Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Displays an alert popup with only an ok button and a message.
 *    @param fmt Printf style message to display.
void dialogue_alert( const char *fmt, ... )
   char msg[512];
   va_list ap;
   unsigned int wdw;
   int h, done;

   if (fmt == NULL) return;
   else { /* get the message */
      va_start(ap, fmt);
      vsnprintf(msg, 512, fmt, ap);

   h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 260, msg );

   /* create the window */
   wdw = window_create( "Warning", -1, -1, 300, 90 + h );
   window_setData( wdw, &done );
   window_addText( wdw, 20, -30, 260, h,  0, "txtAlert",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, msg );
   window_addButton( wdw, 135, 20, 50, 30, "btnOK", "OK",
         dialogue_close );

   toolkit_loop( &done );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Updates the missions in the spaceport bar.
 *    @param wid Window to update the outfits in.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void bar_update( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   (void) str;
   int pos;
   int w, h, iw, ih, bw, bh, dh;

   /* Get dimensions. */
   bar_getDim( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, &bw, &bh );
   dh = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w - iw - 60, land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Get array. */
   pos = toolkit_getImageArrayPos( wid, "iarMissions" );

   /* See if is news. */
   if (pos==0) { /* News selected. */
      if (!widget_exists(wid, "cstNews")) {
         /* Destroy portrait. */
         if (widget_exists(wid, "imgPortrait")) {
            window_destroyWidget(wid, "imgPortrait");

         /* Disable button. */
         window_disableButton( wid, "btnApproach" );

         /* Clear text. */
         window_modifyText(  wid, "txtPortrait", NULL );
         window_modifyText(  wid, "txtMission",  NULL );

         /* Create news. */
         news_widget( wid, iw + 60, -40 - (40 + dh),
               w - iw - 100, h - 40 - (dh+20) - 40 - bh - 20 );

   /* Shift to ignore news now. */

   /* Destroy news widget if needed. */
   if (widget_exists(wid, "cstNews")) {
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "cstNews" );

   /* Create widgets if needed. */
   if (!widget_exists(wid, "imgPortrait")) {
      window_addImage( wid, iw + 40 + (w-iw-60-PORTRAIT_WIDTH)/2,
            -(40 + dh + 40 + gl_defFont.h + 20 + PORTRAIT_HEIGHT),
            0, 0, "imgPortrait", NULL, 1 );

   /* Enable button. */
   window_enableButton( wid, "btnApproach" );

   /* Set portrait. */
   window_modifyText(  wid, "txtPortrait", npc_getName( pos ) );
   window_modifyImage( wid, "imgPortrait", npc_getTexture( pos ), 0, 0 );

   /* Set mission description. */
   window_modifyText(  wid, "txtMission", npc_getDesc( pos ));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Creates a dialogue that allows the player to write a message.
 * You must free the result if it's not null.
 *    @param title Title of the dialogue window.
 *    @param min Minimum length of the message (must be non-zero).
 *    @param max Maximum length of the message (must be non-zero).
 *    @param msg Message to be displayed.
 *    @return The message the player typed or NULL if it was cancelled.
char* dialogue_inputRaw( const char* title, int min, int max, const char *msg )
   char *input;
   int h, done;

   /* get text height */
   h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 200, msg );

   /* create window */
   input_dialogue.input_wid = window_create( title, -1, -1, 240, h+140 );
   window_setData( input_dialogue.input_wid, &done );
   window_setAccept( input_dialogue.input_wid, dialogue_inputClose );
   window_setCancel( input_dialogue.input_wid, dialogue_cancel );
   /* text */
   window_addText( input_dialogue.input_wid, 30, -30, 200, h,  0, "txtInput",
         &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, msg );
   /* input */
   window_addInput( input_dialogue.input_wid, 20, -50-h, 200, 20, "inpInput", max, 1, NULL );
   window_setInputFilter( input_dialogue.input_wid, "inpInput", "/" ); /* Remove illegal stuff. */
   /* button */
   window_addButton( input_dialogue.input_wid, -20, 20, 80, 30,
         "btnClose", "Done", dialogue_inputClose );

