Ejemplo n.º 1
struct TileAnimationParams read_animation_definition(lua_State *L, int index)
	if(index < 0)
		index = lua_gettop(L) + 1 + index;

	struct TileAnimationParams anim;
	anim.type = TAT_NONE;
	if (!lua_istable(L, index))
		return anim;

	anim.type = (TileAnimationType)
		getenumfield(L, index, "type", es_TileAnimationType,
	if (anim.type == TAT_VERTICAL_FRAMES) {
		// {type="vertical_frames", aspect_w=16, aspect_h=16, length=2.0}
		anim.vertical_frames.aspect_w =
			getintfield_default(L, index, "aspect_w", 16);
		anim.vertical_frames.aspect_h =
			getintfield_default(L, index, "aspect_h", 16);
		anim.vertical_frames.length =
			getfloatfield_default(L, index, "length", 1.0);
	} else if (anim.type == TAT_SHEET_2D) {
		// {type="sheet_2d", frames_w=5, frames_h=3, frame_length=0.5}
		getintfield(L, index, "frames_w",
		getintfield(L, index, "frames_h",
		getfloatfield(L, index, "frame_length",

	return anim;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool read_noiseparams(lua_State *L, int index, NoiseParams *np)
	if (index < 0)
		index = lua_gettop(L) + 1 + index;

	if (!lua_istable(L, index))
		return false;

	getfloatfield(L, index, "offset",      np->offset);
	getfloatfield(L, index, "scale",       np->scale);
	getfloatfield(L, index, "persist",     np->persist);
	getfloatfield(L, index, "persistence", np->persist);
	getfloatfield(L, index, "lacunarity",  np->lacunarity);
	getintfield(L,   index, "seed",        np->seed);
	getintfield(L,   index, "octaves",     np->octaves);

	getfloatfield(L, index, "farscale",  np->farscale);
	getfloatfield(L, index, "farspread",  np->farspread);
	getfloatfield(L, index, "farpersist",  np->farpersist);

	u32 flags    = 0;
	u32 flagmask = 0;
	np->flags = getflagsfield(L, index, "flags", flagdesc_noiseparams,
		&flags, &flagmask) ? flags : NOISE_FLAG_DEFAULTS;

	lua_getfield(L, index, "spread");
	np->spread  = read_v3f(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int getintfield_default(lua_State *L, int table,
		const char *fieldname, int default_)
	int result = default_;
	getintfield(L, table, fieldname, result);
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// spawn_tree(pos, treedef)
int ModApiEnvMod::l_spawn_tree(lua_State *L)

	v3s16 p0 = read_v3s16(L, 1);

	treegen::TreeDef tree_def;
	std::string trunk,leaves,fruit;
	INodeDefManager *ndef = env->getGameDef()->ndef();

	if(lua_istable(L, 2))
		getstringfield(L, 2, "axiom", tree_def.initial_axiom);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_a", tree_def.rules_a);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_b", tree_def.rules_b);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_c", tree_def.rules_c);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_d", tree_def.rules_d);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "trunk", trunk);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "leaves", leaves);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "leaves2", leaves);
		if (leaves !="")
			getintfield(L, 2, "leaves2_chance", tree_def.leaves2_chance);
		getintfield(L, 2, "angle", tree_def.angle);
		getintfield(L, 2, "iterations", tree_def.iterations);
		if (!getintfield(L, 2, "random_level", tree_def.iterations_random_level))
			tree_def.iterations_random_level = 0;
		getstringfield(L, 2, "trunk_type", tree_def.trunk_type);
		getboolfield(L, 2, "thin_branches", tree_def.thin_branches);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "fruit", fruit);
		if (fruit != "")
			getintfield(L, 2, "fruit_chance",tree_def.fruit_chance);
		tree_def.explicit_seed = getintfield(L, 2, "seed", tree_def.seed);
		return 0;

	treegen::error e;
	if ((e = treegen::spawn_ltree (env, p0, ndef, tree_def)) != treegen::SUCCESS) {
		if (e == treegen::UNBALANCED_BRACKETS) {
			luaL_error(L, "spawn_tree(): closing ']' has no matching opening bracket");
		} else {
			luaL_error(L, "spawn_tree(): unknown error");

