Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
find_max (guchar *src, gint bpp, AutostretchData *data)
  double h, s, v;

  gimp_rgb_to_hsv4(src, &h, &s, &v);
  if (s > data->shi) data->shi = s;
  if (s < data->slo) data->slo = s;
  if (v > data->vhi) data->vhi = v;
  if (v < data->vlo) data->vlo = v;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
autostretch_hsv_func (guchar *src, guchar *dest, gint bpp,
		      AutostretchData *data)
  double h, s, v;

  gimp_rgb_to_hsv4(src, &h, &s, &v);
  if (data->shi != data->slo)
    s = (s - data->slo) / (data->shi - data->slo);
  if (data->vhi != data->vlo)
    v = (v - data->vlo) / (data->vhi - data->vlo);
  gimp_hsv_to_rgb4(dest, h, s, v);

  if (bpp == 4)
    dest[3] = src[3];
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
extract_val (const guchar  *src,
	     gint           bpp,
	     gint           numpix,
	     guchar       **dst)
  register const guchar *rgb_src = src;
  register guchar *val_dst = dst[0];
  register gint count = numpix, offset = bpp;
  gdouble val, dummy;

  while (count-- > 0)
      gimp_rgb_to_hsv4 (rgb_src, &dummy, &dummy, &val);
      *val_dst++ = (guchar) (val * 255.999);
      rgb_src += offset;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void
extract_hsv (const guchar  *src,
	     gint           bpp,
	     gint           numpix,
	     guchar       **dst)
  register const guchar *rgb_src = src;
  register guchar *hue_dst = dst[0];
  register guchar *sat_dst = dst[1];
  register guchar *val_dst = dst[2];
  register gint count = numpix, offset = bpp;
  gdouble hue, sat, val;

  while (count-- > 0)
      gimp_rgb_to_hsv4 (rgb_src, &hue, &sat, &val);
      *hue_dst++ = (guchar) (hue * 255.999);
      *sat_dst++ = (guchar) (sat * 255.999);
      *val_dst++ = (guchar) (val * 255.999);
      rgb_src += offset;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
color_rotate_row (const guchar *src_row,
                  guchar       *dest_row,
                  gint          row,
                  gint          row_width,
                  gint          bytes)
  gint     col, bytenum;
  gdouble  H, S, V;
  guchar   rgb[3];

  for (col = 0; col < row_width; col++)
      gboolean skip = FALSE;

      rgb[0] = src_row[col * bytes + 0];
      rgb[1] = src_row[col * bytes + 1];
      rgb[2] = src_row[col * bytes + 2];

      gimp_rgb_to_hsv4 (rgb, &H, &S, &V);

      if (rcm_is_gray (S))
          if (Current.Gray_to_from == GRAY_FROM)
              if (rcm_angle_inside_slice (Current.Gray->hue,
                                          Current.From->angle) <= 1)
                  H = Current.Gray->hue / TP;
                  S = Current.Gray->satur;
                  skip = TRUE;
              skip = TRUE;
              gimp_hsv_to_rgb4 (rgb, Current.Gray->hue / TP,
                                Current.Gray->satur, V);

      if (! skip)
          H = rcm_linear (rcm_left_end (Current.From->angle),
                          rcm_right_end (Current.From->angle),
                          rcm_left_end (Current.To->angle),
                          rcm_right_end (Current.To->angle),
                          H * TP);

          H = angle_mod_2PI (H) / TP;
          gimp_hsv_to_rgb4 (rgb, H, S, V);

      dest_row[col * bytes + 0] = rgb[0];
      dest_row[col * bytes + 1] = rgb[1];
      dest_row[col * bytes + 2] = rgb[2];

      if (bytes > 3)
          for (bytenum = 3; bytenum < bytes; bytenum++)
            dest_row[col * bytes + bytenum] = src_row[col * bytes + bytenum];
Ejemplo n.º 6
rcm_reduce_image (GimpDrawable *drawable,
		  GimpDrawable *mask,
		  gint          LongerSize,
		  gint          Slctn)
  guint32       image;
  GimpPixelRgn  srcPR, srcMask;
  ReducedImage *temp;
  guchar       *tempRGB, *src_row, *tempmask, *src_mask_row;
  gint          i, j, x1, x2, y1, y2;
  gint          RH, RW, width, height, bytes;
  gboolean      NoSelectionMade;
  gint          offx, offy;
  gdouble      *tempHSV, H, S, V;

  bytes = drawable->bpp;
  temp = g_new0 (ReducedImage, 1);