   /* tricky secondary loop */
   done  = 0;
   input = NULL;
   while ((done >= 0) && (!input ||
         ((int)strlen(input) < min))) { /* must be longer than min */

      if (input) {
         dialogue_alert( "Input must be at least %d character%s long!",
               min, (min==1) ? "s" : "" );
         input = NULL;

      if (toolkit_loop( &done ) != 0) /* error in loop -> quit */
         return NULL;

      /* save the input */
      if (done < 0)
         input = NULL;
         input = strdup( window_getInput( input_dialogue.input_wid,
	                                  "inpInput" ) );

   /* cleanup */
   if (input != NULL) {
      window_destroy( input_dialogue.input_wid );
   input_dialogue.input_wid = 0;

   /* return the result */
   return input;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Gets the size needed for the dialogue.
 *    @param title Title of the dialogue.
 *    @param msg Message of the dialogue.
 *    @param[out] width Gets the width needed.
 *    @param[out] height Gets the height needed.
 *    @return The font that matches the size.
static glFont* dialogue_getSize( const char* title,
      const char* msg, int* width, int* height )
   glFont* font;
   double w, h, d;
   int titlelen;
#if 0
   int len;
   len = strlen(msg);

   /* Get title length. */
   titlelen = gl_printWidthRaw( &gl_defFont, title );
   w = MAX(300, titlelen+40); /* Default width to try. */

   /* First we split by text length. */
#if 0
   if (len < 50) {
      font = &gl_defFont;
      h = gl_printHeightRaw( font, w-40, msg );
   else {
      /* Now we look at proportion. */
      font = &gl_smallFont;
      /* font = &gl_defFont; */
      h = gl_printHeightRaw( font, w-40, msg );

      d = ((double)w/(double)h)*(3./4.); /* deformation factor. */
      if (fabs(d) > 0.3) {
         if (h > w)
            w = h;
         h = gl_printHeightRaw( font, w-40, msg );
#if 0

   /* Set values. */
   (*width) = w;
   (*height) = h;

   return font;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Gets the size needed for the dialogue.
 *    @param title Title of the dialogue.
 *    @param msg Message of the dialogue.
 *    @param[out] width Gets the width needed.
 *    @param[out] height Gets the height needed.
 *    @return The font that matches the size.
static glFont* dialogue_getSize( const char* title,
      const char* msg, int* width, int* height )
   glFont* font;
   double w, h, d;
   int i, titlelen, msglen;

   /* Get title length. */
   titlelen = gl_printWidthRaw( &gl_defFont, title );
   msglen = gl_printWidthRaw( &gl_smallFont, msg );

   /* Try widths from 300 to 800 in 50 px increments.
    * Each subsequent width gets an additional line, following this table:
    *    300 px:  2 lines,  540 px total
    *    350 px:  3 lines,  930 px total
    *    ...
    *    800 px: 12 lines, 9600 px total
   for (i=0; i<11; i++)
      if (msglen < (260 + i * 50) * (2 + i))

   w = 300 + i * 50;
   w = MAX(w, titlelen+40); /* Expand width if the title is long. */

   /* Now we look at proportion. */
   font = &gl_smallFont;
   h = gl_printHeightRaw( font, w-40, msg );

   d = ((double)w/(double)h)*(3./4.); /* deformation factor. */
   if (fabs(d) > 0.3) {
      if (h > w)
         w = h;
      h = gl_printHeightRaw( font, w-40, msg );

   /* Set values. */
   (*width) = w;
   (*height) = h;

   return font;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: toolkit.c Proyecto: Delll/naev
 * @brief Draws an alt text.
 *    @param bx X position to draw at.
 *    @param by Y position to draw at.
 *    @param alt Text to draw.
void toolkit_drawAltText( int bx, int by, const char *alt )
   double w, h;
   double x, y, o;
   glColour c;
   glColour c2;

   /* Get dimensions. */
   w = 160.;
   h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, alt );
   /* One check to make bigger. */
   if (h > 160.) {
      w = 200;
      h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, alt );

