Ejemplo n.º 1
//extraction of the ESD from the track for the given time
GF_Err GetESDForTime(GF_MovieBox *moov, u32 trackID, u64 CTS, GF_ESD **outESD)
    GF_Err e;
    u32 sampleDescIndex;
    GF_TrackBox *trak;

    trak = gf_isom_get_track(moov, gf_isom_get_tracknum_from_id(moov, trackID));
    if (!trak) return GF_ISOM_INVALID_FILE;

    e = Media_GetSampleDescIndex(trak->Media, CTS, &sampleDescIndex );
    if (e) return e;
    return GetESD(moov, trackID, sampleDescIndex, outESD);
Ejemplo n.º 2
//extraction of the ESD from the track
GF_Err GetESD(GF_MovieBox *moov, u32 trackID, u32 StreamDescIndex, GF_ESD **outESD)
    GF_Err e;
    GF_ESD *esd;
    u32 track_num = 0;
    GF_SampleTableBox *stbl;
    GF_TrackBox *trak, *OCRTrack;
    GF_TrackReferenceTypeBox *dpnd;
    GF_SLConfig *slc;
    GF_MPEGSampleEntryBox *entry;

    track_num = gf_isom_get_tracknum_from_id(moov, trackID);
    dpnd = NULL;
    *outESD = NULL;

    trak = gf_isom_get_track(moov, track_num);
    if (!trak) return GF_ISOM_INVALID_FILE;

    e = Media_GetESD(trak->Media, StreamDescIndex, &esd, 0);
    if (e) return e;

    e = Media_GetSampleDesc(trak->Media, StreamDescIndex, (GF_SampleEntryBox **) &entry, NULL);
    if (e) return e;
    //set the ID
    esd->ESID = trackID;

    //find stream dependencies
    e = Track_FindRef(trak, GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_DPND , &dpnd);
    if (e) return e;
    if (dpnd) {
        if (dpnd->trackIDCount != 1) return GF_ISOM_INVALID_MEDIA;
        //fix the spec: where is the index located ??
        esd->dependsOnESID = dpnd->trackIDs[0];
    } else {
        esd->dependsOnESID = 0;

    if (trak->udta) {
        GF_UserDataMap *map;
        u32 i = 0;
        while ((map = (GF_UserDataMap*)gf_list_enum(trak->udta->recordList, &i))) {
            if (map->boxType == GF_4CC('A','U','X','V')) {
                GF_Descriptor *d = gf_odf_desc_new(GF_ODF_AUX_VIDEO_DATA);
                gf_list_add(esd->extensionDescriptors, d);

    //OK, get the OCR (in a REAL MP4File, OCR is 0 in ESD and is specified through track reference
    dpnd = NULL;
    OCRTrack = NULL;
    //find OCR dependencies
    e = Track_FindRef(trak, GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_SYNC, &dpnd);
    if (e) return e;
    if (dpnd) {
        if (dpnd->trackIDCount != 1) return GF_ISOM_INVALID_MEDIA;
        esd->OCRESID = dpnd->trackIDs[0];
        OCRTrack = gf_isom_get_track_from_id(trak->moov, dpnd->trackIDs[0]);

        while (OCRTrack) {
            /*if we have a dependency on a track that doesn't have OCR dep, remove that dependency*/
            e = Track_FindRef(OCRTrack, GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_SYNC, &dpnd);
            if (e || !dpnd || !dpnd->trackIDCount) {
                OCRTrack = NULL;
                goto default_sync;
            /*this is explicit desync*/
            if (dpnd && ((dpnd->trackIDs[0]==0) || (dpnd->trackIDs[0]==OCRTrack->Header->trackID))) break;
            /*loop in OCRs, break it*/
            if (esd->ESID == OCRTrack->Header->trackID) {
                OCRTrack = NULL;
                goto default_sync;
            /*check next*/
            OCRTrack = gf_isom_get_track_from_id(trak->moov, dpnd->trackIDs[0]);
        if (!OCRTrack) goto default_sync;
    } else {
        /*all tracks are sync'ed by default*/
        if (trak->moov->mov->es_id_default_sync<0) {
            if (esd->OCRESID)
                trak->moov->mov->es_id_default_sync = esd->OCRESID;
                trak->moov->mov->es_id_default_sync = esd->ESID;
        if (trak->moov->mov->es_id_default_sync) esd->OCRESID = (u16) trak->moov->mov->es_id_default_sync;
        /*cf ESD writer*/
        if (esd->OCRESID == esd->ESID) esd->OCRESID = 0;