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// spawn_tree(pos, treedef)
int ModApiEnvMod::l_spawn_tree(lua_State *L)

	v3s16 p0 = read_v3s16(L, 1);

	treegen::TreeDef tree_def;
	std::string trunk,leaves,fruit;
	INodeDefManager *ndef = env->getGameDef()->ndef();

	if(lua_istable(L, 2))
		getstringfield(L, 2, "axiom", tree_def.initial_axiom);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_a", tree_def.rules_a);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_b", tree_def.rules_b);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_c", tree_def.rules_c);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "rules_d", tree_def.rules_d);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "trunk", trunk);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "leaves", leaves);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "leaves2", leaves);
		if (leaves !="")
			getintfield(L, 2, "leaves2_chance", tree_def.leaves2_chance);
		getintfield(L, 2, "angle", tree_def.angle);
		getintfield(L, 2, "iterations", tree_def.iterations);
		getintfield(L, 2, "random_level", tree_def.iterations_random_level);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "trunk_type", tree_def.trunk_type);
		getboolfield(L, 2, "thin_branches", tree_def.thin_branches);
		getstringfield(L, 2, "fruit", fruit);
		if (fruit != "")
			getintfield(L, 2, "fruit_chance",tree_def.fruit_chance);
		getintfield(L, 2, "seed", tree_def.seed);
		return 0;
	treegen::spawn_ltree (env, p0, ndef, tree_def);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool read_schematic_def(lua_State *L, int index,
	Schematic *schem, std::vector<std::string> *names)
	if (!lua_istable(L, index))
		return false;

	//// Get schematic size
	lua_getfield(L, index, "size");
	v3s16 size = check_v3s16(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	schem->size = size;

	//// Get schematic data
	lua_getfield(L, index, "data");
	luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TTABLE);

	u32 numnodes = size.X * size.Y * size.Z;
	schem->schemdata = new MapNode[numnodes];

	size_t names_base = names->size();
	UNORDERED_MAP<std::string, content_t> name_id_map;

	u32 i = 0;
	for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, -2); i++, lua_pop(L, 1)) {
		if (i >= numnodes)

		//// Read name
		std::string name;
		if (!getstringfield(L, -1, "name", name))
			throw LuaError("Schematic data definition with missing name field");

		//// Read param1/prob
		u8 param1;
		if (!getintfield(L, -1, "param1", param1) &&
			!getintfield(L, -1, "prob", param1))

		//// Read param2
		u8 param2 = getintfield_default(L, -1, "param2", 0);

		//// Find or add new nodename-to-ID mapping
		UNORDERED_MAP<std::string, content_t>::iterator it = name_id_map.find(name);
		content_t name_index;
		if (it != name_id_map.end()) {
			name_index = it->second;
		} else {
			name_index = names->size() - names_base;
			name_id_map[name] = name_index;

		//// Perform probability/force_place fixup on param1
		param1 >>= 1;
		if (getboolfield_default(L, -1, "force_place", false))

		//// Actually set the node in the schematic
		schem->schemdata[i] = MapNode(name_index, param1, param2);

	if (i != numnodes) {
		errorstream << "read_schematic_def: incorrect number of "
			"nodes provided in raw schematic data (got " << i <<
			", expected " << numnodes << ")." << std::endl;
		return false;

	//// Get Y-slice probability values (if present)
	schem->slice_probs = new u8[size.Y];
	for (i = 0; i != (u32) size.Y; i++)
		schem->slice_probs[i] = MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS;

	lua_getfield(L, index, "yslice_prob");
	if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
		for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, -2); lua_pop(L, 1)) {
			u16 ypos;
			if (!getintfield(L, -1, "ypos", ypos) || (ypos >= size.Y) ||
				!getintfield(L, -1, "prob", schem->slice_probs[ypos]))

			schem->slice_probs[ypos] >>= 1;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// register_ore({lots of stuff})
int ModApiMapgen::l_register_ore(lua_State *L)

	int index = 1;
	luaL_checktype(L, index, LUA_TTABLE);

