Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Top function to read word dictionary via normal file pointer.
 * @param fp [in] file pointer
 * @param winfo [out] pointer to word dictionary to store the read data.
 * @param hmminfo [in] HTK %HMM definition data.  if NULL, phonemes are ignored.
 * @param ignore_tri_conv [in] TRUE if triphone conversion is ignored
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on any error word.
voca_load_htkdict_fp(FILE *fp, WORD_INFO *winfo, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, boolean ignore_tri_conv)
    boolean ret;

    voca_load_start(winfo, hmminfo, ignore_tri_conv);
    while(getl_fp(buf, MAXLINELEN, fp) != NULL) {
        if (voca_load_line(buf, winfo, hmminfo) == FALSE) break;
    ret = voca_load_end(winfo);

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Top function to read word list via file pointer
 * @param fp [in] file pointer
 * @param winfo [out] pointer to word dictionary to store the read data.
 * @param hmminfo [in] HTK %HMM definition data.  if NULL, phonemes are ignored.
 * @param headphone [in] word head silence model name
 * @param tailphone [in] word tail silence model name
 * @param contextphone [in] silence context name to be used at head and tail
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on any error word.
voca_load_wordlist_fp(FILE *fp, WORD_INFO *winfo, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo, char *headphone, char *tailphone, char *contextphone)
    boolean ret;

    voca_load_start(winfo, hmminfo, FALSE);
    while (getl_fp(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
        if (voca_load_word_line(buf, winfo, hmminfo, headphone, tailphone, contextphone) == FALSE) break;
    ret = voca_load_end(winfo);

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief  Begin reading audio data from a file.
 * If listfile was specified in adin_sndfile_standby(), the next filename
 * will be read from the listfile.  Otherwise, the
 * filename will be obtained from stdin.  Then the file will be opened here.
 * @param filename [in] file name to open or NULL for prompt
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
adin_sndfile_begin(char *filename)
  boolean readp;

  if (filename != NULL) {
    if (adin_sndfile_open(filename) == FALSE) {
      jlog("Error: adin_sndfile: invalid format: \"%s\"\n", filename);
      return FALSE;
    jlog("Stat: adin_sndfile: input speechfile: %s\n", filename);
    strcpy(speechfilename, filename);
    return TRUE;

  /* ready to read next input */
  readp = FALSE;
  while(readp == FALSE) {
    if (from_file) {
      /* read file name from listfile */
      do {
	if (getl_fp(speechfilename, MAXPATHLEN, fp_list) == NULL) { /* end of input */
	  return(FALSE); /* end of input */
      } while (speechfilename[0] == '#'); /* skip comment */
    } else {
      /* read file name from stdin */
      if (get_line_from_stdin(speechfilename, MAXPATHLEN, "enter filename->") == NULL) {
	return (FALSE);	/* end of input */
    if (adin_sndfile_open(speechfilename) == FALSE) {
      jlog("Error: adin_sndfile: invalid format: \"%s\"\n",speechfilename);
    } else {
      jlog("Stat: adin_sndfile: input speechfile: %s\n",speechfilename);
      readp = TRUE;
  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Top loop function to read DFA grammar via file descriptor
 * @param fp [in] file pointer that points to the DFA grammar data
 * @param dinfo [out] the read data will be stored in this DFA grammar structure
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
rddfa_fp(FILE *fp, DFA_INFO *dinfo)
  int state_max, arc_num, terminal_max;

  /* initialize */
  state_max = 0;
  arc_num = 0;
  terminal_max = 0;

