Ejemplo n.º 1
// dir should end with /
int CNativeWrapper::init(JNIEnv * env, void * bitmap, jobject * callback, int width, int height, const char * cfg_dir, const char * modules_dir, const char * cache_dir, const char * font_dir, const char * urlToLoad) {
	LOGI("Initializing GPAC with URL=%s...", urlToLoad);
	strcpy(m_cfg_dir, cfg_dir);
	strcpy(m_modules_dir, modules_dir);
	strcpy(m_cache_dir, cache_dir);
	strcpy(m_font_dir, font_dir);

	char m_cfg_filename[GF_MAX_PATH];
	strcpy(m_cfg_filename, m_cfg_dir);
	strcat(m_cfg_filename, "GPAC.cfg");

	int m_Width = width;
	int m_Height = height;

	int first_launch = 0;
	const char *opt;

	m_window = env;
	m_session = bitmap;
	if (!mainJavaEnv)
		mainJavaEnv = (JavaEnvTh *) gf_malloc(sizeof(JavaEnvTh));
	memset(mainJavaEnv, 0, sizeof(JavaEnvTh));
	setJavaEnv(mainJavaEnv, env, env->NewGlobalRef(*callback));
	if (pthread_setspecific( jni_thread_env_key, mainJavaEnv)) {
		LOGE("Failed to set specific thread data to jni_thread_env_key=%p for main thread !", jni_thread_env_key);

	m_mx = gf_mx_new("Osmo4");

	//load config file
	LOGI("Loading User Config %s...", "GPAC.cfg");
	m_user.config = gf_cfg_force_new(cfg_dir, "GPAC.cfg");
	gf_set_progress_callback(this, Osmo4_progress_cbk);

	opt = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory");
	if (!opt) {
		FILE * fstart;
		char msg[256];
		LOGI("First launch, initializing new Config %s...", "GPAC.cfg");
		/*hardcode module directory*/
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Downloader", "CleanCache", "yes");
		/*startup file*/
		snprintf(msg, 256, "%sgui/gui.bt", cfg_dir);
		fstart = fopen(msg, "r");
		if (fstart) {
			gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "StartupFile", msg);
		} else {
			gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "#StartupFile", msg);
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "GUI", "UnhideControlPlayer", "1");
		/*setup UDP traffic autodetect*/
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Network", "AutoReconfigUDP", "yes");
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Network", "UDPTimeout", "10000");
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Network", "BufferLength", "3000");
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Compositor", "TextureTextMode", "Default");
		//gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Compositor", "FrameRate", "30");
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Audio", "ForceConfig", "no");
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Audio", "NumBuffers", "1");
		gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontReader", "ft_font");
	/* All of this has to be done for every instance */
	gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory", modules_dir ? modules_dir : GPAC_MODULES_DIR);
	gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "CacheDirectory", cache_dir ? cache_dir : GPAC_CACHE_DIR);
	gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "General", "LastWorkingDir", cfg_dir);
	gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "FontEngine", "FontDirectory", GPAC_FONT_DIR);
	gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Video", "DriverName", "Android Video Output");
	gf_cfg_set_key(m_user.config, "Audio", "DriverName", "Android Audio Output");

	opt = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "ModulesDirectory");
	LOGI("loading modules in directory %s...", opt);
	m_user.modules = gf_modules_new(opt, m_user.config);
	if (!m_user.modules || !gf_modules_get_count(m_user.modules)) {
		LOGE("No modules found in directory %s !", opt);
		if (m_user.modules)
		m_user.config = NULL;
		return Quit(KErrGeneral);

	/*we don't thread the visual compositor to be able to minimize the app and still have audio running*/
	m_user.init_flags = GF_TERM_NO_COMPOSITOR_THREAD;
	m_user.opaque = this;

	m_user.os_window_handler = m_window;
	m_user.os_display = m_session;
	m_user.EventProc = GPAC_EventProc;
	if (!javaVM) {
		LOGE("NO JAVA VM FOUND, m_user=%p !!!!\n", &m_user);
		return Quit(KErrGeneral);

	LOGD("Loading GPAC terminal, m_user=%p...", &m_user);
	gf_fm_request_set_callback(this, on_fm_request);
	m_term = gf_term_new(&m_user);
	if (!m_term) {
		LOGE("Cannot load GPAC Terminal with m_user=%p", m_user);
		MessageBox("Cannot load GPAC terminal", "Fatal Error", GF_SERVICE_ERROR);
		m_user.modules = NULL;
		m_user.config = NULL;
		return Quit(KErrGeneral);