	INodeDefManager *ndef = getServer(L)->getNodeDefManager();
	BiomeManager *bmgr    = getServer(L)->getEmergeManager()->biomemgr;
	OreManager *oremgr    = getServer(L)->getEmergeManager()->oremgr;

	enum OreType oretype = (OreType)getenumfield(L, index,
				"ore_type", es_OreType, ORE_SCATTER);
	Ore *ore = oremgr->create(oretype);
	if (!ore) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: ore_type " << oretype << " not implemented\n";
		return 0;

	ore->name           = getstringfield_default(L, index, "name", "");
	ore->ore_param2     = (u8)getintfield_default(L, index, "ore_param2", 0);
	ore->clust_scarcity = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_scarcity", 1);
	ore->clust_num_ores = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_num_ores", 1);
	ore->clust_size     = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_size", 0);
	ore->noise          = NULL;
	ore->flags          = 0;

	//// Get noise_threshold
	warn_if_field_exists(L, index, "noise_threshhold",
		"Deprecated: new name is \"noise_threshold\".");

	float nthresh;
	if (!getfloatfield(L, index, "noise_threshold", nthresh) &&
			!getfloatfield(L, index, "noise_threshhold", nthresh))
		nthresh = 0;
	ore->nthresh = nthresh;

	//// Get y_min/y_max
	warn_if_field_exists(L, index, "height_min",
		"Deprecated: new name is \"y_min\".");
	warn_if_field_exists(L, index, "height_max",
		"Deprecated: new name is \"y_max\".");

	int ymin, ymax;
	if (!getintfield(L, index, "y_min", ymin) &&
		!getintfield(L, index, "height_min", ymin))
		ymin = -31000;
	if (!getintfield(L, index, "y_max", ymax) &&
		!getintfield(L, index, "height_max", ymax))
		ymax = 31000;
	ore->y_min = ymin;
	ore->y_max = ymax;

	if (ore->clust_scarcity <= 0 || ore->clust_num_ores <= 0) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: clust_scarcity and clust_num_ores"
			"must be greater than 0" << std::endl;
		delete ore;
		return 0;

	//// Get flags
	getflagsfield(L, index, "flags", flagdesc_ore, &ore->flags, NULL);

	//// Get biomes associated with this decoration (if any)
	lua_getfield(L, index, "biomes");
	if (get_biome_list(L, -1, bmgr, &ore->biomes))
		errorstream << "register_ore: couldn't get all biomes " << std::endl;
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	//// Get noise parameters if needed
	lua_getfield(L, index, "noise_params");
	if (read_noiseparams(L, -1, &ore->np)) {
		ore->flags |= OREFLAG_USE_NOISE;
	} else if (ore->NEEDS_NOISE) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: specified ore type requires valid "
			"noise parameters" << std::endl;
		delete ore;
		return 0;
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	//// Get type-specific parameters
	switch (oretype) {
		case ORE_SHEET: {
			OreSheet *oresheet = (OreSheet *)ore;

			oresheet->column_height_min = getintfield_default(L, index,
				"column_height_min", 1);
			oresheet->column_height_max = getintfield_default(L, index,
				"column_height_max", ore->clust_size);
			oresheet->column_midpoint_factor = getfloatfield_default(L, index,
				"column_midpoint_factor", 0.5f);

		case ORE_PUFF: {
			OrePuff *orepuff = (OrePuff *)ore;

			lua_getfield(L, index, "np_puff_top");
			read_noiseparams(L, -1, &orepuff->np_puff_top);
			lua_pop(L, 1);

			lua_getfield(L, index, "np_puff_bottom");
			read_noiseparams(L, -1, &orepuff->np_puff_bottom);
			lua_pop(L, 1);

		case ORE_VEIN: {
			OreVein *orevein = (OreVein *)ore;

			orevein->random_factor = getfloatfield_default(L, index,
				"random_factor", 1.f);


	ObjDefHandle handle = oremgr->add(ore);
	if (handle == OBJDEF_INVALID_HANDLE) {
		delete ore;
		return 0;

	ore->m_nodenames.push_back(getstringfield_default(L, index, "ore", ""));

	size_t nnames = getstringlistfield(L, index, "wherein", &ore->m_nodenames);


	lua_pushinteger(L, handle);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool read_schematic(lua_State *L, int index, Schematic *schem,
	INodeDefManager *ndef, std::map<std::string, std::string> &replace_names)
	//// Get schematic size
	lua_getfield(L, index, "size");
	v3s16 size = read_v3s16(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	//// Get schematic data
	lua_getfield(L, index, "data");
	luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TTABLE);

	int numnodes = size.X * size.Y * size.Z;
	MapNode *schemdata = new MapNode[numnodes];
	int i = 0;

	while (lua_next(L, -2)) {
		if (i >= numnodes) {
			lua_pop(L, 1);