   /* Choose position. */
   x = bx + 10.;
   y = by - h - gl_smallFont.h - 10.;
   if (y < -SCREEN_H/2+10) {
      o  = -(SCREEN_H/2 + y) + 10;
      y += o;

   /* Set colours. */
   c.r = cGrey80.r;
   c.g = cGrey80.g;
   c.b = cGrey80.b;
   c.a = 0.8;
   c2.r = cGrey30.r;
   c2.g = cGrey30.g;
   c2.b = cGrey30.b;
   c2.a = 0.7;
   toolkit_drawRect( x-1, y-5, w+6, h+6, &c2, NULL );
   toolkit_drawRect( x-3, y-3, w+6, h+6, &c, NULL );
   gl_printTextRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, h, x+SCREEN_W/2, y+SCREEN_H/2, &cBlack, alt );
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: font.c Proyecto: nenau/naev
 * @brief Gets the height of the text if it were printed.
 * Does not display the text on screen.
 *    @param ft_font Font to use (NULL defaults to gl_defFont).
 *    @param width Width to jump to next line once reached.
 *    @param fmt Text to get the height of in printf format.
 *    @return The height of the text.
int gl_printHeight( const glFont *ft_font,
      const int width, const char *fmt, ... )
   char text[1024]; /* holds the string */
   va_list ap;

   if (fmt == NULL) return -1;
   else { /* convert the symbols to text */
      va_start(ap, fmt);
      vsnprintf(text, 1024, fmt, ap);

   return gl_printHeightRaw( ft_font, width, text );
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Kinniken/naev
 * @brief Opens the spaceport bar window.
static void bar_open( unsigned int wid )
   int w, h, iw, ih, bw, bh, dh, th;

   /* Mark as generated. */

   /* Set window functions. */
   window_onClose( wid, bar_close );

   /* Get dimensions. */
   bar_getDim( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, &bw, &bh );
   dh = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w - iw - 60, land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Approach when pressing enter */
   window_setAccept( wid, bar_approach );

   /* Buttons */
   window_addButtonKey( wid, -20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnCloseBar",
         "Take Off", land_buttonTakeoff, SDLK_t );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, -20 - bw - 20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnApproach",
         "Approach", bar_approach, SDLK_a );

   /* Bar description. */
   window_addText( wid, iw + 40, -40,
         w - iw - 60, dh, 0,
         "txtDescription", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack,
         land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Add portrait text. */
   th = -40 - dh - 40;
   window_addText( wid, iw + 40, th,
         w - iw - 60, gl_defFont.h, 1,
         "txtPortrait", &gl_defFont, &cDConsole, NULL );

   /* Add mission description text. */
   th -= 20 + PORTRAIT_HEIGHT + 20 + 20;
   window_addText( wid, iw + 60, th,
         w - iw - 100, h + th - (2*bh+60), 0,
         "txtMission", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

   /* Generate the mission list. */
   bar_genList( wid );
   /* Set default keyboard focuse to the list */
   window_setFocus( wid , "iarMissions" );
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * @brief Gets the size of the text to print.
 * @usage len = gfx.printDim( nil, "Hello World!" ) -- Length of string with normal font
 * @usage height = gfx.printDim( true, "Longer text", 20 ) -- Dimensions of text block
 *    @luaparam small Whether or not to use the small font.
 *    @luaparam str Text to calculate length of.
 *    @luaparam width Optional parameter to indicate it is a block of text and to use this width.
 * @luafunc printDim( small, str, width )
static int gfxL_printDim( lua_State *L )
   const char *str;
   int width;
   glFont *font;

   /* Parse parameters. */
   font  = lua_toboolean(L,1) ? &gl_smallFont : &gl_defFont;
   str   = luaL_checkstring(L,2);
   if (lua_gettop(L) > 2)
      width = luaL_checkinteger(L,3);
      width = 0;

   /* Print length. */
   if (width == 0)
      lua_pushnumber( L, gl_printWidthRaw( font, str ) );
      lua_pushnumber( L, gl_printHeightRaw( font, width, str ) );
   return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: land.c Proyecto: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Opens the spaceport bar window.
static void bar_open( unsigned int wid )
   int w, h, iw, ih, bw, bh, dh, th;