    //update the IPI stuff if needed
    if (esd->ipiPtr != NULL) {
        dpnd = NULL;
        e = Track_FindRef(trak, GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_IPIR, &dpnd);
        if (e) return e;
        if (dpnd) {
            if (esd->ipiPtr->tag != GF_ODF_ISOM_IPI_PTR_TAG) return GF_ISOM_INVALID_FILE;
            //OK, retrieve the ID: the IPI_ES_Id is currently the ref track
            esd->ipiPtr->IPI_ES_Id = dpnd->trackIDs[esd->ipiPtr->IPI_ES_Id - 1];
            //and change the tag
            esd->ipiPtr->tag = GF_ODF_IPI_PTR_TAG;
        } else {
            return GF_ISOM_INVALID_FILE;

    if ((trak->Media->mediaHeader->packedLanguage[0] != 'u')
            || (trak->Media->mediaHeader->packedLanguage[1] != 'n')
            || (trak->Media->mediaHeader->packedLanguage[2] != 'd') ) {
        if (!esd->langDesc) esd->langDesc = (GF_Language *) gf_odf_desc_new(GF_ODF_LANG_TAG);

        esd->langDesc->langCode = trak->Media->mediaHeader->packedLanguage[0];
        esd->langDesc->langCode <<= 8;
        esd->langDesc->langCode |= trak->Media->mediaHeader->packedLanguage[1];
        esd->langDesc->langCode <<= 8;
        esd->langDesc->langCode |= trak->Media->mediaHeader->packedLanguage[2];

        u16 rvc_predefined;
        char *rvc_cfg_data;
        const char *mime_type;
        u32 rvc_cfg_size;
        e = gf_isom_get_rvc_config(moov->mov, track_num, 1, &rvc_predefined, &rvc_cfg_data, &rvc_cfg_size, &mime_type);
        if (e==GF_OK) {
            if (rvc_predefined) {
                esd->decoderConfig->predefined_rvc_config = rvc_predefined;
            } else {
                esd->decoderConfig->rvc_config = (GF_DefaultDescriptor *) gf_odf_desc_new(GF_ODF_DSI_TAG);
                if (mime_type && !strcmp(mime_type, "application/rvc-config+xml+gz") ) {
                    gf_gz_decompress_payload(rvc_cfg_data, rvc_cfg_size, &esd->decoderConfig->rvc_config->data, &esd->decoderConfig->rvc_config->dataLength);
                } else {
                    esd->decoderConfig->rvc_config->data = rvc_cfg_data;
                    esd->decoderConfig->rvc_config->dataLength = rvc_cfg_size;

    /*normally all files shall be stored with predefined=SLPredef_MP4, but of course some are broken (philips)
    so we just check the ESD_URL. If set, use the given cfg, otherwise always rewrite it*/
    if (esd->URLString != NULL) {
        *outESD = esd;
        return GF_OK;

    //if we are in publishing mode and we have an SLConfig specified, use it as is
    switch (entry->type) {
        slc = ((GF_MPEGVisualSampleEntryBox *)entry)->slc;
        slc = ((GF_MPEGAudioSampleEntryBox *)entry)->slc;
        slc = entry->slc;
        slc = NULL;
    if (slc) {
        gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *)esd->slConfig);
        gf_odf_desc_copy((GF_Descriptor *)slc, (GF_Descriptor **)&esd->slConfig);
        *outESD = esd;
        return GF_OK;
    //otherwise use the regular mapping