		// same as readnode, except param1 default is MTSCHEM_PROB_CONST
		lua_getfield(L, -1, "name");
		std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		u8 param1;
		lua_getfield(L, -1, "param1");
		param1 = !lua_isnil(L, -1) ? lua_tonumber(L, -1) : MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		u8 param2;
		lua_getfield(L, -1, "param2");
		param2 = !lua_isnil(L, -1) ? lua_tonumber(L, -1) : 0;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it;
		it = replace_names.find(name);
		if (it != replace_names.end())
			name = it->second;

		schemdata[i] = MapNode(ndef, name, param1, param2);

		lua_pop(L, 1);

	if (i != numnodes) {
		errorstream << "read_schematic: incorrect number of "
			"nodes provided in raw schematic data (got " << i <<
			", expected " << numnodes << ")." << std::endl;
		delete schemdata;
		return false;

	//// Get Y-slice probability values (if present)
	u8 *slice_probs = new u8[size.Y];
	for (i = 0; i != size.Y; i++)
		slice_probs[i] = MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS;

	lua_getfield(L, index, "yslice_prob");
	if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
		while (lua_next(L, -2)) {
			if (getintfield(L, -1, "ypos", i) && i >= 0 && i < size.Y) {
				slice_probs[i] = getintfield_default(L, -1,
					"prob", MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS);
			lua_pop(L, 1);

	// Here, we read the nodes directly from the INodeDefManager - there is no
	// need for pending node resolutions so we'll mark this schematic as updated
	schem->flags       = SCHEM_CIDS_UPDATED;

	schem->size        = size;
	schem->schemdata   = schemdata;
	schem->slice_probs = slice_probs;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// register_ore({lots of stuff})
int ModApiMapgen::l_register_ore(lua_State *L)
	int index = 1;
	luaL_checktype(L, index, LUA_TTABLE);

	INodeDefManager *ndef = getServer(L)->getNodeDefManager();
	OreManager *oremgr    = getServer(L)->getEmergeManager()->oremgr;

	enum OreType oretype = (OreType)getenumfield(L, index,
				"ore_type", es_OreType, ORE_TYPE_SCATTER);
	Ore *ore = oremgr->create(oretype);
	if (!ore) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: ore_type " << oretype << " not implemented";
		return 0;

	ore->name           = getstringfield_default(L, index, "name", "");
	ore->ore_param2     = (u8)getintfield_default(L, index, "ore_param2", 0);
	ore->clust_scarcity = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_scarcity", 1);
	ore->clust_num_ores = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_num_ores", 1);
	ore->clust_size     = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_size", 0);
	ore->nthresh        = getfloatfield_default(L, index, "noise_threshhold", 0);
	ore->noise          = NULL;
	ore->flags          = 0;

	warn_if_field_exists(L, index, "height_min",
		"Deprecated: new name is \"y_min\".");
	warn_if_field_exists(L, index, "height_max",
		"Deprecated: new name is \"y_max\".");

	int ymin, ymax;
	if (!getintfield(L, index, "y_min", ymin) &&
		!getintfield(L, index, "height_min", ymin))
		ymin = -31000;
	if (!getintfield(L, index, "y_max", ymax) &&
		!getintfield(L, index, "height_max", ymax))
		ymax = 31000;
	ore->y_min = ymin;
	ore->y_max = ymax;

	if (ore->clust_scarcity <= 0 || ore->clust_num_ores <= 0) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: clust_scarcity and clust_num_ores"
			"must be greater than 0" << std::endl;
		delete ore;
		return 0;

	getflagsfield(L, index, "flags", flagdesc_ore, &ore->flags, NULL);

	lua_getfield(L, index, "noise_params");
	if (read_noiseparams(L, -1, &ore->np)) {
		ore->flags |= OREFLAG_USE_NOISE;
	} else if (ore->NEEDS_NOISE) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: specified ore type requires valid "
			"noise parameters" << std::endl;
		delete ore;
		return 0;
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	if (oretype == ORE_TYPE_VEIN) {
		OreVein *orevein = (OreVein *)ore;
		orevein->random_factor = getfloatfield_default(L, index,
			"random_factor", 1.f);

	u32 id = oremgr->add(ore);
	if (id == (u32)-1) {
		delete ore;
		return 0;