	LOGD("Setting term size m_user=%p...", &m_user);
	gf_term_set_size(m_term, m_Width, m_Height);

	opt = gf_cfg_get_key(m_user.config, "General", "StartupFile");
	LOGD("File loaded at startup=%s.", opt);

	if (!urlToLoad)
		urlToLoad = opt;
	if (urlToLoad) {
		LOGI("Connecting to %s...", urlToLoad);
		gf_term_connect(m_term, urlToLoad);
	debug_log("init end");
	LOGD("Saving config file %s...\n", m_cfg_filename);
	LOGI("Initialization complete, config file saved as %s.\n", m_cfg_filename);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
DownloadedCacheEntry gf_cache_create_entry ( GF_DownloadManager * dm, const char * cache_directory, const char * url , u64 start_range, u64 end_range, Bool mem_storage)
	char tmp[_CACHE_TMP_SIZE];
	u8 hash[_CACHE_HASH_SIZE];
	int sz;
	DownloadedCacheEntry entry = NULL;
	if ( !dm || !url || !cache_directory) {
		       ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry :%d, dm=%p, url=%s cache_directory=%s, aborting.\n", __LINE__, dm, url, cache_directory));
		return entry;
	sz = (u32) strlen ( url );
	if ( sz > _CACHE_TMP_SIZE )
		       ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d : ERROR, URL is too long (%d chars), more than %d chars.\n", __LINE__, sz, _CACHE_TMP_SIZE ));
		return entry;
	tmp[0] = '\0';
	/*generate hash of the full url*/
	if (start_range && end_range) {
		sprintf(tmp, "%s_"LLD"-"LLD, url, start_range, end_range );
	} else {
		strcpy ( tmp, url );
	gf_sha1_csum ((u8*) tmp, (u32) strlen ( tmp ), hash );
	tmp[0] = 0;
		int i;
		for ( i=0; i<20; i++ )
			char t[3];
			t[2] = 0;
			sprintf ( t, "%02X", hash[i] );
			strcat ( tmp, t );
	assert ( strlen ( tmp ) == (_CACHE_HASH_SIZE * 2) );

	GF_SAFEALLOC(entry, struct __DownloadedCacheEntryStruct);

	if ( !entry ) {
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("gf_cache_create_entry:%d : OUT of memory !\n", __LINE__));
		return NULL;
	GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, entry=%p\n", __LINE__, entry));

	entry->url = gf_strdup ( url );
	entry->hash = gf_strdup ( tmp );

	entry->memory_stored = mem_storage;

	entry->cacheSize = 0;
	entry->contentLength = 0;
	entry->serverETag = NULL;
	entry->diskETag = NULL;
	entry->flags = NO_VALIDATION;
	entry->validity = 0;
	entry->diskLastModified = NULL;
	entry->serverLastModified = NULL;
	entry->dm = dm;
	entry->range_start = start_range;
	entry->range_end = end_range;

		char name[1024];
		snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "CachedEntryWriteMx=%p, url=%s", (void*) entry, url);
		entry->write_mutex = gf_mx_new(name);

	entry->deletableFilesOnDelete = 0;
	entry->write_session = NULL;
	entry->sessions = gf_list_new();

	if (entry->memory_stored) {
		entry->cache_filename = gf_malloc ( strlen ("gmem://") + 8 + strlen("@") + 16 + 1);
	} else {
		/* Sizeof cache directory + hash + possible extension */
		entry->cache_filename = gf_malloc ( strlen ( cache_directory ) + strlen(cache_file_prefix) + strlen(tmp) + _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE + 1);

	if ( !entry->hash || !entry->url || !entry->cache_filename || !entry->sessions)
		GF_Err err;
		/* Probably out of memory */
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, aborting due to OUT of MEMORY !\n", __LINE__));
		err = gf_cache_delete_entry ( entry );
		assert ( err == GF_OK );
		return NULL;

	if (entry->memory_stored) {
		sprintf(entry->cache_filename, "gmem://%d@%p", entry->contentLength, entry->mem_storage);
		return entry;

	tmp[0] = '\0';
	strcpy ( entry->cache_filename, cache_directory );
	strcat( entry->cache_filename, cache_file_prefix );
	strcat ( entry->cache_filename, entry->hash );
	strcpy ( tmp, url );