  while(getl_fp(buf, MAXLINELEN, fp) != NULL) {
    if (rddfa_line(buf, dinfo, &state_max, &arc_num, &terminal_max) == FALSE) {
  dinfo->state_num = state_max + 1;
  dinfo->arc_num = arc_num;
  dinfo->term_num = terminal_max + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * <JA>
 * @brief  単語辞書をファイルから読み込んでセットアップする. 
 * 辞書上のモノフォン表記からトライフォンへの計算は init_voca() で
 * 読み込み時に行われる. このため,辞書読み込み時には,認識で使用する
 * 予定のHMM情報を与える必要がある. 
 * N-gram 使用時は,文頭無音単語およぶ文末無音単語をここで設定する. 
 * また,"-iwspword" 指定時は,ポーズ単語を辞書の最後に挿入する. 
 * </JA>
 * <EN>
 * @brief  Read in word dictionary from a file and setup for recognition.
 * Monophone-to-triphone conversion will be performed inside init_voca().
 * So, an HMM definition data that will be used with the LM should also be
 * specified as an argument.
 * When reading dictionary for N-gram, sentence head silence word and
 * tail silence word will be determined in this function.  Also,
 * when an option "-iwspword" is specified, this will insert a pause
 * word at the last of the given dictionary.
 * </EN>
 * @param lmconf [in] LM configuration variables
 * @param hmminfo [in] HMM definition of each phone in dictionary, for
 * phone checking and monophone-to-triphone conversion.
 * @return the newly created word dictionary structure, or NULL on failure.
static WORD_INFO *
initialize_dict(JCONF_LM *lmconf, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmminfo)
  WORD_INFO *winfo;
  char buf[MAXLINELEN];
  int n;

  /* allocate new word dictionary */
  winfo = word_info_new();
  /* read in dictinary from file */
  if ( ! 
      /* leave winfo monophone for 1st pass lexicon tree */
       init_voca(winfo, lmconf->dictfilename, hmminfo, TRUE, lmconf->forcedict_flag)
       init_voca(winfo, lmconf->dictfilename, hmminfo, FALSE, lmconf->forcedict_flag)
       ) {
    jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: failed to read dictionary, terminated\n");
    return NULL;

  /* load additional entries */
  for (nl = lmconf->additional_dict_files; nl; nl=nl->next) {
    FILE *fp;
    if ((fp = fopen(nl->name, "rb")) == NULL) {
      jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: failed to open %s\n",nl->name);
      return NULL;
    n = winfo->num;
    while (getl_fp(buf, MAXLINELEN, fp) != NULL) {
      if (voca_load_line(buf, winfo, hmminfo) == FALSE) break;
    if (voca_load_end(winfo) == FALSE) {
      if (lmconf->forcedict_flag) {
	jlog("Warning: m_fusion: the error words above are ignored\n");
      } else {
	jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: error in reading dictionary %s\n", nl->name);
	return NULL;
    if (fclose(fp) == -1) {
      jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: failed to close %s\n", nl->name);
      return NULL;
    jlog("STAT: + additional dictionary: %s (%d words)\n", nl->name, winfo->num - n);
  n = winfo->num;
  for (nl = lmconf->additional_dict_entries; nl; nl=nl->next) {
    if (voca_load_line(nl->name, winfo, hmminfo) == FALSE) {
      jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: failed to set entry: %s\n", nl->name);
  if (lmconf->additional_dict_entries) {
    if (voca_load_end(winfo) == FALSE) {
      jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: failed to read additinoal word entry\n");
      return NULL;
    jlog("STAT: + additional entries: %d words\n", winfo->num - n);

  if (lmconf->lmtype == LM_PROB) {
    /* if necessary, append a IW-sp word to the dict if "-iwspword" specified */
    if (lmconf->enable_iwspword) {
      if (
	  voca_append_htkdict(lmconf->iwspentry, winfo, hmminfo, TRUE)
	  voca_append_htkdict(lmconf->iwspentry, winfo, hmminfo, FALSE)
	  == FALSE) {
	jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: failed to make IW-sp word entry \"%s\"\n", lmconf->iwspentry);
	return NULL;
      } else {
	jlog("STAT: 1 IW-sp word entry added\n");
    /* set {head,tail}_silwid */
    winfo->head_silwid = voca_lookup_wid(lmconf->head_silname, winfo);
    if (winfo->head_silwid == WORD_INVALID) { /* not exist */
      jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: head sil word \"%s\" not exist in voca\n", lmconf->head_silname);
      return NULL;
    winfo->tail_silwid = voca_lookup_wid(lmconf->tail_silname, winfo);
    if (winfo->tail_silwid == WORD_INVALID) { /* not exist */
      jlog("ERROR: m_fusion: tail sil word \"%s\" not exist in voca\n", lmconf->tail_silname);
      return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Read and parse an HTK Config file, and set the specified option values.
 * @param HTKconffile [in] HTK Config file path name
 * @param para [out] MFCC parameter to set
 * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
htk_config_file_parse(char *HTKconffile, Value *para)
  FILE *fp;
  char buf[512];
  char *p, *d, *a;
  float srate;
  boolean skipped;