   /* Set window functions. */
   window_onClose( wid, bar_close );

   /* Get dimensions. */
   bar_getDim( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, &bw, &bh );
   dh = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w - iw - 60, land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Buttons */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnCloseBar",
         "Takeoff", land_buttonTakeoff );
   window_addButton( wid, -20 - bw - 20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnApproach",
         "Approach", bar_approach );

   /* Bar description. */
   window_addText( wid, iw + 40, -40,
         w - iw - 60, dh, 0,
         "txtDescription", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack,
         land_planet->bar_description );

   /* Add portrait text. */
   th = -40 - dh - 40;
   window_addText( wid, iw + 40, th,
         w - iw - 60, gl_defFont.h, 1,
         "txtPortrait", &gl_defFont, &cDConsole, NULL );

   /* Add mission description text. */
   th -= 20 + PORTRAIT_HEIGHT + 20 + 20;
   window_addText( wid, iw + 60, th,
         w - iw - 100, h + th - (2*bh+60), 0,
         "txtMission", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

   /* Generate the mission list. */
   bar_genList( wid );
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * @brief Opens the shipyard window.
void shipyard_open( unsigned int wid )
   int i;
   Ship **ships;
   char **sships;
   glTexture **tships;
   int nships;
   int w, h;
   int iw, ih;
   int bw, bh, padding, off;
   int th;
   int y;
   const char *buf;

   /* Mark as generated. */

   /* Init vars. */
   shipyard_selected = NULL;

   /* Get window dimensions. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Calculate image array dimensions. */
   iw = 310 + (w-800);
   ih = h - 60;

   /* Left padding + per-button padding * nbuttons */
   padding = 40 + 20 * 4;

   /* Calculate button dimensions. */
   bw = (w - iw - padding) / 4;

   /* buttons */
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off = -20, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnCloseShipyard",
         "Take Off", land_buttonTakeoff, SDLK_t );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnTradeShip",
         "Trade-In", shipyard_trade, SDLK_r );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnBuyShip",
         "Buy", shipyard_buy, SDLK_b );
   window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20,
         bw, bh, "btnFindShips",
         "Find Ships", shipyard_find, SDLK_f );

   /* target gfx */
   window_addRect( wid, -41, -50,
         SHIP_TARGET_W, SHIP_TARGET_H, "rctTarget", &cBlack, 0 );
   window_addImage( wid, -40, -50,
         SHIP_TARGET_W, SHIP_TARGET_H, "imgTarget", NULL, 1 );

   /* slot types */
   window_addCust( wid, -20, -160, 148, 70, "cstSlots", 0.,
         shipyard_renderSlots, NULL, NULL );

   /* stat text */
   window_addText( wid, -40, -240, 128, 200, 0, "txtStats",
         &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );

   /* text */
   buf = "Model:\n"
         "Cargo Space:\n"
         "Fuel Use:\n"
   th = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 100, buf );
   y  = -55;
   window_addText( wid, 40+iw+20, y,
         100, th, 0, "txtSDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, buf );
   window_addText( wid, 40+iw+20+100, y,
         w-(40+iw+20+100)-20, th, 0, "txtDDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );
   y -= th;
   window_addText( wid, 20+iw+40, y,
         w-(20+iw+40) - 180, 185, 0, "txtDescription",
         &gl_smallFont, NULL, NULL );

   /* set up the ships to buy/sell */
   ships = tech_getShip( land_planet->tech, &nships );
   if (nships <= 0) {
      sships    = malloc(sizeof(char*));
      sships[0] = strdup("None");
      tships    = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*));
      tships[0] = NULL;
      nships    = 1;
   else {
      sships = malloc(sizeof(char*)*nships);
      tships = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*)*nships);
      for (i=0; i<nships; i++) {
         sships[i] = strdup(ships[i]->name);
         tships[i] = ships[i]->gfx_store;
   window_addImageArray( wid, 20, 20,
         iw, ih, "iarShipyard", 64./96.*128., 64.,
         tships, sships, nships, shipyard_update, shipyard_rmouse );