	NodeResolveInfo *nri = new NodeResolveInfo(ore);
	nri->nodenames.push_back(getstringfield_default(L, index, "ore", ""));

	std::vector<const char *> wherein_names;
	getstringlistfield(L, index, "wherein", wherein_names);
	for (size_t i = 0; i != wherein_names.size(); i++)


	verbosestream << "register_ore: " << ore->name << std::endl;

	lua_pushinteger(L, id);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 10
ToolCapabilities read_tool_capabilities(
		lua_State *L, int table)
	ToolCapabilities toolcap;
	getfloatfield(L, table, "full_punch_interval", toolcap.full_punch_interval);
	getintfield(L, table, "max_drop_level", toolcap.max_drop_level);
	lua_getfield(L, table, "groupcaps");
	if(lua_istable(L, -1)){
		int table_groupcaps = lua_gettop(L);
		while(lua_next(L, table_groupcaps) != 0){
			// key at index -2 and value at index -1
			std::string groupname = luaL_checkstring(L, -2);
			if(lua_istable(L, -1)){
				int table_groupcap = lua_gettop(L);
				// This will be created
				ToolGroupCap groupcap;
				// Read simple parameters
				getintfield(L, table_groupcap, "maxlevel", groupcap.maxlevel);
				getintfield(L, table_groupcap, "uses", groupcap.uses);
				// DEPRECATED: maxwear
				float maxwear = 0;
				if(getfloatfield(L, table_groupcap, "maxwear", maxwear)){
					if(maxwear != 0)
						groupcap.uses = 1.0/maxwear;
						groupcap.uses = 0;
					infostream<<"WARNING: field \"maxwear\" is deprecated; "
							<<"should replace with uses=1/maxwear"<<std::endl;
				// Read "times" table
				lua_getfield(L, table_groupcap, "times");
				if(lua_istable(L, -1)){
					int table_times = lua_gettop(L);
					while(lua_next(L, table_times) != 0){
						// key at index -2 and value at index -1
						int rating = luaL_checkinteger(L, -2);
						float time = luaL_checknumber(L, -1);
						groupcap.times[rating] = time;
						// removes value, keeps key for next iteration
						lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				// Insert groupcap into toolcap
				toolcap.groupcaps[groupname] = groupcap;
			// removes value, keeps key for next iteration
			lua_pop(L, 1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	lua_getfield(L, table, "damage_groups");
	if(lua_istable(L, -1)){
		int table_damage_groups = lua_gettop(L);
		while(lua_next(L, table_damage_groups) != 0){
			// key at index -2 and value at index -1
			std::string groupname = luaL_checkstring(L, -2);
			u16 value = luaL_checkinteger(L, -1);
			toolcap.damageGroups[groupname] = value;
			// removes value, keeps key for next iteration
			lua_pop(L, 1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);
	return toolcap;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ScriptApiEnv::initializeEnvironment(ServerEnvironment *env)

		Add ActiveBlockModifiers to environment

	// Get core.registered_abms
	lua_getglobal(L, "core");
	lua_getfield(L, -1, "registered_abms");
	luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TTABLE);
	int registered_abms = lua_gettop(L);

	if(lua_istable(L, registered_abms)){
		int table = lua_gettop(L);
		while(lua_next(L, table) != 0){
			// key at index -2 and value at index -1
			int id = lua_tonumber(L, -2);
			int current_abm = lua_gettop(L);

			std::set<std::string> trigger_contents;
			lua_getfield(L, current_abm, "nodenames");
			if(lua_istable(L, -1)){
				int table = lua_gettop(L);
				while(lua_next(L, table) != 0){
					// key at index -2 and value at index -1
					luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TSTRING);
					trigger_contents.insert(lua_tostring(L, -1));
					// removes value, keeps key for next iteration
					lua_pop(L, 1);
			} else if(lua_isstring(L, -1)){
				trigger_contents.insert(lua_tostring(L, -1));
			lua_pop(L, 1);

