }
int keycursor(int row, int col) { movecursor(row, col); wrefresh(curwin); waitkeypressed(0); return getakey(); }
int teststart() /* this routine is called just before the fractal starts */ { #ifndef XFRACT extern int debugflag; extern int xdots, ydots, colors; /* true-color demo: if debugging flag is 500 and in 256-color mode write out a couple of truecolor patterns, read them in and write them out again in a different location, then wait for a keystroke and clear the screen before generating the actual fractal */ if ((debugflag == 500) && (xdots >= 640) && (ydots >= 480) && (colors == 256)) { int xdot, ydot, red, green, blue; for (xdot = 0; xdot <= 255; xdot++) { for (ydot = 0; ydot < 384; ydot++) { red = xdot; if (ydot < 128) { green = 2 * ydot; blue = 0; } if (ydot >= 128 && ydot < 256) { green = 0; blue = 2 * (ydot-128); } if (ydot >= 256) { red = 2 * (ydot - 256); green = 2 * (ydot - 256); blue = 2 * (ydot - 256); } puttruecolor(xdot, ydot, red, green, blue); } } for (xdot = 0; xdot <= 255; xdot++) { for (ydot = 0; ydot < 384; ydot++) { gettruecolor(xdot, ydot, &red, &green, &blue); puttruecolor(xdot+256, ydot, red, green, blue); } } getakey(); for (xdot = 0; xdot <= 255; xdot++) { for (ydot = 0; ydot <= 384; ydot++) { puttruecolor(xdot, ydot, 0, 0, 0); puttruecolor(xdot+256, ydot, 0, 0, 0); } } } #endif return( 0 ); }
/*! \brief Display configuration menu * * This is the config menu that is called from the system * menu. Here you can adjust the music or sound volume, or * the speed that the battle gauge moves at. */ void config_menu (void) { int stop = 0, ptr = 0, p; int temp_key = 0; #ifdef DEBUGMODE #define MENU_SIZE 18 #else #define MENU_SIZE 17 #endif static const char *dc[MENU_SIZE]; /* Define rows with appropriate spacings for breaks between groups */ int row[MENU_SIZE]; for (p = 0; p < 4; p++) row[p] = (p + 4) * 8; // (p * 8) + 32 for (p = 4; p < 12; p++) row[p] = (p + 5) * 8; // (p * 8) + 40 for (p = 12; p < 15; p++) row[p] = (p + 6) * 8; // (p * 8) + 48 for (p = 15; p < MENU_SIZE; p++) row[p] = (p + 7) * 8; // (p * 8) + 56 /* Helper strings */ dc[0]=_("Display KQ in a window."); dc[1]=_("Stretch to fit 640x480 resolution."); dc[2]=_("Display the frame rate during play."); dc[3]=_("Wait for vertical retrace."); dc[4]=_("Key used to move up."); dc[5]=_("Key used to move down."); dc[6]=_("Key used to move left."); dc[7]=_("Key used to move right."); dc[8]=_("Key used to confirm action."); dc[9]=_("Key used to cancel action."); dc[10]=_("Key used to call character menu."); dc[11]=_("Key used to call system menu."); dc[12]=_("Toggle sound and music on/off."); dc[13]=_("Overall sound volume (affects music)."); dc[14]=_("Music volume."); dc[15]=_("Animation speed-ups for slow machines."); dc[16]=_("Toggle how to allocate CPU usage."); #ifdef DEBUGMODE dc[17]=_("Things you can do only in DebugMode."); #endif unpress (); push_config_state (); set_config_file (kqres (SETTINGS_DIR, "kq.cfg")); while (!stop) { check_animation (); drawmap (); menubox (double_buffer, 88 + xofs, yofs, 16, 1, BLUE); print_font (double_buffer, 96 + xofs, 8 + yofs, _("KQ Configuration"), FGOLD); menubox (double_buffer, 32 + xofs, 24 + yofs, 30, MENU_SIZE + 3, BLUE); citem (row[0], _("Windowed mode:"), windowed == 1 ? _("YES") : _("NO"), FNORMAL); citem (row[1], _("Stretch Display:"), stretch_view == 1 ? _("YES") : _("NO"), FNORMAL); citem (row[2], _("Show Frame Rate:"), show_frate == 1 ? _("YES") : _("NO"), FNORMAL); citem (row[3], _("Wait for Retrace:"), wait_retrace == 1 ? _("YES") : _("NO"), FNORMAL); citem (row[4], _("Up Key:"), kq_keyname (kup), FNORMAL); citem (row[5], _("Down Key:"), kq_keyname (kdown), FNORMAL); citem (row[6], _("Left Key:"), kq_keyname (kleft), FNORMAL); citem (row[7], _("Right Key:"), kq_keyname (kright), FNORMAL); citem (row[8], _("Confirm Key:"), kq_keyname (kalt), FNORMAL); citem (row[9], _("Cancel Key:"), kq_keyname (kctrl), FNORMAL); citem (row[10], _("Menu Key:"), kq_keyname (kenter), FNORMAL); citem (row[11], _("System Menu Key:"), kq_keyname (kesc), FNORMAL); citem (row[12], _("Sound System:"), is_sound ? _("ON") : _("OFF"), FNORMAL); p = FNORMAL; /* TT: This needs to check for ==0 because 1 means sound init */ if (is_sound == 0) p = FDARK; sprintf (strbuf, "%3d%%", gsvol * 100 / 250); citem (row[13], _("Sound Volume:"), strbuf, p); sprintf (strbuf, "%3d%%", gmvol * 100 / 250); citem (row[14], _("Music Volume:"), strbuf, p); citem (row[15], _("Slow Computer:"), slow_computer ? _("YES") : _("NO"), FNORMAL); if (cpu_usage) sprintf (strbuf, _("rest(%d)"), cpu_usage - 1); else sprintf (strbuf, "yield_timeslice()"); citem (row[16], _("CPU Usage:"), strbuf, FNORMAL); #ifdef DEBUGMODE if (debugging) sprintf (strbuf, "%d", debugging); citem (row[17], _("DebugMode Stuff:"), debugging ? strbuf : _("OFF"), FNORMAL); #endif /* This affects the VISUAL placement of the arrow */ p = ptr; if (ptr > 3) p++; if (ptr > 11) p++; if (ptr > 14) p++; draw_sprite (double_buffer, menuptr, 32 + xofs, p * 8 + 32 + yofs); /* This is the bottom window, where the description goes */ menubox (double_buffer, xofs, 216 + yofs, 38, 1, BLUE); print_font (double_buffer, 8 + xofs, 224 + yofs, dc[ptr], FNORMAL); blit2screen (xofs, yofs); readcontrols (); if (up) { unpress (); // "jump" over unusable options if (ptr == 15 && is_sound == 0) ptr -= 2; ptr--; if (ptr < 0) ptr = MENU_SIZE - 1; play_effect (SND_CLICK, 128); } if (down) { unpress (); // "jump" over unusable options if (ptr == 12 && is_sound == 0) ptr += 2; ptr++; if (ptr > MENU_SIZE - 1) ptr = 0; play_effect (SND_CLICK, 128); } if (balt) { unpress (); switch (ptr) { case 0: #ifdef __DJGPP__ text_ex (B_TEXT, 255, _("This version of KQ was compiled for DOS and does not support windowed mode")); #else text_ex (B_TEXT, 255, _("Changing the display mode to or from windowed view could have serious ramifications. It is advised that you save first.")); if (windowed == 0) sprintf (strbuf, _("Switch to windowed mode?")); else sprintf (strbuf, _("Switch to full screen?")); p = prompt (255, 2, B_TEXT, strbuf, _(" no"), _(" yes"), ""); if (p == 1) { if (windowed == 0) windowed = 1; else windowed = 0; set_config_int (NULL, "windowed", windowed); set_graphics_mode (); } #endif break; case 1: #ifdef __DJGPP__ text_ex (B_TEXT, 255, _("This version of KQ was compiled for DOS and does not support stretching")); #else text_ex (B_TEXT, 255, _("Changing the stretched view option could have serious ramifications. It is advised that you save your game before trying this.")); if (stretch_view == 0) sprintf (strbuf, _("Try to stretch the display?")); else sprintf (strbuf, _("Switch to unstretched display?")); p = prompt (255, 2, B_TEXT, strbuf, _(" no"), _(" yes"), ""); if (p == 1) { if (stretch_view == 0) stretch_view = 1; else stretch_view = 0; set_config_int (NULL, "stretch_view", stretch_view); set_graphics_mode (); } #endif break; case 2: if (show_frate == 0) show_frate = 1; else show_frate = 0; set_config_int (NULL, "show_frate", show_frate); break; case 3: if (wait_retrace == 0) wait_retrace = 1; else wait_retrace = 0; set_config_int (NULL, "wait_retrace", wait_retrace); break; case 4: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kup = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kup", kup); break; case 5: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kdown = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kdown", kdown); break; case 6: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kleft = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kleft", kleft); break; case 7: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kright = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kright", kright); break; case 