    //this is a desc for a media in the file, let's rewrite some param
    esd->slConfig->timestampLength = 32;
    esd->slConfig->timestampResolution = trak->Media->mediaHeader->timeScale;
    //NO OCR from MP4File streams (eg, constant OC Res one)
    esd->slConfig->OCRLength = 0;
    esd->slConfig->OCRResolution = 0;
//	if (OCRTrack) esd->slConfig->OCRResolution = OCRTrack->Media->mediaHeader->timeScale;

    stbl = trak->Media->information->sampleTable;
    // a little optimization here: if all our samples are sync,
    //set the RAPOnly to true... for external users...
    if (! stbl->SyncSample) {
        esd->slConfig->hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag = 1;
        esd->slConfig->useRandomAccessPointFlag = 0;
    } else {
        esd->slConfig->hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag = 0;
        //signal we are NOT using sync points if no info is present in the table
        esd->slConfig->useRandomAccessPointFlag = stbl->SyncSample->nb_entries ? 1 : 0;
    //do we have DegradationPriority ?
    if (stbl->DegradationPriority) {
        esd->slConfig->degradationPriorityLength = 15;
    } else {
        esd->slConfig->degradationPriorityLength = 0;
    if (stbl->PaddingBits) {
        esd->slConfig->usePaddingFlag = 1;
    //change to support reflecting OD streams
    esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitEndFlag = 1;
    esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitStartFlag = 1;

    //signal we do have padding flag (since we only use logical SL packet
    //the user can decide whether to use the info or not
    esd->slConfig->usePaddingFlag = stbl->PaddingBits ? 1 : 0;

    //same with degradation priority
    esd->slConfig->degradationPriorityLength = stbl->DegradationPriority ? 32 : 0;

    //this new SL will be OUT OF THE FILE. Let's set its predefined to 0
    esd->slConfig->predefined = 0;

    *outESD = esd;
    return GF_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
GF_Err Media_GetSample(GF_MediaBox *mdia, u32 sampleNumber, GF_ISOSample **samp, u32 *sIDX, Bool no_data, u64 *out_offset)
	GF_Err e;
	u32 bytesRead;
	u32 dataRefIndex, chunkNumber;
	u64 offset, new_size;
	u8 isEdited;
	GF_SampleEntryBox *entry;

	if (!mdia || !mdia->information->sampleTable) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	//OK, here we go....
	if (sampleNumber > mdia->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	//get the DTS
	e = stbl_GetSampleDTS(mdia->information->sampleTable->TimeToSample, sampleNumber, &(*samp)->DTS);
	if (e) return e;
	//the CTS offset
	if (mdia->information->sampleTable->CompositionOffset) {
		e = stbl_GetSampleCTS(mdia->information->sampleTable->CompositionOffset , sampleNumber, &(*samp)->CTS_Offset);
		if (e) return e;
	} else {
		(*samp)->CTS_Offset = 0;
	//the size
	e = stbl_GetSampleSize(mdia->information->sampleTable->SampleSize, sampleNumber, &(*samp)->dataLength);
	if (e) return e;
	//the RAP
	if (mdia->information->sampleTable->SyncSample) {
		e = stbl_GetSampleRAP(mdia->information->sampleTable->SyncSample, sampleNumber, &(*samp)->IsRAP, NULL, NULL);
		if (e) return e;
	} else {
		//if no SyncSample, all samples are sync (cf spec)
		(*samp)->IsRAP = 1;
	/*overwrite sync sample with sample dep if any*/
	if (mdia->information->sampleTable->SampleDep) {
		u32 dependsOn, dependedOn, redundant;
		e = stbl_GetSampleDepType(mdia->information->sampleTable->SampleDep, sampleNumber, &dependsOn, &dependedOn, &redundant);
		if (!e) {
			if (dependsOn==1) (*samp)->IsRAP = 0;
			else if (dependsOn==2) (*samp)->IsRAP = 1;
			/*if not depended upon and redundant, mark as carousel sample*/
			if ((dependedOn==2) && (redundant==1)) (*samp)->IsRAP = 2;
			/*TODO FIXME - we must enhance the IsRAP semantics to carry disposable info ... */
	/*get sync shadow*/
	if (Media_IsSampleSyncShadow(mdia->information->sampleTable->ShadowSync, sampleNumber)) (*samp)->IsRAP = 2;