  jlog("Stat: para: parsing HTK Config file: %s\n", HTKconffile);
  /* convert the content into argument list c_argv[1..c_argc-1] */
  /* c_argv[0] will be the original conffile name */
  if ((fp = fopen(HTKconffile, "r")) == NULL) {
    jlog("Error: para: failed to open HTK Config file: %s\n", HTKconffile);
    return FALSE;

  srate = 0.0;

  while (getl_fp(buf, 512, fp) != NULL) {
    p = buf;
    if (*p == 35) { /* skip comment line */

    /* parse the input line to get directive and argument */
    while (*p != '\0' && ISTOKEN(*p)) p++;
    if (*p == '\0') continue;
    d = p;
    while (*p != '\0' && (!ISTOKEN(*p)) && *p != '=') p++;
    if (*p == '\0') continue;
    *p = '\0'; p++;
    while (*p != '\0' && ((ISTOKEN(*p)) || *p == '=')) p++;
    if (*p == '\0') continue;
    a = p;
    while (*p != '\0' && (!ISTOKEN(*p))) p++;
    *p = '\0';

    /* process arguments */
    skipped = FALSE;
    if (strmatch(d, "SOURCERATE")) { /* -smpPeriod */
      srate = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "TARGETRATE")) { /* -fshift */
      para->frameshift = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "WINDOWSIZE")) { /* -fsize */
      para->framesize = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "ZMEANSOURCE")) { /* -zmeansource */
      para->zmeanframe = (a[0] == 'T') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    } else if (strmatch(d, "USEPOWER")) { /* -usepower */
      para->usepower = (a[0] == 'T') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    } else if (strmatch(d, "PREEMCOEF")) { /* -preemph */
      para->preEmph = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "USEHAMMING")) { /* (fixed to T) */
      if (a[0] != 'T') {
	jlog("Error: para: USEHAMMING should be T\n", HTKconffile);
	return FALSE;
    } else if (strmatch(d, "NUMCHANS")) { /* -fbank */
      para->fbank_num = atoi(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "CEPLIFTER")) { /* -ceplif */
      para->lifter = atoi(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "DELTAWINDOW")) { /* -delwin */
      para->delWin = atoi(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "ACCWINDOW")) { /* -accwin */
      para->accWin = atoi(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "LOFREQ")) { /* -lofreq */
      para->lopass = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "HIFREQ")) { /* -hifreq */
      para->hipass = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "RAWENERGY")) { /* -rawe */
      para->raw_e = (a[0] == 'T') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    } else if (strmatch(d, "ENORMALISE")) { /* -enormal */
      para->enormal = (a[0] == 'T') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    } else if (strmatch(d, "ESCALE")) { /* -escale */
      para->escale = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "SILFLOOR")) { /* -silfloor */
      para->silFloor = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "WARPFREQ")) { /* -vtln (1) */
      para->vtln_alpha = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "WARPLCUTOFF")) { /* -vtln (2) */
      para->vtln_lower = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "WARPUCUTOFF")) { /* -vtln (3) */
      para->vtln_upper = atof(a);
    } else if (strmatch(d, "TARGETKIND")) {
      jlog("Warning: para: TARGETKIND skipped (will be determined by AM header)\n");
      skipped = TRUE;
    } else if (strmatch(d, "NUMCEPS")) {
      jlog("Warning: para: NUMCEPS skipped (will be determined by AM header)\n");
      skipped = TRUE;
    } else {
      jlog("Warning: para: \"%s\" ignored (not supported, or irrelevant)\n", d);
      skipped = TRUE;
    if (!skipped) {
      jlog("Stat: para: %s=%s\n", d, a);

  if (srate == 0.0) {
    jlog("Warning: no SOURCERATE found\n");
    jlog("Warning: assume source waveform sample rate to 625 (16kHz)\n");
    srate = 625;

  para->smp_period = srate;
  para->smp_freq = period2freq(para->smp_period);
  para->frameshift /= srate;
  para->framesize /= srate;

  if (fclose(fp) == -1) {
    jlog("Error: para: failed to close file\n");
    return FALSE;

  para->loaded = 1;

  return TRUE;