8: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kalt = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kalt", kalt); break; case 9: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kctrl = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kctrl", kctrl); break; case 10: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kenter = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kenter", kenter); break; case 11: while ((temp_key = getakey ()) == 0); kesc = temp_key; unpress (); set_config_int (NULL, "kesc", kesc); break; case 12: if (is_sound == 2) sound_init (); else { if (is_sound == 0) { is_sound = 1; print_font (double_buffer, 92 + 2 + xofs, 204 + yofs, _("...please wait..."), FNORMAL); blit2screen (xofs, yofs); sound_init (); play_music (g_map.song_file, 0); } } set_config_int (NULL, "is_sound", is_sound != 0); break; case 13: if (is_sound == 2) { p = getavalue (_("Sound Volume"), 0, 25, gsvol / 10, 1); if (p != -1) gsvol = p * 10; /* make sure to set it no matter what */ set_volume (gsvol, 0); set_config_int (NULL, "gsvol", gsvol); } else /* Not as daft as it seems, SND_BAD also wobbles the screen */ play_effect (SND_BAD, 128); break; case 14: if (is_sound == 2) { p = getavalue (_("Music Volume"), 0, 25, gmvol / 10, 1); if (p != -1) gmvol = p * 10; /* make sure to set it no matter what */ set_music_volume (gmvol / 250.0); set_config_int (NULL, "gmvol", gmvol); } else play_effect (SND_BAD, 128); break; case 15: /* TT: toggle slow_computer */ slow_computer = !slow_computer; set_config_int (NULL, "slow_computer", slow_computer); break; case 16: /* TT: Adjust the CPU usage:yield_timeslice() or rest() */ cpu_usage++; if (cpu_usage > 2) cpu_usage = 0; break; #ifdef DEBUGMODE case 17: /* TT: Things we only have access to when we're in debug mode */ if (debugging < 4) debugging++; else debugging = 0; break; #endif } } if (bctrl) { unpress (); stop = 1; } } pop_config_state (); }
/* ; *************** Functions get_a_char, put_a_char ******************** ; Get and put character and attribute at cursor ; Hi nybble=character, low nybble attribute. Text mode only */ char get_a_char() { return (char) getakey(); }
int help(int action) { static FCODE unknowntopic_msg[] = "Unknown Help Topic"; HIST curr; int oldlookatmouse; int oldhelpmode; int flags; HIST next; if (helpmode == -1) /* is help disabled? */ { return (0); } if (help_file == -1) { buzzer(2); return (0); } buffer = (char far *)farmemalloc((long)MAX_PAGE_SIZE + sizeof(LINK)*max_links + sizeof(PAGE)*max_pages); if (buffer == NULL) { buzzer(2); return (0); } link_table = (LINK far *)(&buffer[MAX_PAGE_SIZE]); page_table = (PAGE far *)(&link_table[max_links]); oldlookatmouse = lookatmouse; lookatmouse = 0; timer_start -= clock_ticks(); stackscreen(); if (helpmode >= 0) { next.topic_num = label[helpmode].topic_num; next.topic_off = label[helpmode].topic_off; } else { next.topic_num = helpmode; next.topic_off = 0; } oldhelpmode = helpmode; if (curr_hist <= 0) action = ACTION_CALL; /* make sure it isn't ACTION_PREV! */ do { switch(action) { case ACTION_PREV2: if (curr_hist > 0) curr = hist[--curr_hist]; /* fall-through */ case ACTION_PREV: if (curr_hist > 0) curr = hist[--curr_hist]; break; case ACTION_QUIT: break; case ACTION_INDEX: next.topic_num = label[HELP_INDEX].topic_num; next.topic_off = label[HELP_INDEX].topic_off; /* fall-through */ case ACTION_CALL: curr = next; = 0; break; } /* switch */ flags = 0; if (curr.topic_num == label[HELP_INDEX].topic_num) flags |= F_INDEX; if (curr_hist > 0) flags |= F_HIST; if ( curr.topic_num >= 0 ) action = help_topic(&curr, &next, flags); else { if ( curr.topic_num == -100 ) { print_document("FRACTINT.DOC", print_doc_msg_func, 1); action = ACTION_PREV2; } else if ( curr.topic_num == -101 ) action = ACTION_PREV2; else { display_page(unknowntopic_msg, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL); action = -1; while (action == -1) { switch (getakey()) { case ESC: action = ACTION_QUIT; break; case ALT_F1: action = ACTION_PREV; break; case F1: action = ACTION_INDEX; break; } /* switch */ } /* while */ } } /* else */ if ( action != ACTION_PREV && action != ACTION_PREV2 ) { if (curr_hist >= MAX_HIST) { int ctr; for (ctr=0; ctr<MAX_HIST-1; ctr++) hist[ctr] = hist[ctr+1]; curr_hist = MAX_HIST-1; } hist[curr_hist++] = curr; } } while (action != ACTION_QUIT); farmemfree((BYTE far *)buffer); unstackscreen(); lookatmouse = oldlookatmouse; helpmode = oldhelpmode; timer_start += clock_ticks(); return(0); }
static int help_topic(HIST *curr, HIST *next, int flags) { int len; int key; int num_pages; int num_link; int page; int curr_link; char title[81]; long where; int draw_page; int action; BYTE ch; int dummy; /* to quiet compiler */ where = topic_offset[curr->topic_num]+sizeof(int); /* to skip flags */ curr_link = curr->link; help_seek(where); dummy = read(help_file, (char *)&num_pages, sizeof(int)); assert(num_pages>0 && num_pages<=max_pages); farread(help_file, (char far *)page_table, 3*sizeof(int)*num_pages); dummy = read(help_file, &ch, 1); len = ch; assert(len<81); dummy = read(help_file, (char *)title, len); title[len] = '\0'; where += sizeof(int) + num_pages*3*sizeof(int) + 1 + len + sizeof(int); for(page=0; page<num_pages; page++) if (curr->topic_off >= page_table[page].offset && curr->topic_off < page_table[page].offset+page_table[page].len ) break; assert(page < num_pages); action = -1; draw_page = 2; do { if (draw_page) { help_seek(where+page_table[page].offset); farread(help_file, buffer, page_table[page].len); num_link = 0; display_page(title, buffer, page_table[page].len, page, num_pages, page_table[page].margin, &num_link, link_table); if (draw_page==2) { assert(num_link<=0 || (curr_link>=0 && curr_link<num_link)); } else if (draw_page==3) curr_link = num_link - 1; else curr_link = 0; if (num_link > 0) color_link(&link_table[curr_link], C_HELP_CURLINK); draw_page = 0; } key = getakey(); switch(key) { case PAGE_DOWN: if (page<num_pages-1) { page++; draw_page = 1; } break; case PAGE_UP: if (page>0) { page--; draw_page = 1; } break; case HOME: if ( page != 0 ) { page = 0; draw_page = 1; } else do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, NULL, 0); break; case END: if ( page != num_pages-1 ) { page = num_pages-1; draw_page = 3; } else do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, NULL, num_link-1); break; case TAB: if ( !do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, find_link_key, key) && page<num_pages-1 ) { ++page; draw_page = 1; } break; case BACK_TAB: if ( !do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, find_link_key, key) && page>0 ) { --page; draw_page = 3; } break; case DOWN_ARROW: if ( !do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, find_link_updown, 0) && page<num_pages-1 ) { ++page; draw_page = 1; } break; case UP_ARROW: if ( !do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, find_link_updown, 1) && page>0 ) { --page; draw_page = 3; } break; case LEFT_ARROW: do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, find_link_leftright, 1); break; case RIGHT_ARROW: do_move_link(link_table, num_link, &curr_link, find_link_leftright, 0); break; case ESC: /* exit help */ action = ACTION_QUIT; break; case BACKSPACE: /* prev topic */ case ALT_F1: if (flags & F_HIST) action = ACTION_PREV; break; case F1: /* help index */ if (!(flags & F_INDEX)) action = ACTION_INDEX; break; case ENTER: case ENTER_2: if (num_link > 0) { next->topic_num = link_table[curr_link].topic_num; next->topic_off = link_table[curr_link].topic_off; action = ACTION_CALL; } break; } /* switch */ } while ( action == -1 ); curr->topic_off = page_table[page].offset; curr->link = curr_link; return (action); }