		char * parser;
		parser = strrchr ( tmp, '?' );
		if ( parser )
			parser[0] = '\0';
		parser = strrchr ( tmp, '#' );
		if ( parser )
			parser[0] = '\0';
		parser = strrchr ( tmp, '.' );
		if ( parser && ( strlen ( parser ) < _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE ) )
			strncpy(ext, parser, _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE);
			strncpy(ext, default_cache_file_suffix, _CACHE_MAX_EXTENSION_SIZE);
		assert (strlen(ext));
		strcat( entry->cache_filename, ext);
	tmp[0] = '\0';
	strcpy( tmp, cache_file_prefix);
	strcat( tmp, entry->hash );
	strcat( tmp , ext);
	strcat ( tmp, cache_file_info_suffix );
	entry->properties = gf_cfg_force_new ( cache_directory, tmp );
	if ( !entry->properties )
		GF_Err err;
		/* OUT of memory ? */
		GF_LOG(GF_LOG_WARNING, GF_LOG_NETWORK, ("[CACHE] gf_cache_create_entry:%d, aborting due to OUT of MEMORY !\n", __LINE__));
		err = gf_cache_delete_entry ( entry );
		assert ( err == GF_OK );
		return NULL;
	gf_cache_set_etag_on_disk(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_ETAG));
	gf_cache_set_etag_on_server(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_ETAG));
	gf_cache_set_mime_type(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_MIME_TYPE));
	gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_disk(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED));
	gf_cache_set_last_modified_on_server(entry, gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_LAST_MODIFIED));
		const char * keyValue = gf_cfg_get_key ( entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_URL );
		if ( keyValue == NULL || stricmp ( url, keyValue ) )
			entry->flags |= CORRUPTED;

		keyValue = gf_cfg_get_key(entry->properties, CACHE_SECTION_NAME, CACHE_SECTION_NAME_RANGE);
		if (keyValue) {
			u64 s, e;
			sscanf(keyValue, LLD"-"LLD, &s, &e);
			/*mark as corrupted if not same range (we don't support this for the time being ...*/
			if ((s!=entry->range_start) || (e!=entry->range_end))
				entry->flags |= CORRUPTED;

	return entry;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int dc_parse_command(int i_argc, char ** p_argv, CmdData * p_cmdd) {

    int i;

    char * psz_command_usage =
        "Usage: DashCast [options]\n"
        "    -a <string>                  audio stream input source\n"
        "    -v <string>                  video stream input source\n"
        "    -av <string>                 multiplexed audio and video input source\n"
        "    -vf <string>                 input video format (if necessary)\n"
        "    -vfr <int>                   input video framerate (if necessary)\n"
        "    -vres <intxint>              input video resolution (if necessary)\n"
        "    -af <string>                 input audio format (if necessary)\n"
        "    -live                        indicates that the system is live\n"
        "    -conf <string>               configuration file [default=dashcast.conf]\n"
        "    -seg-dur <int>               segment duration in millisecond [default=1000]\n"
        "    -frag-dur <int>              fragment duration in millisecond [default=1000]\n"
        "    -mpd <string>                MPD file name [default=dashcast.mpd]\n"
        "    -out <string>                output data directory name [default=output]\n"

    char * psz_command_error =
        "\33[31mUnknown option or missing mandatory argument.\33[0m\n";

    if (i_argc == 1) {
        printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
        return -1;

    i = 1;
    while (i < i_argc) {

        if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-a") == 0 || strcmp(p_argv[i], "-v") == 0
                || strcmp(p_argv[i], "-av") == 0) {

            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            if (strcmp(p_argv[i - 1], "-a") == 0
                    || strcmp(p_argv[i - 1], "-av") == 0) {
                if (strcmp(p_cmdd->adata.psz_name, "") != 0) {
                    printf("Audio source has been already specified.\n");
                    printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                    return -1;
                //p_cmdd->psz_asrc = malloc(strlen(p_argv[i]) + 1);
                strcpy(p_cmdd->adata.psz_name, p_argv[i]);
                strcat(p_cmdd->adata.psz_name, "\0");

            if (strcmp(p_argv[i - 1], "-v") == 0
                    || strcmp(p_argv[i - 1], "-av") == 0) {
                if (strcmp(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_name, "") != 0) {
                    printf("Video source has been already specified.\n");
                    printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                    return -1;

                //p_cmdd->psz_vsrc = malloc(strlen(p_argv[i]) + 1);
                strcpy(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_name, p_argv[i]);
                strcat(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_name, "\0");


        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-af") == 0
                   || strcmp(p_argv[i], "-vf") == 0) {