			std::set<std::string> required_neighbors;
			lua_getfield(L, current_abm, "neighbors");
			if(lua_istable(L, -1)){
				int table = lua_gettop(L);
				while(lua_next(L, table) != 0){
					// key at index -2 and value at index -1
					luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TSTRING);
					required_neighbors.insert(lua_tostring(L, -1));
					// removes value, keeps key for next iteration
					lua_pop(L, 1);
			} else if(lua_isstring(L, -1)){
				required_neighbors.insert(lua_tostring(L, -1));
			lua_pop(L, 1);

			float trigger_interval = 10.0;
			getfloatfield(L, current_abm, "interval", trigger_interval);

			int trigger_chance = 50;
			getintfield(L, current_abm, "chance", trigger_chance);

			int neighbors_range = 1;
			getintfield(L, current_abm, "neighbors_range", neighbors_range);

			LuaABM *abm = new LuaABM(L, id, trigger_contents,
					required_neighbors, neighbors_range, trigger_interval, trigger_chance);


			// removes value, keeps key for next iteration
			lua_pop(L, 1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool read_schematic(lua_State *L, int index, DecoSchematic *dschem, Server *server) {
	if (index < 0)
		index = lua_gettop(L) + 1 + index;

	INodeDefManager *ndef = server->getNodeDefManager();

	if (lua_istable(L, index)) {
		lua_getfield(L, index, "size");
		v3s16 size = read_v3s16(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		int numnodes = size.X * size.Y * size.Z;
		MapNode *schemdata = new MapNode[numnodes];
		int i = 0;
		// Get schematic data
		lua_getfield(L, index, "data");
		luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TTABLE);
		while (lua_next(L, -2)) {
			if (i < numnodes) {
				// same as readnode, except param1 default is MTSCHEM_PROB_CONST
				lua_getfield(L, -1, "name");
				const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				u8 param1;
				lua_getfield(L, -1, "param1");
				param1 = !lua_isnil(L, -1) ? lua_tonumber(L, -1) : MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS;
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				u8 param2;
				lua_getfield(L, -1, "param2");
				param2 = !lua_isnil(L, -1) ? lua_tonumber(L, -1) : 0;
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				schemdata[i] = MapNode(ndef, name, param1, param2);
			lua_pop(L, 1);
		if (i != numnodes) {
			errorstream << "read_schematic: incorrect number of "
				"nodes provided in raw schematic data (got " << i <<
				", expected " << numnodes << ")." << std::endl;
			return false;

		u8 *sliceprobs = new u8[size.Y];
		for (i = 0; i != size.Y; i++)
			sliceprobs[i] = MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS;

		// Get Y-slice probability values (if present)
		lua_getfield(L, index, "yslice_prob");
		if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
			while (lua_next(L, -2)) {
				if (getintfield(L, -1, "ypos", i) && i >= 0 && i < size.Y) {
					sliceprobs[i] = getintfield_default(L, -1,
						"prob", MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS);
				lua_pop(L, 1);

		dschem->size        = size;
		dschem->schematic   = schemdata;
		dschem->slice_probs = sliceprobs;

	} else if (lua_isstring(L, index)) {
		dschem->filename = std::string(lua_tostring(L, index));
	} else {
		errorstream << "read_schematic: missing schematic "
			"filename or raw schematic data" << std::endl;
		return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool read_schematic_def(lua_State *L, int index,
	Schematic *schem, std::vector<std::string> *names)
	if (!lua_istable(L, index))
		return false;

	//// Get schematic size
	lua_getfield(L, index, "size");
	v3s16 size = check_v3s16(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	schem->size = size;

	//// Get schematic data
	lua_getfield(L, index, "data");
	luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TTABLE);

	int numnodes = size.X * size.Y * size.Z;
	schem->schemdata = new MapNode[numnodes];
	int i = 0;

	size_t names_base = names->size();
	std::map<std::string, content_t> name_id_map;

	while (lua_next(L, -2)) {
		if (i >= numnodes) {
			lua_pop(L, 1);