	//the data info
	if (!sIDX && !no_data) return GF_BAD_PARAM;
	if (!sIDX && !out_offset) return GF_OK;

	(*sIDX) = 0;
	e = stbl_GetSampleInfos(mdia->information->sampleTable, sampleNumber, &offset, &chunkNumber, sIDX, &isEdited);
	if (e) return e;

	//then get the DataRef
	e = Media_GetSampleDesc(mdia, *sIDX, &entry, &dataRefIndex);
	if (e) return e;

	// Open the data handler - check our mode, don't reopen in read only if this is 
	//the same entry. In other modes we have no choice because the main data map is 
	//divided into the original and the edition files
	if (mdia->mediaTrack->moov->mov->openMode == GF_ISOM_OPEN_READ) {	
		//same as last call in read mode
		if (!mdia->information->dataHandler) {
			e = gf_isom_datamap_open(mdia, dataRefIndex, isEdited);
			if (e) return e;
		if (mdia->information->dataEntryIndex != dataRefIndex)
			mdia->information->dataEntryIndex = dataRefIndex;
	} else {
		e = gf_isom_datamap_open(mdia, dataRefIndex, isEdited);
		if (e) return e;

	if (out_offset) *out_offset = offset;
	if (no_data) return GF_OK;

	/*and finally get the data, include padding if needed*/
 	(*samp)->data = (char *) gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * ( (*samp)->dataLength + mdia->mediaTrack->padding_bytes) );
	if (mdia->mediaTrack->padding_bytes)
		memset((*samp)->data + (*samp)->dataLength, 0, sizeof(char) * mdia->mediaTrack->padding_bytes);

	//check if we can get the sample (make sure we have enougth data...)
	new_size = gf_bs_get_size(mdia->information->dataHandler->bs);
	if (offset + (*samp)->dataLength > new_size) {
		//always refresh the size to avoid wrong info on http/ftp 
		new_size = gf_bs_get_refreshed_size(mdia->information->dataHandler->bs);
		if (offset + (*samp)->dataLength > new_size) {
			mdia->BytesMissing = offset + (*samp)->dataLength - new_size;

	bytesRead = gf_isom_datamap_get_data(mdia->information->dataHandler, (*samp)->data, (*samp)->dataLength, offset);
	//if bytesRead != sampleSize, we have an IO err
	if (bytesRead < (*samp)->dataLength) {
		return GF_IO_ERR;
	mdia->BytesMissing = 0;
	//finally rewrite the sample if this is an OD Access Unit
	if (mdia->handler->handlerType == GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OD) {
		e = Media_RewriteODFrame(mdia, *samp);
		if (e) return e;
	/*FIXME: we don NOT rewrite sample if we have a encrypted track*/
	else if (gf_isom_is_nalu_based_entry(mdia, entry) && 
		!gf_isom_is_track_encrypted(mdia->mediaTrack->moov->mov, gf_isom_get_tracknum_from_id(mdia->mediaTrack->moov, mdia->mediaTrack->Header->trackID))
	) {
		e = gf_isom_nalu_sample_rewrite(mdia, *samp, sampleNumber, (GF_MPEGVisualSampleEntryBox *)entry);
		if (e) return e;
	else if (mdia->mediaTrack->moov->mov->convert_streaming_text 
		&& ((mdia->handler->handlerType == GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TEXT) || (mdia->handler->handlerType == GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBT)) 
		&& (entry->type == GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_TX3G || entry->type == GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_TEXT) 
	) {
		u64 dur;
		if (sampleNumber == mdia->information->sampleTable->SampleSize->sampleCount) {
			dur = mdia->mediaHeader->duration - (*samp)->DTS;
		} else {
			stbl_GetSampleDTS(mdia->information->sampleTable->TimeToSample, sampleNumber+1, &dur);
			dur -= (*samp)->DTS;
		e = gf_isom_rewrite_text_sample(*samp, *sIDX, (u32) dur);
		if (e) return e;
	return GF_OK;