   /* write the shipyard stuff */
   shipyard_update(wid, NULL);
   /* Set default keyboard focuse to the list */
   window_setFocus( wid , "iarShipyard" );
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * @brief Updates the outfits in the outfit window.
 *    @param wid Window to update the outfits in.
 *    @param str Unused.
void outfits_update( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   char *outfitname;
   Outfit* outfit;
   char buf[PATH_MAX], buf2[ECON_CRED_STRLEN], buf3[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];
   double th;
   int iw, ih;
   int w, h;

   /* Get dimensions. */
   outfits_getSize( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, NULL, NULL );

   /* Get and set parameters. */
   outfitname = toolkit_getImageArray( wid, "iarOutfits" );
   if (strcmp(outfitname,"None")==0) { /* No outfits */
      window_modifyImage( wid, "imgOutfit", NULL, 0, 0 );
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnBuyOutfit" );
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnSellOutfit" );
      snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX,
            "NA\n" );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtDDesc", buf );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtOutfitName", "None" );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtDescShort", NULL );
      /* Reposition. */
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSDesc", 20+iw+20, -60 );
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDDesc", 20+iw+20+60, -60 );
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDescription", 20+iw+40, -240 );

   outfit = outfit_get( outfitname );

   /* new image */
   window_modifyImage( wid, "imgOutfit", outfit->gfx_store, 0, 0 );

   if (outfit_canBuy(outfit,1,0) > 0)
      window_enableButton( wid, "btnBuyOutfit" );
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnBuyOutfit" );

   /* gray out sell button */
   if (outfit_canSell(outfit,1,0) > 0)
      window_enableButton( wid, "btnSellOutfit" );
      window_disableButton( wid, "btnSellOutfit" );

   /* new text */
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDescription", outfit->description );
   credits2str( buf2, outfit->price, 2 );
   credits2str( buf3, player.p->credits, 2 );
   snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX,
         "%.0f tons\n"
         "%s credits\n"
         "%s credits\n"
         (outfit->license != NULL) ? outfit->license : "None" );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDDesc", buf );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtOutfitName", outfit->name );
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtDescShort", outfit->desc_short );
   th = MAX( 128, gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 320, outfit->desc_short ) );
   window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSDesc", 40+iw+20, -60-th-20 );
   window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDDesc", 40+iw+20+60, -60-th-20 );
   th += gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 250, buf );
   window_moveWidget( wid, "txtDescription", 20+iw+40, -60-th-20 );
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: map.c Proyecto: Elderman/naev
 * @brief Updates the map window.
 *    @param wid Window id.
static void map_update( unsigned int wid )
   int i;
   StarSystem* sys;
   int f, h, x, y;
   double standing, nstanding;
   unsigned int services;
   int l;
   int hasPresence, hasPlanets;
   char t;
   char buf[PATH_MAX];
   int p;
   glTexture *logo;
   double w;
   double unknownPresence;

   /* Needs map to update. */
   if (!map_isOpen())

   /* Get selected system. */
   sys = system_getIndex( map_selected );

   /* Not known and no markers. */
   if (!(sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED)) &&
         !sys_isKnown(sys) && !space_sysReachable(sys)) {
      sys = system_getIndex( map_selected );

    * Right Text

   x = -70; /* Side bar X offset. */
   w = ABS(x) + 60; /* Width of the side bar. */
   y = -20 - 20 - 64 - gl_defFont.h; /* Initialized to position for txtSFaction. */

   if (!sys_isKnown(sys)) { /* System isn't known, erase all */
       * Right Text
      if (sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED))
         window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name );
         window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", "Unknown" );;

      /* Faction */
      window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL, 0, 0 );
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", x, y);
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "Unknown" );
      y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

      /* Standing */
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", x, y );
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "Unknown" );
      y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

      /* Presence. */
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPresence", x, y );
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPresence",  x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtPresence", "Unknown" );
      y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