  /* get bounds of image or selection */

  gimp_drawable_mask_bounds (drawable->drawable_id, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);

  if (((x2-x1) != drawable->width) || ((y2-y1) != drawable->height))
    NoSelectionMade = FALSE;
    NoSelectionMade = TRUE;

  switch (Slctn)
    case ENTIRE_IMAGE:
      x1 = 0;
      x2 = drawable->width;
      y1 = 0;
      y2 = drawable->height;

      x1 = MAX (0, x1 - (x2-x1) / 2.0);
      x2 = MIN (drawable->width, x2 + (x2-x1) / 2.0);
      y1 = MAX (0, y1 - (y2-y1) / 2.0);
      y2 = MIN (drawable->height, y2 + (y2-y1) / 2.0);

      break; /* take selection dimensions */

  /* clamp to image size since this is the size of the mask */

  gimp_drawable_offsets (drawable->drawable_id, &offx, &offy);
  image = gimp_item_get_image (drawable->drawable_id);

  x1 = CLAMP (x1, - offx, gimp_image_width (image) - offx);
  x2 = CLAMP (x2, - offx, gimp_image_width (image) - offx);
  y1 = CLAMP (y1, - offy, gimp_image_height (image) - offy);
  y2 = CLAMP (y2, - offy, gimp_image_height (image) - offy);

  /* calculate size of preview */

  width  = x2 - x1;
  height = y2 - y1;

  if (width < 1 || height < 1)
    return temp;

  if (width > height)
      RW = LongerSize;
      RH = (float) height * (float) LongerSize / (float) width;
      RH = LongerSize;
      RW = (float)width * (float) LongerSize / (float) height;

  /* allocate memory */

  tempRGB  = g_new (guchar, RW * RH * bytes);
  tempHSV  = g_new (gdouble, RW * RH * bytes);
  tempmask = g_new (guchar, RW * RH);

  gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&srcPR, drawable, x1, y1, width, height, FALSE, FALSE);
  gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&srcMask, mask,
                       x1 + offx, y1 + offy, width, height, FALSE, FALSE);

  src_row = g_new (guchar, width * bytes);
  src_mask_row = g_new (guchar, width * bytes);

  /* reduce image */

  for (i = 0; i < RH; i++)
      gint whichcol, whichrow;

      whichrow = (float)i * (float)height / (float)RH;
      gimp_pixel_rgn_get_row (&srcPR, src_row, x1, y1 + whichrow, width);
      gimp_pixel_rgn_get_row (&srcMask, src_mask_row,
                              x1 + offx, y1 + offy + whichrow, width);

      for (j = 0; j < RW; j++)
          whichcol = (float)j * (float)width / (float)RW;

          if (NoSelectionMade)
            tempmask[i*RW+j] = 255;
            tempmask[i*RW+j] = src_mask_row[whichcol];

          gimp_rgb_to_hsv4 (&src_row[whichcol*bytes], &H, &S, &V);

          tempRGB[i*RW*bytes+j*bytes+0] = src_row[whichcol*bytes+0];
          tempRGB[i*RW*bytes+j*bytes+1] = src_row[whichcol*bytes+1];
          tempRGB[i*RW*bytes+j*bytes+2] = src_row[whichcol*bytes+2];

          tempHSV[i*RW*bytes+j*bytes+0] = H;
          tempHSV[i*RW*bytes+j*bytes+1] = S;
          tempHSV[i*RW*bytes+j*bytes+2] = V;

          if (bytes == 4)
            tempRGB[i*RW*bytes+j*bytes+3] = src_row[whichcol*bytes+3];

  /* return values */

  temp->width  = RW;
  temp->height = RH;
  temp->rgb    = tempRGB;
  temp->hsv    = tempHSV;
  temp->mask   = tempmask;

  return temp;