		// same as readnode, except param1 default is MTSCHEM_PROB_CONST
		lua_getfield(L, -1, "name");
		std::string name = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		u8 param1;
		lua_getfield(L, -1, "param1");
		param1 = !lua_isnil(L, -1) ? lua_tonumber(L, -1) : MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		u8 param2;
		lua_getfield(L, -1, "param2");
		param2 = !lua_isnil(L, -1) ? lua_tonumber(L, -1) : 0;
		lua_pop(L, 1);

		std::map<std::string, content_t>::iterator it = name_id_map.find(name);
		content_t name_index;
		if (it != name_id_map.end()) {
			name_index = it->second;
		} else {
			name_index = names->size() - names_base;
			name_id_map[name] = name_index;

		schem->schemdata[i] = MapNode(name_index, param1, param2);

		lua_pop(L, 1);

	if (i != numnodes) {
		errorstream << "read_schematic_def: incorrect number of "
			"nodes provided in raw schematic data (got " << i <<
			", expected " << numnodes << ")." << std::endl;
		return false;

	//// Get Y-slice probability values (if present)
	schem->slice_probs = new u8[size.Y];
	for (i = 0; i != size.Y; i++)
		schem->slice_probs[i] = MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS;

	lua_getfield(L, index, "yslice_prob");
	if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
		while (lua_next(L, -2)) {
			if (getintfield(L, -1, "ypos", i) && i >= 0 && i < size.Y) {
				schem->slice_probs[i] = getintfield_default(L, -1,
					"prob", MTSCHEM_PROB_ALWAYS);
			lua_pop(L, 1);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// register_ore({lots of stuff})
int ModApiMapgen::l_register_ore(lua_State *L)
	int index = 1;
	luaL_checktype(L, index, LUA_TTABLE);

	INodeDefManager *ndef = getServer(L)->getNodeDefManager();
	OreManager *oremgr    = getServer(L)->getEmergeManager()->oremgr;

	enum OreType oretype = (OreType)getenumfield(L, index,
				"ore_type", es_OreType, ORE_SCATTER);
	Ore *ore = oremgr->create(oretype);
	if (!ore) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: ore_type " << oretype << " not implemented";
		return 0;

	ore->name           = getstringfield_default(L, index, "name", "");
	ore->ore_param2     = (u8)getintfield_default(L, index, "ore_param2", 0);
	ore->clust_scarcity = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_scarcity", 1);
	ore->clust_num_ores = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_num_ores", 1);
	ore->clust_size     = getintfield_default(L, index, "clust_size", 0);
	ore->nthresh        = getfloatfield_default(L, index, "noise_threshhold", 0);
	ore->noise          = NULL;
	ore->flags          = 0;

	warn_if_field_exists(L, index, "height_min",
		"Deprecated: new name is \"y_min\".");
	warn_if_field_exists(L, index, "height_max",
		"Deprecated: new name is \"y_max\".");

	int ymin, ymax;
	if (!getintfield(L, index, "y_min", ymin) &&
		!getintfield(L, index, "height_min", ymin))
		ymin = -31000;
	if (!getintfield(L, index, "y_max", ymax) &&
		!getintfield(L, index, "height_max", ymax))
		ymax = 31000;
	ore->y_min = ymin;
	ore->y_max = ymax;

	if (ore->clust_scarcity <= 0 || ore->clust_num_ores <= 0) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: clust_scarcity and clust_num_ores"
			"must be greater than 0" << std::endl;
		delete ore;
		return 0;

	getflagsfield(L, index, "flags", flagdesc_ore, &ore->flags, NULL);

	lua_getfield(L, index, "noise_params");
	if (read_noiseparams(L, -1, &ore->np)) {
		ore->flags |= OREFLAG_USE_NOISE;
	} else if (ore->NEEDS_NOISE) {
		errorstream << "register_ore: specified ore type requires valid "
			"noise parameters" << std::endl;
		delete ore;
		return 0;
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	if (oretype == ORE_VEIN) {
		OreVein *orevein = (OreVein *)ore;
		orevein->random_factor = getfloatfield_default(L, index,
			"random_factor", 1.f);

	ObjDefHandle handle = oremgr->add(ore);
	if (handle == OBJDEF_INVALID_HANDLE) {
		delete ore;
		return 0;

	ore->m_nodenames.push_back(getstringfield_default(L, index, "ore", ""));

	size_t nnames = getstringlistfield(L, index, "wherein", &ore->m_nodenames);

	ndef->pendNodeResolve(ore, NODE_RESOLVE_DEFERRED);

	lua_pushinteger(L, handle);
	return 1;