      /* Planets */
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPlanets", x, y );
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPlanets", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", "Unknown" );
      y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

      /* Services */
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSServices", x, y );
      window_moveWidget( wid, "txtServices", x + 50, y -gl_smallFont.h - 5 );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtServices", "Unknown" );

       * Bottom Text
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtSystemStatus", NULL );

   /* System is known */
   window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name );

   standing  = 0.;
   nstanding = 0.;
   f         = -1;
   for (i=0; i<sys->nplanets; i++) {
      if (sys->planets[i]->real != ASSET_REAL)
      if (!planet_isKnown(sys->planets[i]))

      if ((f==-1) && (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) {
         f = sys->planets[i]->faction;
         standing += faction_getPlayer( f );
      else if (f != sys->planets[i]->faction && /** @todo more verbosity */
               (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) {
         nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "Multiple" );
   if (f == -1) {
      window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL, 0, 0 );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "N/A" );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "N/A" );
      h = gl_smallFont.h;
   else {
      if (i==sys->nplanets) /* saw them all and all the same */
         nsnprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "%s", faction_longname(f) );

      /* Modify the image. */
      logo = faction_logoSmall(f);
      window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", logo, 0, 0 );
      if (logo != NULL)
         window_moveWidget( wid, "imgFaction",
               -90 + logo->w/2, -20 - 32 - 10 - gl_defFont.h + logo->h/2);

      /* Modify the text */
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", buf );
      window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding",
            faction_getStanding( standing / nstanding ) );

      h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, w, buf );

   /* Faction */
   window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", x, y);
   window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 );
   y -= gl_smallFont.h + h + 5 + 15;

   /* Standing */
   window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", x, y );
   window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", x + 50, y - gl_smallFont.h - 5 );
   y -= 2 * gl_smallFont.h + 5 + 15;

   /* Get presence. */
   hasPresence = 0;
   buf[0]      = '\0';
   l           = 0;
   unknownPresence = 0;
   for (i=0; i < sys->npresence; i++) {
      if (sys->presence[i].value <= 0)
      hasPresence = 1;
      if (faction_isKnown( sys->presence[i].faction )) {
         t           = faction_getColourChar(sys->presence[i].faction);
         /* Use map grey instead of default neutral colour */
         l += nsnprintf( &buf[l], PATH_MAX-l, "%s\e0%s: \e%c%.0f",
                        (l==0)?"":"\n", faction_shortname(sys->presence[i].faction),
                        (t=='N')?'M':t, sys->presence[i].value);
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: map.c Proyecto: isfos/naev
 * @brief Updates the map window.
 *    @param wid Window id.
static void map_update( unsigned int wid )
    int i;
    StarSystem* sys;
    int f, y, h, multiple_faction;
    double standing, nstanding;
    unsigned int services;
    char buf[PATH_MAX];
    int p;
    glTexture *logo;

    /* Needs map to update. */
    if (!map_isOpen())

    sys = system_getIndex( map_selected );

    /* Not known and no markers. */
    if (!(sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED)) &&
            !sys_isKnown(sys) && !space_sysReachable(sys)) {
        sys = system_getIndex( map_selected );

     * Right Text
    if (!sys_isKnown(sys)) { /* System isn't known, erase all */
         * Right Text
        if (sys_isFlag(sys, SYSTEM_MARKED | SYSTEM_CMARKED))
            window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name );
            window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", "Unknown" );
        window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", -20, -60 );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", -20, -60-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "Unknown" );
        /* Standing */
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, -100 );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, -100-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "Unknown" );
        /* Security. */
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSSecurity", -20, -140 );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSecurity",  -20, -140-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtSecurity", "Unknown" );
        /* Planets */
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPlanets", -20, -180 );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPlanets", -20, -180-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", "Unknown" );
        /* Services */
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSServices", -20, -220 );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtServices", -20, -220-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtServices", "Unknown" );

         * Bottom Text
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtSystemStatus", NULL );

