Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	djb::beckmann beckmann(djb::fresnel::ideal(), false);
	FILE *pf = fopen("eval_cdf_beckmann.txt", "w");
	plot_cdf(beckmann, pf);

	djb::tabular beckmann_tab(beckmann, 180);
	pf = fopen("eval_cdf_beckmann_tab.txt", "w");
	plot_cdf(beckmann_tab, pf);

	djb::ggx ggx(djb::fresnel::ideal(), false);
	pf = fopen("eval_cdf_ggx.txt", "w");
	plot_cdf(ggx, pf);

	djb::tabular ggx_tab(ggx, 180);
	pf = fopen("eval_cdf_ggx_tab.txt", "w");
	plot_cdf(ggx_tab, pf);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Vec3f Ray::getColor(const vector <tinyobj::shape_t> &shapes,
               const vector <tinyobj::material_t> &materials,
               Vec3f lightSource)
    if (DBG) cout << "[getColor] depth = " << depth << endl;
    //get triangle that intersect the ray
    Vec3f triangle[3];
    pair <int, int> triangleId = this->getIntersectTriangle(shapes, triangle);
    DBG && cout << "\t[triangleId] " << triangleId.first << ' ' << triangleId.second << endl;
    if (triangleId.first == -1)
        DBG && cout << "\t[return] no intersection" << endl;
        return Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Vec3f reversedDirection = this->direction * -1;
    if (dot(reversedDirection, getNormalwithRayComes(triangle, this->direction)) < 0)
        DBG && cout << "[return] " << endl;
        return Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    //check if position and lightsource are in different sides of the triangle    
    Vec3f intersection;
    Vec3f color_direct;
    unsigned int iMaterial = shapes[triangleId.first].mesh.material_ids[triangleId.second];
    if (lineCutTrianglePlane(triangle, this->direction, this->position, lightSource))
        DBG && cout << "\t[message] lineCutTrianglePlane" << endl;
        color_direct = Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        //calculate intersection
        this->intersect_remake(triangle, intersection);

        //check reflected ray
        Ray reflectedRay(intersection, lightSource - intersection, bshRoot, 0, triangleId);
        if (reflectedRay.canReach(lightSource, shapes) == false)
            DBG && cout << "\t[message] reflected ray cannot reach lightsource" << endl;
            color_direct = Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            //calculate color_direct
            float radian_direct = ggx(this->position, lightSource, intersection, triangle, 1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 2.0);
//            color_direct = Vec3f(   (materials[iMaterial].diffuse[0] + materials[iMaterial].specular[0]) * radian_direct, 
//                                    (materials[iMaterial].diffuse[1] + materials[iMaterial].specular[1]) * radian_direct,
//                                    (materials[iMaterial].diffuse[2] + materials[iMaterial].specular[2]) * radian_direct);
            color_direct = Vec3f(   (materials[iMaterial].diffuse[0]) * radian_direct, 
                                    (materials[iMaterial].diffuse[1]) * radian_direct,
                                    (materials[iMaterial].diffuse[2]) * radian_direct);
            DBG && cout << "\t[color] " << color_direct << endl;

    Vec3f color_indirect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    int counter = 0;
    if (depth < MAX_DEPTH)
        for (int iRay = 0; iRay < NUMBER_OF_RAYS; ++iRay)
            Ray ray = this->getRandomRay_Sphere(intersection, triangle, depth + 1, triangleId);
//            if (triangleId.first == 4)
//                ray = this->getMirrorRay(intersection, triangle, depth + 1, triangleId);
//            Ray ray = this->getRandomRay_Sphere(intersection, triangle, depth + 1, triangleId);
//            Ray ray = this->getInConeRay(intersection, triangle, depth + 1, triangleId);
//            Ray ray = this->getUniformRay_Plane(intersection, triangle, depth + 1, triangleId, iRay, NUMBER_OF_RAYS);
//            Ray ray = this->getMirrorRay(intersection, triangle, depth + 1, triangleId);

            Vec3f color = ray.getColor(shapes, materials, lightSource);

            float cos_theta = dot(ray.direction, getNormalwithRayComes(triangle, this->direction));
            Vec3f w = lightSource - intersection;
            Vec3f w0 = this->position - intersection;
            Vec3f n = getNormalwithRayComes(triangle, this->direction);
            float f_s = brdf_GGX(w, w0, n, 0.8, 0.8);
            float f_d = f_Lambert(2.0);
//            float f_d = 0;

            color_indirect += color * (f_s + f_d) * fabs(cos_theta);
//            color_indirect += color * (f_s + f_d);


        if (counter > 0)
            color_indirect /= counter;
        DBG && cout << "\t[color_indirect] = " << color_indirect << endl;
    DBG && cout << "\t[counter] " << counter << endl;

    DBG && cout << "\t[color] " << color_direct << endl;
//    color_direct = (color_direct * 0.5) + (color_indirect * 0.5);
    color_direct += (1.0f * color_indirect);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        color_direct[i] = min(color_direct[i], 1.0f);
    if (this->depth == 1)
        DBG && cout << "final color = " << color_direct << endl;
//    return color_direct + Vec3f(materials[iMaterial].ambient[0],
//                                materials[iMaterial].ambient[1],
//                                materials[iMaterial].ambient[2]);
    return color_direct;