            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            if (strcmp(p_argv[i - 1], "-af") == 0) {
                if (strcmp(p_cmdd->adata.psz_format, "") != 0) {
                    printf("Audio format has been already specified.\n");
                    printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                    return -1;
                //p_cmdd->psz_af = malloc(strlen(p_argv[i]) + 1);
                strcpy(p_cmdd->adata.psz_format, p_argv[i]);
                strcat(p_cmdd->adata.psz_format, "\0");

            if (strcmp(p_argv[i - 1], "-vf") == 0) {
                if (strcmp(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_format, "") != 0) {
                    printf("Video format has been already specified.\n");
                    printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                    return -1;

                //p_cmdd->psz_vf = malloc(strlen(p_argv[i]) + 1);
                strcpy(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_format, p_argv[i]);
                strcat(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_format, "\0");


        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-vfr") == 0) {

            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            if (p_cmdd->vdata.i_framerate != -1) {
                printf("Video framerate has been already specified.\n");
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;
            //p_cmdd->psz_vfr = malloc(strlen(p_argv[i]) + 1);
            p_cmdd->vdata.i_framerate = atoi(p_argv[i]);
            //strcpy(p_cmdd->psz_vfr, p_argv[i]);
            //strcat(p_cmdd->psz_vfr, "\0");


        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-vres") == 0) {

            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            if (p_cmdd->vdata.i_height != -1 && p_cmdd->vdata.i_width != -1 ) {
                printf("Video framerate has been already specified.\n");
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;
            dc_str_to_resolution(p_argv[i], &p_cmdd->vdata.i_width, &p_cmdd->vdata.i_height);


        else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-conf") == 0) {
            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            p_cmdd->p_conf = gf_cfg_force_new(NULL, p_argv[i]);


        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-out") == 0) {
            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            strcpy(p_cmdd->psz_out, p_argv[i]);
            strcat(p_cmdd->psz_out, "\0");


        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-mpd") == 0) {
            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            if (strcmp(p_cmdd->psz_mpd, "") != 0) {
                printf("MPD file has been already specified.\n");
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            strncpy(p_cmdd->psz_mpd, p_argv[i], GF_MAX_PATH);

        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-seg-dur") == 0) {
            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            if (p_cmdd->i_seg_dur != 0) {
                printf("Segment duration has been already specified.\n");
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            p_cmdd->i_seg_dur = atoi(p_argv[i]);

        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-frag-dur") == 0) {
            if (i >= i_argc) {
                printf("%s", psz_command_error);
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            if (p_cmdd->i_frag_dur != 0) {
                printf("Fragment duration has been already specified.\n");
                printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
                return -1;

            p_cmdd->i_frag_dur = atoi(p_argv[i]);

        } else if (strcmp(p_argv[i], "-live") == 0) {
            p_cmdd->i_live = 1;
        } else {
            printf("%s", psz_command_error);
            printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
            return -1;


    if (strcmp(p_cmdd->psz_mpd, "") == 0) {
        strcpy(p_cmdd->psz_mpd, "dashcast.mpd");

    if (strcmp(p_cmdd->psz_out, "") == 0) {
        strcpy(p_cmdd->psz_out, "output/");

        struct stat status;

        if (stat(p_cmdd->psz_out, &status) != 0) {
            mkdir(p_cmdd->psz_out, 0777);

    if (strcmp(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_name, "") == 0
            && strcmp(p_cmdd->adata.psz_name, "") == 0) {
        printf("Audio/Video source must be specified.\n");
        printf("%s", psz_command_usage);
        return -1;

    if(p_cmdd->i_seg_dur == 0) {
        p_cmdd->i_seg_dur = 1000;

    if(p_cmdd->i_frag_dur == 0) {
        p_cmdd->i_frag_dur = p_cmdd->i_seg_dur;

    printf("    video source: %s\n", p_cmdd->vdata.psz_name);
    if (strcmp(p_cmdd->vdata.psz_format, "") != 0) {
        printf("    video format: %s\n", p_cmdd->vdata.psz_format);
    if (p_cmdd->vdata.i_framerate != -1) {
        printf("    video framerate: %d\n", p_cmdd->vdata.i_framerate);
    if (p_cmdd->vdata.i_height != -1 && p_cmdd->vdata.i_width != -1) {
        printf("    video resolution: %dx%d\n", p_cmdd->vdata.i_width, p_cmdd->vdata.i_height);

    printf("    audio source: %s\n", p_cmdd->adata.psz_name);
    if (strcmp(p_cmdd->adata.psz_format, "") != 0) {
        printf("    audio format: %s\n", p_cmdd->adata.psz_format);

    if (!p_cmdd->p_conf) {
        p_cmdd->p_conf = gf_cfg_force_new(NULL, "dashcast.conf");


    return 0;