    /* System is known */
    window_modifyText( wid, "txtSysname", sys->name );

    standing  = 0.;
    nstanding = 0.;
    f         = -1;
    multiple_faction = 0;
    for (i=0; i<sys->nplanets; i++) {
        if ((f==-1) && (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) {
            f = sys->planets[i]->faction;
            standing += faction_getPlayer( f );
        else if (f != sys->planets[i]->faction && /** @todo more verbosity */
                 (sys->planets[i]->faction>0)) {
            snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "Multiple" );
            multiple_faction = 1;
    if (f == -1) {
        window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", NULL );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", -20, -60 );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", -20, -60-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", "NA" );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, -100 );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, -100-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding", "NA" );
        y = -100;

    else {
        if (i==sys->nplanets) /* saw them all and all the same */
            snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "%s", faction_longname(f) );

        y = -60;

        /* Modify the image. */
        logo = faction_logoSmall(f);
        window_modifyImage( wid, "imgFaction", logo );
        if (logo != NULL) {
            window_moveWidget( wid, "imgFaction",
                               -(90-logo->w)/2-20-logo->w, y-(64-logo->h)/2-logo->h );
            y -= 64 + 10;

        /* Modify the text */
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtFaction", buf );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtStanding",
                           faction_getStanding( standing / nstanding ) );

        /* Lower text if needed */
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSFaction", -20, y );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtFaction", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 80, buf );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, y );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
        y -= 40 + (h - gl_smallFont.h);
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSStanding", -20, y );
        window_moveWidget( wid, "txtStanding", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 );

    /* Get security. */
    y -= 40;
    if (sys->nfleets == 0)
        snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "NA" );
        snprintf(buf, PATH_MAX, "%.0f %%", sys->security * 100.);
    window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSSecurity", -20, y );
    window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSecurity", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
    window_modifyText( wid, "txtSecurity", buf );

    /* Get planets */
    if (sys->nplanets == 0) {
        strncpy( buf, "None", PATH_MAX );
        window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", buf );
    else {
        p = 0;
        buf[0] = '\0';
        if (sys->nplanets > 0)
            p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "%s", sys->planets[0]->name );
        for (i=1; i<sys->nplanets; i++) {
            p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, ",\n%s", sys->planets[i]->name );

        window_modifyText( wid, "txtPlanets", buf );
    y -= 40;
    window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSPlanets", -20, y );
    window_moveWidget( wid, "txtPlanets", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 );

    /* Get the services */
    h = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 80, buf );
    y -= 40 + (h - gl_smallFont.h);
    window_moveWidget( wid, "txtSServices", -20, y );
    window_moveWidget( wid, "txtServices", -20, y-gl_smallFont.h-5 );
    services = 0;
    for (i=0; i<sys->nplanets; i++)
        services |= sys->planets[i]->services;
    buf[0] = '\0';
    p = 0;
    /*snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f\n", sys->prices[0]);*/ /*Hack to control prices. */
    if (services & PLANET_SERVICE_COMMODITY)
        p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "Commodity\n");
    if (services & PLANET_SERVICE_OUTFITS)
        p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "Outfits\n");
    if (services & PLANET_SERVICE_SHIPYARD)
        p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "Shipyard\n");
    if (buf[0] == '\0')
        p += snprintf( &buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, "None");
    window_modifyText( wid, "txtServices", buf );

     * System Status
    buf[0] = '\0';
    p = 0;
    /* Nebula. */
    if (sys->nebu_density > 0.) {

        /* Volatility */
        if (sys->nebu_volatility > 700.)
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Volatile");
        else if (sys->nebu_volatility > 300.)
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Dangerous");
        else if (sys->nebu_volatility > 0.)
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Unstable");

        /* Density */
        if (sys->nebu_density > 700.)
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Dense");
        else if (sys->nebu_density < 300.)
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Light");
        p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Nebula");
    /* Interference. */
    if (sys->interference > 0.) {

        if (buf[0] != '\0')
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, ",");

        /* Density. */
        if (sys->interference > 700.)
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Dense");
        else if (sys->interference < 300.)
            p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Light");

        p += snprintf(&buf[p], PATH_MAX-p, " Interference");
    window_modifyText( wid, "txtSystemStatus", buf );